Time Never Waits Pt. 11

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60 year old scientist time travels from 2022 to 1980.
24.6k words

Part 11 of the 13 part series

Updated 12/20/2023
Created 12/20/2022
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...was a rift. Not a small, shimmering thing like appeared temporarily in the courtyard, seen only by me. No, this thing was a well defined circle about eight feet across.

I turned and looked at all the men, pointing

"Y'all move back over there."

Then I looked at each one individually and sent instructions to forget about this and to stay out of the barn.

Luis looked around and started issuing orders. The men scattered. Luis cast a glance back in my direction and nodded, then followed the other men.

I went back in the barn and closed the door. Walking warily up to the rift, I studied It carefully, deductively, noting every detail.

What I was seeing was the basement in my home, but in 2022. My equipment was there. My oscilloscopes, computers, my lab equipment. All just as I'd left it.

Amazed, and now overwhelmingly curious, I stepped closer. Staring into the circle. A sudden thought occured to me. I looked around and went over to the wall. I grabbed a hose shoe off of a nail and went back. I started to toss it in, but hesitated. Instead, I picked up a garden rake and slowly stuck the handle in it. I sat it down and went around to look on the back side. Nothing.

I picked the rake up and put it back on the wall where it went. Then, getting a chair, I sat down, staring at it, thinking.

I'd heard of anomalous occurences such as this being posited as highly probable, in mathematical theory.I'd even developed a formula that explained how extraterrestrial beings used such things as a means to accomplish interstellar travel.

This world, and others I'm sure, have numerous rifts, or portals, if you will. The Bermuda Triangle region, for instance.

Ok, enough of this shit. I'm going in. Scared? Hell yes. But hadn't I zapped my brain with enough energy to turn it into a fucking shucked oyster?

I stood up and stepped in. I looked around, feeling a little light headed, but otherwise fine. Turning, I looked back, into the barn. So, I stepped back through. Back where I started.

Well, ok then. This just opened up a huge realm of possibilities in my present situation. I sat back down, considering options.

A question crept into my mind. How much of that world was available to me, and did I stay the same physically? I stood back up, and went in again. This time I walked around. I noted that the portal was on the wall and not out in the room. It was the wall I used for a parts graveyard. Good, I hadn't lost anything critical.

I went to the stairs and up to the door. Opening it, I went into my home. It was just as I'd left it. I looked at the calender on the wall. 2022.

OK, to my bedroom. Going in, I looked at the mirror. Still the same. Ok, still getting better. I went outside looking around. Everything looked the same as the day I'd took off for work on the fateful day that led me here.

My home was a three bedroom ranch style home on a 100 acre parcel in Dallas county. West of the Dallas/Fort Worth metro area, which was where the Think Tank I worked for was located.

I walked around, taking note of everything. It all appeared normal. Just the grass has grown unchecked. OK, so, to the mailbox. It was full, with a note that any further mail will be available at the post office where I had a box. Back to the house. I went in and and sat down at the table. Then sorted and segregated the letters. Then began opening them. Electricity bills. Business correspondence, credit card and phone bills. I had everything on auto-pay and plenty of cash in the bank. I opened the letters from my employer, several inquiring of my whereabouts. Followed by threatening letters of being fired if I didn't blah, blah, blah. Finally a letter saying my employment was terminated.

I considered that. Recalling the day I'd decided to hotwire myself, I'd left everything of importance here, in my office. My phone, everything. I thought about the server in the lab containing the algorithm, it was codeword protected. A 156 character password. I knew to protect it from those other idiots. They would have to attack that harddrive with a Cray supercomputer to hack it, after about 3,800 years of 24/7 pounding at it.

I tossed the termination letter down on the table. Thinking. I went to my office. Inside, I picked up my phone and called my job. When the lady, Mary, answered, I said I needed to speak to Bernard Holloran.

She put me on hold. Then Bernard picked up.

"Bernard, Travis Miller."

"Miller? Where the hell are you? Man, we've got everybody but the goddamned National Guard looking for you. The last we heard, you badged in one morning, then fucking disappeared."

I thought quickly.

