To Cheat or Not To Cheat? Pt. 02


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Surging from her seat, she couldn't think too many thoughts swirling in her mind as she walked to her bedroom. She did know one thing, she needed to be fucked. As much as it pained her not to touch her husband in the past two days, she just couldn't get past the lies. She knew how that sounded. She herself had been lying to her husband all these years. Could she really blame him for not trusting her? Shaking those thoughts from her head as she stripped, reaching into the shower, the memory of the last time that she and Allen had been intimate. She couldn't hold back the tears any longer as the steam flowed over the top of the shower door; she was nothing more than a crying heap of a woman.

"Really? Do you think now is a good time to slut around?" Tracy asked, in disdain at the sight of the little red dress and matching shoes Darlene had walked out in.

"I don't expect you to understand, Tracy," Darlene muttered as she walked past her sister. Tracy already thought she was a slut, not that she could blame her, yet she needed to clear her head; and sex always seemed to do that. "Don't bother waiting up," she said, hearing her sister's snort of disgust as she closed the front door behind her.


Darlene sat at the bar of one of her favorite places to hang out when she would have once lied to Allen about a girls' night out. In truth, she would have gone looking for some strange to line up at some future date. However, now, as she nursed her gin and tonic, her thoughts wandered to her husband or, more importantly, who he really was. So engrossed in her thoughts, she failed to realize that five men had already tried to talk to her, even by her a drink, until they noted how she hadn't heard a word they said. That was until her eyes fell upon a rather attractive, dashing, exotic man that she's never seen before in the bar.

"Seems an awful waste of an evening just sitting here all alone staring into your drink," the man said with a charming smile.

Darlene's brown eyes ran along his styled yet trimmed jet black hair. To those warm pools of green that pulled her into their depths. The way the lights of the bar played along that perfect nose, too perfect, in her opinion. How those lips of his would feel like when hers graced them.

"Oh? You think so?" Darlene uttered, arching an eyebrow telling him she wasn't impressed with that line of his.

"I do, names Roger Goodell, no relation," he said, with a chuckle, holding out his hand to her.

Darlene fought to roll her eyes at the joke. Yet she needed to get Allen of her mind, and the man was handsome; there was no doubt in her mind about that. Still, though, as much as she needed sex, she just couldn't get in the mood. "Darlene Douglass," she replied in kind, noting the strength in his handshake just like how Allen's. Noting how the man took the seat beside her without asking if she wanted company or not. "Confident, I see," Darlene muttered in her mind.

"So what brings you here tonight?" Roger asked, getting the bartender's attention. "Would you care for another drink?" he asked, noting how guarded she was. Something that his intel didn't state when he set this little operation into motion to kill Eric Lyle, aka Allen Douglass. There were numerous foreign powers that wanted the man dead; it was why he had put out the chatter that his old partner might be working for the enemy. All so that he could lay the groundwork to lure Eric into a trap of his own making. Then again, he would have taken the job just out of spite for the man that left him for dead so many years ago. Although fucking his wife, he was going to enjoy every second of it, then when it was finished after Darlene and the other woman he had seen staying at their house usefulness was over. He would sell them at one of the sex slave markets he knew about. He knew quite a few men that would love to get their hands on two ripe American women. He kept his evil grin to himself at what they would do to the two of them.

"No," Darlene said, politely. "So... are you visiting or just moved here?" she asked, into her drink.

"Visiting a friend for a few weeks, why?" Roger inquired, taking a sip of his fresh beer. He tried to keep the scowl from his face at the taste of the American beer; he favored a good German Eisbock than the poor Ales he loathed. Yet he doubted this backwater bar had anything like that in stock.

"Is your room close by?"

Roger had to keep from spitting out his beer at the question. He would have thought he would have to wine and dine her just to loosen her legs. Did Eric know this about his wife? If not, could he use it against him? Shaking the thought from his mind, Eric's training like his before the Agency sent Eric to kill him taught them not to let their emotions rule their judgments. Eric just wouldn't look the other way when Eric had cornered him in his London flat he had been using as a drop-off point for his dealings with less than honorable nations spies. The man wouldn't even take the three million that was sitting on the table after he had dropped the Cuban spy that was acting as his go-between with other less friendly nations to the US. He had no idea how he had survived after being shot in the chest. Nevertheless, his handlers found him clinging to life on his floor and got him treated. After his recovery, he had spent every day training to kill the man that almost killed him. Yet unlike Eric, he was going to succeed where Eric failed.

