To Boldly Go Ch. 02


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"Thanks Amelia," he said, returning the procedure card to one of the desks. "Good work everyone. Tomorrow is Friday, and Abigail and Emily are going to be taking sign ups at the school. Hopefully we'll get a decent number of interested parties for the tests to begin on Monday."


The news awaiting Alan on Monday was not great. While they had attracted a great deal of interest, with over thirty women showing up to sign the NDA, only six had remained after they learned of what would be required from them. They were all students, so the majority of them would be showing up in the afternoon after classes, and each had indicated they would only provide one sample today. This meant the team would likely need to stay later than normal, but that was honestly fine as it meant that Hatchstone was less crowded anyways, which would be better for discretion's sake.

At 4pm, Alan found himself in the control room for the lab. This was around the time that the first subjects had said they'd be able to show up, so it was now just a matter of waiting. Through the windows he could see the curtained off test area, with only the top of the entry door visible above the curtain rods. Ellen and Kira were seated at the screens for each of the four cameras, with Ellen managing the tape reels and Kira monitoring the signal board. Lucille kept herself busy reading through the book that Emily had found; aside from the fact that some of the designs in it were helpful for the funnel design, the book as a whole was oddly fascinating. Who knew that the history of indoor plumbing could be so engaging?

A sudden ring brought Alan out of his silent observation of the room. Their first test subject had arrived.

Kira pushed the button on the console that unlocked the test room door, and it opened slowly, almost tentatively. At first he was worried that they were getting a case of cold feet, but then movement on the monitors made it clear that wasn't the case.

As he'd guessed, what Amelia had shown him was tame compared to what he now saw. Clear and close up, a bush of curly brown hair made itself visible on the monitor. Short bright pink inner lips peeked out from between the more sparsely haired outer labia, the hood of her clitoris just barely visible at the top of the cleft. Towards the back, the labia were slightly parted, just barely hinting at the opening of her vagina, and behind that the puckered star of her anus clenched nervously. All of this was visible from four different angles, giving absolutely nothing left to the imagination regarding this woman's anatomy.

Alan quickly sat down, crossing one leg over another as he fought to get control of himself. He did not want to embarrass himself, or worse make the other ladies in the room uncomfortable. This was something he'd have to get used to, just like any doctor would. If they could see hundreds of naked people of either gender in their career without issue, then why couldn't he?

Kira glanced at him as he moved before turning to Ellen. "Does she need to move?"

"No, I think she's good to go." Ellen said bluntly. "I'll start the reel as soon as she hits the button"

As she said it, a light illuminated on the console and she hit the record button, tape reels whirring slightly as the recording head clicked into place.

Nothing happened for a few seconds, then suddenly one of the monitors was washed out in a golden hue as the stream impacted the lower camera directly. The other monitors showed the stream clearly; the way it started out downward before steadying out into a slightly forward angle. As the stream slowed, it caught on her pubic hair slightly, droplets spraying out and dotting one of the camera lenses. A few more seconds and it stopped, a few drops falling before she leaned forward to grab the bidet handle.

Ellen hit the stop record button as the screens washed out with clean water. "Well. Don't know what I was expecting but...I guess that's how it works. Never thought I'd see that much." she said with a laugh.

Kira shrugged. "You get used to it. I had to assist in a lot of urine collections from some of my past lab work for background checks. Nothing quite this up close and detailed, but when there was concern that the subject might be submitting a false sample, you had to do what you had to do"

"Most importantly though" Lucille said from her seat. "Looks like the cameras caught everything perfectly, so this testing will get us what we need. I really didn't want to have to redesign the test setup, and I know you didn't either Kira." She turned back to Alan. "You doing okay? Always strange to see something like this for the first time, I know"

Alan gave a short laugh at the comment. "I'm fine. I'm just listening to everything all of you are saying. I'm glad that the data we're going to get will be useful, is the main thing." he shifted slightly, hoping no one noticed his position. "I'm concerned with how few agreed to go forward though. If we don't get much more support, we're going to have to use what we have within the time limit of the project."

Lucille nodded.. "I understand the worry. We'll figure something out, I imagine. We're supposed to be the smart ones right?"

