To Save a Marriage


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I didn't know it would be this hard.


I didn't expect to see Penny back straight away but when I still found myself sat round the pool on my own, later on that afternoon, then I was getting well pissed off.

Even more pissed off when she eventually did arrive back at the hotel, because I had at least expected her to be on her own.

That's right, she had Dutch lover boy in tow with her.

"Hi Tom," Penny greeted me with a smile as if everything was perfectly normal. "Got over your sun problem?"

"Who's this and why's he here?" I grunted, ignoring her remark.

"Johannes," the man himself introduced himself, offering me his hand, which I pretended not to notice.

"You here ok for a while Tom?" Penny asked, just a trace of doubt in her voice.


"Well Johannes here is sharing a room with three of his friends," she replied, her nervousness even more pronounced.

"What's that got to do with me Penny?" I demanded, fighting to keep my temper in check, even though I pretty well knew what the answer was going to be.

"Well Tom," she started, her confidence suddenly beginning to desert her. "I thought that maybe Johannes and me could enjoy a bit of private time together."

"In our bedroom?"

"Well ... Yes."

"To do what?"

"What do you think?"

"Tell me."

"What do you think? To fuck of course," Penny burst out, loosing her cool at last, which I guess was the most I could hope for.

"And what if I don't agree to that Penny," I pushed her even further.

"We've already discussed this Tom and you knew that it might happen, so don't turn shitty on me or else I'll go and find another room somewhere else."

Well, what could I do?

Lots of things of course, but she was right and this possible scenario had been discussed when we'd planned this holiday, and at the time it had seemed so exciting, even though reality was proving somewhat different. So I simply shrugged my shoulders in resignation, rolled over and let the pair of them get on with it.

"Thank you Tom," the Dutchman left with, seemingly with no idea of the confrontation that had just taken place, while Penny left without another word.

What a way to save a marriage.

I didn't know it would be this hard.


I thought I'd show her. Sort of get my own back. Tempted as I was to go back to the room and confront them, I decided to try another tack. The evening was falling, so slipping on my trousers over my swimming shorts; I threw my tee shirt in the bin and bought a new casual shirt from the shop in the foyer.

I was going out for the evening.

I was going out on the pull.

What was good for the goose was good for the gander, or should it be the other way around?

I had a drink or two in one of the local bars, and then made my way to a nightclub. The only one I knew of course was the one we'd been to previously so I made my way there, only to discover that unlike the previous evening when I'd been with a pretty girl, that I had to pay to get in.

And they say life's not fair on women?

I had a good time I have to admit, dancing with a selection of attractive young girls, most of them clad in no more than they had been the last time. That made for enjoyable views during the faster dances, and even more interesting times in the slow ones. But it didn't get me beyond that. It could have done and would have done maybe, having more or less settled on a pretty little redhead, who seemed to be happy to be settled on, when my world turned upside down again.

There she was,


Penny and what was his name ... Johannes, and looking like a couple made in heaven. She had on her little blue dress, the one she'd declined to wear for me a the previous night before she'd thrown caution to the wind, the dress that had been slipped into her suitcase without her knowing. It was small and I can't think of any better description, other than to say that it was every bit as revealing as any other girl there had on. Wouldn't claim it to be more so, because that probably wouldn't be possible and still be able to claim some vestiges of decency. She had the legs for it of course, which was just as well as the frilly skirt hardly covered her bottom, and that was before friend Johannes started to have some fun with her.

I watched in some confusion as he playfully bunched her skirt up behind her, exposing her thong covered arse despite her giggled protests, none of which even to me seemed to be too serious. He soon had her dress up to her waist, much to his friends' amusement, and a few other lookers on as well for that matter. It was only when one of those friends went behind her, stooped down, and yanked her panties down to her ankles, that I'd had my full, and only then that I realised I'd lost my little redhead somewhere, anyway.

"Penny!" I cried aloud, striding up to where they were trying to get her to step out of her panties. "What the fuck are you playing at?"

"Oh there you are Tom," she slurred her reply, having obviously had a fair bit to drink. "Where have you been?"

