Tits for Tats


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God, she is so beautiful. I thought as I watched her. Her eyes caught mine and it was like she was reading my thoughts. She smiled at me in the mirror.

"Looks great," she said, nodding.

"Okay-be. Well, come over here and lie down here on this table." I patted the plastic wrap covered padded table. "Stretch out on your right side and put your arm up. Yeah, like that."

I grabbed up my gloves, pulling them on -- without the Frank N. Furter snap thank you -- I got them settled. I got a new tube and needle from the autoclave. Loading them into my machine, I hit my power supply button with the back of my hand.

"Ok, the machine sounds like this." I pushed down the foot pedal and she flinched at the buzz. "Alright now I'm going to do a short line so you can see what it feels like, then we will get going."

"Okay." She nodded. I could see she was a little scared now.

Starting at the bottom of my stencil, I dipped into the black ink cap. I buzzed the machine to gather up ink.

"Alright, here we go." I ran a line about two inches long and stopped.

She looked over her ribs at me. "Is that it? You have been scaring the hell out of me for days over that?"

I chuckled. "Oh, how the ignorant can speak of what they do not know."

Putting my hand on her side, I gently pushed her back down and started to work. I listened with a half an ear to her when the hissing for air between clenched teeth began. I had to rest my left hand on top of her lower belly. My wrist lay across the slight rise below. I moved with slow care following my outline. In places, I would make a slight change to make the final design fit the curve of her body better than the stencil.

Wiping Vaseline across the pattern before me as I went made the needle glide. When I heard her trying to hold her breath, I stopped tattooing.

"Slow your breathing to an even rhythm. It helps. Want some music?" She nodded. "I can't touch it with my gloves on, but there is a remote near your head there."

Soon soft music filled the shop. I helped to cover some of the buzz from my machine. I saw her breathing slow and I went back to work.

As I made my way across the soft flesh between hip and ribs I felt slight tremble running through where my hand laid on her stomach. The tribal vine work flowed from my needle onto her side like I was painting it with a brush. When I crossed her bottom rib bone I heard the gasp of pain.

She began to hiss and then a low moan began to rise above the music. Looking up, I saw her teeth clenched and her eyes were tight shut. Going faster would have only made the pain worse and could make my work look bad so I kept my pace as the needle went into her midribs.

Her breathing had again become more like a pant.

"I know it hurts but try to slow your breathing down. You can hyperventilate." I gathered more ink "Don't want you passing out now."

"People do that?" she asked through clenched teeth.

"You wouldn't be the first in this shop. Ink had a big-oh burly biker dude pass out in the middle of a tattoo, last week."

The clock spun faster and faster but the dark ink seemed to crawl now. I worked my way into the higher ribs and then started out onto her breast. I reached up and moved the paper bib aside to get at my image. I could see the taped X covering her nipple. Centered in the lower part of her breast, it left a lot a pale, lightly freckled skin exposed.

I heard a deeper moan as my off hand cupped her breasts to tighten her skin. My fingers dimpled the soft flesh. That's when I noticed that my own breathing had quickened a step. I was touching my sister's bare breast. I pushed in a little harder than I had to. I saw sweat beading her forehead and her breathing was much faster.

I felt myself grow hard in my pants and cursed the reaction. It would grow to an uncomfortable ache that I somehow had to ignore as I worked.

I hit the end of the tribal and wanted more. So did she. "Go further down." She traced a finger down towards her nipple.

"Okay," I said softly.

Using the machine to freehand can give you very good work, or a disaster. Learning to do it on three hundred pound gorillas that would fuck you, kill you, and then eat you had taught me my freehand skill very quickly. The needle drifted where I wanted like ice on glass. The vine work clung to her skin in ever-tighter lines as it neared the tape. I had to clean the tip on a paper towel and for the first time, I went into the blue ink. Time to tattoo a dragon. The stenciled dragon rested half behind a rose I had yet to outline and he was all small fine line work.

"Don't move if you can help it."

"Okay, I'll try," she answered in a breathy whisper. Her voice had a husky tone to it now.

As I worked the small lines I found her skin doing something I hadn't encountered much before. I had tattooed mostly men who pumped iron for fun. Their chests didn't give under the pressure of the needle. Hell some of them were so hard I had been concerned the steel needle would bend. Her skin was giving too much. There was a danger of my lines being wrong.