"It's a few minutes away. Do you want to get out of here?" Roger asked, putting on his charm. He could see it wasn't working on her. Still, he wasn't going to complain. He was going to get his dick wet, and she was going to be his bait when the time came.

"As long as you don't bring up my husband, sure," Darlene said, knowing she has had worse men to take her to bed.

"Not a peep," Roger nodded, extending his arm to her inviting her to walk out with him.

"Where's your hotel?" Darlene asked, once they were outside. She wasn't going to ride to it with him. She might be a slut of a wife; she wasn't an idiot.

"The Dunhill Hotel on fifth street, room 309," Roger stated when he got the feeling she wasn't going to go willingly to his car. He wasn't about to bring any attention to himself either, not when he noted people mulling about or this early in the operation. He wanted Eric in terror when he comes home to find his wife kidnapped and held by him. He wouldn't rape her, nor the other woman; he couldn't very well get a high price for damaged goods, and he planned on making Eric pay for those two bullets in his chest.

"I'll meet you there," Darlene said, leaving Roger standing there not waiting for his answer.


"What's the hurry?" Roger asked, resting on his left arm, the bed's covers hiding his naked lower half. He was used to the one leaving as quickly as he could once the deed was done, not the other way around.

"This was only sex," Darlene said, straightening out her dress.

"Yeah, alright, but that doesn't mean you have to..." Holding up his hands when she shot him a glare.

"I appreciate that you didn't bring up my husband, but we both had our fun; I doubt we'll see each other again," Darlene stated, slipping into her heels.

"We could, you know, keep seeing each other. It's not like I'm in town for long, so your husband won't get any ideas about us," Roger said, noting how her eyes ran down his chest and seeing something akin to disappointment in them as they did. "The bitch is crazy! I'm as toned or more so than any man, especially a man who's been on the sidelines for three years!" he growled hatefully in his mind.

"Well, you weren't bad," seeing that cocky grin starting to form, "you weren't the best either," Darlene said, seeing that pride of his taking the hit to its ego. "Give me your number when I feel like it; I'll call you. Not the other way around." Bending down and ripping the cover down. "That is why you aren't the best," Darlene stated, pointing at his manhood. "I'm fucking hot, and you can't even get it up after I fucked you silly, unlike my husband. I'll be in touch." Her voice trailed after her as she left the room, closing the door behind her as she did.

"Bitch," Roger muttered aloud. Then again, he didn't care what she thought, he could still lay claim to cuckolding Eric, and that was all he really cared about. Opening the drawer of the nightstand and pulling out his encrypted phone. "I'm in phase one complete. No, let's push phase two back a week; I want to ride that bitch hard and rough a few times before we move onto phase two. Then we move on to the reason we snuck into this country in the first place. I'll contact you when I'm ready." Tossing the phone into the drawer, bouncing against his Glock 17 before he pushed it closed.

"Senior?!" A wicked smile formed on his face at the sound of the thick Spanish accent that filtered through the door.


The next day...

Darlene stood out in the hall chewing on her nail, watching Harry fiddling with the combination of the safe. She tried to remain quiet as she could as he worked. Looking over when Tracy placed a hand on her upper arm. While she could see the disgust in her eyes when she came home last night. Tracy knew how hard this was for her. Knowing whatever was in that safe, her husband went to great lengths to hide it from her. When she got home, she finally noted the voicemail and the missed call from Allen. She had listened to it five times before she had fallen asleep to the sound of his voice.

Any hints of her enjoyment with Roger were short-lived when she had left him last night. He put far too much effort into proving he was the alpha male when Allen never had to. He did it naturally. After she rode that cock of his all nice and hard, it would always rise up to salute her once again. Darlene didn't know how he could do it, especially after she had milked that cock of his too sweet bliss. That was one of the reasons none could ever measure up to her husband. As well as Allen never made her feel used or cheap just because she would fuck him without any rhyme or reason.

