TJ Ch. 07


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I nodded. "Alright, I'll call you and let you know whether or not we go to party."

Robert smirked and me. "Maybe you should text me instead. I might not want to answer the phone." Then he winked at me.

I rolled my eyes but couldn't keep the smile off my face. "I don't want to hear about that shit. Will y'all be at Lori's or at home?"

He slapped me on the back and said, "I'm following her to her place. I won't be out all night. We're just going to watch a movie. Y'all be careful. Call if it's an emergency."

As he and Lori walked away, I noticed him reach out and grab her hand. I'm happy he's happy. I turned back around to find Kevin having a conversation with Rachel that looked a little intense while Sean and Josh talked to Stacey (the girl from my Drama Class) and some guy who was looking at Sean like he was God's gift to the world. I could tell Sean was nervous, but when the guy put his hand on Sean's forearm and started rubbing up and down on it, Sean stiffened up. I practically ran over to them. As soon as I made it there, Sean drew me into a tight hug. When I turned around, he grabbed me from behind and held me close to him.

The guy was about my height and we had similar body types. What differed was his eyes were blue instead of hazel and his hair was dirty blonde. I simply smiled at him while he glared daggers at me. I stuck my hand out and said, "Hey, I'm TJ. And you are?"

He glanced at my hand and then back at Sean. He took my hand in an extremely loose grip and barely held it for a second. "I'm John. Stacey's cousin." I swear his purse fell out the second he opened his mouth. I'm not saying anything bad, I've met many guys who were extremely flamboyant and have no problem with them. (And yes, I am totally aware that is exactly like saying "I'm not racist. I have many friends who are black.") I'm a firm believer in be who you want to be as long as nobody gets hurt; and if they do, as long as it's consensual, have fun. But for some reason, I didn't like this guy. He just seemed...too much.

I glanced at Stacey and she was looking from Sean to John and then back again. Nobody was saying anything, and the silence was getting uncomfortable; so, I said, "This is Sean, my boyfriend."

To my surprise, John smirked and said, "Oh, I know Sean. Isn't that right, hon?"

Josh giggled, and John glared at him and said, "What's so funny? You know, for a short-stuff you're hot." Just then, Kevin walked over and joined us.

When he heard John's comment he pulled Josh into a tight embrace and surprised me by saying, "And for a smartass, you're fucking dumb."

Stacey then spoke up. "I'm Sean's neighbor and John spent last summer with us. They met, and we spent most of the summer in Sean's pool. By the end of the summer, these two were hanging out without me. John's just moved into our neighborhood. He starts school with us on Monday."

"Really? What grade are you in?"

"I'm a senior. Hopefully, Sean and I will have some classes together. That way, I'll know someone in my classes."

We heard Coach Wilson call the team to the locker room. Sean placed a kiss on my cheek from behind and said in my ear, "Wait for me by the locker room doors. I shouldn't be too long." He then said to Stacey and John, "I'll see y'all later." He got Kevin's attention and they jogged off to the locker room.

The tension in the air was intense. Nobody was saying anything. I was staring at John, while he glared at me. Josh finally broke the silence. "Come on, Teej. Let's go wait for Sean and Kevin. We'll see y'all later. Bye Stacey."

Before we walked away, John sneered at me. "What a cute nickname, Teej."

I spun around and crossed over to him and snarled, "Sorry, John. Only my friends and family call me Teej. You can call me TJ."

Stacey had a shocked look on her face. However, she gasped loudly when John said, "You should ask Sean about me. You know, you never forget your first."

I reached back, getting ready to hit the pompous ass, but Josh grabbed my arm and started dragging me away. Stacey said, "John! Stop being a bitch." He smirked at me and turned on heels and walked away. She turned to me and said, "I'm so sorry TJ. I had no idea. He just asked me to come say hi to Sean with him. I didn't know he was going to act like that."

Without another word, I turned and walked to the locker room, leaving Josh behind. He jogged and caught up with me just before I made it to the door. I was about to storm in there when Josh once again grabbed my arm and asked me what I thought I was doing.

I yanked my arm out of his grasp and angrily said, "I'm going to ask him why he never told me about John. I can't believe this."

Josh grabbed my arm again and dragged me over to the side of the building. "You're going to storm into the locker room and ask Sean, in front of all of his teammates, about the guy he supposedly lost his virginity to? Think how that will go over for a second."

"Well, why didn't he ever tell me about him? Huh? What is he hiding?"

