To Love a Were Ch. 10


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Fiona could hear the purr in her throat; an invitation for him to enter her. She felt him smiling against her lips before suddenly feeling her body being pushed back into a sitting position.

They finally pulled their lips apart and panted for a few seconds before she felt him getting up and carrying her with him. Her instant reaction was to wrap her legs around his waist and enjoyed the feeling of being carried into the water. She had expected the seawater to be cold but it was warm and comforting, like a blanket.

However, her enjoyment was short-lived; replaced with the delicious pleasure of his hard cock entering her without warning. Fiona couldn't help but led out a loud moan as she felt the initial tightening of her pussy around his cock. This was her favourite part about sex- the first penetration.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and moved her hips up and down his cock to the best of her ability. The soft ocean current made her feel lighter so it was easier to bob up and down, much to Eian's pleasure. He was matching her thrust for thrust; moving his hips up each time she was on a downward stroke.

The result was an amazing orgasm for her for he was hitting all the right spots inside her pussy.

"Get... to... land," she gasped. "I want more..." She untangled herself from him and pulled his hand slowly, guiding him back to shore. However, she didn't make it much further up the shore when she felt Eian grabbing her from behind and pushing her down until she was on her hands and knees. A second later, she felt his strong cock deep inside her once again. She let out a scream as he thrust deep inside her, almost burying himself to the hilt.

If that wasn't enough, the pressure of every oncoming wave seemed to give Eian more power for he moved his hips together with the current; pulling back when it receded and pushing deep in as the waves crashed on shore. Fiona couldn't believe how erotic it was to make love in the sea like that. Apparently, Eian thought so too, for when the next wave came, so did they.

She felt him shudder against her body and recognized the searing hotness of his cum spurting inside her. They stayed glued in that position for a while as their breaths steadied before she felt him pulling away from her. They then crawled slightly away from the water and laid on the sand once more, facing each other.

"I can stay the whole night like this..." she whispered and smiled.

"We could if you want."

"What do you want?"

"To get back home and make love again." That earned him a giggle from her.

Moving her head forward, she pressed a soft kiss on his lips and another on each of his eyes, his cheek, and his nose. She continued trailing kisses down his neck, taking in his sweet scent. He smelled so particularly enticing that for a moment she contemplated sinking her teeth in just to sample a taste.

Eian must have sensed her thought for he became suddenly still.

"Fiona my love... you just have to swallow that desire and move on. Trust me. I know what it's like to want to sink my teeth into my partner," he said carefully. When he felt her body relaxing, he let out a breath of relief.

"I'm sorry..." she whispered. "Do you always smell this delicious or is it just the sea breeze?"

"Seasoning?" he mused, watching her eyes flicker with laughter.

"Do you really fight with yourself all the time about biting me?"


"Then why don't you?"

Eian smiled and used his thumb to caress her lips. "Because you don't want me to."

Fiona smiled back. He was right. He had asked her once back in his original home and she hadn't given him a conclusive answer.

"And that's alright with you?" she asked in a sad voice.

"Yes my love... it is." Fiona kept quiet upon hearing his reply. Sure... Eian could be overprotective at times and laid many rules for her to protect the pack but he had never forced his personal needs upon her. He made love with her permission and gave her the choice to take his bite or not. Was she selfish to not let him?

"Why is the bite so important Eian?" He pursed his lips then rolled onto his back and stared up at the sky.

"Truth is... I don't know."

That made Fiona sit up straight and stare at him. "What do you mean you don't know? You're the original wolf for godsake!"

"True... but just like nakedness, biting was not one of my rules. I've never bitten anyone apart from my mother that is and she's obviously not my mate. I don't really know if I've told you before... but somehow I never really found the need to mate with anyone until I met you that is. However, I don't know how or why biting became an unsaid rule between mated wolves... but I suppose it's just a way of marking. Animals in general are territorial creatures. Big cats sometimes mark trees by urinating on the soil or scratching at the bark to leave their scent. So I guess Werewolves just want to mark their mate to prevent others from claiming them." Eian gave a sigh and continued staring into the starry sky. "I suppose biting is more applicable for a human mate so as to change them into Werewolves. This helps especially for conception and pregnancy."

"Wait a minute... so you're saying that you don't have to bite me?"

"Ah... that's a tricky question. Like I said I want to bite you but I try not to. Biting your mate makes them smell exactly like you thus, a marker. As an Alpha, I ought to follow my pack rules and mark you... but as an Alpha, I can also break those rules and leave you with your own scent."

