Time Once More for Marilyn


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She twisted in my arms. "Dal, I'm sorry I can't wait. Please let's go to bed?" I nodded and I held her hand to help her up. She turned to lead the way, as she did I held her shoulders, pulled her back into me and cupped both her breasts. She turned her head and her lips begged for a kiss. A kiss and then another, she became impatient so with my hand in hers pulled me towards the door. My free hand went to the zip on her dress. Slowly as we walked I brought it down. We were in the lobby when the zip completed its journey, revealing the lace trimmed lingerie she had bought. With her free hand she slipped the dress off; first one shoulder then the other letting it fall. It was held in place by the tight waist. She asked me a question with her eyes, and I wordlessly answered by easing the dress over her hips. The quiet smile told me that was what she wanted of me. The dress fell to the floor and clad just in her pretty lingerie, hold-up stockings and her high heels. She stepped out of the dress and led the way up the stairs. As she reached the landing her she undid the clasp of her bra, turned and smiled as it dropped to the carpet. She reached out and opened a door, and stepped through leading me by the hand into her bedroom.

It was a very feminine bedroom, in Ivory and lemon tones. The lighting was subdued, provided by large candles in tall cut glass vases. The comforter on the bed was already turned back revealing the lace trimmed pillows. Marilyn walked to the bed and turned. She was beautiful; her breasts quivered gently, the nipples already hard points I wanted to kiss. She smiled serenely and sat back onto the bed, the comforter dipping slightly.

"Marilyn you are so beautiful."

She smiled with pleasure. "Come and join me. Make love with me please, Dal."

I woke the next morning knowing without doubt that another phase of my life had begun. The warm body that clasped me tenderly was proof of that. The candles had guttered out at sometime in the night, unnoticed by either of us. We were immersed in the paradise that a man and a woman physically joined could create. "Are you awake?" A soft voice asked tentatively.

"I'm awake, but I think I am in heaven."

"Think? I know I'm in heaven." Marilyn replied. "I am lying here naked with my lover, I'm warm, still a little sleepy, happy, and my little lady is pleasantly sore, even though you kissed her better, which was mind-blowing. She has never been used as much in one night before. Nor have I had as many orgasms before. If this isn't heaven, whatever heaven is, it cannot be any better. Are you always that demanding?"

"No, but I have never made love to you before." She squirmed getting a closer body contact if that were possible. Her leg crossed mine, bringing her warm moist vulva into contact with my thigh. My reaction was automatic and she felt the movement. Her hand wandered south and captured that eager part of me.

She lifted the duvet and looked. "He is very handsome, your little bloke."

I objected to that description. "Little? Be careful what you say, you could give me a complex."

Marilyn giggled. "You shouldn't. He fits me perfectly. What is it men say about breasts? More than a handful is a waste. The same thought should refer to a penis. If it fills me, it's big enough." Her handling had the normal result. "Dal! Do you want me again?"

"I shall always want you." She moved her left leg over to straddle me spreading her legs and settling on my thighs.

"I have always wanted to do it this way, can I? Do you mind?"

"I'm quite happy about it for this reason." My hands came up and took possession of her breasts.

She smiled, lifted and holding me at the right angle let herself down on my tumescence. Her arms moved up and she lifted her hair from her shoulders, angling her head back as she did. Slipping slowly down on me she gasped. "Bloody Hell. You get deeper in me this way. I feel as if it's coming up into my chest."

"And a very nice chest it is too." She giggled.

"Not as firm as they were when I was eighteen."

"But even more beautiful."

"I am going to keep you around; all these compliments are good for me."

"Funny you should say that." There was no answer for a while. Marilyn seemed to be intrigued with the sensations this new position revealed. Her hips rotated as she sought to excite her vagina in myriad ways.

"Why?" She gasped eventually as she rose and fell.

I did not reply as all of my willpower was directed to preventing a climax. Marilyn's wriggling made it difficult for me to concentrate. With the sensations under a semblance of control I said. "I find it difficult to have a serious conversation when you are bouncing up and down on my cock."

Marilyn was breathing raggedly as the pleasure she was experiencing built. It took a minute or so before she could reply. "I love bouncing up and down on your cock. If you don't like it you should stop letting me see it when it is all lovely and hard. Anyway your cock is doing wonderful things inside me."

