Time to Pullout Pt. 02

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The story of my life exactly as it happened, continues.
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Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 08/18/2023
Created 08/12/2023
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(This is part two of the series. If you will recall, in part one, I start making love to my stepmom, Marlene. She is thirty-six, twice as old as me, at only eighteen. Despite me promising to pull out, I take advantage of her horny mood to get permission to fire inside, not once, not twice, but an astonishingly three times in only half a day. But after doing so, both her and I begin to wonder if perhaps she is indeed in the family way. She begins to panic at the thought. My dad is still going to be in jail for the next two months. We both know he would blow a gasket if he ever found out I was fucking his wife, Marlene. She is not sure if she is pregnant. We think about playing it cool, and stopping the affair, but she is so incredibly oversexed and gorgeous, the woman of my dreams. As for my giant, impossibly thick cock, it is the amazing sex toy she's always wanted but has never had. This is the true story of my step mom and I. The only thing I've changed is her name, and I have not used mine at all. Every thing both done and said in this story is written exactly it happened)

I awoke with my cock still inside of my step mom, Marlene. Her giant firm breasts still shimmered from the baby oil I had rubbed them with a few hours earlier.

I squeezed them seductively, knowing it turned her on, and sure enough, she woke up excitedly, then moaned at my touch. She then blushed, and smiled with those thick glossy lips of her.

A powerful emotion began to sweep over my heart, mind and body...I had fallen for her, and after fucking her so sweetly for the third time today, I knew that I was hopelessly, helplessly and honestly in love with her, with every fiber of my being. I had so very foolishly taken her mag cover face, and supermodel body, and allowed it to consume me. Not just infatuation or obsession, but rather fully blown, heartfelt love.

As if by magic, and as if by destiny, she sighed and arose, causing my swollen and delicious ten inch cock to slip out of her. She then shrugged playfully and sat upright on her round fabulous bum.

I reached out and kissed her, then let one of my trembling fingers touch her still soaking pussy. Our cum was mingled together and still oozing out of her.

"Don't," she begged softly. Then she moved away from the bed altogether and walked over to the couch, sitting on the corner of it and pulling her long smooth satin-finish legs up into her massive breasts.

"You don't want more?" I said, manufacturing a hopeful smile. I could not believe how hard my cock still was, and how incredibly horny I still was. I rolled my stunning blue eyes at the ceiling and wondered just how many times an oversexed hunk like me could reach orgasm without losing the urge to hump the worlds sexiest babe.

"I want us to talk instead," she said, nervously biting her bottom lip.

My mind was suddenly racing in all directions. She wanted to talk...but not fuck again? But why should she want to fuck again? We had just finished fucking for hours and hours. How was it possible that I wanted to fuck her for the fourth time in half a day. Why was my cock still so fucking hard and desperate?

But I knew the answer to that question. Marlene was a once in a lifetime chick, with so many dangerous curves that I was out of control and hooked on her uncontrollably.

Out of control...how had things gotten so far? I suddenly frowned at myself. What about my dad? Marlene was his wife! If only he could see me now from his rotten jail cell. If only he could see me stroking her with my extra long pole.

My dad was an insanely jealous kind of guy, and even though I was muscular, he was far stronger and could beat me to powder if he ever found out. I suddenly wondered if that was what Marlene wanted to talk to me about, me cheating with her against my jailed dad. What if he were to find out? What if Marlene got pregnant from my hard working sperm. What then?

After all, she was supposed to be my step mom, not my fuck doll.

"You are in love with me, aren't you?"

Her words caught my ears off guard.

I got up to walk over to her but she threw up a hand. "Stay there," she insisted. "I just want to talk...at least for now."

I sat back down on the bed, staring across the room at her on the plush velvety couch.

I shrugged obediently. "Fine, we'll just talk if that's what you want to do."

"Two weeks ago we had sex for the first time," she managed. "And your condom broke."

"Yes, an accident to be sure."

"And then today you wanted to have sex without a condom."

"Yes, it was just so fucking hot."

"And then, we kept going and you shot it into me twice more today."

"I guess I surprised myself."

"What if you got me pregnant today? I mean three times. And your loads are all so huge. I can't believe your balls have so much cum in them."

