Tina was Starstruck

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Sexy Young Wife Easily Impressed.
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Authors' Note :-None of the characters or places included in this story relate to any real person or place. It is purely a work of fiction.


Rob and his wife, Gina, were shopping on Saturday morning in the small town where they lived, in Hertfordshire, England.

As they browsed in a music shop Gina was surprised to spot a famous face from the current rapping scene. "Look over there Rob," she whispered excitedly to her husband, "It's Oxygene, the rapper. Wow, it's amazing that someone as famous as him has a house in our little town. Let's go over and say hello, I want to get his autograph or my friends will never believe that I've met him."

Rob was not at all keen to meet OxyGene. Although Tina didn't know it, he had already met the rapper.

Rob worked as an investment analyst at the local branch of a British banking group, in fact, he was advising the rapper on investing some of the scandalous amounts of money he was making from his rap recordings. Rob didn't like OxyGene at all, he found him arrogant and he didn't like Rap music either.

"Oh, you don't want to bother with him," said Rob. "He'll be yesterday's news in a few weeks and there won't be any value in having his autograph."

"Oh, don't be so old fashioned," replied Tina, "You're showing your age. Come on, before he moves on. I must talk to him." And she dashed off to get to him.

Rob, a whole 11 years older than his wife, grumbled, but realised that nothing he said would deter her from getting the man's autograph, so he reluctantly began to follow Tina to the counter where the rapper was making his purchase, guarded by two minders.

"Hi," said Tina, as she approached him. "You're OxyGene aren't you? Would you give me your autograph, please? I love your music and I think you're great." She thrust her pocket diary and a pen towards him, hopefully.

The rapper looked round at her and realised that he was being accosted by a very pretty, no, a very beautiful young woman. She smiled at him, and he smiled back, thinking to himself what a surprise it was to find such a sexy chick in this hick town. "Sure," he said as he held out his hand for the diary. "What's your name, darlin?". Tina told him and he wrote, 'To the very beautiful and sexy Tina, I hope we meet again. OxyGene XXX.' Then he took her hand in his own and placed the diary in it.

The rapper looked her up and down, his gaze following the contours of her body clad in her light summer dress. "Are you a local girl, honey." He asked.

"Oh, yes, I am," She replied, "I only live about twenty minutes away from your house."

"Really," he said, "then we're almost neighbours. Look, I'm having a party at my place next Saturday, how would you like to come as my special guest?"

"Oh, goodness," she said, her heart fluttering, "I'd love to," then as an afterthought she added, "I'd have to bring my husband too." And she turned to Rob who had joined the group unnoticed.

The rapper looked at Rob and said, "Oh, Hallo Mr. Walsh, of course you'll bring your lovely wife to my party, won't you?"

Tina was astonished, how comes Rob knew OxyGene and had never mentioned it?

"Well, I'll have to check our diary," said Rob, "We'll come if we can."

"Ok," said the rapper, a little put out, and turning to Tina he said, "Give me your address, doll, and I'll send you an invitation, Saturday 7p.m."

Tina tore a page out of her diary, wrote their names and their address on it and gave it to him.

"Ok, babe," he said, "See you then." And he turned and left the shop.

Tina was thrilled to bits, "How wonderful, Rob, we'll be going to a famous celebrity's party, I bet there will be other famous people there as well. Isn't it exciting?"

Rob was not keen; his wife appeared to be 'starstruck' and he knew the rapper's reputation for making conquests out of female fans. He didn't like the way he'd looked his wife up and down either. But he thought the offer of an invitation to the party was probably bullshit anyway.

"So how come you know him?" Tina asked Rob, "and why didn't you tell me you knew him, you know how much I like him, you could have introduced me."

"I know him because I've been doing some work for him at the bank. I didn't tell you because you would have insisted that I introduce you to him, and frankly, I don't think that he's the kind of person you should associate with."

"What do you mean?" She said, "You don't think I should associate with him? What gives you the right to decide that for me? Sometimes you are a bit of a stuffed shirt, Rob".