I couldn't say anything as once again I struggled to control myself, determined that she would have her orgasm first. At last I managed to blurt out. "That may be difficult, unless you stop being you." The banter stopped there as Marilyn was starting to make strangulated noises. This I had discovered was how she vocalised her orgasm. She shook and trembled, screamed and eventually collapsed over me, gasping for breath. I followed her very shortly, pushing up with my hips as if forcing my sperm deep into her womb.

When she had regulated her breathing she raised her head. "Is that five or six? It doesn't matter in any case as that is more than I ever had during my marriage. You lovely man, you do it for me. How do you do that?"

I was still panting and without thought answered. "It's probably because I love you."

Marilyn watched my face for a moment, and then a very happy smile came to her lips. "I was hoping you would fall in love with me, oh that makes me so happy. The moment you came through the front door I knew that this was important, our meeting again. It is important, isn't it Dalzeil?"

"Yes it is important, perhaps the fates wanted this all along and now I feel that I wanted this all along as well. I know it's a odd place to propose, but I will. I have fallen so much in love with you, Marilyn. Will you marry me?"

"It's the perfect place to propose. You're still inside me, I'm all wet and I feel fulfilled. Yes, darling Dal. I will marry you."

There are many who would say that proposing in the euphoria of the aftermath of making love is a silly thing to do, perhaps it is. All I could say is that the good feelings I had with Marilyn in the visits before we made love were a sure enough guide. Making love only confirmed those feelings.


Marilyn had offered to cook me a breakfast which I declined. My travelling had opened my mind and now I would usually breakfast on rolls with butter and a preserve and coffee or tea. The traditional English breakfast of bacon and eggs no longer appealed. She agreed. "Yuck! All that grease. I used to get sick in the hotel with the smell of bacon and eggs at breakfast time." We sat down to fruit juice, granary rolls with butter and apricot jam. We ate with one hand only, my other hand was holding Marilyn's and she would not let go. "When are you going to bring Sarah down? I ought to meet her before we get married." She stopped abruptly a fearful expression clouded her face. "We are going to get married, aren't we? That wasn't just a joke."

To reassure her I knelt in front of her. "My lovable adorable, Marilyn. I love you deeply and want you to be my wife. Please say yes." Tears came to her eyes and she brought her face down to mine and kissed me tenderly.

"Yes, darling Dalzeil. I love you so much and nothing would make me as happy as being your wife. Yes. I will marry you." We finished our breakfast and Marilyn with mischief in her eyes took me back to bed to celebrate our engagement.

As it happened I was scheduled to have Sarah with me next weekend. Marilyn was eager to meet her. "Bring her down, please Dal. I have plenty of room." I was a little dubious, and would have preferred to book the Travel Inn. I wondered about the propriety of sleeping with Marilyn when my daughter was in the house.

Marilyn shook with laughter, teasing me. "How old is she, Dal?" She was being facetious.

I sighed. "As if you didn't know, she's twelve."

"Twelve year old girls these days are well aware of what adults do when they are engaged to be married. I doubt that Sarah will give it any thought at all."

She was right; Sarah gave it no thought at all. She said something that I didn't think about at first. "Roger moved in with Mummy very soon after you left, Daddy."

She and Marilyn got on like a house on fire. Their friendship was sealed when Marilyn took Sarah to the livery stables just down the lane. Sarah came back demanding from me that I equip her with everything she needed for horse riding, announcing that she wanted to come down with me every time I came to see Marilyn and she would be riding frequently. Marilyn explained how this was possible. "Bill Thaxton takes in the horses at livery. They need exercising frequently and he does it when the owners can't. He is pushed to do that, so I go down from time to time and exercise a horse or two. Sarah took to riding like a duck to water, so Bill told her that she could ride out with him anytime she was down. He will be with her all the time so she won't come to any harm." I shrugged my shoulders accepting the situation, happily when Marilyn whispered that that would give us plenty of time to get intimate with each other. "You can undress me and I will undress you and then you can do those deliciously dirty things to me that you do so well and I can bounce up and down again on top of you." Who's going to argue with that?