"It's always been like that," I replied. "Anytime I jerk off it sprays and I can fill up a small cup."

"I can't believe I let this get so out of hand," she said, adding. "You're just a boy, just turned eighteen, but me, I'm thirty-six and I'm supposed to be a responsible adult. I'm supposed to be your step mom, and looking out for you, not humping your brains out just cause your cock is twice as long and twice as thick as your dads."

"What are you saying, that you don't want us to do it anymore?"

She stared at my cock. It was stiff as iron, impossibly thick and maxed out at it's usual ten.

"You're cock is just so incredibly sweet," she whispered. "And even after you shoot it out, you still can keep on going for hours more. You're like the sex machine I've always dreamed of but never had."

"Then what is your issue?" I asked solemnly. My head and heart were completely fucked up by my growing love for her, and I couldn't imagine stopping now.

"My issue is that we are not thinking rationally. We're letting the mind blowing sweetness of the sex get in the way of good judgement. You shot a ton of sperm into me three times today and that could have gotten me pregnant."

"You don't even know that for sure," I protested.

"Okay, so say I'm not preggy. But if we keep it up, it will only be a matter of time. We're obviously not able to resist each other. We have to quit while hopefully we're still ahead."

"What if I promise to use a condom from here on in?"

"Still too risky," she insisted. "For one thing, the condom broke two weeks ago during our first time, and today you begged me to let you go bareback, and I was horny out of my mind and so I let you do it. But you kept on doing it the next two times."

"I love you," I blurted out sincerely.

"I'm developing feelings for you myself," she agreed. "So that is all the more reason for us to break it off and never do it again."

An unexpected tear plummeted down my cheek. "I don't want to stop," I blubbered, indicating to her that I was in too deep.

"Don't be a fool," she countered. "Think of your dad. In two short months he will be home. What then? You think he's not gonna know if we're sneaking around fucking in the room he's not in? He would catch us for sure. And he's gonna know if you act all goofy like you've fallen for me so we gotta play it cool."

I wiped my cheek and took a deep breath.

"He wouldn't find out," I said defiantly.

"Use your head. I can take a plan B for what we did today, but for two weeks ago when your condom broke, I'm on the hook for whatever might come of that. For all we know I might be pregnant. If that were to be the case, it might not be that easy to fool your dad into thinking it is his. He won't be back home for at least two months, remember?"

"Fine," I managed, my voice breaking. "Can we at least do it one more time?"

"Out of the question," she shot back. "We've got to forget it ever happened and learn to act innocently around your dad when he gets back. And most importantly of all, we have to put our feelings for each other in check."

"Okay, I get it," I said, throwing up my arms in despair. The woman of my dreams was shunting me to one side. Still, I had to tell myself that the things she were saying made a lot of sense. We had been playing with fire and were in danger of getting burnt real bad, unless, of course we could put the brakes on.

"Your dad gets out of jail in just two short months. Sixty days for us to turn this fucking mess around and pretend as if it never happened."

"Fine, I'll try to pretend as if it never happened."

"You got any money on you?" she asked hopefully.

"A little. Forty maybe."

She smiled tentatively.

"Good. Take twenty of that and go down to Wilson's drug store. Go to the back to the pharmacist and ask him for the plan B pill."

"You want me to go?"

"If I go all the men will be gawking at my big boobs, big ass, tiny waist and gooey thick lips. If they see me at the pharmacy they will know I must be fucking somebody, either you or someone else. Nothing stays secret in a small town for long unless you are really, really careful."

"Fine, I whip on my pants and head on down there right now. The earlier I go the less snoopy customers they'll be, but don't I need a prescription?" I asked.

"No. Just ask for a plan B pill and he'll tell you it's $20."

I looked at her longingly but decided not to ask about sex with her again. I was beginning to think that no from her meant no!

"I'm on my way," I assured her.

2 days later

The sound of drapes being flung open caused me to stir from a deep sleep.

A bright light flashed across the room, filling it with unwanted sunshine.

"Hey, take it easy, what's going on?"

I flung my head under a blanket, but Marlene yanked it off of me.

"Come on you lazy prick. Get up." I knew right away what she wanted. The pharmacy had been sold out of the pill when I checked two days ago. And I had promised to go back in first thing this morning. Time was running out.