"Well, if you'll recall, I was planning on a vacation. I came in the lab and fucked around a bit and left. I'd had some plastic surgery planned. A makeover thing. Well, it backfired. Left me in a bad position. I had to deal with that. If you'll recall, in my employment contract, there's a clause that stipulates that I can take indefinite extended periods of time. Shit, I'd never taken a day off for 20 fucking years. I worked through everything, making you millions. Through holidays, birthdays, everything. So, cool your heels. What happened to my equipment?"

"Well, to be honest, the fucking idiots tried to access it when HR terminated you. All they managed to do was to erase your harddrive. Anything else is so scrambled, its unrecoverable. What were you working on anyway?"

"Secured military comms."

"Do you have back up files?"

"Nope, just what was on the lab server."

"Fuck... So, what's your plan? Remember, you're permanently under an NDA here. So, don't start getting ideas about selling off our tech to competitors."

"Yes, I'm aware of the stipulations. Your secrets are safe wherein I'm concerned."

"So, you want your job back? I can pull a few strings."

"Let me think about it. I'll let you know."

"OK, keep in touch."


I tossed my phone down. The thought some more. Good, they'd fucked around and deleted my algorithm. I went to my floor safe and opened it. I kept copies of all my work in there. It was all present and accounted for. Including the copies of the algorithm and plans for the equipment.

I put it all back. Then got a flashdrive out of my desk drawer with some random articles I'd saved off the 'net. Then I went back to the basement. Good, the portal was still there. I stepped through it, then went back. I headed to my computer, popped in the flashdrive, and opened the files. Everything was intact. I'd been afraid passing through the rift might erase it.

So, now what? Assuming this thing was somehow attached to me, as long as I'm living, it'll stay open.

Now, how to use it. I can obviously bring shit through. So, let me try this. I picked up my laptop and stepped back into the barn. I accessed it. Shit, no wifi was coming through. I guess it disrupted the signal. So, I went back and rigged up a cable and plugged it into my modem, then strung it through, into the barn and plugged it into the CAT 5 receptacle on the computer.

Bingo. I had internet. I sat down and accessed my various accounts. All my CD's, bank accounts, stock portfolio. I moved some money around. Notified my broker to liquidate my portfolio, then direct deposit the funds into my checking account. When I received confirmation, I sat the laptop down.

OK, I had 2.3 million in my checking acount after transfering my savings. Not much by 2022 standards. So, first order of business. Secure everything. This barn will have to be fortified considerably. I tested another theory and went and ripped a board off the wall while watching the portal. Nothing. Not even a glitch. So, good, it wasn't somehow attached to the structure. Meaning, I can build a more secure building. I could do the same on the other side.

I'd buy all the land around my 100 acres. Adding to the buffer zone. Wait, what about my mind control thing. Would it work over there? I needed to know. I went back through, notating the time.

Then I headed to the garage. My truck was still parked. I'd got a ride to work that day. Bumming a ride to town from a friend, then catching an Uber from there.

My truck is a 1995 Ford F150 Extended Cab. I'd bought it new and just kept it. I went and got the keys off the hook and went out. The battery was dead. I hooked up the charger. Cranked it up. Unhooked the charger, hit the button raising the door, then headed off. I settled on the nosey bitch across the road. She was always causing me fucking problems and giving me headaches.

I drove across the main road into her driveway. She didn't have a gate. I found her out in the yard fucking around with some plants. I'm not sure how old she was. But looked older. She was average height at about 5'5", give or take an inch, maybe 110 to 115 pounds. Short gray hair framing her age lined face fixed with a permanent scowl. Small, sagging tits. Crepe skin.

She turned to look at me, frowning. When I parked and got out, she started to speak, but I tested my power and sent her a full package of instructions.

She straightened up and stood absolutely still, her dull brown eyes filled with utter confusion. She was trying to speak, but unable to. I thought of all the times she'd come strolling down my driveway to interfere in some experiment or other I'd been conducting. Always calling the sheriff on me about some bullshit or other, then stand back and sneer arrogantly while I was forced to try to explain what I was doing.

I walked up to her. Sent her more instructions. She pulled off her tie died tshirt, then took off her sandals and slid her polyester shorts down, taking them off. Standing there nude, glaring at me. Her little pussy was covered with gray hair. Her skin was pale and saggy.

I eyed her curiously. Looking her up and down while she desperately tried to speak. Coming to a decision, I sent instructions, allowing her to speak.

"What the hell is going on here?!" She wailed in unrelenting fury.

"Well, Mrs Pearson, it appears as if you're standing there naked."

