To Cheat or Not To Cheat? Pt. 01


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"Oh, look who just pulled in," Tracy taunted her.

"Please Tracy, don't tell him, and you can fuck him as much as you want. I don't want to lose him."

"We'll see..."

Darlene's sobs filled her office as the line went dead. Praying that her sister kept her word even though she didn't deserve to be married to such a kind man. What she deserved was to be married to an abusive husband who warranted being cheated on, not her kind, sweet, caring Allen. Hoping that when it was all said and done that she was still a married woman.


Tracy looked at herself in the mirror in the hallway of her two bedroom apartment. She and Nate had gotten it in hopes that they could start a family while saving for a home as their family grew. She couldn't place all the blame on her sister, Darlene was a well-known slut so her sleeping around wasn't all that shocking. Her sister had earned quite the reputation while they were in high school. She had thought that once Darlene had graduated that she would finally grow up. However, it seemed to her Darlene just couldn't break the habit. Maybe her sister really did need therapy for her sex addiction. Still, that would never heal the pain Darlene had caused her throughout the years. She had thought Nate could resist her sister's wiles, yet it would seem that she was so wrong about that bastard!

Puckering her lips, smiling how the soft pink lipstick looked on her lips. Running her fingers through her dyed shoulder length, dark red hair, she didn't want to be reminded how close she looked like her sister. While Darlene kept her tight, slim figure, she however, had a few extra pounds on her five foot five inch frame. Nevertheless, she carried it well. Unlike Darlene and her 32B breasts, hers were 38C, and eager to feel Allen's lips on them. She wished she could call that strange person and thank him or her for telling her the truth about Nate. Tweaking her nipples through her shirt, she hadn't put on a bra. Tracy wanted Allen to be able to reach underneath her shirt and fondle her firm orbs to his heart's content before she engulfed his cock with her mouth. Her hips swayed; her ass jiggled as she walked towards the front door. Her hands ran along her black skirt, her heart racing in her nervousness. She's never been one to be the other woman in a relationship. Tracy wasn't about to start one with Allen, she just wanted to stick it to her older sister like all the times she's done to her throughout the years.

Blowing out a breath before she opened the front door as Allen waited out in the hallway. "Here goes nothing," she muttered to herself. "Allen!" Tracy smiled at her brother-in-law as she opened the door. "Thank you, for coming over," Tracy said, gesturing for him to enter her home.

"Not a problem," Allen said, keeping his irritation from his voice. Slyly noting what she was wearing as he walked past her.

"Sis you are an idiot!" Tracy said to herself as her eyes ran down Allen's back. True Nate did go to the gym quite often, yet he was nowhere near as defined as Allen was as his dark blue dress shirt contoured to the muscles in his arms, back, and chest. "Can I get you something to drink?" Tracy asked, as she shut the door and silently turning the lock.

"No, but thank you, I can't stay long," Allen said, putting on his act.

"But..." slipping her arm around his, "I need a strong man right now," Tracy said, holding back her tears as she pressed her body against his arm. "I promise you will want to hear what I have to say," she said, looking up at her brother-in-law. She knew Allen and her family weren't really close. They kept their mouths shut at how aloof and secretive Allen was since he took such good care of Darlene. So, when Allen never showed up for their family gatherings most of the time they thought nothing of it. She could understand him not wanting to hang around with people that he barely got along with. Her parents were okay with that arrangement as well, as long as he took care of their daughter he could skip every engagement if he wanted too. Just like he did with the cookout a few weeks ago. Although, she knew her sister was unhappy that he didn't show up for it, not that Tracy cared. She thought it was a fitting punishment for her slut of a sister that her man didn't want to be around her or her family.

"Alright, lead the way," Allen said, gesturing to the heart of her apartment.

"Let's go into the living room," Tracy said, taking hold of his hand. Flashing Allen a sweet, warm smile as she led him deeper into her home. Her right hand slyly brushed along his chest, biting the inside of her cheek as Allen sank down onto the cushion. She couldn't believe she was about to do this.

"So... what's this about?" Allen inquired, trying not to notice how her hands moved along her ass as she lowered herself down onto her couch beside him. Watching how her head was bowed as her eyes studied some imaginary thing on her lap.

"D-did Darlene tell you what happened with me and Nate?" Tracy asked, with a shaky voice. Brushing away the few tears that had escaped from her eyes.