Dashing down the hall when the house line rang. Only one person ever called it, and she knew who it was. Snatching the phone off the base and scurrying out the backdoor so as not to hinder Harry's attempts to open the safe.


"Something wrong, Darlene?" Allen asked, noting her heighten breathing.

"No, I was just doing some yard work since you're away and had to run inside," Darlene lied.

"Oh? Nothing too hard, I hope."

"Nothing I can't handle, sweetheart. How's Seattle?"

"Boring. But you know how it is with company trips."

"Honey, you know you can tell me anything, right? No matter how outlandish it sounds, I won't judge you," Darlene said, feeling the corners of her lips starting to lift the longer they talked.

"So if I said, I'd like being a furry, you'd be okay with that?"

Darlene couldn't help it; she snorted hard at that. "Let me guess you like to be one of the Berenstain Bears, not the mother, I hope." She just couldn't keep her mirth from her voice at the image of her husband prancing around in a bear suit.

"No... Peter Rabbit, actually."

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, it's just you in... a rabbit... suit!" Darlene belted out in laughter at the thought of it. "But seriously, Allen, you know you can tell me anything; I am your wife after all," she said, wiping away a tear.

"Are you?" Arching an eyebrow at his accusing tone, wondering if someone had tipped him off about yesterday when they tried to run his name through the database.

"Of course, I am. Have I not always come home to you? You know how many men made promises to me to whisk me off for a weekend or a week to some private resort? But I turned them all down; I'm a married woman, you know," Darlene said, in a cute little voice while turning her nose up at the thought of spending any time away from her husband.

"Just checking."

"So... when are you coming home?" Darlene asked, eager to have him back in their bed. While she still might have her concerns about who he truly was. She wasn't going to focus on that; she was going to make it up to him for not sending him off with a goodbye fuck like she always had done.

"Soon, maybe Monday or Tuesday."

"Then when you're back, how about you and I celebrate like you promised?" Darlene asked, twirling a strand of hair around her index finger.

"Sure, make the reservations."

"I hope you know it's going to be expensive," Darlene said, with a sly smirk.


"Mmm... I think someone is eager for their present." Darlene cooed in a sultry tone.

"Can you blame me?"

"Nope, I can't," Darlene agreed, checking out her reflection in the door. "I want to go dancing too. You know the kind where there's a ballroom involved."


"Mmmhmm," Darlene nodded against her phone. "Your wife wants a night out on the town with her man," she said, a little bashfully into her phone.

"Yes, dear, whatever you want."

"What I want is your nice, big, hard cock, but you're not here, now are you?" Darlene uttered in a pout. Glancing up, seeing Tracy waving to her, then hearing an engine starting on the other side of the house, which only meant one thing. Harry had indeed gotten the safe open.

"Didn't you go out last night?"

"Yeah, but I can never find a man like you out there," Darlene said, feeling her cheeks heat. Already forgetting about what Roger had done to her, and her mind firing off memories upon memories of their love-making.

"Glad to know I'm irreplaceable."

"Listen, honey, I should really get back to finishing this chore before I lose track of time listening to your sweet nothings," Darlene spoke, feeling her heart fluttering at her husband's light chuckle. So pleased that the mood he was in had passed.

"Alright, don't work too hard. I'd hate to see you all sweaty."

Dragging her lip along her teeth at the sinful tone of his. "Are you sure you don't want to see me all hot and wet?" Darlene purred into the phone.

"No, I might like that."

"Good. You should. Can I call you tonight?" Holding up her finger, telling her sister to wait.

"Sure, I should be free after eight."

"Okay, I love you, Allen. I hope you know that."

"Love you too."

Darlene felt bad for what she was about to do as she stared at her phone when her husband sounded like he really meant every word. She prayed that he truly did and that she could overlook whatever he had been lying to her about. There had been enough lies and deceit on her part; she didn't want to have to face it from the man she thought was so... honorable, at least to her mind he was.

"Harry got it open; we didn't touch or look in it. We thought you might want to do that alone. Less people snooping through Allen's things will probably be for the best," Tracy said, watching how her sister placed the phone down on the counter when she walked into the kitchen.