"I can see that, you fucking idiot! What have you done to me?!"

"I haven't done anything to you. I've been standing right here the whole time."

"Then why am I naked?!"

"Because you took your clothes off? That would be my guess. As to why, I'd hazard a guess that you want me to grudge fuck you, to make up for all the problems you've caused me over the years."

"Grudge fuck?! Are you out of your fucking mind?! My husband is inside."

She yelled,

"Henry, get your ass out here, right this second!"

A man came out. He was small statured, not much larger than his wife. He came over, standing there looking at her, then me, unsure of what to do. I realized that she may not know who I am. She screamed at her husband

"Well, do something, for fuck sake! Don't just stand there like a fucking idiot!"

"Do you know who I am?"

"No! And I don't care! I'm calling the police and you're going to jail!"

"You sure you don't want a good grudge fuck? Let's ask Henry. How about it, Henry? You like to see her get fucked into a submissive little slut?"

He looked at me intently. He was actually thinking about it.

She screamed again,

"Henry, either you do something this instant, or I'll divorce you and kick your worthless ass out!"

He stared at her, then looked back at me. He had no idea what the fuck was happening here, but he sensed an opportunity. For too long, he'd lived under her thumb. Forced to let her treat him like a piece of dirt on the floor. Suddenly, here was this young kid, just standing there, talking and she was naked and threatening everybody.

I walked over, sent her instructions to get on her knees and get my cock out, and stop talking.

She immediately complied. Her shaking, knobby hands unbuttoned my shorts and pulled them down, letting my cock swing free. It finished swelling into full hardness. Precum drooling out of my pisshole.

The pheromones assailed her senses, overwhelming her sense of anger, of doubt, of hesitation. Replacing it instead with the overwhelming desire to breed. Her pussy growing unaccustomably tingley with desire.

She looked up in my eyes, surprisingly, there was genuine pleading residing in them. Well, I'd seen enough. Everything worked as its supposed to. I pulled my shorts up.

"I want to buy your land. How much do you have here?"

"120 acres."

"How much you want for it?"

Henry shrugged,

"Will a million cash get it done?"

His eyes lit up.

"You bet it would."

"OK. Stay here. I'll be back shortly. In the mean time, Mrs Pearson, I want you to go fix your make-up, make yourself more presentable for your husband. I figure red lipstick, 40's or 50's style will do."

She scurried off to the house. I looked at Henry again,

"Better yet, run to the courthouse and sign the deed over to me, Travis Miller. Bring it with you. Both of you sign it Hurry now."

He took off and got in his truck and left. I drove back to the house, went through, headed to the office and got a million, then headed back. Ignoring all the calls from everybody wanting to know where I was going. I ran to the barn, went through the portal, back to my truck. I pulled into their driveway, parked and went inside. She came out of the bedroom. Her face transformed to something a little more presentable. You couldn't hide her lines, but she caked on the make-up pretty heavy.

She sat down, inviting me to sit next to her. I declined and went and sat at the dining table. I took the cash out of the bag and stacked it neatly. It was dated 1980, but who gives a fuck. Once they spent it, it would be collected by the bank and destroyed with nobody the wiser.

She came over to me,

"I thought you were going to fuck me?"

I remembered that i had only gave her instructions to be quiet and comply with my commands. I sent instructions releasing her from those instructions. She'd been restored to her full capacity.

She cocked her head questioningly,

"Well, are you or aren't you?"

This was all her now. With no input or manipulation from me. I looked her over. Now, I like older women, but she was plain homely as hell. I'll admit, I was curious to see how this sour old bitch would look impaled on my cock.

"I don't know, Mrs Pearson. Why should I? Really, can you offer me one good reason why I should pump your old pussy full of cum?"

She looked at me pleadingly.

"Please, I'm begging you. I'll do anything for you. I don't care what it is. Just please fuck me!"

"Look, Mrs Pearson, the only thing of yours that I'm interested in is the land you own. I'm paying cash for it. I'm wanting all the land that surrounds your place.

"That hundred acres you bought belonged to my sister. My folks owned all this here. Including yours. I wanted to buy it from her, but you showed up before I could get the cash together. We kids inherited it from our parents. I've been buying them out ever since."

She got a strange look on her face then.

"So, it's land you want? All of this?"