"We also need to get ready for the next test subject," Ellen said, standing up and locking the test section door once it closed. "I'll get it this time"

It had been agreed that they would take turns cleaning the test stand. In truth it wasn't much work, as the bidet hose made it easy to hose then wipe everything down, but it was the principle of the matter. Ellen was back in the control room less than five minutes later. No sooner had she sat down the bell rang again.

"Must have helped someone get over their stage fright" Ellen laughed as the test door opened.

The next test subject was very different from the first. While the curls of hair covering her mons were a lighter shade of brown, the most striking difference was the long inner lips protruding from her sex, dangling almost a full inch below the outer labia. Bright pink in color, they joined at the top in a prominent hood that barely obscured her clitoris, while at their lower end the opening of her vagina was clearly visible where they finally parted like a pair of butterfly wings.

"A little bit more forward and she'll be good." Ellen broke the silence in the room.

Wordlessly Kira pressed the appropriate button on the console. On screen, the woman's labia visibly swayed a little as she inched forward.

"Okay, good" Ellen replied, hitting the record button as Kira confirmed the position.

The differing anatomy produced a noticeably different result. Instead of a thin stream, the urine seemed to almost be collected by the long lips before dropping almost vertically downward in a heavy stream. There was very little spray this time, though the stream did split as she finished up, a trickle running down the length of each hanging labia.

"Two down, four to go" Kira said nonchalantly as the woman finished and began rinsing off.

"Good data," Lucille replied, making notes. "This is exactly what we're doing this for, the range of differences. If we only have a handful of subjects, seeing variety will make our final design better, right Alan?" she glanced at him.

"Ah, yes, I agree" he nodded, still firmly seated. Getting used to this was not going to happen any time soon. What was up with him, anyways? Originally he'd thought that seeing such an act performed would be the complete opposite of a turn on, but for some reason...

"My turn then, I guess." Lucille stood up, giving him a pensive look before leaving to clean the test stand.

"Alan," Kira spoke up, causing him to jump. "Do you have a rough idea of when the others are arriving? I know we can't leave until all the tests are done, so we don't accidentally run into any of them in the parking lot, but let's just say that some of us have our own needs that will need to be met after sitting in here for a while." She raised one thin eyebrow for emphasis and nodded to the test stand.

"Uh," Alan flipped to the page in his notebook regarding volunteers. "If what I have here is correct, they should all arrive in the next half hour, if they're not already here"

"Good, thank you" she nodded as Lucille returned. "That should be fine then."

It was about 15 minutes before the next test subject entered. Yet again, the view presented was very different, as the woman was clearly of a dark skinned heritage; Her short inner labia were almost as black as the hair covering the mahogany toned skin visible everywhere else. The stream of urine parting them revealed bright pink inside, and on the side view it could be seen that her piss deflected backwards, at one point even clinging to her thighs and running back over the dark rosebud of her anus.

Alan tried to focus on his notes, and on the paperwork he was currently preparing to gain access to the previous prototype. The 15 minute wait had given him some relief, but almost immediately upon seeing the golden shower arcing across the screens, his cock was back on its way up to full mast. The table shielded the view from ladies in the room, thankfully, but as Kira stood for her turn to clean the test stand, he realized this was a temporary respite. One that wasn't going to last much longer, he realized, as Kira returned and the doorbell rang almost immediately again.

"Alan" Lucile spoke up suddenly as the cameras were filled again by the view of another pussy, this one sparsely covered in very light hair and almost non-existent inner labia. "I think you should look at this" she moved around the table, the book open to one of the pages regarding female urinals. "I think of all the designs in this book, this one might be the best suited for us to base the design on" she indicated a diagram featuring a roughly crescent shaped funnel with sloped sides.

Focusing on the drawing, Alan saw what she meant, though he was surprised by her sudden approach. "I think I see what you mean" he said, indicating the attachment point for the drain pipe. "This could be moved as needed for each individual. And if the shape is designed to avoid splashback..."