"No, she didn't, should she have?" Allen queried, holding a Kleenex between his index and middle finger. Seeing her cheeks blush as she took it from him.

"Yes, she should have," Tracy nodded as she dried her eyes and cheeks. "I thought Nate would be better than that!" she said, with a sadness that she's had known all her life.

"Okay... what is this about?" Allen asked, arching an eyebrow.

"Nate cheated on me, with some skank!" Tracy said, heatedly.

Allen tried to keep his amusement from showing that her own sister had just called her own sister a skank. Not that he could refute her claims about Darlene. She was indeed a skank. "I'm sorry to hear that Tracy," Allen said, reaching over and gently rubbing her back. "But why talk to me about it?"

"I want..." Her hand slipped into Allen's lap feeling how his muscles tensed as Tracy ran her fingers along the inside of his left thigh, "for someone to make me forget about what an ass Nate is," Tracy purred, as her light brown eyes gazed hungrily at Allen.

"Tracy," reaching down stopping her advancement, "I'm flattered but I don't think I'm the one you should be doing this with," Allen said, trying not to get entangled anymore than he already has in his cover life.

"I understand your hesitation Allen," Tracy said, her voice took on a sultry tone. "I was too at first, but trust me, you will enjoy it," she said, not wasting time. She couldn't have him running off on her. Tracy didn't want to hurt such a good man and yet her sister needed to be punished. She felt his shock as she kissed him with a wanton passion. Before she knew it her body slid into his lap. Her hips softly rocked against his manhood as her tongue rolled and teased his. "Feel me Allen," Tracy said, breathlessly. Taking hold of his hands, moving his palms along her stomach to her braless breasts. "Yes," her voice shuddered as his hands covered her orbs, "don't they feel better than Darlene's?!" she asked, with a mischievous smile. Feeling her nipples pressing against the palm of his hands. "Oh my," Tracy gasped in her mind as she felt him hardening beneath her.

"Tracy I think..." His voice grew still as Tracy reached down, grasping his cock giving that blood engorged rod a few strokes through his pants.

"Don't think Allen, just fuck me with this big..." Her head snapped to the left as someone pounded on her apartment door. "Fuck!" she hissed in irritation at the interruption. If what she had just felt was real, then he was so much bigger than Nate was, and she couldn't wait to have it deep within her cunt. Her feet stomped along the floor as she marched towards her front door. Just as she was about to unlock it the door, whomever was behind it broke through it causing the doorknob to strike her square in the gut.

"You fucking bitch! I've been out here for two minutes!" Nate's words were slurred as his hand wrapped Tracy's throat cutting off her air supply. "This will teach you for kicking me out of my own damn home!" Nate growled as he roughly slammed her into wall. "Look at you, who the fuck are you wearing this for? Huh?! You fucking slut!" Nate screamed as he tore at Tracy's shirt. Her hands beat against him to break his hold, yet she couldn't overcome his strength. Stars danced before her eyes as Nate slapped her across the face repeatedly. Nate smiled cruelly as Tracy shut her eyes tightly as he reared back his fist to punch her. "Well, if it isn't little cucky," Nate spat as he peered over his shoulder as he felt someone taking hold of his arm. "How's that wife of yours, I know she tastes better than this bitch..." Nate's breath was stolen as he felt a hard punch to his right kidney. His grip lessened as Allen took him by the nape of his neck and the back of his shirt and ramming his head into the drywall. Gypsum powder rained down onto the floor as Allen yanked him out. Nate grunted as his back left an indent in the wall that separated the doorways of the kitchen and the small dining room before the table he landed on broke to pieces.

Tracy slid down the wall, her hand on her throat as she coughed. Feeling how sore it was as she tried not to black out. She couldn't believe her eyes Nate tried to block Allen's blows, yet Nate was on the ropes as Allen toyed with him.

"You know..." Glass shattered and rained down onto the floor as Allen slammed Nate's face into the picture frame on the wall. "What, mad that I was deep inside of that whore?!" Nate taunted as his blood ran down his chin and cheeks from the open wounds. Nate screamed out in pain as he felt two of his ribs breaking underneath Allen's blows. Nate's body slid along the polished, floating wood floor towards his former bedroom.

"No, I don't give a shit about her you stupid fuck," Allen whispered in Nate's ear. "If that's true then why did I just beat the shit of him?!" he asked himself. If Darlene truly didn't mean anything to him then way did he feel anger when Nate started to mouth off? Shaking the thought from his mind he would deal with that later.

