Tinker, Stinker, Mommy's Toy


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"Right," he responds. A confused look on his face.

"We've never met before, have we?" It's framed as a question, but it is really just a statement.

"No...," he replies. Curious where this is going.

I hold his hand in mine and turn it so it rests palm up. I look at it and say nothing to him.

"Are you thinking it might be hairy?" he jokes.

It's his first attempt at trying to inject some sexual innuendo into the one sided conversation. I smile and wink at him.

"I certainly hope you're the kind of guy that enjoys pulling his own pecker." I reply flatly.

"I try my best to avoid the guy that claims he never strokes his own dick... liars have that kind of an effect on me."

No one has ever said anything like that to him before. I trace the lines on his palm with my manicured nail and his hand quivers.

"Just ticklish a bit..."

"Or nervous at what I might see?" I ask.

He begins massaging my foot once again and I stop teasing his knob with my toes. I can see a nice big, clear droplet forming on the tip. I spread my toes apart once again and begin to roll his cock back and forth against his stomach. The more I roll it, the slipperier it gets as droplets form more frequently and dribble onto his shaft and under my mischievous toes. He has now taken it upon himself to bring my toes to his mouth and he begins licking and suckling like a little puppy dog. It feels fucking fantastic!

After I let him bath them in saliva and clean between each toe, I point them and force them into his warm, wet mouth.

"Open your mouth!" I snap. "I want to foot fuck you. Open as wide as you can!"

I slide all of my toes in and out, in and out and stir them around as best I can. His tongue feels very nice trying its best to get out of the way of my sharp nails. It's a warm moist hole and I use it for my selfish pleasure (of course, he's never done anything of the sort... use someone, I mean). I spread my toes apart a little and his tongue can't avoid slipping between them and bathing them in his slippery spit. When my foot is good and goobery, I remove it from his mouth and rub the bottom of it, as well as my toes, all over his face... turning him into a glazed donut.

I slid down off of the bed and before he had time to think or move, I was on my knees and straddling his head. I pulled my pussy lips open and sat squarely on his nose. Rotating my hips, I slipped and slid nicely in circles, the muffled moans he made barely able to be heard. I once read a story about a woman who smothered her poor husband to death in this exact manner... I don't plan to kill my boy toy, but it just feels right to make him squirm for his next breath. I might turn around so his nose is rubbing against my clit and his tongue can have easy access to my precious hole. My honey is trickling from my pussy. If I ejaculate, I ponder... is there a risk of me drowning him?

"Stick your tongue on my cunt!" I bark and grind his face a little bit harder. It feels fantastic!

"Have you ever licked an ass?"

He's afraid to answer me.

I begin to tell him a number of things about his personality. He thinks I'm just kidding at first, but as the details begin to pile up he tries to pull his hand back. I smile and look him directly in the eye.

"You're a foot man, aren't you?"

His initial reaction is to deny it, but I can see it written all over his face. I take his hand again, but as I do, I let the toe of my pump brush against his shin.

"You've got nothing to be ashamed of here...," I pause for effect.

I can tell him quite a few things about himself and as I talk I can see him leaning in and trying to get a look at where all of this is coming from. It's his turn now to look me in the eyes.

"How can you tell all of that from just holding my hand?"

"Want to know what else I see?" I tease.

I turn to face him before I continue. Taking the hand I'd just been holding, I turn it palm side down and place it on my left leg... just under the hem of my skirt. It is warm on my skin and I can feel the perspiration my touching him has begun to produce. It is not unpleasant.

"You are guilty of undertaking too many things at the same time. Your candle burns at both ends and you are nearing chronic fatigue. You are a modestly generous man who sometimes suffers from an ill temper... perhaps from being more tired than you are just plain nasty."

He looked at me as if I'd caught him masturbating. He was uncomfortable and he could feel any respect I'd had for him, wilting away. I took the hand on my leg and gently pressed it firmer against my thigh and moved it back and forth ever-so-slightly.

"Lick me," I order him. "Slowly, pet, not too fast!"

I place more of my weight on his face and rotate my hips slowly. I feel the bridge of his nose, all the way down to its tip, against my pussy. I let him feel my swelling lips a little longer before I reverse my position. That's better! Now the very tip of his nose is buried in the folds of my cunt, pressed deliciously just under the nub of my clitoris. As if telepathically, I can hear him thinking that he's never encountered a clit quite the size of mine.

"Put your tongue as far inside of my cunt as you can," I begin to instruct him again.

