To Catch a Sub - 005


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"Really. Isn't this a little cliché."

"I guess you're right."

She got up and offered him the side chair and she moved behind the desk.

"You are not very familiar with BDSM and the culture and lifestyles, are you?"

"Not really. I have been studying."

"On the internet?"


She shook her head.

"What you get off the internet is mostly bullshit."

He blinked at her use of profanity.

"Nowadays, almost everything on the internet that has to do with BDSM is purely profit driven and doesn't at all pertain to the real BDSM culture or lifestyle. Most of us have distanced ourselves from it to protect ourselves from all the fucked-up perverts."

'" Um. You don't consider yourself a pervert."

"Hell no. What we do is kinky, a little off the wall, maybe a little deviant at times, but we are not perverts."

"Enlighten me."

"What we do is an expression of ourselves and our beliefs. We have traditions, rules, and standards. We aren't about hurting people, per se'. What we do is about safe, sane, consensual expression of our desires and needs. Those can seem strange to many people."

"So, you do use torture and stuff to get what you want."

"Not like you think. Remember what I said about safe, sane and consensual. =Who do you think has the control in a dominant/submissive relationship?"

"Ugh. The dominant I would suppose."

'And you would be wrong. In a SSC relationship. It is the consensual aspect that controls everything. We use safe words. It is understood that if a submissive is uncomfortable, beyond his or her limits, or for any reason, utters the safe word, the dominant will instantly stop whatever is happening to determine why the safe word was used. That very fact means that the submissive is the real control, the final arbiter of whatever is happening. ``

Anthony was now listening carefully.

"Then what I have been reading and seeing on all these websites is not a true representation at all of what really happens."

"It is about as close to the real thing as a house cat is to a tiger. Related, but definitely not the same."

"What about the chat sites? I know my wife has been visiting one and is involved to some degree with people there."

"She needs to be very careful. Those sites are populated mainly by individuals who are out to manipulate and take advantage of poor weak misinformed people, women in particular who can be exploited. We call these types trolls because they hide in the dark recesses and caves, avoid the light, and prey on anyone weaker than they are for their own pleasure and profit."

"What do you think of my plan to bring my wife back to our marriage?"

"She probably hasn't left the marriage. The fact, according to Peter, is that she is still living her life, taking care of her kids, seems devoted to you for the most part, and remains, at least in some way, loyal to you. What I suspect is that she is seeking some sort of repressed sexual need. If you can find a way to fill that need, without destroying her self-esteem in the process, you could make this work."

"What are your suggestions?"

"You must be very careful. You need to make sure that her needs are fulfilled without her realizing that you are the one doing it. Only after she is convinced that whatever personality you chose is what she needs can you hope to transform that relationship into your marriage."

Anthony was feeling overwhelmed and distraught that he had undertaken a challenge he couldn't complete. Angela continued.

"There is one other thing to consider. If she is looking for a BDSM component in her relationship, you are going to have to supply that for the rest of your lives together. If you cannot play the role of dominant or master to her submissive or slave, she will be right back on the hunt for what she wants."

"Peter said something about going back was impossible. That going forward would mean accepting that the Sasha I knew before all this was gone."

"Not gone. I think she is still there. If what I have heard is true, she still wants to be your loving and devoted wife. She wants to be a mother to her kids. She wants the life she has grown to love. She also wants the things she believes she is missing that complete her. Those are the things you have to discover and provide. You are going to have to change. That is going to be a big challenge for you."

Antony shook his head.

"If I can't depend on the internet for information, how do I learn to do these things?"

"Intensive remedial education."


"Come with me."

Angela got up and led Anthony out of the office and down the hall. She opened another door, flicked on the light and stepped aside. Anthony entered and then his jaw dropped open. He was in a room dominated by a heavy steel frame in the center. Along the walls were hundreds of whips, floggers, canes, leather gear of all kinds. He turned to look at Angela, speechless.

"This is my therapy room. Yes. I am practicing dominatrix. And yes, I am also a for real psychiatrist. I have my medical degree, a license, and I am board certified. But I have also been in this lifestyle for years. Sometimes, treatment involves some rather unique needs."

"That doesn't explain how this helps me?"

"You need to learn to become dominant. There is no better way than to train with another dominant with experience and knowledge. You get to learn the skills, the mindset, the philosophy, and the techniques."

Anthony, now more than a little uncomfortable, looked around the room again.

"How long does this take and how much does it cost?"

"I know time is a factor. I think I can help you with your little project and keep you from fucking up to badly until you get your feet on the ground. As far as training, I usually expect a new dominant to take six to eight weeks to get the basics. If you are willing to do the work and come every evening, I think we can pare that down to maybe 8 days."

"And how much does intensive remedial education cost?"

She shrugged.

"$10,000 dollars and you get my personal phone number for emergency calls and advice."

Anthony let out a long deep breath.

"Do you really think I can do this?"

"If you want it badly enough and you love this woman hard enough, you can do it. But don't expect to come out the other side the same person you are today.

He nodded.

"Where do I sign?"

Angela stuck out her hand.

