Titans Ch. 07


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Alex's cock slipped out of her ass as Elizabeth toppled, narrowly avoiding landing on Talia and drawing a whimpering moan from the major. The elf crawled around to that they all lay with their heads at the top of the bed. Sweaty and panting, a messy three-way hug ensued. One by one, the exhausted occupants of the bed fell to sleep.

When Alex woke again, he was running. The sensation was disconcerting, as he suddenly went from lying in bed with zero momentum to pounding down the street. He slowed to a stop, taking in his surroundings. The tall grey buildings looked the same as ever; identical in every direction. He walked the short remaining distance to a crossroads and looked in each direction, one by one.

Again, each direction looked the same, but to the right of the direction he had been travelling it looked like the buildings stopped on the horizon rather than stretching on to infinity. With nothing better to go on, he set off towards what he hoped was the edge.

Travelling without a companion was strange. Time and distance were fuzzy and hard to pin down, Alex couldn't be sure how long he had been walking when he finally reached the drop-off to the vast emptiness of the void. He cautiously poked his head out, peering left and right. His sharp eyes picked out what seemed to be a bloodstain, half a dozen or so blocks to his right. His mind flashed back to the previous night; number one tumbling suddenly out of a side street, nearly falling off the edge and leaving a bloody streak. Mentally mapping his surroundings off the new landmark, he made his way to where he had last seen his lieutenant.

The eerie silence allowed Alex to hear a second set of footsteps in the vicinity, alongside his own. He paused, and only had a split second to identify a location for the sound before they stopped as well. He crept forward, approaching the next corner with his hands raised in a guard stance. As he rounded it, he saw a flash of blond hair, then the ground, then the sky as his back slammed into the ground and knocked the breath from his lungs.

"You fucking FUCKER," screamed a voice that could only be Anna's, "Where the SHIT did you go?" The mech pilot's angelic face appeared above him, jaw clenched in righteous fury.

"Good to see you too," he gasped, falling limp as the tension left him, "I had a bit of a run in with the other residents before you showed up last night."

"Other...?" her face scrunched up, "Oh, shit. Bastards."

Anna extended a hand, which Alex gratefully took, and she hauled him to his feet. He took another couple of deep breaths, shaking off the effects of his impact with the floor. She was still looking concerned, and angry, so he darted in with a quick kiss and watched as her expression melted.

"Come on," Alex took her hand and began backtracking the route they had taken two nights ago, "Knowing that they're out and about, I'd rather get somewhere we won't be interrupted."

It took longer on the way back, or at least Alex thought so from tracking the time through conversation. He told Anna everything that had happened last night, starting with his fight with Adam, or Atlas or whatever; if it could even be called a fight. When he got to explaining his fall and suddenly finding himself in the mech, her forehead narrowed in thought.

"Do you think mechs maybe count as clothes?" Anna suggested, rapidly switching to her lingerie outfit, then back to casual clothes. Alex blushed at the image that was now burned into his brain, then cleared his throat nervously.

"I don't think so," he shook his head, "I didn't even try, it just happened. Worth giving a go though."

Anna stopped, closing her eyes and focusing. For a moment Alex was sure something was going to happen, but then the moment passed and she let out a frustrated sigh.

"Nope," she shrugged, walking off and leading the way again.

They almost missed the broken entrance to the interior of the building. From this direction, the jutting shard that stuck out from the ground floor of the silvery cube-house concealed the hole it had come from; everything being the same color made it hard to judge distances that didn't match to the city grid.

Anna picked her way through the jagged gap first, Alex waiting and watching her firm ass stretch against her clothing as she contorted around the sharp edges. He ducked through, and when he raised his head again his lieutenant was sat on the desk in a very familiar position, wearing her set of lacey lingerie. Again, he marveled at the raw power and immaculate shape of her perfectly engineered form.

"You know," he said, slowly orbiting the room, with his eyes locked on hers "I'm kind of jealous I don't have an outfit like that to drive you wild."

Anna looked him up and down, reaching out to tug at his jacket as she thoughtfully bit her lip.

"This, but without the shirt?" she suggested, grinning lecherously.

Alex laughed, closing his eyes for a moment and re-envisioned his outfit. He was rewarded almost immediately with a sharp intake of breath.