"If you think I didn't already know what kind of slut she was then you are as stupid as you fucking look. This is for thinking you're a man for beating on a woman," he whispered low, before up uppercutting Nate. Striking him twice once with his fist the other with his elbow. Watching how Nate crumbled to the floor in an unconscious heap. Turning around as he heard feet rushing into the entrance way of the apartment.

"Don't worry Tracy I called the police." Allen heard a strange woman say as he left Nate bleeding on the floor.

"I'm fine Wilma," Tracy said politely, eyeing her brother-in-law as he came into view. "Just a little sore," she said, lightly patting the woman's arm. Blushing heavily as her arm held her torn shirt closed to keep her right breast from being exposed to her fifty-year-old neighbor. Her eyes slyly studied Allen wondering how he had learned to fight like that and why he was wearing a smile all through it at least the parts she had witnessed. "Allen is he...?"

"No, just knocked out," Allen said, plainly.

"It was a good thing you were here," Wilma said, looking up at the man. She had heard the fight, yet it seemed the man didn't have a scratch on him which was odd to her.

"Yes... it was indeed a good thing that you were here Allen," Tracy said, with a warm smile.

"Rockford P.D. everyone stay were you are," the uniform police officer ordered as he rested his hand on the handle of his pistol.

"I'm the one that called officer," Wilma said, looking up at the man.

"Ma'am you placed a call about a domestic situation taking place."

"Yes, my ex-fiancé, who I kicked out yesterday, broke through the door and started to beat on me. Choking me out or almost," Tracy said, showing the officer her neck. Hoping the man could see where Nate's hand was. "He would probably have done worse to me if my brother-in-law wasn't here and stopped him," she stated looking over at Allen.

"Sir? Where is this man?" the officer asked suspiciously.

"Over there," Allen replied pointing in Nate's direction. "You might want to call for an EMT he's going to need it." Allen kept his smirk hidden as the officer's partner looked over at him seeing the damage done to Nate and yet, other than some scuffed knuckles, Allen and his clothes, minus the gypsum dust, were pristine.

"Ma'am do you have someone you can stay with?" the first officer asked as he snapped photos of her neck, face, and her torn clothes.


"You okay with a twin bed?" Allen asked, arching an eyebrow.

"You really don't mind?" Tracy inquired, her heart raced, trying to keep from blushing in front of Wilma and the officer.

"No, I don't."

"We might need you to come down to the station, but for now, why don't you take the lady home," the officer said, over the sounds of his partner reading Nate his rights as Nate groaned in pain as he was rolled onto his stomach.

"Can I change first?" Tracy asked, bashfully.

"Of course, ma'am, pack enough clothes for a month. Your apartment will be a crime scene until we can release it."

"Thank you, I won't take long... Allen," Tracy whispered his name in a purr as she walked past him.

"Tracy don't let..." Tracy ignored her former lover as she walked to her bedroom. She wasn't going to be staying there any longer, once they released it back to her she was moving out. She wasn't about to stay at a place where Nate could find her. If he were wise Nate would run the moment he was out of jail. Once her father, brothers, and cousins learned of what he did they would be out for blood.

"You take care of her," Wilma said, taking hold of Allen's hand as the officers led Nate out.

"I'll do my best," Allen nodded. "Great. Just what I need at the moment."


"Sis? I didn't think you'd be calling so soon. Allen isn't a quick shooter," Darlene said, as she answered her phone.

"Well... that's comforting to know." Darlene could hear her sister's smirk over the line. "No, I was calling you to inform you Allen is taking me home with him," Tracy said, wondering how her sister was going to take that.

"What?! What do you mean taking you to our home?" Darlene asked, her uneasiness rose thinking she be walking into a wall of sex the moment she stepped foot in her home.

"Nate dropped by; things got... heated. Now he's heading to jail and Allen, the kind, caring, big man that he is offered to let me stay," Tracy said, loving the sound of her sister's voice as it quaked. "Trust me, once he gets done with you, that big cock of his will be deep inside of me."

"What do you mean 'gets done with me' you didn't tell him did you?" Darlene asked, her fear burned in her veins.

"Me? No. Nate did though," Tracy said, wickedly.

"Oh God. Oh God," Darlene muttered knowing that now that he knew her time as his wife was officially over. She felt her world falling apart as she fell back in her seat in defeat.