Rob took a deep breath and let it out slowly, "Look, I don't want us to get into an argument over it, but he has a justifiably bad reputation as a womaniser, and he doesn't care if they are married or not. He's ruined a few marriages already by taking the wives off, using them, and then dumping them when another pretty girl comes into his orbit. He is a thoroughly nasty character, and I don't think you should have anything to do with him."

"Well, I'm big enough and old enough to make my own decisions, she replied, "I don't need you to make them for me. I think it was nice of him to invite us to his party and I want to go. In any case, he's hardly likely to want to spirit me away, he can have his pick of women."

"I really don't want to go," said Rob, "I saw the way he looked you up and down, I'd have to spend all evening keeping you away from him, and I can think of better ways to spend the time. I can't see why you are so keen on going anyway, what's the big attraction."

"Well, I've never met anyone famous like him before. Just talking to him made me feel important and attractive as well. I also noticed how he looked at me, and it's good to know men find me attractive. Don't you like having an attractive wife?"

"Of course, I like having and attractive wife," he said, "and it makes me feel proud when I see that other men find you easy on the eye. But that man is a predator, he makes women feel special so they like being with him, and the next thing they know is they wake up in his bed, he keeps them a couple of weeks then he dumps them, and their lives are ruined."

"That's a bit melodramatic saying 'their lives are ruined', isn't it," she said," after all, it's only sex, they haven't been changed, they could just go back to their old lives and be glad they had the experience and the memories."

"If that's the way you think," he said, "It's just as well that we won't be going to his party."

"Why won't we?" she asked.

"Because you know I've promised to go and help my brother move into his new house," said Rob, "and it's likely to take all day. I'll never be able to get back in time."

"Well, I'll go on my own then." Tina replied.

"You're joking, of course," he said. "That would be the worst possible option, I'm not going to lose you like that."

"Don't be silly," she said, "You won't lose me, I like him, but I'm not itching to have sex with him. I just want to have a bit of fun and feel a bit important for a while, and I'd also like to see how the super-rich people live."

"Well, I'm warning you, if you go to the party without me things between us will never be the same again." Said Rob. "I'll always wonder if I can trust you."

"Well, we'll see won't we," Tina retorted.

A couple of days later the mail included the invitation for 'Tina and her husband' to attend the party on the coming Saturday, in three days' time.

Tina immediately started talking about a new dress and shoes. A visit to the hairdresser and beauty salon.

Rob said, "Look, I don't want to go to the party anyway, but I can't let my brother down and I don't think it would be possible for me to get back home in time to go. I don't want you to go on your own as I don't trust that guy, and I'm pretty sure he would try it on with you if I wasn't there. He does that sort of thing all the time from what I hear."

"Oh, yes I've heard all those stories," she said, "But it's just a party, there will be lots of people there, nothing bad will happen."

"Well, I don't think I can make it," he said, "And I really don't want you to go on your own, it's too big a risk."

"You're just being paranoid," she replied, "There isn't any risk, I'll be sensible."

"No, please, whatever you do, don't go without me," he said, "And I'd prefer it if we didn't go at all, even if I could get home in time."

"Well, I do want to go," she said, "It's a chance in a lifetime, just make sure you're home in time, I'm sure your brother will understand."

Rob realised that it was pointless arguing with Tina, once she got into an entrenched position she was almost impossible to move from it. He agreed that he would get back as early as possible on Saturday.

On Friday, whilst Rob was at work, Tina went shopping for a new dress for the party, she already had some very sexy 'Victoria's Secret' lingerie that she hadn't yet had the opportunity to wear, so that was taken care of. She'd also bought a pair of very sexy stiletto heeled shoes, which she decided were comfortable enough to wear for a whole evening.

She found a figure-hugging black cocktail dress, which showed her 34-23-35 figure off perfectly. The skirt was short, but still long enough to hide the tops of the hold-up stockings that she loved to wear. Her breasts were firm and needed no support, and the bodice was cut straight across so that their rounded tops would be on display. The top was supported by thin shoulder straps.

When she tried the whole ensemble that afternoon, before Rob got home from work, she was confident that she would look perfect for the following evening, once she'd had had her hair and make-up done. She was so excited by her sexy image in the mirror that she felt her pussy getting wet.