Josh sighed. "How do you know he's hiding anything? Did you ever ask him about his past?"

"No. I assumed he would've told me when I told him about Scott. He never mentioned anyone else; so, I guess I thought...I don't know what I thought."

"Look, you have nothing to worry about. You and I both know Sean loves you. In fact, when John walked up to us, the first thing Sean did was ask where you were. He noticed you were talking to Dad, so he didn't interrupt. He pointed you out to John and told him you were his boyfriend.

"I was watching John the whole time. As soon as Sean told him, he didn't stop watching you. Right before you turned around to find us, he shifted his gaze to Sean and got that stupid dreamy look on his face. When you started walking toward us, he started stroking Sean's arm. He was baiting you. And you fell right into it."

"That's fine. But why didn't Sean ever mention him before?"

"I don't know, you'll have to ask him. But, you know you have no reason to be upset with Sean, right?"

"Fuck you and your logical mind. I can be upset if I want." And I wanted to be mad. I wanted to be angry, pissed, vengeful, fucking raging through the streets kicking kittens and eating babies. But, I wasn't sure who to direct it all at. John for being a disrespectful, pompous asshat. Sean for not telling me about John. Stacey for bringing him back into Sean's life. Josh for being friends with Stacey. Kevin for being a silent, gentle giant of a Kevin. I realized I was stretching by that point.

I sighed out my misfocused ire. Desperate for a change of subject, I said, "Robert is letting us stay out till city curfew tonight if we go to the party. He told me to text him if we were going home earlier than one. He'll be at Lori's most of the night. I'm not sure I'm in a 'woohoo let's party with jocks' mood. You can go with Kevin if you want. Sean will probably want to go too."

I then heard my boyfriend's voice answer, "Not if you're going to be somewhere else. Besides, Kevin and I were distinctly not invited to tonight's party. It's at Smith's house. Castro and few others have already said they're not going. Is it okay if him, Jenny, and maybe Amber come over for a little bit?" He turned to Josh and asked, "Are Jarrod and Mike coming over? I thought they might like to hang out too."

Josh smirked and said, "Jarrod might come over, but Mike has a date with a senior varsity cheerleader named Amber." Sean let out an amused chuckle.

I turned and looked at my freshly showered, wet-haired, emerald eyed, muscular, fit, tank top and athletic shorts wearing boyfriend looking yummy as hell and all my anger disappeared. I was about to say something witty and charming and perfect when I heard, "Mmmm, love me a jockcicle. And it's my fave flave, Sean!" from behind me.

Before I could turn, Sean grabbed my hand and pulled me towards him and hugged me. In a very even, controlled, almost angelic voice, he said, "John, I told you I'm with Teej."

John giggled light heartedly. "I'm just playing around. It's harmless flirting. Can't he take a joke or is his head too far up your ass to hear one in the first place."

I turned, still in Sean's embrace and spat out, "No, not yet. Maybe later, though. However, if you don't stop running your dicksuckers and shut the fuck up, my boot will be so far up your goddammed ass, you'll be tasting leather for the next year."

He had the nerve to look offended. He huffed out a breath and said, "I don't think Sean appreciates you talking to his friends like that. He's looking a little pissed off right now. You should show some respect to his friends and learn to take a joke."

"Well, I don't give a flying fuck what Sean thinks right now. What I do know is I don't appreciate you hitting on my boyfriend right in front of me. I don't appreciate how little respect you show to our relationship and to me. Respect is a two-way street fuckface. When you show some, you'll get some."

"Whatever. Look, Sean. I was just coming over here to say I'll see you, I mean y'all, at the party, right?"

I answered before Sean could speak. "No, sorry. We're not going to the football team's party. The person hosting has a strict no fags allowed policy. You should go though. I'm sure they'll loath you as much as I do."

Sean whispered in my ear, "Teej, we can't let him go to that party. You know that. If everyone else is coming to hang out, let's at least invite him and Stacey. You know you have nothing to worry about. I love you. I'm with you. It will be fine. Trust me, please."

"Fine. Do what you want. I don't want him to get hurt too much, so I guess he shouldn't go to the party. But he stays away from you and me and you're not allowed out of my sight. I trust you completely. I don't trust that snake for shit."

I could tell he was smiling when he nuzzled my neck. "Thank you, babe. I'll make it up to you, I promise." He raised his head and said to Stacey and John, "Why don't y'all come hang out with us."