"How does it feel knowing you are going to lose your husband?" Tracy inquired, enjoying the pain she was inflicting on her sister.

"My life is over, and you're..."

"This will teach you Darlene, you can't go around fucking whomever you want and not reap the oats that you have sown all across town," Tracy hissed low so Allen wouldn't overhear her. Arching an eyebrow as she heard her older sister weeping loudly over the phone. "You really do love him?" she asked, finding it strange that a cheater -- namely her slutty sister -- could ever feel that emotion for anyone else.

"Y-y-yes. I love Allen with all my heart," Darlene said, in-between sobs. "Oh God! What have I done!" she wailed loudly as she watched her marriage slipping away.

"You know I really would like to feel sorry for you, but you kind of fucked me over all my life. I'm going to enjoy watching you burn!"


"What is it?"

"Promise me, just promise me, that you'll check on Allen every once in a while. He may never forgive me, yet I can't stand the thought of him so alone and in pain because of what I've done to my wonderful husband," Darlene pleaded with her sister as her mascara ran down her cheeks.

"Okay, I promise, if only to ride that cock of his," Tracy said, getting in one last parting shot in before she ended the call.

Darlene collapsed onto her desk her hand clutching her phone. The picture of her and Allen arm in arm smiling as they enjoyed their honeymoon was on her screen as her tears fell onto that hard surface. Knowing she was never going to find another man like him. Hoping that after Allen got over the hurt that he could find someone that would be good to him even if it wasn't her. The dreams she had, the children that would never be now flashed before her eyes as she spiraled down into that black pit of despair.

"H-hello?" Darlene answered without looking to see who was calling.

"I think it's time we have a little talk you and I."

To Be Continued...

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AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Darlene is I imagine a bit like so many women out there. They want the safety and stability of a loving husband at home but the freedom to go out and fuck around as they wish, but not wanting their husband to have that same freedom. Yeah, fuck you slut. Go die in a fire. Learn to stay loyal and keep your damn legs closed except for the one you're in a relationship with, or suffer the fucking consequences. People like that are some of the worst humanity has to offer I swear. What was interesting was all the weird lines she drew as if it was some kind of concession for justifying her slutty ways. She doesn't let her lovers badmouth her husband, she doesn't let them come inside her and they always wear a rubber, etc. To be honest all that sounds like horseshit that only a story writer could come up with, to create a character that doesn't seem the least bit plausible.

Everything that is stated in the story makes it seem she wants to be with Allen, loves him, respects him, doesn't want to hurt him, and he gives her everything she needs. But why the fuck does she still sleep around? I don't get it. Sex addiction? Seems like bullshit to me. The claims that her pussy belongs to him and him alone but she lets others fuck it. I just can't understand any of the logic in this story. Is it meant to be nonsensical? Maybe poking fun at the whole Loving Wives category? I can't take it seriously otherwise. This story only served to aggravate me. The wife character was just nonsensical.

Helen1899Helen18998 months ago

Not the best, but I like stories were the MC is a sleeping assassin so 3*

MfkndragonMfkndragon10 months ago

Not to start a fight or anything with anyone who thinks she clearly loves her husband but I have to say she doesn't love him if she did she wouldn't have fucked other guys the whole addicted to sex thing well most people are but it doesn't give the right to go behind someones back and fuck someone else the moment she said I DO should have been the last time she fucked another man there is no excuse for what she did that and she's stupid as fuck cheating on someone like him to start with when he can make her disappear with a snap of his fingers now before you try and say that the cia can't operate on us soil I'm well aware that there not supposed to but please tell me y'all ain't stupid enough to actually believe they don't anyone who has common sense knows they do which also says anyone who has common sense knows this wife in this non loving wife story doesn't love her husband that's just a slut

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Since this young woman seems to clearly love her husband; do you think she may be suffering from sex addiction? But as I understand it, the validity of "sex addiction" is debated amongst mental health professionals--although my understanding may be off.

Or maybe some other sort of psychological disorder? I have am absolute zero tolerance policy towards cheaters--anyone who would betray their husband of wife is a monstrous, pathetic, evil person--but something about the way you described her made me think she isn't in control of her actions.

Cool story man

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Darlene must be clinically insane. She lies and cheats but assumes it is normal and she's a good person. She claims to deeply love her husband but does only selfish and hateful things to him. She is about as warped and removed from reality as any character I've ever read. No STD's after fucking so many guys? Hardly likely!

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