"In the BDSM world, trust is the number one priority. If I can't trust you then there is nothing else to care about. That is true among our whole community of old school BDSMers."

He took her hand and shook it firmly.

"When do we start?"

"Plan on being here every evening immediately after closing time at 5PM. Class will last about 2 hours. Is that going to be a problem?"

"No. I usually don't get home until between 7 and 7:30."

Angela nodded.

"I have noticed that most of my clients for this kind of therapy pack a gym bag. If anyone asks, working out is a good cover. I will have some instructions after the first day or two about what you should wear. In fact, you are going to get a lot of information about your personal stuff as well. Being dominant doesn't stop at the bedroom door. If you hope to convince your wife, you are going to get a whole new persona including wardrobe and how you present yourself."

Anthony listened.

"Now. You have heard a lot. Get home. Play with your kids. Love on your wife. Over the course of a few weeks, she is going to start to notice changes in you."


Sasha saw the kids off to school and took care of what things she thought were most pressing. The last two nights, Anthony had come home totally exhausted and after spending some time with the kids, he had collapsed into bed. She felt like he was burning himself out trying to get her dad up to speed running the company and working so hard on these exams. She worried about him, and she missed their evening time together. Now, however, her thoughts were only on the computer. She still had a few things to do before she was ready to get online.

Upstairs she started the shower. As the water was getting hot, she took a small pair of scissors from the vanity and looked at herself in the mirror. She ran her fingers through the thick dark push on her groin and, taking a deep breath, she pulled a large hank of hair out and snipped it off as close to her skin as she could. In a few minutes all that was left in her groin was a closely cropped patch. Rubbing her hand over it, she grimaced at the stubble feel on her palm.

She stepped into the shower and used Anthony's shaving soap to work a good lather over her groin. She then took his razor, put in a new blade, and began very carefully to shave away the stubble. Even with the new blade she found that the razor irritated the tender skin in some areas, leaving a rash of little bumps around each hair follicle. She really didn't know what to do about it. When she was satisfied, she rinsed herself thoroughly and used Anthony's shaving mirror to check herself. She propped one foot on the side of the tub and moved the mirror around.

It was certainly different. The bumps were a little red but she thought some lotion might help that. She dropped her leg and quickly shaved her legs, washed her hair, and took another rinse. Toweling off, she pulled on her robe, gathered her hair into a loose ponytail at the back of her head, and hurried back down to the kitchen.

She retrieved the laptop from the cupboard, and it was soon glowing in front of her on the kitchen island. She brought up the camera app and then looked around. He put the laptop on the kitchen stool and faced it toward the back of the island. She then dropped the robe on the other stool and turned to face the camera.

Sasha adjusted the camera so that her pubic area filled the screen. She could just see her clit and the top folds of her labia. She pressed the mouse button and saw the photo appear in the gallery strip next to the image. She was almost certain that FatherDom would require more photos, so she stepped closer to the laptop, and tilted her pelvis forward while spreading her legs wide apart. She clicked the button and saw the image of her pussy and asshole, bereft of hair, flash into the gallery. Satisfied, she put the laptop back on the counter, slipped into her robe, and loaded the chatroom software.

In seconds she was searching the room list. She clicked on the room listing and the screen window opened. She immediately saw that FatherDom was alone. She performed her required entry, dropping to her knees, and describing herself. This time she added some extra to the description.

Newandwilling -- enters and kneels. She is a 32-year-old submissive with long black hair, 36DD breasts, and a shaved cunt.

FatherDom -- If that is true, you may get a pat on the head or a hard cock in your cunt. Let's see for sure. Post up your pictures.

Sasha copied and pasted the two pictures into the chatroom message line and clicked send. It took a few seconds for the photos to upload, but then they both flashed onto the chatroom feed. Sasha felt a bit of heat rise in her pussy as the photos became visible.

FatherDom -- Now that is much better. I see you have a little razor burn but that is not unusual for sluts who have never shaved before. The photos are ok, but now it's time for you to entertain me and my friends for a bit.

Sasha's screen flashed and the four other names appeared in rapid sequence. She assumed that FatherDom had privately messaged them and told them she was here. She now knew that these four men were looking at the pics of her shaved groin and the heat there went up a notch. She could feel the wetness begin to form. Her nipples were also starting to get erect and swell slightly.

FatherDom -- See that button in the lower right corner that looks like a movie camera?

Newandwilling -- Yes Sir

FatherDom -- Click on it.

Sasha moused to the icon and clicked. A small box appeared in the middle of the screen asking if she wanted to share the camera with the current application. She clicked yes, not really understanding what was going on. Suddenly, a small window opened in the corner of her screen, and she could see herself in the box.

FatherDom -- Very good slut. Now we all get a chance to see what our fuck toy looks like.

Sasha gasped and a look of total surprise came over her face. She saw it on the screen. She looked down to find the button that would stop the camera. Apparently FatherDom saw her reaction on his screen.

FatherDom -- Don't fucking turn off that camera, bitch. If you stop the video, you will be tossed out of my room and never return.