"You make it sound like I smell so repulsive," said Fiona with a laugh. "Maybe Vampires do smell terrible. Amber thinks so."

"Oh? She did?" Eian smiled with interest. "But I've got to say... you do smell different now. In fact you're always changing scent that it drives me crazy!" he laughed. "All the more reasons to mark you huh? Do you know how hard it is to keep track of you? I mean when I first met you, you smelled so much of blood and dirt and then you had this floral baby smell and then you carried the Culzean's bloodline smell and now you're... different. I have yet to put my finger to it."

Fiona slapped a playful hand on his stomach and heard him take in a sharp breath.

"Shall we go back now?" she asked.

"Yeah we should. It's almost dawn."

"Okay... I'll race you!"


As the first light of dawn touched his room window, Alaron couldn't help but wince slightly. That female wolf should have known better than to bite him. It was a good thing that her teeth did not hit any major artery or he would have died on the spot.

Thankfully of course, the drug that he and his brother had been working on was able to reverse the effects of the venom; catalyzing it into a safe compound. The only downside was that he had to listen to his father's nagging while he was administered the drug. That was his father's problem... he never listened. He wanted his sons to be molded in a certain way and Alaron didn't like that. He is not Draven or even Fiona. Those two follow the rules to heaven and back.

Alaron always felt that he never had enough attention ever since his mother died. Any attention he got was always laced with nagging words of advice from his father or nonchalant responses from his half brother. Then Fiona came along and really talked to him. She was sweet and demure and in his selfish world, he wanted to keep her for himself.

But she wasn't going to be happy with him. He always knew that. She was happy with that... animal. Alaron was trying to wean himself off saying 'dog' or else Fiona might get angry and really kill him.

"I just want her to be happy..." he said with a sigh. "I'll probably tell her that the drug is able to reverse the wolf bite venom. Although, I don't know why someone would voluntarily want to be bitten by a Werewolf."

He rolled his eyes then pressed his thumbs at his temples to suppress a headache. Getting up slowly, he pulled away at the bandage around his abdomen and saw that the wound had healed. Even then, it still made him weak. However, he didn't want to sit around in his room all day, brooding like a teenager. He needed to go back to the lab and work.

He had suddenly thought of something.

"Bloody hell. I can't believe this," he muttered to himself as he started his car engine. "I just hope to hell that this is my chance for redemption."


Draven heard the gentle sounds of the engine roaring to life and made sure the gates were opened by the time Alaron's car reached the entrance. Even though Alaron was a difficult child, he was still his baby brother in every sense of the word.

He initially did not approve of his father's marriage to Alaron's human mother and had thought he'd hate the half breed when it was born. To his surprise, he didn't. Furthermore, it was hard not to like his stepmother even though she was centuries younger than him. She was of pure thoughts and was a good wife to his father.

Draven had a hard time restraining his abilities around those two initial strangers and often found himself 'peeking' into their minds when they were unaware. Draven of course had no idea how to behave around his baby brother, so he always treated him with aloofness and distance while looking over his shoulder on the side. That was how his father had raised him. However, his father had been too old when Alaron was born and left all the playing time under Draven's care.

So he taught his brother everything he knew... and promised to protect him forever. Aren't those the kind of promises brothers make to each other? And so the moment Fiona was returned to the MacFarlanes, he had begun working on the counter-venom drug, in anticipation of possible fights between his brother and a Werewolf.

Draven shook his head as he thought of how much of a troublemaker his brother was. He bet that Alaron was doubly pissed that he was bitten and almost defeated by a female wolf. He couldn't help but laugh softly to himself as he walked towards the kitchen.

Truth was, the young Duke Keiran had been the only Werewolf to be in contact with the Culzeans. He was the only one whom he respected too, both out of rank and honor. Perhaps that was why he treated the female wolf with suspicion and doubt.

However, she was also a house guest and he was brought up well enough to know how to treat them nicely. Furthermore, they were non-Vampire guests and that meant they needed to be fed real food. His lips curled into a grin. The one thing good about having a human stepmother was that she was always cooking and he had learnt a thing or two by watching her. He might even impress the wolves.

As he stepped into the kitchen, he was surprised to see that someone was already cooking over the stove.

"What... in the world is the revolting smell?" he asked. Amber turned and flashed a smile at him.

"Nothing that'll interest you."

"Of course I'm interested. This is my kitchen."