I didn't even consider what I had to do. I acted by tattooer's instinct and got a firmer grip. Much firmer. My sister gasped as I squeezed her breast hard and pushed up at the same time.

"You could have at least bought me dinner first," she teased. "Maybe a little wine, some dancing."

I laughed but couldn't loosen my grip by much. I felt the hard point of her nipple pushed up against my palm and as I worked it got harder. She gasped for breath.

"Soon as I finish the outline on the dragon we can take a break ... if you like."

"Do you need one?" she asked panting.

"No, I'm good," I told her, not stopping what I was doing.

"Keep going then," she said.


It took me another hour of slow careful work to get the dragon outlined right. Then I went into the red ink and started off her breast and back down her side detailing the roses As I moved my hand off her breast and back down to her stomach, I saw the marks of my fingers go from white to red. I hadn't realized I was holding her that tight. Damn.

I outlined rose after rose as I left the soft skin and crossed back onto her ribs.

Sara gasped as I hit her ribs again. They had to be sore as hell from the first pass I made. She sucked air and moaned deep and low.

"Easy, sis. Not much longer."

"It's alright. I'm good," she told me her eyes looking a bit glazed.

"If it would help I can let you shift position a bit?"

"That would be good," she said. "My hip feels numb. I think my right arm has gone to sleep."

I had her to roll over onto her back.

Crossing off of her ribs brought such a sigh of relief from her that I smiled. Her breathing steadied into a deep rhythm that made her breasts rise and fall. As I neared the end of the last rose I had an idea and began to freehand in falling rose petals. Sara must have felt the needle go lower than she remembered the stencil being.

"What are you doing?' she asked trying to look down without moving.

"I'm adding some rose petals," I told her not looking up.

"Oh, okay cool." She leaned her head back.

I was doing the last of the petals when she reached down and caught the edge of her sweat pants. She eased them down a few more inches.

"Do some more if it would look good."

I ran a few more petals into the valley and up towards the upward swell of flesh. She pulled the edge even lower.

I chuckled. "The carpet doesn't match the drapes because there's not any carpet."

She blushed.

I sat back and wiped the needle clean. "I've got to stop and get out the razor. I didn't shave down this far and the hairs are starting to grab my needle. Why don't I clean you up? We'll take a break. Then we can see if you want to let me get to some of the fill on the tribal and the shading today."

"Okay," she said softly.

Taking my spray bottle, I cleaned off the last of the stencil and all the leftover ink and the clear-pinkish liquid that had started to weep from the small punctures. Now, rather than complain, Sara gave a long, low moan of relief because the water was cool. I had to smile as I wiped her down. Tossing the paper towels into the red can I followed them with my gloves.

She sat up slowly as I went to the small fridge and brought her back a cold drink.

"So what's left?" she asked after taking a long drink.

Sitting back, I rubbed my hands. They felt clammy from being in the gloves.

"I have to get a magnum needle out and start to fill in the tribal." I looked over my outline. "Then I can do some shading on the roses and petals. There isn't much more I can do with the dragon till it's had time to heal."

"Magnum needle?"

Opening my drawer, I pulled one out and handed it to her in its plastic sleeve. She held the metal bar closer and then cringed at the tight cluster of needles on the end.

"There are five on that one. The larger tribal work uses more. There are some here in the shop with ten or more."

Nodding, she looked at the tribal peeking around my elbow. "The ones on your upper back, they were done with one like this?'

Laughing, I got up and went over to Ink's station. Opening the drawer completely, I grabbed a crude tool out the back and brought it back to her. Sara looked at the cluster of ten pieces of paper clips cut to a point and taped around the end of a pencil.


I nodded.

"Yeah, ouch. Ink spent the better part of a month working at night, in the dark, with a tool like that one. With me laying there listening for the guard. We would both have gotten extra time added to our sentence if we had been caught."

"Where did you get the ink for it?" she asked quietly. I realized then that I hadn't really talked to her about my time inside. Not little things anyway.

"For black, we would burn toilet paper to ash and mix it with shampoo. For blue we would buy an ink pen. Either from a guard or sometimes we would trade for it with another con. We would heat it with a lighter and drip the ink into a drink bottle cap."