I sighed and braved the sunlight with squinted eyes. Then I let out a massive yawn, raising two arms into the air.

"Get on down to the drugstore and get me that fucking plan B pill," she begged. "You promised you'd get it for me and bring it back by noon. Four this afternoon will be 72 hours since your sperm filled me up, so I want to take it by noon to be on the safe side."

"Fine, I'm getting up. You make me some breakfast and I'll get dressed meanwhile."

"You can have breakfast when you get back. You should have brought me the damn thing days ago."

I shook my head in protest. "It's not my fault the drugstore was out. I went down there for two days straight and-"

"Never mind the two days. I phoned them a while ago and they said they were finally in stock. So get going. You still got the twenty bucks, right?"

"Yeah, I got it."

The wind was oppressive, almost howling at me as I strode down Billings street. I could have taken the short cut down Maple Avenue, but I knew that my nosy friend Jason usually hung out there at the pool hall at this time of day. I didn't want him to find out I was headed to the drugstore in a desperate attempt to keep my frisky sperm from fertilizing Marlene's damn egg.

The drugstore was finally in view as a light rain began to tap dance on my head.

I hastened my steps, hopped onto the curb, then swung open the double glass doors.

I walked the length of two aisles then finally came to the pharmacy counter at the back.

Wilson, the pharmacist, stared at me inquisitively. In a small town like this, everyone knew everyone else, but with all the faces he saw each day, he was somewhat confused as to who I was. He could place my face, but not the name that went with it.

He pursed his lips, still straining, but I didn't want him to remember who I was.

"I want a pregnancy prevention kit," I said softly, not wanting anyone in the store to hear what I was needing.

"Ah, you mean the good old plan B?"

"That's right," I confirmed, pulling the twenty from my pocket.

"We were out for a few days, but they just came in a few hours ago," he said. "I'll go to the back to fetch you one."


I breathed a sigh of relief. There was no line up nor group of shoppers mulling around. The store was almost empty. No one was going to wonder who I was going to buy the pill for, or so I thought.

"Fancy meeting you here," the voice said, as Jason came bounding around the pain killer section.

I rolled my eyes to the ceiling fans and wished I were dead. Not Jason! That fucking loud mouth, blabbermouth, gigantic mouth idiot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Couldn't help overhearing you ask for a plan B."

"Why don't you mind your own fucking business," I said as softly as I could. I didn't want to yell and bring attention to myself.

"Whose the lucky lady?" he asked.

"Never the fuck you mind," I warned. "I can't believe you were in this store. Of all the rotten luck."

"Saw you turning on Maple Street from the donut shop next to the pool hall. Decided to follow you and come say hi."

"Last time we met you were in my house and I told you to get out."

"You don't have to be so temperamental," he said, his face reddening. We both know I ain't got much friends. But before you kicked me out, you were always my best friend."

"Yeah, you're kind of goofy but still really cool. If you didn't have such a big yapper I could have you back as a good friend, but you're-"

"Just twenty dollars," Wilson interrupted, having come back unseen from the storage area.

I handed him the twenty. "Don't need a receipt," I said, pushing the kit into my pocket.

Then I walked off, and noticed, much to my chagrin, that Jason was following me.

"Is that pill for your step mom? I told you she would be lonely with your dad in jail, then not be able to resist a hunk like you."

His words caused my face to redden and my blood to boil. But I kept my cool. I knew I had to come up with a believable lie. It didn't take me long.

"Not my step mom. Actually it is for a red haired, chunky nineteen year old with lots of freckles, and even braces."

A lightbulb went off in his head. He remembered her from the time I had dated her a year ago.

"I remember her. Joan Watson. You still humping her? To each his own, I guess."

A smile played at the edges of my mouth. He was buying my fake story. I decided to play it safe and do some more convincing. "Actually. I wouldn't mind if she got knocked up. But she says she's not ready for a kid yet. Don't know why I have the hots for her, but would love to see her belly swell."

"Really? Fucking really? Joan Watson? Chubby with braces and covered in freckles? Boy, I never would have guessed it."

"Well now that you've guessed it, can you stop bugging me about it?"

"Sure, sure, but just one thing more."

"What's that?"