Amber considered his words for a moment then shrugged. "It's rabbit's meat."

"Rabbit's what? Where did you get it? I don't remember stocking any rabbit meat in my fridge."

"Uh... correction. You didn't store anything in the fridge."

Draven narrowed his eyes at her, trying to peer into her mind but she seemed to have put some sort of block.

"I don't usually have guests. So tell me where you got it from."

"I caught it just a while ago. You've got quite good game around here. Didn't take me long to catch breakfast."

Draven was at the point of making gagging noises when Eian strolled in. Not wanting to appear rude before him, Draven immediately straightened his back and tried to put on a somber expression. He watched as Eian peeked over Amber's shoulder and gave an approving nod.

"Good catch. Lean," he said. "So, Draven... how's your brother?" Eian leaned against a countertop and looked kindly at him.

"He should be royally pissed that a woman bit him but he has recovered. He's left the house though. Probably going to work himself to death unless I drag him home."

Eian frowned. "I thought he'd want to be around Fiona more now that she's here."

"He probably doesn't want to be a guinea pig for her to test her powers on."

"I second that," commented Amber as she placed pieces of grilled meat on a plate. "But then again, Fiona must learn not to abuse her power or we'll run out of guinea pigs to test them on."

Eian smiled, "I'm sure she won't. I think she'll be ready to learn how to control them soon. She had a good teacher here doesn't she?" he said, looking at Draven, who was blushing from the compliment.

Trying to brush away his embarrassment, he turned to Amber instead. "Do you still have any raw meat left?"


"Coz Fiona's coming this way and she's very hungry."

"For meat?" asked Amber in surprise. "I thought you Vampires don't eat."

"No. For blood."

"Oh... yes, there is," she replied with a frown. Then she looked at Eian, who seemed to understand the problem.

"It's okay Amber... I know there won't be enough. You take this portion first. I'll let her have the raw meat first, then I'll cook it myself. Don't worry. Go ahead and eat first."

"You can have a bite of mine first if you're hungry," she said but Eian shook his head in kindly.

A moment later, Fiona came bouncing into the kitchen.

"What is that smell?"

"Rabbit," said Draven and Amber at the same time. Fiona simply clapped her hand and moved towards the sink where the raw rabbit meat laid in a bowl.

"For me?" she asked, looking first at Eian then at Amber. When she picked it up, she noticed that everyone was looking at her. "What? Don't look at me! I get self-conscious" she scowled, taking the bowl and running out of the kitchen.

"Since when was she self-conscious of anything?" asked Amber.

"It's a woman's thing," replied Eian, matter-of-factly. Amber laughed as she swallowed a piece of meat.

A while later, Fiona returned with the bowl of meat. Eian peered inside the bowl and found that the meat was no longer dark red but of a pale pink colour, indicating that she had literally drained all the blood out of it. Shrugging to himself, he began to prepare the meat for cooking.

"Fiona, how are you feeling today my dear?" asked Draven.

"I feel much better... and so I have to apologize to all of you for my misconduct yesterday."

"That's alright. If you think you're feeling better, we could start our lesson sooner."

"How about now?" she said. Fiona found herself looking at Eian for a confirmation and saw that he had on a blank face. Was he letting her decide for herself? That sounds like a good change. It made her smile and so she nodded enthusiastically.

"Okay, sit down," said Draven. "First thing's first... we will run through the techniques of how to calm yourself down. The control of one's emotion is the key to the discipline of power."

Fiona nodded and thought of how Eian was almost always calm and patient... except when he's angry at her of course. But Draven was somewhat like Eian too. Maybe cold demeanors were a trend in like... the 13th century or something.

"I can read your thoughts, you know," said Draven, giving her a slanted look.

"Oops... sorry. Yes, okay. I'm ready."

"Alright... the first thing we need to do is to check on your breathing. How do you normally breathe?"

Fiona frowned at him. "Like this?"

"You're doing it all wrong. Breathe in through your stomach... not your chest. Try to feel the wind all the way down inside you. It helps if you count to ten slowly as you breathe in and out. Yes... like that. Now let's do this a few more times."

Draven watched Fiona carefully. "The purpose of this breathing exercise is to make you focus on the present; focus just on the breathing. This will keep your mind from being occupied with what's making you angry in the first place."

After awhile, Draven nodded. "Good. Now, still using this breathing technique, I want you to visualize a scene that you find most comforting and relaxing. Focus on that until I say otherwise."