Her jaw had dropped open. I had to laugh at the look on her face.

"Didn't that sting?" she asked.

"Oh, like lemon juice on a paper cut," I told her chuckling.

She shuddered. Looking around, she walked over toward the mirror.

"It's a long way from done," I told her when she didn't say anything. I watched her look in the mirror. She tilted her head a bit and then reached up to touch the dragon on the side of her breast.

"Ahh! Fuck!" she hissed.


She pulled back her hand like it was on fire. She looked over at me sharply. "You know it is!"

Laughing, I dug my thumbs into my back and stretched. "I'm not going to say I told you so, but.--"

Sara nodded. Walking over in front of me, she looked down at the blue dragon sitting on her left breast peeking out from behind his rose. Even half-done I could tell it was going to be one of my best. Then my sister looked past her breast to the still hard bulge in my pants. Sara looked up at me with a flirty grin. "Having fun playing with my boob??"

I didn't trust myself to speak, I just nodded.

With a slow smirk building on her lips, she reached up under the paper bib. There was a little gasp and then an X of tape drifted to the floor. "You rested enough?" she asked, licking her lips. Sara moved over and lay back down on the table, stretching out.

Pulling out a new pair of gloves from my box, I slipped them on and picked up my machine. It had cooled off a lot but it was about to get hot again. Working quickly, I loaded up the magnum needle and went back to work. Starting on the tribal, I worked in slow circles filling in between the outlines. Really pushing the ink into her skin now. Tribal, when it's done right, has to be dark as sin. But that comes at a cost. Pain. When I hit her ribs she moaned and squirmed a bit. I took hold of her by her hip to keep her still.

Slow circles, back and forth. When I got near my outline my needles would hit the holes from the outline and Sara would suck air. Her eyes clenched shut. Lips parted.

I had to shift myself before I got to her midribs. I was so hard now it hurt.

Sliding my hand off her hip, I felt the muscles of her stomach twitch. How hot her skin felt now.

"I want to move a little," she told me softly.

"Okay." I lifted the needle away from her skin. She squirmed over to the side of the table a bit, closer to me.

"Okay, I'm good. Go ahead." The needle went back into her skin and the circles began again. "I can see where the hot needle part comes from now. Ouch!" she gave a soft whimper.

"You should try it with one made from a piece of clothes hanger," I said.

Holding her still began to be more and more a problem. The higher up her ribs I went the more she wanted to squirm. If I had been doing outline I would have had to stop. After an hour I finally moved off the bones and onto the outside of her breast. She gave a sigh of relief, and then a low moan as the needles went into the now super sensitive skin of her breast.

Never stopping the small circles, I slid my hand up her stomach till it came to rest under her bare breast. The skin there was damp with sweat and hot as a stove.

The tribal got tighter as I went further out onto her breast. The circles smaller. The pain even more intense and focused.

"I need to move my arms," she told me.


Sara brought her left arm down and around to her back. Her right, she lay across her stomach. The fingers spread out covering her belly button.

Again, as I reached the softer skin, the needle began to depress the skin too deep. I needed a firmer canvas to work on. My hand came from under her breast to cup her. Her nipple was rock hard against my palm. Taking a hard firm grip, I went back to work.

"Oh, oh god!" She shifted a bit. I stood up over her. My buttons on my jeans brushed her hip. She moved again till she was pressed against the hardness there.

I pushed more ink into her skin.

My sister was panting. Out the corner of my eye, I saw Sara slide her hand under the edge of her sweat pants. Smaller and tighter ran my lines. Too small, too tight.

"I need to get a different needle," I told her stepping off my foot pedal.

"Be quick."

Turning her loose, I took off my gloves, tossed them into the red box and went to the autoclave. A new single needle. Re-gloving as quickly as I could, I pulled the rubber band off my machine and took the magnum needle out. I reset everything and moved back into place against her.

Slowly I lay my hand against her breast. Looking down, I saw my palm cover her nipple. I saw her fingers moving under her sweat pants.

"Oh, Kev. Do it. Please."

Dipping the needle, I began to tattoo again.

She moaned deep in her throat. "Oh, Kev it hurts."

