Titans Ch. 03


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The major nodded, cocking her head to one side in curiosity.

"Well, that," he jerked a thumb towards the crowd, "Is what the women who were made that way look like. In fact, she's the one they're all based on."

"She's one of you?" Elizabeth gawped.

"Yeah, one of the first pair without a doubt. I don't know how she ended up here though. Her armor had a... an artificial mind inside it, which started messing with her head. She and her male counterpart went insane and ran away, everyone thought they were in hiding."

"Careful what you say," Elizabeth cautioned, "You're liable to get us both killed if anyone hears you insult her."

"Just be wary of her," Alex whispered back, "As dangerous as you think she is, she's smarter and stronger than you'd ever believe."

As the talked, they began walking away. Eventually, Elizabeth stopped at a junction in the path, looking the opposite way to the non-human camp. She was fidgeting with her medals.

"I need to go get changed for my appointment," she chuckled nervously.

"Do you want me to come with you?" Alex offered.

"No," she shook her head, something like fear in her eyes, "Please. Just wait for me at your camp, I'll come find you when it's over."

"Alright," he said softly. He took her hand and leaned in to kiss her cheek, but she pulled away from him.

"Later," she said, "Sorry."

With that, Elizabeth walked away. Alex watched her retreating back until she was out of sight, but she never turned to look at him. He took another deep breath, and began making his way to his camp.

The mech stood a silent watch over the entrance, but the camp was empty. The other residents had clearly gone to their jobs for the day. Alex climbed up to the cockpit, grabbing a tasteless ration pack and eating it while he checked all his systems. With no clear problems, he went inside and cleaned and serviced his pistol, then the rifle. He went to sharpen his knife, but found the edge still keen.

Idly, the captain flicked through Talia's books, but the language used was all but indecipherable. He scattered the ashes of the campfire more thoroughly, organised the woodpile by size, and cleaned up and disposed of the bloody tooth and the remains of the cast in his tent. Finally, with nothing left to do, Alex faced his fears and sat by the fire pit, alone with his thoughts.

Captain Murray had been raised on military discipline, of course, but mech pilots were trained to act independently. Standard practice was to drop one - or sometimes up to three - in the middle of a war zone, where they spent months or years roaming, disrupting enemy movements and supply lines and gathering intelligence. His own mech was a reconnaissance model, with advanced sensors and communications interception abilities, which meant he was usually deployed solo. Being part of an army was a new experience, and not one he was coping with well after seventy years without change.

It had been a very long time since Alex had hit anyone hard enough to break bones. He looked down at his hand, clad in the black armored glove. He clenched it into a fist, then relaxed it again. He had a lot of weight to throw around - both literally and metaphorically - which meant a lot of collateral damage; he would do well to try not to let his friends get caught up in the crossfire in future.

Alex sat staring at his hands for what seemed like hours before movement caught his eye. A dazed looking Elizabeth was staggering towards him, just reaching the mech's feet. Her hair was a mess, and gone was the formal attire from earlier; instead she was wearing a loose, white shirt, brown linen leggings and scruffy boots. Alex leapt up and dashed over to her. The major collapsed against his chest. Over her shoulder he could see blood welling up through the fabric, staining the white cloth crimson and sticking it to her back.

"I'm sorry," he said, tears building in his eyes, "I won't cause any more trouble."

"Oh shush," she murmured into his neck, "Don't make promises you can't keep. Just hold me for a while and help me clean up."

"Yes ma'am," he smiled, kissing the top of her head.

Elizabeth chuckled wryly and wrapped her arms around his torso. Alex put one hand on the back of her head and the other on her hip, careful not to touch her wounds. She sighed shakily.

"Talia is going to be furious at both of us," she mused.

"Probably," Alex laughed, giving her a final, gentle squeeze and releasing her, "Come on, I've got some clean water in the tent."

They went inside, Alex grabbing a bucket of water and a clean rag. He pulled off his gloves, wet the cloth and wrung it out as Elizabeth waited in the middle of the open space, unsure of where to look.

"Come on then," he prompted her, "Strip."