"Thanks, Tracy, I'll pay you back," Darlene said, deep in thought as to what she was going to find in that safe.

"Don't worry about it; I took a hundred already out of your wallet," Tracy said, seeing how far away her mind was. Wondering if this was really bothering Darlene. She's never seen her sister act like this. When they were teenagers, Darlene made a habit of flaunting the rules, like they didn't apply to her. It always felt Darlene was too self-centered, too narcissistic to care about anyone but herself. Yet the way she was acting when it concerned Allen, it was almost like there was an actual person beneath that slut exterior of hers.

"Okay," Darlene muttered, not really hearing what her sister had said. Walking lethargically towards Allen's office, fearing what she would find. Praying that it wasn't something that would make her love for him die. She didn't know if she could live with herself or alone without Allen in her life.

Tracy watched as her sister seemed to be somewhere else as she robotically walked down the hall. Her heart did go out to Darlene. It wasn't easy dealing with the knowledge that the man you love isn't what he seemed. Maybe she should thank her sister for sleeping around. It just showed her that those she was with weren't the ones that were meant for her. Shaking her head, her sister still had to pay for her treatment of her. Still, her heart did go out to her as she watched Darlene closing the door behind her.

Darlene's chest rose and fell, her heart raced, her palms grew moist as her eyes fell upon the metal open door of the safe. Taking a step forward, knowing she had come this far, there was no stopping now. She knew if she didn't look, she would never get the answers to the questions plaguing her mind. Taking a dry swallow as she lowered herself to the floor. Pulling out her smartphone, taking a picture of how it all looked before she went and dug everything out. She didn't want Allen to know she had gone through his personal things. She just needed to know who the man that was sharing her bed and heart really was. Darlene didn't know if she was going to confront him or not with what she would find.

Pulling out folders and setting them aside that were tucked in their little sleeves. Tilting her head to the side she when she pushed those all to the side, seeing something else laying on the bottom of the safe. "Medals?!" Darlene pondered aloud as she gazed down at the stained walnut display case that she held in her hand. She knew they were Army; they looked so much like her Uncle Morris's that he had on display in his home. Wondering why Allen would hide them when her uncle was proud of the ones he had earned during his time in the military. Picking up the smaller enclosed case that she had sat aside, arching an eyebrow when only a single medal was housed in it. Watching the light playing along the five-pointed bronze star. Each point is tipped with trefoils, and the entire star is surrounded by a green laurel wreath to symbolize victory. The star and wreath are suspended from a gold bar with 'VALOR' inscribed and held by an eagle to symbolize the United States. The center of the star features the head of Minerva, who is the Roman goddess of wisdom and war. Darlene had no idea what the medal represented as her fingertips ran along the blue satin ribbon. Feeling the coldness of the metal as they ran over it. Her thumb felt something on the back of it. Her breath was stolen when she read was inscribed on the back 'The Congress to Eric Lyle.'

"Is your name really Eric Lyle?" Darlene muttered, "I'm Mrs. Eric Lyle. Hello, yes, I'm Mrs. Lyle," she uttered, practicing how the name would sound rolling off her tongue. Closing the case and pressing it into her chest, a wide smile on her lips, knowing she could learn to like being called Mrs. Lyle. "Yet why is your name Allen Douglass if your real name is Eric Lyle?" The question nagged at her as she sat the case aside and turned towards the folders she had first taken out. Her cheek twitched when she would open one and another, and the folders were all empty. That was until she got to the very last folder. Her hand shook as she stared at Eric's birth certificate. "Oh honey," Darlene sighed low when her eyes ran down the paper showing her that there was no mother or father listed on it. Tearing up when it listed that he was taken in at some orphanage she had never heard of in a town, she had no idea where it was. "I'm so sorry, baby," she whispered to the empty room as she held it lightly to her chest. Was this why he changed his name? Was this why he never told her about his life before she had met him since he didn't know who he was? "Please forgive me for ever doubting you," Darlene uttered low, knowing when Allen or should she call him Eric now... shaking the thought from her head, no, she couldn't let Allen find out that she knew. Tucking it neatly back into its folder and pulling out the only other piece of paper left inside of it. "What's a DD214?"