Toes a la Mode (Ma Cheri)


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They stared at each other. Two flushed faces, two heated bodies. By now, Cheri's balled fist had found its way into her crotch, the skirt pushed firmly and deeply down between her legs. Her face had a desperate, lost look to it. She wanted to leap up and jump Mike's tongue, but she hardly knew him. She was battling with herself, her common sense trying valiantly to fend of the raging hormones roiling between the silken folds of her drenched sex. The strain was making her flushed face redder by the second.

Mike wanted her badly. He knew she wanted him, too. He knew that what they had between them went beyond toe-sucking. He felt it was right, but he didn't want to scare her off. That would break his heart. He fumbled for something to say. Cheri couldn't even look at him, embarrassed by her feelings and desires. He kept trying to think of the right thing to say. Finally, he gave up, and just did the best he could.

"Cheri...thanks for letting me worship your foot...and believe me, I'd love to do the other....but...well, right now I'm... I....well.....I'm really a nice guy. But I'm horny as hell. I mean, really, REALLY horny. I should probably let you go..take you back to your car....but I...I'm sorry, but I want you so bad right now."

"Mike," she stammered, fist still firmly pressed between her legs, "I'm horny, too. I mean, I'm like....well, you get the idea. I keep wondering...what it would be like...I....oh, shit!"

"Cheri, look....what would be the harm? I mean...if know....I think it would be incredible!"

"Oh, damn, Mike....why'd your mouth have to be so good? I'm not like this...I don't just....oh, fuck far away do you live from here?"

Mike's eyes got as round and huge as ping pong balls. His mouth dropped open. But he forced himself to speak. "We could be there in less than ten minutes," he said, crossing his fingers covertly on the steering wheel.

Cheri bit her lip again. She heaved a great sigh and came to a decision.

"Drive," she said.

Mike's eyeballs were sweating as he drove to his apartment. He had a screaming woodie that tapped insistently on the inside of his zipper...a Morse code of lust. The tightness of his pants against his crotch was pressing into his testicles so hard that he thought they might try to escape into his abdominal cavity. Trying to drive responsibly despite his raging hormones, he licked sticky ice cream and fudge remnants from his mustache, relishing them all the more because of where they'd come from.

Cheri sat quietly, her feet still firmly entrenched in Mike's lap, trying to quell the rising tide of lust, and resolve her own internal battle. She saw Mike as a really cute, sexy guy...and quite the accomplished foot worshipper. And every time she pictured that attentive tongue peeking from between her toes or his rather insistent mouth sucking a toe into it, she had to again press her balled fists into her groin. She took constant deep breaths and continuously blew air from between her lips in frustrated sighs.

Mike was as good as his word. He reached his apartment in seven minutes flat. It wasn't all that far from the theater, after all, so even if he weren't drooling with lust he could've gotten there just as fast. He pulled into a long, curved driveway, which circled around the back of the tall, two-story building. When he stopped the car, he still had a firm grip on the wheel. He was breathing deeply, trying to control himself, maintain his composure. He'd had his share of sexual encounters before, but not with someone like Cheri...not only a sexy woman, but one who relished the idea of having her feet pampered and worshipped. That alone set her way above any of the other women he'd brought back to his apartment.

"Well," he sighed, "we're here." He turned to look at Cheri. She was still biting her lip. She looked back at him. "You sure you want to go through with this, Cheri? I'll understand if you change your mind."

"'re fantastic, but...I don't know. I mean...I hardly know you. Actually, I don't know you much at all...just what we briefly talked about at the Burger Barn. That's really it."

"Oh, I see..." he said, a hint of defeat in his voice, "Well, I understand. It's okay. problem. It's been wonderful just getting to know you. And your Thank you for letting me...get to know them." He smiled a smile he hoped would reassure her.

"Okay, let's just hold on here," Cheri said through clenched teeth. "Mike, I really like you....and right now I'm so turned on I could hump the Dallas Cowboys, including the coaches and water boys! But we need some boundaries here. I mean, I can't know...let you jump me...just because you sucked my toes so...really.. really....REALLY....wonderfully" She sighed, and her fists again slammed between her legs. Mike noticed and smiled wistfully.

"Should I drive you back to your car?" he asked.

"Yes...NO! I mean...oh, I don't know what I mean. I keep thinking about your mouth all over my feet, and that's keeping me horny as hell. I don't know what to do." She looked at him with pleading eyes. It seemed as though she just wanted some reassurance from him...or from anyone willing to give it.

"Cheri, I swear...I'm not the kind of guy who sleeps around. In fact, I hate to admit this, but I RARELY get lucky, though I do have the occasional triumph...every decade or so." He laughed, still trying to ease her doubts.