"What do you care?" I threw back at her, causing Johannes and his friends to burst out laughing, clearly having at least matched my wife drink for drink, or whatever else it was that they'd been using.

"Don't be like that honey," she grinned at me, well beyond knowing or caring about the mood I was in, and unworried that she was stood there facing me with her skirt up to her waist, and her panties now nowhere to be seen. "There's a party down on the beach tonight and we're just leaving. Do you want to tag along?"

"Yer, come on man. Lots of booze and plenty of women. You'll be sure to score," Johannes added, not even recognising who I was or that we'd even met before I suspect, and dragging Penny's skirt up even further, her tits as well as her pussy threatening to slide into view.

"I'll see you down there later," I told them, not wishing them to realise that I was easing Penny away from them, pretending to take her for a dance, but actually guiding her over to the exit.

"I lost my panties," she giggled, half out of it, I suspected high on some drug, as well as booze, something that she wasn't used to using.

"I want my panties," she sobbed drunkenly when I didn't respond or let her go back for them.

"We'll get you some more," I promised her, and that seemed to satisfy her, and by the time I'd found a taxi she was out on her feet and I had to pour her into it.

If that wasn't bad enough, then getting her out of the taxi and up to our room was a nightmare; Penny determined to get her dress off and me struggling to keep it on her while I manoeuvred her through reception and back to our room.

And Jesus what a mess I found there.

The place smelled like a whorehouse, and looked like a bomb had hit it. I threw her on the bed where she went straight off to sleep, and with the state of the bed, I had no intention of joining her there. I tried to clear up a bit, but gave up in disgust when I found not just one pair of strange men's underpants but two.

What the hell had Penny been up to?

What a way to save ... Oh what the fuck!


I got no apologies in the morning, but that was no surprise because when I left the room around ten she was still fast asleep and didn't emerge till the middle of the afternoon.

"My head's sore," she winced, screwing her eyes up.

"No wonder. You deserve it," I answered her, taking pleasure in her distress.

"What did I do?" Penny asked like a little girl lost.

"You don't remember?"

"Not much," she replied. "I went sunbathing, got chatting to that Dutch crowd and I don' remember too much after that. Why did you go off and leave me?"

"Did they give you anything? Pills or anything?"

"No, just gave me a cigarette, but I don't smoke so it made me feel funny."

"You accepted a cigarette from a young Dutchman?"

"I guess so."

"More fool you Penny!"

And that's just about all I got out of her for the rest of the day. A day I spent round the pool topping up my tan, and she spent it back in the room feeling sorry for herself.

Not sure who cleaned the room up, but when I eventually made my way back up there late afternoon, it was pretty well back to normal.

"Fancy some dinner?" I asked, not surprised when she shook her head and buried herself back under the bedclothes.

"I'll see you later then," I threw back over my shoulder as I left the room a little later, showered and changed and ready for the evening. All I got back in response was a groan.

I was no longer sure how the hell this was supposed to save a marriage.


Suitably fed and watered, I made my way back to that very same club, and again had to pay entry. I was looking for something and I wasn't too fussy as long as it had tits, legs and a pussy.

What I didn't expect within five minutes of getting there was, "You back again Tom." The accent was Croatian, but of course the only reason I knew that was because it was spoken by a very pretty, little redhead. A redhead who apparently wasn't at all pissed that I'd lost interest in her the previous evening, and who's skirt was even shorter than the one that had previously attracted my attention.

We said things.

Don't ask me what because it was all standard drivel, the same as is used in the mating game the world over. Much as was her question whether it would be my place or hers.

Oh I was tempted, I can tell you.

To have taken Ola back to our room and flaunted her in front of Penny would have been very satisfying, but of course I found my satisfaction elsewhere.

Back to her room, only to find that though I'd been with girls who wore panties but no bra, despite the brevity of her little skirt, this was to prove my first time for the other way round. Perhaps if her tits hadn't been so bloody huge then she wouldn't have bothered with either.