Elizabeth blushed, but nonetheless turned to face away and carefully peeled off her shirt. Alex gave a sharp intake of breath at the sight underneath. Dozens of angry red lines criss-crossed on her skin, a few of them were shallow cuts, with lines of blood leaking downwards from them. He carried the bucket and cloth over and lay them down. Elizabeth was biting her lip nervously, Alex reached out with a thumb and nudged her lip out from between her teeth.

"Careful," he warned, "If you flinch too hard you might hurt yourself."

Elizabeth grimaced and nodded, staring off at the wall. Alex lay one hand on her shoulder, and with the other began to slowly clean off the wounds. Elizabeth winced, and grunted a little as the cold water stung her skin, but kept control. Reddish water flowed down her spine, soaking into the back of her leggings. When the worst of it was gone, Alex pat her gently dry and moved over to the table to get his medkit.

"Go lean over the bed," he suggested, "You might struggle to stay standing for this bit."

Alex grabbed the disinfectant bottle as Elizabeth walked over to the bed. He turned around just in time to see her removing her leggings. He raised an eyebrow.

"They're damp," she blushed again, "It was uncomfortable."

Alex directed the major to kneel next to the bed, then lay her torso and head across the blanket. She followed his instructions, turning her head to one side to look up at him as he stood over her. He lay a hand on the back of her neck and pressed her firmly into the cotton, kneeling behind her and trying to ignore how close this put his crotch to her sex.

"This is going to sting a lot," he apologised, then dabbed the first cut with antiseptic.

"Aaahhh," Elizabeth gasped, arching her back, her eyes going wide.

Already the skin Alex had treated looked less red as the formula went to work. He made his way down Elizabeth's back, seeing to each wound in turn. As he worked, Elizabeth began panting fervently, writhing around under his grip. As he neared the end of his task, she gave a particularly violent spasm and pressed her ass into his crotch.

"Sorry," she said, muffled by the bedsheet.

Alex gave Elizabeth a curious look, taking in her flushed face, shallow breaths, and what he now realised was the scent of arousal in the air. She caught him looking and tried to bury her head deeper in the sheets.

"Yes, alright," she muttered, almost angrily, "I'm a freak. Can we please get this over with?"

"You are," he agreed, nodding slowly as he applied the antiseptic to the final wound.

Elizabeth again arched her back and gasped, a look of helpless pain across her face. Alex closed the bottle, and put it and the cloth to one side, though he didn't let go of his grip on the back of her neck. He leaned over and whispered in her ear.

"Nothing wrong with that though," he grinned like a predator and grazed his teeth against her neck, below the ear.

Alex pulled his head back just far enough to see Elizabeth; an expression of thanks lighting up her eyes before she began whimpering and quivering. He kept his gaze locked with hers as she shivered and shook. Shock and confusion crossing her face as she was overtaken by orgasm. He watched her for a little while, stroking her hair as she came down from the high.

"How's your back?" Alex asked mildly, releasing Elizabeth's neck and laying down beside her.

"Better," she murmured breathily, "Wow, that's never happened before."

Alex kissed her on the cheek.

"Extreme situation I suppose. Don't worry; I'm not going to flog you that hard just for sex," he moved to whisper in your ear, "Unless you're a very bad girl."

Elizabeth's eyes went wide, and a little moan escaped the back of her throat. Alex chuckled.

"I'm sorry, that was mean," he smiled sheepishly, "Seriously though, you're not the first woman I've been with who's into that short of thing. Something about mech pilots seems to attract that type; I think it's the strong hands.

Alex reached up and wrapped one of his large hands around Elizabeth's throat, squeezing firmly. She let loose a pitiful moan. Out of the corner of his eye, he caught a subtle shifting of her hips as she tried to grind herself against the bed frame. He released his grip.

"Now you're just being cruel," Elizabeth bit her lip, her wild eyes glistening with desire.

"I suppose I am," Alex conceded, rolling onto his back and unfastening his pants, "But you love it, don't you? Now hop on; I hope you don't expect me to do all the work, major."

Elizabeth didn't even wait for Alex to finish telling her before she crawled on top of him and began trying to line her entrance up with his cock. At the mention of her rank, she made another little noise of arousal. Alex mentally filed that away for later. She sank easily down as he slipped inside her and immediately began bouncing her hips up and down. Alex grabbed a handful of her hair and kissed her forcefully, pulling until he felt the roots tug at her scalp.