"Well if you have a fetish about a chick getting pregnant for you, but she is hesitant, why not use the old switcheroo?"

I immediately felt a quizzical expression splash across my face.

"The old switcheroo?"

"Sure. Take out the Plan B kit and I'll show you."

I took it out.

"Look at how simple the pill looks."

I gazed at the pack. It was a two by three inch card, and in the center, was a clear plastic holder, about the size of a dime. And inside the clear plastic was a simple round white pill, that looked exactly like an aspirin.

"All you have to do, is pull the plastic out a bit and cut it with a razor on the bottom side, then push out the pill and replace it with a real aspirin and then push the plastic back in. She's not going to bother reading the markings on the pill. She'll just believe it's the real thing then pop it into her mouth."

I chatted with Jason for a few minutes more, then told him I could not invite him over cause I was in a hurry to go over to see the red headed Joan.

Again, surprisingly, he believed my story, and off he went. From where he left me, it was a short five minute walk home.

The cool breezy air was clearing my head, and giving me ideas that should never be thought of. I could not get over how incredibly oversexed and gorgeous Marlene was. Giant firm breasts, long silky smooth legs, five inch heels that she would use to make me drool non stop. Those thick stunning lips that were like wedges of the finest pure honey. Long blond hair so silky smooth, framing a perfect face. And those luscious eyes, so alluring and irresistible.

My heart began to thump, my breath began to pant like some horny dog, and my whole body began trembling with excitement. If Marlene were to become pregnant, then she might allow me to start fucking her again. And not just once or twice, but all day long for the next two months, until my dad got back from jail.

She loved my oversized cock, that much was certain...

She loved my stamina, and ability to go all night long...

She loved my biceps and sinewy chest and sparkling blue eyes...

She also loved the fact that I was smitten with her, and that I found her worthy of all my adoration and admiration.

The only thing that was stopping Marlene from continuing to fuck me, was the fact she didn't want to get pregnant. And I knew why she figured I could not be trusted to have safe sex with her. My condom had broken and I had fucked her bareback and if that weren't enough, I had come inside of her three times in one day. She didn't want to take any chances. But...

BUT....but if she were already pregnant, then she would probably yield to temptation and let the ultra sweet sex start up again.

My heart was thumping like a jackhammer. I slipped into a convenience store and bought a jar of aspirins. They were small, round and white, and looked almost identical to the Plan B pill.

They had a washroom on the premises and so I went inside and took out the plan B card.

Then I took out my pocket knife and make a little cut in the plastic on the back, pushing the Plan B pill into my hand then into the toilet. From there I replaced it with an aspirin. Looking from the front, you would never be able to tell the back side had been cut.

I went over my plan in my head one more time. I would get a glass of water ready, then show the card to Marlene. After that, I would press on the pill and pop it out into her hand.

I was starting to sweat and pant when I arrived home a few minutes late. As if on cue, Marlene was in the washroom. I got a glass of water ready, then waited for her to come out.

"You get it?" she shouted nervously as she stepped out of the powder room and sauntered into the kitchen.

I put the glass of water into her hand then showed her the plan B card I was holding.

"Hold out your hand," I said bravely.

She held it out and I pressed my thumb against the pill, forcing it out the back and into her hand.

She quickly popped it into her mouth, then washed it down with some water. I left the card on the counter for her to see and she lifted it up, looking over the writing and smiling that she had beaten the 72 hour deadline by four hours. Or had she? Only I knew the truth.

The Next Day

I had tossed and turned most of the night. I had been restless because I knew there was a good chance my step mom was knocked up. She had taken a fake pill the night before, and today her period was due. Add to that the fact that my condom had broken on her two weeks earlier, and suddenly, the chances were good that she was now unavoidably in the family way.

I glanced at the clock. Only 6:00 AM.

A light was coming from the kitchen. Marlene was up early. I smiled. She was obviously fretting over her expected period. She had told me that according to her correct calendar, she should have her period sometime between midnight and 6:00 AM. If she didn't have it by now, then she was technically late. And she had already told me that she had never been late before.

I leapt to my feet and sauntered into the kitchen.

"Hi," I said bravely as I stepped inside.

"Didn't know you were up," she said, almost in a whisper. "I had thought I might spend some time thinking alone."