To say John was surprised would be an understatement. I locked eyes with him and said in as even a tone as I could muster, "Don't read too much into it. The second you look at me or Sean or a fly on the wall wrong, you're gone. You say one thing remotely out of line, you're gone. Fuck, now I need to call Robert and let him know Josh is having a party."

Josh laughed. "Oh, hell no, Teej. We'll blame this on Sean and Kevin. Tell him they forced us to have a little get together against our wills. Or better yet, blame Alex. He's normally in trouble anyways."

Jarrod, Castro, and Jenny had walked over while Josh said that. "Sure, blame the Mexican. You gay guys are vicious. I haven't been in Mr. Kennedy's office once this year."

Sean chuckled. "It's only the third week of classes bro. You'll land your ass in there for something sooner or later."

"Probably. Go ahead and say it was my idea. What am I taking the blame for this time?"

I spoke up. "A little get together at my place. Robert's going to be at Lori's watching a movie."

I pulled out my phone and dialed Robert's number. He was laughing when he picked up. "Hey, Teej. What's going on?"

"Tonight's party is going to be at Smith's place. Obviously, Sean and Kevin didn't receive invites. Castro and Jenny said they weren't going. So, I was wondering if I could have a few people over to hang out with us. It would be about fifteen people max. Oh yeah. Castro's taking the blame for this."

"That's fine. No drinking or drugs. Period. I know exactly how much is in the bottles in the liquor cabinet. If I come home and one drop is missing from any of it, it's your ass. If I smell anything remotely like weed, it's your ass. I know you don't do drugs, but you never know who does. Watch everyone. That means no disappearing with Sean to your room while more than the four of you are there. Watch your brother. I'll be home around 1:30 or 2:00. If I'm too tired, I'll call y'all and let y'all know."

"Alright. Now, please tell me not to harm or maim or kill this one guy who won't stop flirting with Sean."

"Teej, don't harm, maim, or kill the guy who is flirting with Sean. I don't want to deal with a dead body tonight and I'd rather not have the cops at my house two weeks in a row. Go, have fun and be careful. Everyone except Kevin, Sean, Josh, and you gone by 12:45. That should give everyone time to get home. Now, I'm going back to my date. Love you, bye."

And he hung up. I turned back around to find John standing so close to Sean there wasn't visible space between them. And dickbreath didn't move when I came back over. I might have accidentally stepped on his foot while taking my place next to Sean. Petty? Yeah, you're damn right. I pulled Sean's ear next to my mouth, so I could whisper, "I going to fucking murder his face before the night's over. I swear to whatever deity is wanting to help me invoke justice for the wrongs being done to my person."

He must've thought I was joking because he chuckled and told me to calm down. I was being provoked and my boyfriend laughed. I pulled away from Sean, grabbed his hand, and started walking towards the parking lot. Kevin had ridden with Sean that morning and Josh rode with me. Jenny had her car and Stacey was driving her and I thought John. However, I had to stop the parade of cars and trucks from leaving the parking lot because somehow, John had weaseled his way into Sean's truck. With just the two of them. Josh and Kevin were in my car with me and Jarrod. I apologized to Kevin and Josh because there were only a few ways this train was heading out. Either John riding with someone else, like his cousin who he rode to the game with, or Josh or Kevin was going in Sean's truck. And riding bitch. Josh grudgingly agreed to ride with Sean. Sean rolled his eyes and sent me an emoji that was doing the same. So, I sent him the angel emoji to show my total innocence. That earned me a laughing and crying one in return. I sent him the middle finger one and put my car in drive. Kevin and Jarrod claimed they had to listen to me bitch and complain the entire way home. I told them I was merely voicing my concerns and letting them know that I just didn't like the shitstain.

At least Sean had a "please-save-me-from-this-hell" look on his face when he got out of his truck. Josh was wearing an "I'm fucking awesome at cockblocking" smirk. I love my little brother. Once we were all gathered in the living room, I sat on the love seat and made damn sure Sean was by my side; and since the love seat was only big enough for two, John had to find somewhere not near Sean to sit. He still glared at me, but at least he wasn't being as snarky as before. Maybe that was because he was sitting across from us and couldn't talk to us.