Marilyn had picked up on the comment that Sarah made about my ex and her man. In the way of women she had obliquely asked Sarah about that. One night she mentioned it to me. "Dal. You did understand what Sarah said about your wife's new man, didn't you?"

I must have looked confused as I couldn't recall what she was talking about. "Remind me, I can't think of it at the moment." Well we were in bed together and her hand was asking questions of my penis which was starting to answer positively.

"About Roger moving in very shortly after you left."

I had known that Jane had a man-friend for some time. It would be curious if she had remained celibate. "Oh yes. What about it?"

"It was three weeks after you left."

She had my attention now. "Bloody hell! That was quick." Then I thought about it more. "Too quick. Much too quick." My mental processes were in top gear as I pondered the ramifications. A light went on and the bell went 'ting'. "She must have known him before we spilt; the crafty bitch was cheating on me! And her mother must have known about it. No wonder they tried to stiff me." I began to laugh; it was so long ago now that anything other than laughing would be futile. "I am so pleased that my solicitor went overboard to get me visiting rights with Sarah. That really upset them." I turned to Marilyn. "And if all that had never happened I would not be with you now. So however devious they were, I came out on top."

She hugged me and her leg came over mine. "Only until I get on top. I have got all squishy down there, and you have gone all lovely and hard again. I have the perfect place for him." She did.

Our wedding was arranged very easily. I had thought that as I was divorced it could not be a Church Wedding. Not so. Marilyn had no doubts that we would be married in the local church. It would seem that she made frequent donations to the re-building fund. The Vicar, she was certain would agree to marry us for fear of losing those donations. I had thought from the start that Marilyn was quite well off, but as time went by I understood that she was in a much better position financially than I first believed. I discovered this by chance. For old time's sake and happy memories I had gone to look at the hotel one day when I was in Torquay. The building was still there, but was no longer a hotel. The place had been converted into apartments.

I mentioned this to Marilyn. "Yes, I know." She thought for a moment then carried on. "I had that done about five years ago."

I was brought up short. "You?" She nodded. "But you said your dad had sold the hotel."

"He did. The new owners couldn't make a go of it; well few can these days. Everybody goes to the Mediterranean now. They went bankrupt, so I bought the place back from the insolvency practitioners for about twenty percent of what dad received."

I was smiling. "Wheeler Dealer eh?"

She shook her head. "No. It was stupid. I bought it back out of nostalgia; it was my home, where I grew up. Once I had it I realised that I may have saddled myself with a White Elephant. It was then that the idea of converting the place into apartments came to me. People retire and when they do like to live in luxury in places like Torquay, Bournemouth and Eastbourne. They rent on an annual lease. They get a luxurious apartment with no worries about plumbing, electrics, the roof and the gardens. I get a regular income and of course all the time the value of the land is increasing."

Somehow I knew this wasn't the end of it. So I encouraged her. "Go on."

She smiled shyly. "It went so well. I had rented all the apartments except for one within six months, so I bought another old hotel and did the same. Hotels like that were going cheap those days. The costs of converting them to give the customers the facilities they experience in Spain and Majorca are prohibitive. If you put an ensuite bathroom into two bedrooms you lose a third bedroom for every two you convert. All some saw was the loss of a bedroom, not the increased tariff you could charge for having an ensuite. So they sold, cheaply.

"You said you had occupants for all the apartments except one. Did you eventually rent that as well?"

"No. I kept it. It's mine, well ours now. I loved the hotel, it had many happy memories, and you my darling were one of those happy memories. I go there from time to time to remember when life was so uncomplicated. Now we can go there."

"I think I would like that."

She agreed. "Yes we can have 'us' time there." She had a wicked glint in her eye giving me a good idea about her interpretation of 'us' time. "My apartment is on the top floor and not overlooked, although it has a wonderful view from the balcony. I was thinking that we wouldn't need to get dressed when we are there, it could be quite interesting."

"Hmm. ." I leered at her. "Alfresco loving. Extremely interesting." Marilyn smiled and nodded eagerly.