"Shit dude, that shouldn't be that fucking hot," Anna half-whispered, running her hands beneath his open jacket and across his chest. He returned the favor, stroking up the sides of her waist and around to her shoulders which he used to pull her closer.

"Something you've pictured a lot?" Alex chuckled, nibbling at her ear.

"Most nights for the last forty-five years or so. Usually accompanied with finger or toys. Sometimes other men. Sometimes women."

"Been a busy half-century?" he asked, deftly unclipping her bra and sliding underneath it to cup her silky soft breasts. They filled his hands a little more than Talia's, but not quite as much as Elizabeth's pendulous mounds. As that thought crossed his mind, she snaked a hand past his waistband to grasp his cock, just holding it.

"You fucking know it," she smirked, grazing her teeth on his collar, "You guys may have been popular with the ladies, but there was a reason us girls were infamous for being total sluts."

"Is that right?" Alex sighed. He tried to move his hips to get more stimulation but her hand kept perfect sync with his motion.

"I'm more experienced than anyone you've ever had, fucker," she tutted teasingly, "Now get to the good stuff if you want more than just this."

In response, Alex immediately went from soft caressing to firm grabbing and squeezing. He rolled Anna's nipples roughly between his fingers, pulling at the sensitive nubs. Her hand crept lower, cupping his sack and gently scratching with her nails, causing him to twitch eagerly and begin leaking sticky fluid against her wrist. He ran one hand down her back as the other kept pawing away between them, he slipped it easily beneath the lace covering her ass and dug his fingers into the hard muscle.

Anna cooed appreciatively into Alex's ear as he followed the waistband of her underwear around to the front, then traced his fingers down to the top of her slit. Anna's other hand pulled his pants down over his hips, then grasped his hard cock and held it gently. They both paused, staring into each other's eyes and searching for permission.

Alex was the first to move applying pressure until his middle finger entered Anna's hot and wet depths. Even here her muscles were well developed, squeezing his digit as it retreated to draw small circles around her clit. Finally, Anna began to move as well; stroking his shaft and redoubling her efforts as she softly manipulated his balls between her fingers. Her thumb extended at the top of each stroke and smeared the oozing precum around his head.

Alex was so focused that he didn't even notice Anna's underwear dissolving into nothing until he suddenly found his movements less confined. He followed her lead, making his own clothing disappear and reveling in the taboo sense of freedom. She spread her legs wider, allowing him to plunge first one, then two, then three fingers into her hot cunt as his thumb relocated to her clit. Neither of them made any sound except the ever louder and deeper breaths fueling the erotic act.

Several times Anna closed her eyes and shuddered as silent orgasms swiftly washed over her. Watching this happen to his lieutenant, one among his many sisters and the daughter he could never have, it wasn't long until Alex was fighting with every ounce of his formidable will to prolong the sensation.

"Are you getting close?" Anna asked, gasping through another orgasm. Alex wordlessly nodded in response and she suddenly pulled away from him, pushing him back and descending to her knees in front of him.

"You owe me for this, fucker," she grinned salaciously and took him into her mouth.

Pumping him with both hands in a wringing motion, Anna bobbed rapidly up and down on his cock, sending her long hair flying in all directions.

Unable to hold on any longer, Alex felt his release happen all throughout his body as his seed spilled into Anna's mouth. White hot pleasure filled his veins as she kept sucking until it was almost painful. The heady rush of hormones sent his vision spinning, and he could just about hear Anna giving a very uncharacteristic girly giggle as a pair of sharp pinpricks on his neck yanked him harshly back into the real world.

Alex shot awake, rapidly taking in the situation without moving an inch. It was just before dawn, judging by the light filtering through the canvas. Two needle-sharp points were pressing into the side of his neck, and he could feel long hair and a thin chain necklace brushing across the back of his shoulders.

"Good morning, Vanessa," Alex said carefully. One of his arms was wrapped around Talia, and he subtly jostled her.

"What are you doing here?" the vampire asked, her fangs scraping against the thin skin covering his jugular.

"Sleeping, until you woke me up," he gave Talia another nudge and felt her begin to stir.

"Why are you and your pet elf in bed with Liz?" she hissed, her voice laced with venom.