"How much is here? "

"Two sections. 1280 acres."

I had wondered why she was my only neighbor.

"How much for all of it?"

"Ten million and a ride on that dick."

I sent her instructions to leave that cash alone, and headed back for nine more. I showed back up and dumped it out on the floor.

"Sign a receipt and bill of sale."

I released her again. She went to the pile of cash, picked some up at random and looked it over. She did this several times.


"Yes. I was a bank loan manager before I retired a couple of years ago. I know all the tricks counterfeiters use. If this is counterfeit, it's the best I've ever seen. It's all 1980. Which is strange, but not a deal breaker. I can run this through the system with my contacts."

She went back into the house and came back with a laptop, set up and pulled up a collection of blank forms, selected one, and filled it out.

She looked over at me,

"Where's Henry?"

"He went to the courthouse to get the deed."

She nodded, picked up her cell phone and made a call.

"Henry, pick up all the deeds. Yes, all of it. I'm calling the courthouse now."

She called another number,

"Anne, it's Vera Pearson. Oh, I'm just fine. How have you been? Oh really? How far along? Oh, that far? Right, isn't that the truth? Boy or girl? Oh, you haven't peeked? It'll be a surprise. What's that, dear? Oh yes. Well, I've sent Henry to you. I need him to pick up the deeds to all my holdings. I'm selling out. Where? Somewhere warm. Ok, we'll get together before we move and have a good visit. Of course. When we do get settled, y'all will have to come see the new digs. What's that? Oh, the young man that bought mother and daddy's house and 100 acres. Yes, he just made a cash offer. I'm typing up a bill of sale as we speak. Oh, OK, just a moment."

She handed me the phone,

"She wants to talk to you."

"Travis Miller speaking."

"Mr Miller, this Anne Perkins, with the comptroller and deeds. How are you?"

"I'm good, doing just fine. What can I do for you?"

"Well, I need some information from you."


She asked for my date of birth, social security number, all that.

"You can further verify me through the Texas State Bank."

I gave her my account number.

"Well, thank you, Mr. Miller, you certainly can't be too careful these days. You'll be in soon to file the deeds, and pay the fees and whatnot?."

"Yes m'am, I certainly will. I'm sorry, what?"

"What's your plans for out there? If I might ask."

"Certainly. Raising hay and cattle."

"Well, good luck to you, Mr Miller."

"Thank you, m'am."

I handed the phone back. She clicked on the screen, a printer whirred to life. She got up and went back, then returned with a sheet of paper and signed it. She handed it to me. The thought of something. She reprinted it, then came back.

"Let's go for a ride."

"Where we going?"

"To get this notarized."

I shrugged, heading out to my truck. She got in the passenger seat.

I drove to the house and went in getting my wallet from the floor safe. Then went and checked on the portal. All was good. I headed back out and got in.

She gave me directions. We pulled into a small antique shop a bit later. She got out and headed in with me following.

The woman at the counter greeted her, they spoke briefly. Then took us back into her office. We got our licenses out. Thankfully my picture was one DPS recycled a few times.

She looked at mine, then at me.

"You look different."

"Oh, I lost some weight, had a makeover."

"Ah, OK, well, it's obviously you, you just look younger."

"Isn't that the point of a makeover?"

She chuckled,


She filled everything in, we signed, she stamped it. I got out my wallet and pulled out a twenty.

"Keep the change."

We headed back to the house, Henry pulling in behind us. We went in the house and he handed her the deeds. She signed them all. Three of them.

Henry was sitting there gawking at the cash on the floor.

I got up.

"Ok, one last detail to complete."

She stood up and stripped. I went to her and spun her around, bending her over her table. I stepped out of my shorts, grabbed my stiffening cock and started sliding it up and the split of her pussy. Then I positioned it at her opening and started forcing my way into her. She was tight enough to be a fucking virgin.

I saw why when Henry pulled out his dick and started jacking off as he watched me impale his screaming wife on my huge cock.

His dick was mybe four inches long, about as big around as a carrot.

I drove another few inches into her. Followed by the final push. She screamed hoarsely everytime I rammed it deeper. I felt her cervix pushing back, but I didn't show her any mercy. I started driving into her tight depths with angry, pounding thrusts. Her pussy finally relented, surrendering to my assault. I fucked her faster. My cock slamming into the bottom of her ruined cunt.