The mention of the hotel sparked a conversation about that week. I tried to tell her how it had affected me, that I left feeling as if I had been shown the open door to paradise, had looked through, but had not been allowed to enter. "When I left I suppose I knew we would never see each other again. Probably why I didn't write too much, I was prolonging a relationship that could never come to anything. So my sub-conscious told me not to chase the rainbow."

"Thanks." Marilyn replied dryly. Then she laughed. "Lisa told me to forget you; she said I had an adventure for a week and to look forward to the next adventure. She got quite angry with me as I didn't join in the game with her again."

"You didn't?"

"No. I didn't understand at the time what was happening. All I knew was that you had affected me more than I intended. There were other young men who stayed at the hotel. I talked to them but none of them interested me at all. I think Lisa took care of them all."

"I can imagine."

"Oh don't make her sound like a slut. She enjoyed life and men. I didn't really understand what she got out of it." She paused for a moment and gave me a loving smile. "I do now!"

The wedding did take place in the Church. My marriage to Jane had been in a Register Office. Her mother, again, who decided that as Jane was pregnant it would be wrong to marry in Church and in white. Learning that, Marilyn's vicar was easily persuaded to marry us. This was my first and last marriage in a Church. It was a quiet affair. Sarah was asked by Marilyn to be her Bridesmaid and I asked Robert, one of my colleagues at work to be my Best Man. My Bride looked a picture in Ivory and lace as did Sarah who like all girls rose to the occasion with aplomb.

Seeing the beautiful vision that was Marilyn approaching me at the Altar Rail had my heart thumping within my chest. I stuttered a little when I made my responses. Marilyn had no problems though. I had not expected Gerry, my M.D. to attend but he did, and used his seniority to subvert the best man and made a speech instead of him. I had to say I blushed at his effusive comments. He chatted with Marilyn at the reception for some time. Later he collared me.

"Dal, when you said you were getting married you didn't tell me that this was the lady who's complaint you went to see."

"Oh! Didn't I? I am sorry I didn't think to mention."

"Crafty Bugger! You can't get results by marrying all the complainants." He grinned. "She's a smashing lady, and wealthy. You have done well. I suppose we are going to lose you now?"

"Lose me? Why?"

"You won't need to work, will you?"

"I wasn't thinking of stopping work."

"Oh? I got the feeling that your new wife had other ideas." The subject didn't come up until we got back from our Honeymoon in Tenerife.

Marilyn mentioned casually one day that the agents she used to administer her properties were costing her a fortune. She then went on to wonder if there could be another way to get that work done. Gerry's words came back to me and I saw where this was leading.

"I am not at all conversant with letting agency work, but from what I have heard it is a minefield, what with tenancy agreements and local planning law. It's almost as bad as being a solicitor. Perhaps you should look around for another agency, see if anyone would do it for a lower percentage."

That gave her something to think about. "Oh! I was thinking that you might like to have a look at it."

"Me? I wouldn't know the first thing about it, or where to start. No my darling, I would be terrified that I could cost you a lot of money and I would hate to have you upset with me. My expertise is in fabrics. The Cobbler should stick to his Last." I said firmly. The subject was never mentioned again.


Jane, my ex wife had by coincidence re-married at almost the same time to Roger. Why after all the years she had been living with him she should decide to marry I couldn't fathom. However it was none of my business. It was some months later that I noticed Sarah had started to make acerbic comments about her step-father. Later her language was almost vitriolic. Marilyn noticed this as well and tried to draw Sarah out. One Sunday evening Marilyn broached the subject. I had just got back after driving Sarah up to Bristol where we would meet Jane who had driven down to pick her up. Jane and I would not talk; the exchange was little more than Sarah getting out of my car and getting in Jane's.

Marilyn had a serious expression. "We may have a problem Dal." She called me Dal all the time now. "Sarah has told me that her step-father is behaving inappropriately towards her."

"How inappropriately?" I wanted to know, fearing the worst.

"He touches her too much, and has come into the bathroom 'accidentally' on a couple of occasions when she is having a bath."

"And it is not accidentally?"

"Sarah thinks not. She locks the door, but the lock is not that secure. She has suggested that he has done something to the lock." My anger was almost uncontrollable. I was supposed to be driving back to work the next day, instead I was ready to jump in the car and drive to Jane's house now and sort the bastard out.