"That's a good boy... lick in there real good! Your job is to be like that cute little bear and lick all of that honey from the inside of the jar."

I can feel him straining against my weight as he pushes his tongue in as deeply as is physically possible.

"Oooooooh ya! Just like that! Get that honey... get all you can!" I encourage.

I sneered at him just enough to help his spirit crumble. I wanted him to feel unworthy of sitting and being with a woman like me. The power was slipping away, right through his fingers and he was regressing back to being a needy little boy. I was the authority figure now.

"You're still quite close to your parents," I continued. Again he looked at me somewhat shocked.

"My father's passed away and I have just my mother now," was his unbidden response.


"Two. Two older sisters."

A mother and two older sisters... I continued to look him directly in the eyes and was sure he was reading my thoughts. I knew now that he was going to be a keeper for the evening. I was going to be his female authority figure and he was now my boy toy. I might even fuck him, I chuckled to myself.

"You have a thing with authority." I stated matter of factually.

"You fantasize about being dominated, don't you?"

This was moving quite quickly now and his face flushed as my words soaked in. I took his other hand and put it on my opposite thigh and parted my legs just enough to tease him a bit.

"Have you ever been brave enough to tell a woman about your foot fetish?"

It was as if I'd just grabbed him by the throat and cutoff his entire air supply. His eyes literally bulged from their sockets. I've struck nerves before, quite regularly in fact, but this response was epic!

"Would you like to tell me?"

His hands were wet on my legs now and I could feel the heat radiate from his collar. The poor guy didn't know whether to capitulate or run and watching his brain decide which was the smarter move was humorous!

"I'll bet there are lots of things you'd like to share with me... hmmmm?" I teased.

Now it was my turn. I slid my one hand along his thigh, right up to the crotch of his trousers and found just what I was looking for.

"OH MY!" I smiled. I think I have my answer.

Before he could make me cum, I slid forward slightly. That tiny little strip of real estate between my pussy and my asshole was now over his mouth.

"Lick right there," I coaxed as I squirmed on his tongue to encourage him a bit.

Like the obedient child I knew he was, he started licking that little bridge with a heavenly touch. I'm not sure if every woman is as I am, but that spot makes my toes curl and my heart beat hard! Such a lovely boy!

What my fingers found was very promising! I ran my nails along what felt like a beautifully coiled, thick snake of a cock. He might be flushed from my advances, but it was I who was not going to let this specimen escape. I'd make up my mind whether I was going to fuck him or not, once I had him naked, but in the mean time... he'd certainly given a girl lots to think about!

I squeezed him a bit as I continued to look into his eyes. Glazed, is the word I would have used to describe them. I had little doubt that if I'd continued, he'd have had a nice big wet spot on the front of those pants he was wearing. Lucky for him, they were dark coloured.

I took my hand away from his cock and looked towards the occupied tables just a few feet away from where we sat at the bar. They were filled with the gawkers and the players. A few had been watching my little seduction and had obviously witnessed my molesting of my fish. Dream on suckers! Ha! Ha!

It required only a slight shift of my pelvis, almost too little to even be perceived. That tiny shift and I had him just right where I wanted him... an eyelash away from my little brown donut.

"OH GOD! YES! Right there!" I coaxed. Feigning that it had been his idea and not my own to lick this lady's ass.

I pushed my ass and crotch a little firmer onto his face and ground my asshole onto his tongue. My little star boy was having quite a number of his dreams come true on this particular night. The way he attacked that nub told me he'd spent quite a few sweaty nights thinking about what he'd do if any woman ever presented herself as I just had. Pussy? Toes? Ass? I don't think he could have picked a favourite at that particular moment.

He ate my asshole like a depraved soul and had me shrieking from all of his talented efforts! I squirmed and I screamed!


And a mind-numbing orgasm burst through my entire body as I collapsed forward onto my hands to steady myself. My legs quivered uncontrollably! Jesus! But that was a good one!

"You're a talented little pig... my, oh my!" was all that I said to him as I knelt panting, his red face looking up at me from between my thighs. "You may be just the little piggy I've been looking for..."

He just laid there. I wasn't even sure if he was coherent or not. I may have just ruptured something in his little boy brain.

I turned on my stool and looked directly at my boy scout behind the bar. He'd seen it all before and knew instinctively that tonight was not going to be his turn. He was cool with that.