Friday evening passed with hardly a mention of the party other than Tina begging Rob to get home as early as possible the following evening. They made sensual love before going to sleep with Rob cumming deep inside her at the end. They'd decided to try for a baby a while ago and Tina had come off the pill two months back, they hoped she'd get pregnant soon.

Rob was up early on Saturday morning. He grabbed a quick breakfast, kissed Tina, and left the house to go and meet his brother. Tina called out to him as he got into his car, "Don't forget. Get back as early as you can." Rob just nodded and drove away.

Things didn't go entirely to plan with Rob's brother's house move. The removal contractors were late and, try as they might, the brothers were unable to make the time up. When it became clear that Rob wouldn't get home in time to go to the party at 7 p.m. he sent Tina a text message explaining that he was going to be late, he didn't call her as he didn't want to have an argument on the phone.

When Rob eventually got home it was 7.45 p.m. He'd stopped off to buy some flowers on the way home as a peace offering, and he hoped that Tina wouldn't be too angry with him.

When he let himself into the house, he was immediately aware that she wasn't there. There's something extra quiet about an unoccupied house. Walking through the house into the kitchen he found a note propped up on the counter, it said simply, 'Gone to the party'.

"Oh, shit," he thought, "Got to get there quickly."

He didn't bother to shower, there simply wasn't time. He hadn't shaved since Friday morning but decided that his whiskery jaw would pass as 'designer stubble'. He quickly changed all his clothes making liberal use of a deodorant spray, although he figured there would be enough sweaty bodies at the party that no one would notice if he wasn't entirely fresh.

He drove to the rapper's house quickly, but it was almost 8.45 p.m. when he got there and parked his car. There were two muscular men guarding the front door. As Rob approached them, he recognised them as being the minders that were with the rapper when they'd met in town.

One of the minders asked for his invitation. "My wife is already here," said Rob, "She's got the invitation. You must remember me, we met in town a few days ago, you were with OxyGene."

"Yeah, I remember you, man," the minder said, "But you can't come in."

"What do you mean, I can't come in? My wife is already here." Said Rob.

"Yeah, I know, but I've been told not to let you in." Said the minder, looking at Rob warily.

"Well, I'm either going in, or you can fetch my wife out to me, and we'll go home together." Replied Rob.

"Be sensible, man," said the minder, "The answer to both suggestions is, no. Look, you need to know the score, your wife and the boss have been together since 7 o'clock, they're in his private rooms, and by now she'll have been well fucked. You should go home and wait for her there; she'll probably not be back until late morning tomorrow. Sorry but that's the way it is."

Rob tried to rush past the two men, but they grabbed him and pulled him back. He swung a fist at the nearest man, but he just grabbed his arm and held him, he was too strong.

"Fuck you," said Rob. "I'm going to call the police," and he dialled 999 on his phone. The call was answered promptly, "Emergency Service, what service do you require caller, Fire, Police or Ambulance?"

"Police," said Rob, "Hurry, my wife has been abducted."

Rob was put through to the police handler, and after giving his name and whereabouts, explained that his wife was being held against her will in the rapper's house. After a couple more questions he was told that a police officer would be with him as soon as possible, he was advised to wait for the officer to get there, and not to take any precipitate action.

Rob stood glowering at the two minders but knew that it was pointless talking to them or trying to get past them. Twenty minutes later two police officers, one male, one female, arrived in a patrol car with blue lights flashing.

Rob went to the car, told the officers who he was and why he was there. He told them that the minders were under instructions from their boss not to let him in, although both he and his wife had received an invitation to the party. He told them that he wasn't able to get home in time to go to the party with his wife and she had gone ahead, alone. He was worried about his wife's safety and told them what the minder had said about her being with the rapper.

The police officers went to talk to the minders and asked them why they wouldn't let Rob in to get his wife. They told him that they had been instructed not to let him into the house. They pointed out that it was a private residence, and the owner was entitled to decide who he wanted in his house and who should be excluded.

The male police officer then asked them if it was true that they had suggested that the wife was having sex with the rapper.

"Look, officer." Said the man who had spoken with Rob," The last time I saw them they were kissing, and he was feeling her up. I've seen it lots of times before, and they always end up on the couch, or in bed, fucking. The sluts can't resist him."