Castro and Jenny let me know Mike and Amber would be coming over after they finished dinner at Chili's. I looked over and noticed Stacey and Jarrod were deep in conversation and smiling at each other. About fifteen minutes later, Amber and Mike arrived holding hands. A couple of Sean and Kevin's teammates followed them. One was a senior defensive lineman named Mark and the other was a junior named Patrick, the backup quarterback. I'd met him but hadn't really interacted much with him. I noticed Josh curled into Kevin a bit more when he saw Patrick come in and Josh glared at him. I whispered in Sean's ear, "What's Patrick's story? Josh doesn't seem to like him too much and Josh likes everyone."

"Remember Josh telling you how he became my Little Buddy?"

"Yeah, you stopped someone from bullying him. Y'all never said who it was."

"There you go."

"What the fuck? Why is he here?"

"Calm down. Patrick isn't the same kid. He's been talking to Kevin and me and wants to set things right with Josh but doesn't know how. He picked on Josh for a long time. He feels horrible about what happened. He's avoided talking to Josh for over four years because he doesn't know what to say. Kevin and I kind of set this up. Give him a chance to talk to Josh. He needs this. And I promise, Kevin won't let anything happen to him."

Patrick walked up to Kevin and Josh and in front of everyone said, "Josh, I need to say something that I should have said four years ago. Actually, I should never have had to say anything, but I was an asshole and afraid of who I was. Who I am. I'm so sorry I was ever anything but a friend to you. We were friends once, but I got confused. Me, you, Jarrod, and Mike used to hang out all the time. I started liking you and, at the time, I thought it was too much. So, I pushed away my three best friends.

"What I'm saying is I miss y'all. I'm sorry for the way I acted years ago. Can you ever forgive me?"

Josh looked misty-eyed. After a few moments, he took a deep breath and slowly let it out. "Paddy, I've missed your face asshole."

Jarrod and Mike walked over to him and Jarrod asked, "So, Paddycakes is back?"

"Ugh, y'all know how much I hate that nickname. But if it means y'all forgive me, then yeah, Paddycakes is back. I've missed you fuckers."

Josh looked at smirking Kevin and then looked at Sean, who was wearing a similar smirk. "Y'all had this planned out didn't you."

Patrick sheepishly nodded. "I've been wanting to apologize and beg you to forgive me for years. I just didn't know how to go about doing it. I didn't think I could handle it if I knew you flat out hated me. After the day Sean stopped me, he kind of took me under his wing. That's why I went out for QB. He also helped me realize picking on anyone is wrong. You guys remember how my brother was; so, I thought it was okay to pick on kids smaller than me. When Sean and Kevin came out, and then you and Kevin started hanging out together, it didn't take a genius to figure out the rest. So, I asked Kevin to help me out. When Sean vouched for me, Kevin agreed. I'm just glad Kevin didn't kick my ass, thinking I was still in love with you."

"Still in love with me? Whoa! I mean I thought that was where you were going with the story. But hearing it said out loud is weird. So, you're not in love with me?"

"I was kind of bummed Kevin got you first, but naw, I got over that two years ago when I met Ethan."

"Who's Ethan?"

"Ethan Marsh. He's my boyfriend. He's a sophomore. His family moved down here from Mississippi about two years ago, but we've only been together for a year and half. They moved into the house next to mine. He's about your height, has black hair and blue eyes, which you can't see because he wears glasses. He's shy and doesn't talk a lot. He has a stutter and even though it doesn't bother me, he's self-conscious about it. The amazing thing is, he can sing beautifully. He's even in the choir."

They continued their reunion, and everyone seemed to be having fun. Except John, who sat on the other side of the room staring daggers in our direction. I really needed to use the restroom but was way comfortable in Sean's arms. Finally, my bladder won out and I told Sean I would be right back and asked him to keep an eye on things. On my way back, five minutes later, I checked the time and it was just past midnight. We still had about thirty minutes before everyone needed to head out.

When I entered the living room, I immediately noticed two things and my stomach felt like a lead weight had settled in it. First, the love seat was empty. Second, John wasn't in the room, but neither was Mark.

Kevin answered my first unasked question. "Sean's dad called, so he stepped outside. He should be in the backyard."

I nodded and turned towards the kitchen. I looked through the door and could see Sean out by the fence talking on his phone. I slid the back door open and he turned my way when I stepped onto the patio.

"Oh, my god, Dad. Is he alright? He's alive, right? ...Okay, good...Alright, you call Mr. Kennedy and call me back...Do you know how long y'all will be gone? Are y'all driving or flying out there? Well it's a twelve-hour drive, so let Uncle Aaron drive half. Y'all be careful and call me tomorrow and let me know how he's doing. I can't believe this. I love you too."