I brought my left foot within reach of my right hand and slipped my pump from my foot. I slipped my shoe off and held it in my other hand as I massaged my bare foot. I turned my head and smiled at my fish. He just sat there returning my smile. I could almost imagine that there was a big red and white Red Devil hanging from his bottom lip... flashing in the lights hanging above the bar. I rubbed the sole of my foot and pondered that nice, fat cock I'd just felt in his pants. I could only hope it was as long as it was thick.

I ran my fingers along the crease between the base of my toes and the spongy ball of my foot. My index finger slipped in between each toe and massaged the sensitive skin there too. I turned my head and smiled again, locking eyes with him. I brought my fingers to my nose and closed my eyes as I took a nice sniff.

I paused to tease the poor boy a moment, then brought my fingers to his nose.

"Smell this," I whispered seductively as I leaned into him.

My fingers were right at his nostrils and after taking in a deep draft of my funky scent, he moved to suck my fingers into his mouth.

"No, no, no," I said, pulling my fingers away.

I put my arm around his shoulders and pulled him a little closer to me. My other hand brought my high heel up to cover his nose.

"Breathe deeply," I whispered into his ear and held it over his nose and mouth. I was still inches away, but could still smell the scent of my foot.

I let him rest for a moment on the floor and then stood over him once again. Looking down, I raised my foot and softly ran my long manicured toes over his eyes, down his nose and across his cheek bones. I ran them over his lips and then along the underside of his jaw. I gripped one of his nipples with my toes and tugged gently before releasing it and softly tracing a path over to his other one.

"Open up, piggy," I taunted as I brought my toes back to his mouth.

I smiled and watched as he opened his mouth and I dipped three toes in. It is such a beautiful feeling to have them surrounded by the warm, wetness and to have someone's tongue sparring and probing. I watched as I dipped them in and out of his mouth. The deep red colour of my toes looked liked cherry candies all covered in liquid flavour! Very hot!

Once they were coated and all nice and gooey, I removed them from his mouth and ran them once again all over his face. He looked like drunken snails had been chasing each other.

"Smell good?"

I took my shoe back and slipped it on my bare foot once again. I heard him whimper as I took it away from his face. My demeanour changed with an icy snap and I could sense the sudden fear in him. Gathering up my handbag, I swivelled around on my stool and coolly slid off and strutted away. I knew that I was going to the ladies' room, but he didn't. I waited as his juices boiled and stewed. I loved it! Imagine the fucked up thoughts crashing into each other in his spinning noggin. A foot fetish that was so strong it nearly made him cry. A beautiful woman offering you the moon and the stars for the night... even letting you smell her warm, sexy pump, then she packs up and is gone! What the fuck just happened? He's ready to cry. I leave him sitting on the stage I've just humiliated him on. The gawkers are sitting there laughing like the fifteen year olds they truly are.

When I finally return, he is ready to hug me, but I'll have none of it. I passed him the business card with the name of the hotel on it. Written on the back is a room number and a time that was exactly 30 minutes from right then. The time was underlined harshly with 2 bold strokes of the pen.

"Be exactly on time or don't bother coming!" I snapped, with the emphasis on exactly.

I turned and disappeared out the door of the lounge.

I stared at the knob that sat like a jewel atop his royal sceptre. The hole in its tip gaped wide and a steady dribble of clear sugar seeped out. I instinctively licked my lips. He might have been cursed by his inhibitions, but I certainly was not.

"Up on all fours!" I barked at him and snapped my fingers.

Confused, he was slow to assume the correct position 2 feet behind me. I jerked a tuft of his hair as I put him in his proper position.

"Your place is behind my heels. Understand?"

He looked confused and was about to say something, but I corrected him before he could make that mistake.

"No talking until I ask you a question or give you permission! Understood?"

He was in shock, but he'd learn his place quickly. I bent down behind him and crisply zapped his ball sack with a harsh flick of one long finger. Returning to in front of him, I started for the bathroom, walking on the balls of my feet as if I were still wearing my heels. I turned and looked to see him tagging behind as I'd instructed.

I raised the lid of the toilet and sat down. After relieving my bladder, I snapped my fingers again and pointed towards my pussy.

"Lick clean!" I instructed.

I was ready for the rest of the evening now. I wondered, as he lapped at my cunt, if he'd ever enjoyed a lady's toes while he thrust that gorgeous cock into her warm, wet pussy? Piggy or my little pooch... I was going to fuck his brains out and give him a few memories he would never want to forget!

"Time to fuck!" I announced as I stood and flushed.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Some women do have a sense of what men's secret desires are. Picking up the right guy can lead to very interesting activities.

mugs101mugs101almost 2 years ago

Sound like an awesome evening for us foot guys

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