Fiona closed her eyes and let herself drift into the feeling of lying on the beach and staring at the stars with the sound of waves crashing in the background. She was feeling calm and happy.

"This isn't too hard," she thought to herself. Draven raised his eyebrows upon hearing that and gestured to Amber, mouthing something to her. Fiona vaguely heard Amber and Draven hissing at each other but she blocked the sounds out and focused only on her visual image.

"Okay darling... are you feeling calm right now?" asked Draven.

"Yes," she replied.

"Okay. Open your eyes slowly..."

Fiona opened her eyes slowly and her calm face turned into a scowl. Amber was fully naked with her arms wrapped around Eian's neck.

"Get away from him," said Fiona. How dare she!

"Breathe in my dear... and visualize. Don't be distracted..." warned Draven but his advice was not heeded. Amber was being forced to her knees even as he spoke. He could see that she was trying very hard to resist. In fact, her face was full of concentration that he was not surprised to find that she had managed to shift into her wolf form with every ounce of her restraint.

The moment the connection broke, Fiona jumped back and gasped.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry Amber..."

"Fiona... you're supposed to use the calm and focus to direct your thoughts away from harming others... not to use that sense of control to magnify your abilities."

"I'm sorry," she said, looking down at the floor guiltily. "You did that on purpose didn't you?" She looked at him with an accusingly glare.

"You know it's not real and yet you cannot resist the distraction."

They went at it again for another half an hour. Casualties included Eian almost choking on his food and Draven trying to tear out his own hair. Amber had refused to partake in the exercise and remained in her wolf form. However, being in wolf form came in useful for she was able to snap Fiona out of her hold on the two men when she went too far.

"Enough... I'm tired," said Fiona grumpily after her twelfth attempt.

"You're tired? I think we're the ones who are most tired," Draven complained as he leaned back against a wall.

"We'll try again later." Fiona gave a sigh and mimicked his actions. With her head rested against the wall she asked him for Alaron.

"He's gone out to work. You shouldn't worry so much about him... you know what he's like."

Fiona didn't answer him but kept her thoughts to herself. She knew that Draven could hear them if he wished, but his blank face showed that he was probably too tired to try.

Her eyes then searched for Eian's and saw that he too looked exhausted. However, he was smiling kindly at her, in his usual gentle, reassuring way. Fiona's heart fluttered slightly at the sight of his face. How exactly does he find the strength to keep smiling like that?

She saw him coming closer and a moment later he was sitting beside her, curling an arm around her and letting her head rest against his chest. She could feel his warmth and smell his wonderful scent. This was what reassurance felt like, she thought as her hand reached to clasp his. They stayed silent in that position for a long time. There was no need for words at the moment.

She was safe now.


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AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
The bastard Alaron

It's a pity that the author like so much Alaron to avoid him to be killed by Eian.


No i haven't read the others capthers yet but i suppose that don't happen.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

Never dissapoints, always the bestest of reads with this series another awesome chapter, loved it.

Jorjiah xxx.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
you seem to be... lost...

"""He was blunt and honest with her to the point of brashness and let her do whatever she wanted to do."""

let me fix that to what it truly should be: """He was blunt and honest with her to the point of brashness and forced her to do whatever he wanted her to do."""

that is the literal actions that he has taken, and if you where to put it into a proper scenario, he forced her into sex, AKA rape, then she started liking it in the end, and now is "ok" with it, point being here however, hes still a rapist in this scenario...

not only that but you REALLY tried hard to make us all sympathize with the relationship between them, but you literally did a 180 on their attitudes, both as singles and together, reading back over it, you really cant seem to stay on one line, to keep the "ok" image you are now trying to paint of the jackass, 3 of your previous chapters would have to be re-written, as they dont coincide with how you have pained them both as singles and a pair in this chapter

I wish you luck in your writings, and hopefully someone to come along and set you straight so you stop jumping the tracks of your own story line


bearmad1963bearmad1963over 13 years ago
Another Great chapter

great work and I for one cannot wait to see whether Eian and Fiona will mate properly maybe with the help of the new drug the brothers are developing. Well done.

mikothebabymikothebabyover 13 years ago
i love this story

unlike others on this site, i prefer to let the authors direct where the story goes and not criticize. We are not the ones writing it so who are we to dictate. If you think you can write better than an author on here who shares their talent with us for free - then - by all means - post a story for us all to tear apart

Please proceed with the story at your own pace and with where you want it to go and most of us will still be here reading it and avidly waiting for the next chapters



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