"I know, sis. I know," I told her as I worked the ink hard.

I saw her eyes close. I felt her left hand touch my stomach, and then she brushed it down the front of my jeans. She could feel my hard flesh pressed against the cloth. I closed my fingers tighter around her breast. As I neared her nipple, she moved enough to make me mess up a line.


I took a better grip pushing her back against me holding her steady. I caught her pink nipple between two of my fingers. I pinched tight.

Her eyes popped open. "Oh yes. Yes! Don't let me move. Hold me tighter. Don't stop. Please don't stop!"

Then I felt her hand on me. Working behind her back her fingers found the snap to my jeans. I felt my zipper roll down.

"Sara? Oh, sis--"

Her fingers had wrapped me tight. Looking me in the eyes, I could see the naked lust and how she glowed with need!

"Don't stop the tattoo!" she begged me.

Nodding, I tried to steady my hand. I took a stronger grip on her, making her whimper. Her nipple was tight between my fingers. I couldn't help now how hard I held her; I needed her to stay still as I added the shadows under the dragon.

Oh god, how good her fingers felt around me.

My machine began to move with a mind of its own across her skin and I added touches I didn't know I had the skill to do! The tribal vines sprouted thorns. Some of them dug into her skin. Small drops of blood hung from these places. The dragon's claws now gripped her soft skin like he was alive. Shadows appeared under him, making him come alive. I listened to her breathing, I could hear her fingers moving and that sweet smell I remember from her panties began to drift up to me. We would lock eyes with each other for a second maybe two. Then one or the other of us would be overcome with pleasure.

Pulling her breast out taunt by her nipple, I ran the needle out onto the pink skin. When I crossed the line onto nipple itself I heard a gasp part her lips. A shudder ran through her as I made the rose vine circle the hard tip.

"Oh, oh, oh god! Yes! Oh, fuck that hurts so good!"

I had to lift the needle off her as she began to thrash in pleasure. Ink splattered her skin as she ground up against me.

"Kevin!" she screamed my name.

Her fingers were a tight death's grip around me. Hearing my sister scream my name in orgasm was all it took and I felt the surge of cum, rush out of me. It shot between her fingers and splashed wet and hot against the small of her back.

A second orgasm hit her maybe harder than the first. Sara rolled over and wrapped her legs around me. She pulled me up tight against her.

Lost in lust, I wrapped my sister in my arms and held her as she trembled. I heard my name in whispers. Several minutes passed then her breath began to slow.

Leaning back still panting slightly, Sara looked me in the eyes. Her hand came up to my face. The fingers were shiny wet with her juices. The scent of them filled me with a desire to taste those juices. Sara leaned her head forward against my chest. I felt her fingers soft on me stroking my length and squeezing the softening flesh.

I took a breath and she looked up at my face. Her fingers went to my lips as I started to speak.

"Kevin I want you to know if you weren't my brother I would stroke this hard again and have you inside me in a second. That hurt so bad and felt so good! But ... I can't."

Reaching up, I took her hand from in front of my lips licking them I tasted her. The taste of a woman's passion filled my mouth. That it was my sister's made it all the sweeter.

"I understand," I told her as I looked down at the lines of ink and clear fluid on her tattoo. "I need to get you cleaned up. Get your tattoo wrapped up. Then I have to clean up my station."

She nodded, little shivers still running through her legs.

"Sis?" I whispered.


"You're going to have to let go of me," I told her softly.

Looking down, Sara saw that her fingers were almost painfully tight around me. She smiled. "I don't want to. Oh god, Kevin, I don't want to."

Bringing up my hand, I caught the back of her blonde hair and pulled her into me.

It was my first kiss.

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hiddenagenda876hiddenagenda876about 1 month ago

His first kid?!! God, that’s the cutest and sweetest thing ever. I love this so much

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

The build up was beautiful and the climax intense. Very hot!

Lust4heragainLust4heragain5 months ago

I’m loving it, Great story, looking forward to reading the other chapters. Thank you

ukrainianukrainian6 months ago

There are so few comments on such a detailed piece of work. Is it a case of the readers believing that everything on the internet is free ? Your time researching and writing deserves a thank you. A great start and I look forward to part two. Well done....

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