Sasha hesitated. Her finger was on the mouse button and the cursor was on the exit icon. She saw his next message.

FatherDom -- Stop and think about what you are feeling. I know you are getting aroused. I know you are starting to get wet. I am betting that if you pull back just a bit, I will see that your nipples are getting hard and sensitive. You want this you slut. You want to be watched and you want to be told what to do.

Sasha hesitated again. Everything he said was true. She groaned slightly and closed her eyes. Her hand left the mouse and returned to the keyboard.

Newandwilling -- Yes Sir.

FatherDom -- I thought so. You are a hot little bitch that wants to be a slut for us. Stand up and take off that robe so we can see the rest of what we own.

Sasha closed her eyes and moaned slightly again. It felt as if she couldn't resist anything he told her to do. Standing, she pushed the stool back, removed the robe, and laid it across the stool. She turned to face the laptop. She could see in her screen that the view now exposed her from the knees up to the top of her head.

Newandwilling -- Yes Sir.

FatherDom -- Excellent. You know for a MILF with two kids and your age, you have an exceptional body. It is just made for fucking and torture. I think we are going to enjoy a lot of that. Turn around slowly so we can see all of you.

Newandwilling -- Yes Sir.

Sasha started to turn slowly. As she displayed herself to the men watching on the other side of the computer connection, a part of her brain was screaming at her that she was cheating on Anthony. Another part of her was feeling the arousal and need rise from her pussy and clit. She was conflicted, but the sensations she was feeling were so strong that they soon overwhelmed that part of her protesting. She stopped turning to face the camera again.

FatherDom -- Do you have the dildo and other things you were told to buy?

Newandwilling -- No Sir. They are ordered but haven't arrived yet.

FatherDom -- Then we are done here for today. Come back when you have the toys.

Sasha saw the chat room window close, and she was looking at the main menu. She quickly put her robe on again, and then sat on the stool, frustrated. She was almost angry that she had been so summarily dismissed. With a sigh, she moved the mouse to the video feed part of the website and began looking for a video to sate her needs.


Anthony was sitting at his desk. Angela had given him some website references to visit. These were people that she knew and recommended. He found them informative, and he was reading a set of blogs from a man who called himself "Thor". What Anthony found interesting was that Thor also included his real name and contact information as part of the blog. He apparently made no effort to hide his identity and readily made it known that he was a member of the fetish community. The same was true of the other websites Angela had recommended.

The information was totally unlike what he had seen elsewhere. Here he found thoughtful and well written articles on the history of the BDSM lifestyle, lots of information on the customs and traditions, and an entire series of articles by Thor about what it meant to be a dominant in the old tradition. Anthony began to realize that there was a whole lot more to this than he had first thought. He was reading an article that was focused on the dominant mystique. Suddenly the computer chimed. He saw that the logging software was capturing data.

He clicked to the monitoring app and saw the scroll on the capture screen. It was a little hard to follow. Since the capture program added a time date stamp to every entry. He was Sasha logging into the chatroom. One other thing he found irritating was that he really only saw one side of the conversation. The software only captured the keystrokes from Sasha's computer. The only thing that Anthony could see from the other side as a burst of random signals that the monitoring app couldn't decode. Then something strange happened. A new dialog opened, and the monitoring software reported that Sasha's computer was sending video to a remote app. It also stated that the app could not decode or display the video stream. Anthony was now focused intently on the computer. He saw a few more messages from Sasha and then the feed stopped. In a few seconds he saw that she was browsing the video site again. He minimized the screen and sat deep in thought.

He looked at the clock on the computer. It was after 9. He could hear the staff outside moving around and Dimitri stuck his head in the door and said good morning. Anthony shut the laptop and headed out to get a cup of coffee. When he returned, he put in a call to Mark.

"Morning. You up."

"Oh, yeah. I have a meeting with my cuckold client at about 11. This is going to be fun. What's up with you."

Anthony told Mark about what he had seen on the streaming video. Mark listened before he started explaining.

"She was streaming a live video back to that chatroom. Anyone in the room could see it."

Anthony's heart fell. He had a good idea what was being shown on that video. Just as Peter had predicted, she was escalating her actions.

"Is there any way for me to capture what she is sending?"

"Not easily. That monitoring software is not really designed for this kind of surveillance. There is one possibility."


"If you can get inside that chatroom, you can see it easily and capture it."

"How would I do that?"

"You got a subscription to that site, right?"


"Chat the guy up that owns that room and get an invite to join."

Anthony shook his head.

"Jesus. You mean I have to actually talk to the guy that is trying to seduce my wife."

Mark chuckled.

"Yeah. I can also tell you that when he doesn't have anything else to do, Randy has been backtracking this guy through the VPN. He has traced back through almost 300 servers that bounce that feed. The good thing is that this guy is on almost 24 hours a day. He must not do anything but sit and watch that computer screen."

"So, he is a fulltime pervert."

"Yeah. I let Randy run with it because there is a chance this guy is some kind of serial rapist or something and is using this website to find his victims. We haven't put together a pattern yet. We really can't until we locate him."

"Keep me in the loop."

"Of course."

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