"We spent the night. At Elizabeth's request."

"She wouldn't," Vanessa snarled.

"You know," Alex sighed as Talia finally drifted awake, "This isn't the first time I've woken with my neck being threatened recently. I'm getting a strange sense of Deja vu."

Talia's eyes flickered open as she realized what Alex was saying. Clenching her fist, he felt Vanessa's necklace rapidly tighten, flying from its resting place on his shoulders to tangle up in her throat. She was dragged across the room by the thin metal around her neck, her extremities flickering to smoky shadow and back. Alex sat upright, placing a hand on Talia's shoulder and squeezing reassuringly.

"Easy," he said to both women, meeting Vanessa's eyes, "No harm done."

Vanessa stopped fighting, letting her hands drop limply by her sides, though she still glared furiously at Alex.

"It's all consensual here, let's just chalk it up to a misunderstanding and move past it," he said, holding up his empty palms, "Deal?"

Vanessa gestured to the tight chain around her neck, seemingly unconcerned about the lack of air but nonetheless unable to speak.

"Talia..." Alex said to the elf in a warning tone. The chain slowly released its tension, and Vanessa drew a slow, wheezing breath.

"She doesn't even like men," she gurgled as he windpipe regained its shape.

"About that..." Elizabeth mumbled groggily, also sitting up in the bed.

"Elizabeth?" Talia questioned, letting her fist unclench and allowing the necklace to hang loose once more.

"I didn't think I did," she said, looking at Vanessa, "I wasn't lying when I confessed that."

"What changed?" Vanessa asked dryly, scratching at the red line on her neck as it faded into nothing.

"I found a way I could have both," she blushed, laying a hand on Talia, who gave a shy smile.

Alex stood, grabbing his pants from the floor and pulling them on. He looked to Vanessa, raising an eyebrow at her.

"Are we good?" he asked, adjusting his waistband into place.

With a blur of impossible speed, the vampire dashed across the room, fangs extending towards his throat. Alex reacted without thinking, hurling himself to one side and striking out with a hand to catch her by the neck. Talia shrieked as the two combatants slammed into each other, freezing in the moment of impact.

The mech pilot was clutching Vanessa's jaw, holding her at arm's length. The vampire had a clawed hand on Alex's chest, thin scratches converging over his heart. Her lips were pursed as his grip pressed her cheeks together, but she somehow still managed to smirk.

"Oh, you're very good," she said in a sly voice, patting his chest, "Take care of her, alright?"

"Ness, please stop," Elizabeth choked out from the bed. The vampire's red eyes flicked over to her, then back to Alex.

"Don't worry Liz," she tilted her head as much as she could, giving Alex a knowing look, "No problems here, right?"

"Right," he grunted, releasing her jaw.

Alex examined his wounds; they were vicious but shallow, and nothing would stop them from healing quickly. Vanessa opened and closed her mouth a few times, loosening sore muscles. She reached up to rub her cheeks, then paused, staring at her bloody nails. Slowly, haltingly, she opened her mouth and licked at one of them. She let out a shuddering sigh.

"Ness?" said Elizabeth, approaching the vampire with the bedsheets wrapped around her. Vanessa jumped, like she'd been caught with her hand in the cookie jar. She cleared her throat.

"Well that was a mistake. I have to spend all day locked in a confined space with that now." Her predatory eyes landed on Alex.

"Do you need to feed?" Elizabeth asked. Behind her, Talia was putting on her dress.

"Need? Not especially. Might make it easier to cope today though."

Elizabeth glanced over at Alex and Talia, then cocked her head to one side, exposing her neck. Vanessa stood dumbly, unsure for a moment of what Elizabeth was doing. Realization hit her, and she took a half-step forwards.

"Really?" she asked quietly. Elizabeth nodded and Vanessa drifted swiftly across the floor to her friend, enveloping her in her arms, her face descending to the offered vein. She paused.

"Do you mind?" she said, pointedly looking at Alex and Talia. Alex hurriedly finished getting dressed, and Talia quickly led him out of the tent and away. Behind them, they heard a little gasp from Elizabeth and a muffled groan from Vanessa.