"She's done." Kira's voice suddenly broke through his concentration. It was Alan's turn, he realized, but thankfully Lucille's distraction had given him the chance to bring things under control. Silently nodding to Kira, he stood and entered the test room, moving as quickly as he opened the curtains and grabbed the bidet hose. The sooner they got this done the better, he thought. Hearing the doorbell again, he returned the bidet hose to its holder and shut the curtains before heading back to the test room.

Returning to the book, he busied himself with making some rough sketches of how they might integrate the old design into something they could use, only taking brief glances as the rest of the ladies handled the remaining two test cases. He would have to be part of the video review later, but for now, this would keep him distracted. He sighed with relief as Ellen returned from cleaning up after the last test, announcing that they were done.

"Excellent." he clapped his hands as he stood up. "Okay, hopefully we'll get more subjects tomorrow..." Alan trailed off as the doorbell rang again.

Ellen glanced at him and Lucille in confusion. "I thought you said there were only six today?"

"That's all we had signed up but," Lucille shrugged. "We need the data. Maybe one of the dropouts returned. Lets just go with it, are things still set up to go?"

"I haven't turned anything off" Kira said, pressing the button to unlock the test room door. "So we should be..." she trailed off.

The screens showed freckled pale thighs framing smooth outer labia. As a matter of fact, not only were the outer labia smooth, the woman's entire mound was devoid of hair. Her clitoris was clearly visible, framed by the short pink labia protruding slightly, giving the appearance of a closed two-petaled flower.

"Um, I think she's good?" Ellen quickly spoke up, interrupting the silence and hitting record.

Kira wordlessly pressed the button giving the all clear, her mouth hanging slightly open. Almost immediately a powerful stream sprayed out, arcing slightly forward from the side view. At one point it split slightly, finally losing strength before slowing to a slow drip.

"Okay, well then" Ellen said, waiting for the woman to finish before hitting stop. "I guess NOW we're done for the day, I hope. Whose turn was it this time?"

"Mine." Kira suddenly spoke up. "I'll get this, and shut everything down as well. You all go on ahead, it's late."

"Works for me" Ellen shrugged, grabbing her purse and leaving out the door to the hallway.

"Thank you Kira." Lucille nodded quickly and tapped Alan on the shoulder. "Alan, can you come with me, there's some stuff I need to show you quickly before we leave, but I left it at my desk"

Alan shook himself out of his trance and quickly lowered the book downward in what he hoped was a casual manner to cover the front of his trousers. "Yes, of course Lucille" he replied shakily, scooping up the rest of his belongings from the table with the other hand before leaving with her. There was a thought in his head about what they'd just seen, but no, it couldn't be, could it?

Kira watched them all leave, waiting for the door to click shut before standing up so fast her chair slid backwards. Pulling open the door to the test room, she stormed across to the curtains, yanking one aside as she passed into the waiting room, the door of which was still open.

"WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?!" she yelled as she stopped short of the other woman standing in the room with a mischievous look on her face.

"I was just thinking, everyone gone, I had to go, and we need the data, right?" Amelia replied, eyeing the petite woman with a smirk. "Besides, it's not like anyone else was going to recognize me, right? I made sure of that."

Kira fumed, glaring at the redhead. "That was reckless. I still can't believe you did that in front of him last week, and now this? If word got out..."

"Who's going to tell? You?" Amelia stepped closer to Kira. "I don't think so. Because right now..." she reached out and stroked the hair over one of Kira's ears. "You're being feisty. And if I know you, when you're feisty, it means you're in a whole other mood as well" she leaned down to eye level with Kira. "Tell me I'm wrong."

Kira's glare turned into a pout and she released a shaky breath. "Dammit Ammy. You're not playing fair. That was crazy and you know it."

"Aye. But you like it, don't you?" Amelia grinned before drawing Kira into a deep kiss.

The shorter woman didn't fight it, her heart hammering away in her chest. Breaking free she allowed Amelia to pull her into a hug, her head resting on the other woman's cleavage. "I swear Ammy, if we get into trouble for this..."