What Ola did with me, and I chose my words carefully, was at the limit of my experience. I thought back to the looks I'd got from other guys when I'd walked out with Ola and that I'd taken to be jealousy, and decided that they were in fact pity. She was an ex gymnast, working as the sports director of a local hotel, was as fit as a fiddle and could do things with her body that may well have been illegal. She also outlasted me and I'd always considered myself a bit of a stud on the quiet.

We parted the next morning with no talk of a repeat performance, Ola aware that she'd wrung me out dry, and me wishing to make sure that I survived to my next birthday.


"Where the hell have you been?" I was greeted with on re-entering our hotel room. A good night's sleep obviously having bought her back to the land of the living.

"Fucking," I spat back at her, believing honesty is always the best policy.


"Does it matter?"

"You bastard," Penny attacked me. "You know what this week was all about. That I could play around with other men if I wanted. That's what was agreed"

"And I can't play around with other women then?" I challenged her.

"Asshole," Penny spat at me, and grabbing her bag made for the door.

"Enjoy yourself sweetie," I mocked her.

"Oh I will," she grunted back. "I'll soon find someone who appreciated what I've got between my legs more than you do."

My reply, which I was a little disappointed about anyway, rebounded back from the door that she'd just slammed.

That went well, didn't it?


Breakfast was good if a little later than normal, and after a stroll round the local area I found myself back at our hotel, wondering what I might do for the rest of the day, wondering quite how this week's holiday had gone so badly wrong, when we'd been so hopeful.

Letting myself back into our room, the last thing I expected to find there was Penny.

"Sorry Tom," she whispered almost inaudibly. And I stood there in surprise, not knowing how to reply.

"I was out of order Tom," she went on. "What I did yesterday was unforgivable."

"It was the day before yesterday actually," I corrected her, wondering where this was going.

"Whatever Tom," Penny sighed, standing up for the first time. "What will it take to get back to where we were a few days ago?"

In point of fact, Penny answered her own question, having left her robe on the settee as she stood, leaving her there in those sexy bloody high heels again and absolutely nothing else.

"Well?" She smiled hopefully, but I never really gave her a proper answer, it being difficult to speak when your mouth is full of lovely soft breast.

Maybe this could be the way to save a marriage after all!


The flight back was quiet, the last couple days of our holiday proving to be even better than the first two. Extra quiet in fact as we arrived late due to our activities and ended up with seats several aisles away from one another. We met back up together again in the terminal at Gatwick, found my car and spent a quiet drive back into London.

We both had a lot of things to think about, aware that we were both back on our way to reality.

"Are you coming in?" Penny asked when I pulled up in front of her house.

"Not sure Penny," I replied quietly. "Don't you want to spend some private time with Dave?"

"This was all my stupid husband's idea in the first place Tom," she reminded me. "Put some spice back into our relationship, he said. Get yourself a boyfriend. Go off for the week-end with him and enjoy yourself."

"I know things weren't good between you two," I commiserated. "But I'm glad you picked me Penny."

"I picked well didn't I?" Penny giggled, stroking my jaw affectionately. "And you got a free holiday paid for by my silly husband."

"That's not all I got," I laughed back and gave her left tit a squeeze, maybe the last one for some time, if not for ever.

"Sure you won't come in Tom?"

"No Penny," I replied, knowing that I didn't want to be a spare wheel when she met up with her husband Dave again. "I'll be getting home."

Penny reluctantly climbed out of my car, and I followed her to her front door, carrying her case for her, thinking that was the end of our adventure.

I was wrong!

"I think you deserve a souvenir of our week together," Penny said, smiling at me cheekily.

"I've got lots of memories."

"But you haven't got a bra though, have you."

"Don't wear one," I quipped back, grinning, wondering what she was up to.

"Have this one," Penny giggled, shrugging off her top, followed by her bra, which she handed to me.

I think I gulped!

If I didn't then I sure swallowed very, very deeply, and it turned out I'd been wrong earlier, as I got another even better fondle of her lovely breasts.

Let's see how Dave handles me returning home like this," Penny laughed, giving her bare tits a squeeze. "It'll serve the sod right for setting this all up."

"If he's got any sense, then he'll know what and how to handle it," I joked back, and basically that proved to be the end of my weeks adventure. An adventure planned and paid for by Penny's husband that turned out different from what any of us expected.