Despite everything that was happening, Elizabeth's movements were sure and strong. She lifted off until Alex's cock was teasing at her slit before sinking down as deep as she could go. Over and over she fucked herself on him, but then he reached down and grasped her buttocks, stopping her in her tracks. Her surprise and disappointment didn't last long though, as he squeezed and kneaded her ass and bucked his hips up into her, driving at an ever faster pace.

Breaking the kiss, Elizabeth knelt upright; straddling Alex as he fucked her and tugging at her own nipples. Alex took the hint and palmed one of her generous breasts, pinching the nipple between his thumb and finger. Elizabeth's newly freed hand snaked its way down her body to rub frantically at her clit. They both picked up the pace, going faster and harder until the major let loose a scream and collapsed. Alex kept driving his cock into her spasming pussy for a few more moments until he could hold it no longer and he filled her insides with cum.

Alex wrapped his arms around the limp Elizabeth, again being careful of her tender back. They lay together for a while, panting and heaving deep breaths. When they both began breathing more regularly, she turned her head and kissed his neck.

"Thank you," she said simply.

"You're welcome," he responded.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago
This is where I lose interest

Franky, I had a problem the first time he saluted the Major. He may respect her rank, but why would he salute a foreign officer? And when he gets to the army camp and just rolls over to show his belly...

Why this farce of submitting himself to the first military organization he runs into? My suspension of disbelief falls apart completely with allowing his friend to flogged while still pretending that these people hold any authority over him.

SifuTronSifuTronabout 5 years ago
You lost me too

I agree with Totchaa. I gave your previous chapters 5 stars and gave you a chance to redeem it in chapter 4 but you didn't even address how out of character it seemed for Alex and also Elizabeth to go along with this without any kind of fight or arguement. They didn't try to give their side of it at all. I also have to agree with bad_side that a Captain with 50+ years of experience wouldn't handle a drunken private waking him up in the middle of the night trying to rape his woman (or his squire as you've called her) like this. Alex really didn't seem like the kind of person who would have done any of this but if he is, then he's a piece of trash protagonist who I have lost all interest in. Then there is the scene with the Empress, which was ridiculous. How could he seem so completely uninterested in her being there and ruling these terrible people? Also if she is so dangerous and a criminal to the government he works for, why would he decide to serve in her army?

I know I'm late to comment on this but I started reading from the beginning after you recently posted your latest chapter. This is a great idea and you were doing a great job with your writing but other than the sex scenes, this whole chapter is garbage. It completely pollutes everything after it.

That being said, you definitely shouldn't give up writing but you need to seriously rethink your characters' motivations and development and how that would affect their actions. I probably won't read anymore of this series unless you rewrite this or at least address it. Also you shouldn't rely on spell check or grammar check to fix all your mistakes. You might want to reread what you've written a couple of times to catch the words that are spelled correctly but are in fact wrong. Like using he instead of she. There are a lot of people on here offering editing help.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Agree with TiredX

That was BS, especially combined with him meeting with this 'Empress'. Lost all empathy for the mc.

TiredXTiredXover 5 years ago
Love the story...

But i do feel it's a bit uncharacteristic of the mc to sit back and let his girl take a beating when he could just as easily threaten to tear up the whole base or leave since he is under no obligation to help them fight their war. The only reason I can see this being some what acceptable is if you're trying to give justification and impart a sense of warped pleasure to the readers when the military leader suffers some sort of tragic death later, still either way it still makes the character feel a bit off....

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Many reactions don't make sense

Many of the reactions of your characters don't make sense. As a result, while elements are good, the overall effect is damaged. No one seems to be surprised by or interested in a 30' metal giant that can win and end an endless war, including the general. The empress is smart and sharp, but seems to be support a fat, incompetent general who does nothing. Alex does not seem to think that preventing Elizabeth from getting 50 lashes is worth taking 30 seconds to walking back to the Empress and asking her to stop it. The Captain is supposedly genetically engineered to be a superior warrior, but suffers from fits of anger that one might attribute to emotionally undisciplined 7-year old. Not a veteran with over 50 years of front-line battle experience... And I could go on. It would be interesting to see it rewritten with the characters acting more like adults in a real army than spoiled children and a bad birthday party.

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