"Ok, my colleague and I are going inside," said the officer, "one of you two had better come and show us where to find Mr. Walsh's wife, we want to talk to her."

"I need to talk to the boss first," said the minder. "I've got a walkie talkie here. Just a minute." He talked quietly into the radio unit for a minute or so then, beckoned to the police officers saying, "Alright, come with me."

He led the officers through the house to the 'private quarters' at the back, where the other party guests were not allowed to go. The minder knocked on a door which was then unlocked from inside and they all went in.

The rapper was there, sitting on a couch alone, he was wearing a bathrobe, there was another door into an adjoining room, this door stood open. The male police officer told the rapper why they were there and asked for Tina, telling the rapper that they needed to find out if she was being kept there against her will.

Tina's voice came from the other room, "No, of course I'm not being kept against my will," she replied, "I was invited to the party, and I wanted to come here."

The female police officer went into the adjoining room which was a bedroom. Tina was on the bed, lying back against the pillows, she was naked apart from her hold up stockings.

"Would you please come into the other room, Mrs. Walsh?" said the officer.

"Ok," said Tina, getting out of bed and donning the bathrobe which was on a bedside chair. She came out of the bedroom and went to sit on the couch beside the rapper and he put his arm around her.

"Mrs. Walsh, do you want to come outside now and go home with your husband?" asked the male officer.

"No, I'm going to stay here, tell him to go home, I'm not coming out, "said Tina.

"Ok, so you are not being kept here against your will," said the officer.

"Does it look like it," Tina replied.

"Evidently not," said the officer, "I'll tell Mr. Walsh what you said, but I should tell you that he is very concerned for your safety, and I think you should talk to him yourself."

"I'll talk to him in the morning when I go home," said Tina, "I'm safe here, and I'm going to stay."

Saying nothing more, the police officers left the house. Rob was waiting anxiously outside. "Where is she?" he asked, "Is she alright, why isn't she with you?"

The male officer took his arm and walked him away from the front of the house. "Your wife said she's OK. She's not coming out, she wants to stay here. She said you should go home, and she'll see you in the morning. I can't see that any crime has been committed here, except perhaps a moral one, but that would be outside of my jurisdiction. I would take her advice If I were you, sir. There is nothing you can do here."

"Are you sure he hasn't drugged her or anything?" asked Rob.

"We didn't see any sign of anything like that, your wife was quite lucid and composed, even brazen." said the policeman. "What I will say, off the record, is that your wife and that man seemed very close, she was naked in bed when my colleague first saw her, and he was only wearing a bathrobe."

Rob's heart sank, he was thoroughly dejected. "Thank you for coming, officer," he said, "I'll go home now." He climbed into his car and drove away. His worst nightmare had come true,

When Rob arrived home, he was in tears, his predictions had come true, and his lovely wife was now the rapper's slut. He let himself into the house, went straight to the drink's cabinet in the lounge. Taking out a bottle of Scotch and a glass, he wandered around the house, carrying the bottle and drinking steadily.

He turned every photograph of his wife face down, and he turned her large portrait hanging in the lounge to face the wall. She'd destroyed his dream of a happy family, and she was no longer welcome in his life. When she came home, he'd tell her she had to leave, and he'd divorce her as quickly as possible.

Rob eventually fell into a drunken sleep, sprawled on the couch. When he awoke, it was after 10 a.m. Sunday morning. He had a throbbing headache, and his mouth was dry as dust. He staggered up from the couch and wondered what time Tina had come in. Had she just gone to bed and left him lying on the couch to avoid the coming scene for a few hours.

He climbed the stairs unsteadily and went into their bedroom, she wasn't there, and the bed hadn't been slept in. She wasn't in either of the other bedrooms. She evidently hadn't come home yet.

As he looked out of the bedroom window, he saw a taxi draw up outside. Tina, looking an absolute mess, got out and walked unsteadily to the front door. He heard her key in the lock and she came in and closed the door behind her.

Coming down the stairs Rob confronted her. She was a mess, her hair was matted and uncombed, what was left of her make-up was smeared and streaked. One of her stockings was torn at the knee, and one shoulder strap of her dress was broken and dangled down. Across the tops of her breasts, someone had written in black marker, the single word 'Whore'.