But would it really save their marriage?

I had my doubts.


By rights, that should have been the end of the story as far as I was concerned. Dave, the silly sod got his jollies off by encouraging his wife to be a slut of some kind, and she'd eventually gone along with it. I suspect, as the weekend wore on, with a lot more enthusiasm than she'd ever imagined.

I'd had my fun and that should have been the end of it, but somehow it didn't feel like that. I had that 'unfinished business' sort of feeling, and yes I confess, the rather gorgeous little Penny had got under my skin.

So maybe it was more than a coincidence that found me a couple of weeks later, wandering casually into The Old Turks head, a lively tavern on the edge of town, known for the loudness of the music and its lack of decent beers.

No! Not my sort of place at all, but I was there for a reason, and it didn't take long for me to spot her. Penny was stood there surrounded by a group of Dave's friends, while he, the stupid sod was sat to one side watching with a silly grin on his face.

Obviously our week away had not been enough to satisfy him, and his lack of response was encouraging his pals to get ever more daring with their treatment of his wife, hands wandering where by rights they simply didn't ought to be. I had no problem with Dave if that's what made him tick, but the look on Penny's face made it quite clear that she wasn't exactly an enthusiastic participant.

Then one of them slid his hand up her skirt, Penny squealed and leapt back, only to find herself engulfed by another guy, who promptly wrapped his arms around her and grabbed a tit in each hand, and Penny looked as if she was about to burst into tears.

Time to act!

"Careful with the goods you lot," I warned them as I pushed my way through them, pulling Penny out from the grasp of the one fondling her breasts.

I should add that I knew all these guys well enough to interfere like that, and more important, they all knew me well enough not to try to stop me.

"You Ok Penny?" I asked.

"I am now Tom," she whispered back, cuddling up to me for protection.

"I'm just going to borrow Penny for a while Dave," I said, but directing my comment to all of them, daring them to disagree as I eased her away from them. I got some dirty looks but none of them said a word, with Dave the silly bugger, grinning even wider than before.

I took her home, and we more or less carried on from where we'd left off a couple of weeks earlier, except this time it was more relaxed, less hurried, more comfortable, more ... Well more like making love.

We got used to one another and it felt very comfortable.

A week passed and then another one, with no contact from her husband Dave. Then he did ring but I wasn't there.

"He wants to know when I'm going home Tom," Penny told me. "He says he misses me."

"Do you miss him Penny?" I demanded, holding my breath.

"A bit," she answered with a frown. "Just sometimes. Not as much as I probably should."

"When do you want to go home Penny?"

"Never," she answered simply, smiling at me hopefully.

"And that episode with those Dutch guys Penny," I challenged her. "Is that likely to happen again?"

"Are you ever likely to push me into it like Dave did?" She replied, grinning, knowing what my answer would be.

"You know I won't."

"If you did, then you're not the man I think you are Tom," Penny sighed. "If you did then it would break my heart?"

"Even so Penny, Dave is your husband," I responded sombrely, picking up the phone and dialling his number. "I'd better discuss this with him."

Penny stood there with a worried look on her face, while I waited for Dave to answer.

"Dave, this is Tom," I told him when he answered," We need to discuss the situation with Penny."

"Right," he replied tartly. "When's the bitch coming home?"

"She's not Dave. I'm keeping her. End of discussion," and with that I put the phone down.

"You Ok with that Penny?" I addressed my question at the happy smiling girl now clinging on to me desperately.

She didn't answer. She didn't have to.

One day we'd have to meet up with Dave and sort things out.

One day, but not this day and no time soon.

And I was right of course. It was no way to save a troubled marriage.

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FordF150guyFordF150guy5 months ago

What a piece of xxxx. If I could give it less than 1* I would.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

And then they all died a horrible and extremely painful death. What a happy ending that would be.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Ewww. Who would want her?

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

A waste of the reader's time.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Maybe you might have a talk with Literotica and put a new section in just for CUCKOLD stories I can not tell them as they will not let me join But almost all the stories now in LOVING WIVES seem to be cuckold ones Not my cup of tea sorry (jaybee186)

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