Alex hopped up into his mech, running some quick diagnostics and getting it warmed up for a day of travel. Talia meanwhile set off for the Irregulars camp to fetch the others. A few minutes later Elizabeth emerged, dazed but seemingly healthy. Alex unplugged his neural spike and leapt down to greet her.

"You okay?" he asked, brushing her hair forwards so that it covered the small, red dots on her neck.

"It was fine," she nodded, "Just intense. You know I have a thing for having my neck nibbled on."

"I heard that!" Vanessa called from inside. Elizabeth blushed an intense shade of scarlet; Alex was surprised she still had enough blood for it.

"Are you going to be alright travelling with her all day?" she said, changing the subject.

"I think so, she doesn't strike me as suicidal," he winked.

"You clearly don't know me that well then, soldier boy," the vampire's voice drifted to the talking pair.

"I can read you like a book, little leach," he called back.

Elizabeth stared up at Alex, completely aghast and gasping for words. He gestured for patience, straining his enhanced ears. Long seconds passed, Elizabeth opened her mouth to complain but he pressed his finger to her lips. Then, finally, they both heard Vanessa's quiet chuckle.

"Not bad at all," she said, "I'll do my best not to eat you if you promise to return the favor."

"I'll do my best," he mimicked, then to Elizabeth he said "I think we'll be fine."

The army began to form up into its marching column, Alex and his mech took up position near the front this time, with his shadowy passenger drifting around his head as the rest of the Irregulars clung to the shoulders and outstretched forearms. He brought the scanners to the fore of his vision just in time to see the scouts scattering ahead, mapping the day's route. Vanessa must have somehow sensed what he was doing, because her breathy voice came whispering in his ear.

"Where's Liz?" she asked, so close her half-ethereal lips brushed against his ear. He quelled the shudder as the hairs on the back of his neck stood on end.

"Out past the castle. Down in the entrance to the north-east valley," he said, starting a slow walk to match the pace of the troops in front.

"There were goblins down there last week," she murmured.

"Not today though."

"You can tell that?" she asked, then paused, "If you hurt her, I'll kill you."

"She'll be upset if I promise that," Alex chuckled, surreptitiously checking the location of his pistol.

"That's not what I meant. She's so emotionally fragile that she thought she wanted a relationship with me of all people. Don't take advantage of that vulnerability or you'll wake up one morning missing all your blood."

"We wouldn't want that. Don't worry about me, she's earned my respect many times over and I wouldn't risk jeopardizing her respect for me."

"Respect?" the vampire hissed, "I suppose that will do. For now."

On the outside of the mech, the Irregulars were chatting. Alex struggled to focus on the flow of the conversation with the shifting pressure of Vanessa crawling over his body, so instead he retreated inside his own mind. Cutting off the sensations of the flesh and entrusting motion to the mech's limited AI, his mind interfaced even more closely with the sensors. A 3-dimensional map of the surroundings assembled around him. Then another, filled with different information. Then another. The difference between his senses now and the senses of his body was like having a sack removed from his head. He drifted his focus ahead, spending a few hours watching Elizabeth riding through the trees - identifying her by stature and the shape of her armor - and keeping an eye on her location.

The mountain range drew nearer and nearer. The pace of the army slowed as they climbed a valley between two peaks, and gradually the scanners' view spilled out past the monoliths of rock and earth to the opposite side; where Anna had fled just two days ago. At the top of the valley a few scouts were gathering. As Elizabeth road up to them, curiosity got the better of him and Alex activated a seldom-used sensor. A laser - not weaponized this time - speared out across the intervening miles, detecting vibrations as it bounced off the target and interpreting them as sound.

"...lot of fires," one was saying, "Too small to be pillaged buildings."

"Cooking fires?" Elizabeth asked.

The wind picked up as the response came, words became unintelligible as the electronic filter overcompensated.

"...sightings ...giants. Maybe... ire ...army?"

"...ably." Elizabeth seemed to be responding in the affirmative, "...to confirm."

"Should we... captain?"

"We'll wait here. He'll ... up eventually."

The mech slowed to a stop, disrupting the conversation of the Irregulars perched on the outside. Thrak was sat in the palm of one hand, looking between the cockpit and the head of the mech.

"Everything alright Alex?" the orc asked.

Alex barely stopped himself from opening the hatch and frying Vanessa, instead answering through the speakers.