"Then we might as well get into trouble after having some fun with it" Amelia stroked her hair, toying with one of the chopstick hairpins. "See, I'm a betting woman, and if I had to bet anything...'' her other hand moved downward, finding the hem of the skirt Kira was wearing beneath her open lab coat. "I think you might have liked seeing what happened on that screen."

"Ammy, what are you..." her words trailed off into a whimper as Amelia's fingers found the front of her panties. Burying her face into her lover's chest, she moaned into Amelia's blouse as the touch found her clit through fabric she knew was scandalously damp.

"Tell me I'm wrong" Amelia whispered into her ear, pulling out the hairpins and undoing the bun, long hair flowing down Kira's back as it was released from its confines.

"Maybe. Yes. No, I mean..." Kira fought to find the words as Amelia's finger found its way into the panties, feeling its way to her dripping wet pussy. "Dammit, you know the answer" she muttered and pressed her lips hard against Amelia's.

Amelia made a satisfied sound as she felt Kira's tongue probing hers, savoring the moment as she teased the opening of Kira's sex with one finger tip. Suddenly she removed her hand from Kira's panties, bringing both hands to the smaller woman's ass. "Gods you're adorable" she murmured as Kira squeaked in surprise.

Kira blushed as the larger woman picked her up. Amelia was the only person allowed to call her cute, adorable, or anything along those lines. "Am I spending the night at your place, then?" she asked, wrapping her legs around Amelia's waist in a teasing manner.

"I would like that, but first..." Amelia grinned and walked into the testing room, easily holding Kira's weight. "I'm now kind of curious about something."

Kira gave her a confused look. "Wait, where are we going? And what do you mean curious?"

"I've taken a piss in front of several people now, and I think I like it. I'm wondering what that looks like now, if it's just as exciting to watch." Amelia replied, setting Kira down.

"Wait, you want to see the recording?" Kira laughed. "I mean, if you really want I can..."

"No, that's not what I had in mind." Amelia shook her head before kneeling in front of Kira. "I know you've been in that observation room for a few hours now, and if I had to guess..." she looked up at Kira questioningly.

"You want me to..." Kira trailed off as she realized what Amelia was asking her to do, realized that they were right in front of the test stand.

"Yes. Pee for me?" Amelia asked, her hands running up Kira's legs under her skirt to find the waistband of her panties.

Kira stared at her for a moment before closing her eyes, knowing she was blushing deeply. "I can't believe I'm doing this..." she muttered, moving her legs slightly apart to make it easier for Amelia.

Amelia smiled up at her, sliding the white cotton panties down past her knees. "We really need to get you some better under things." she shook her head as Kira stepped out of them. She was gently trying to get Kira to change her wardrobe in more ways than one. Kira always dressed in blouses and skirts under her lab coat. When Amelia had discovered that in addition to those, all she wore under said skirt was regular cotton panties, the image of a Honshin schoolgirl was suddenly that much more vivid to her. While adorable, Amelia knew that this was something Kira had been teased about before; besides, her family was from Xiang, not Honshin!

"They're comfortable" Kira pouted as she removed her lab coat, hanging it on the four way light stand. "Besides you don't seem to mind stealing them" she said wryly as Amelia stuffed them into one of her pockets.

"All part of the plan" Amelia teased her. "Either we get you nicer things, or one day you're just going to run out and stop wearing panties entirely. Easier access for me then."

Kira bit her lower lip as her heart thumped at the thought. "As if you have any trouble with that." she replied, turning and stepping up onto the test stand. Turning to face the redhead, she put both feet into the footrests on either side of the seat before squatting down. "Is this good for you then?" she asked, a slight tremor to her voice.

"Oh it's better than good" Amelia knelt in front of her. Reaching out, she stroked the tuft of black hair above Kira's slit before teasing back down to her clit. "I still can't get over how your little kitten has straight hair instead of curly," she mused.

"You're one to talk, AH! Now that you don't have any!" Kira bit back a moan as Amelia ran her fingers back upward over the sensitive pearl. "You know, you're being very distracting" she complained, biting her lip as Amelia continued stroking.

"Am I now? Allright, fine then..." Amelia sat back on her heels to wait. When nothing happened, she grinned at Kira in amusement. "Stage fright?"