She smiled, but her hands were still firmly in place a few inches below the clasp of her skirt. "Oh, God," she said, closing her eyes and pressing the back of her head against the passenger door window. "If only that mouth of yours hadn't gotten me so damn hot. Ohhh....every time I think of it."

Mike made a joke, hoping to lighten things up a bit. "Well," he said, pouting, "I see it's only my mouth you want. The rest of me means nothing to you, huh?" The pout turned quickly into a smile. Cheri pulled her head away from the window and looked at him intently. She seemed to be scanning him at first, but then her eyes locked in on his face...and then his mouth. She stared at his mouth, licking her lips the whole time.

A plan struck Mike. He'd put two and two together. Cheri had been talking about his mouth the whole time. She didn't once mention his hands or how he might hold her or caress her body. Nor did she mention copulation in any way. Her only sexual comments she'd made since they'd been in his car all concerned his mouth and how much it had turned her on. He wondered if that could be the link, the way to her heart. He put his plan into action.

" about this idea?" He hesitated, waiting for Cheri to take her eyes off his mouth and raise them up to his eyes. "I don't want to be gross or sound...well...indelicate...but you keep talking about my mouth and tongue. You seem to like them quite a bit." He waited for her to answer, trying to give her an understanding look, and not a lecherous leer.

"Oh, Mike," she sighed, looking back down at his mouth, "you have a wonderful, wonderful mouth. So...sooooo, talented. It makes me wonder..."

"Wonder what?" he interrupted, sure now that he was onto something.

Before she could catch herself, Cheri almost moaned the words, "It makes me wonder what that mouth could do....." The thought trailed off into a smile. Her eyes glistened at first, then glazed...then shut. She rammed her fists between her thighs again and sighed. Smiling, her mind drifted off into fantasy. With her eyes shut, she sighed and licked her lips, leaning once again against the door.

At first Mike was content to watch her chest fall and rise, and listen to her sighs. But then he knew what he had to do. He knew that it was his lips and tongue that had put Cheri into this state, and he felt it was his responsibility to make things right. This was one of those rare times when doing one's honor bound duty would also make him as happy and horny as hell!

"Cheri," he said, tiptoeing on fragile ice, "there IS a way...I mean...if you don't want to actually have sex, per se... I mean, I know it would actually be sex, but know...well, none of my sex organs actually involved." He fumbled for the right way to say it without being offensive. Cheri opened her eyes and looked at him as if he'd just gained a third eye. She laughed.

"What on earth are you trying to say, Mike?"

"Well...." he scratched his head. "you seem to really, REALLY like my mouth. I mean, you've mentioned it a dozen times between the theater and here, and several times just now. It just seems...well, you seem curious as to how my mouth might perform on other things besides feet. I right about that, or should I just accept that I'm having hallucinations? And if you want me to shut up, just say so. I don't want to skeeve you out or anything." He tried to smile, but because he was nervous about touching on new ground, his smile was crooked and twitching. He thought he might look like an ice cream faced lunatic.

Cheri laughed nervously, biting her lip, squirming in her seat. "You caught that, did you? I guess I'm just the obvious type...can't keep my mouth shut. I guess sometimes I just fantasize out loud and don't even know it."

"So?" Mike replied calmly and quietly, "Nothing wrong with that. You like what you like. That's a good thing."

"That still doesn't tell me what you were just mumbling about, Mike...what you were trying to say." In reality, she was being coyly deceptive. She knew damn well what he was trying to say - and she was thrilled he'd even bring it up - but was not about to let him know his thoughts were mirroring her own.

Mike sighed, finding the courage and strength to somewhat accurately verbalize what his addled brain was trying to get his babbling mouth to come right out and say all along. He felt he had nothing to lose. He felt he knew Cheri, and didn't think she would get upset enough to tell him to get lost at this point. She was obviously open-minded, and she seemed to like him. So, he went for it. He said precisely what was on his mind.

"'re in a real state here. And it's really my fault. Yes, YOU asked ME to rub your feet, but I took it from there. It's my fault you're all...well...horny, right now. So, I thought maybe there was something I could do for you. Something that...involves my mouth...since you like it so much." He paused to let that sink in. Cheri looked at him blandly at first, but then her eyes widened and her jaw dropped. It really was true, after all.

"Oh my God, Mike...are you saying...? I don't mean what I think you do, do you?" What seemed like possible shocked protest, was actually Cheri's brain digesting the information it was just given...however staggered and mumbling it was. She was taking in the enormity of what was about to be discussed...and possibly even performed. And she did not do so with disappointment.

"Look, Cheri, this is killing me..seeing you like this. I know I can make you feel really good, if you'll give me the chance. I don't mean to brag, tongue IS my best feature. You know how long it can go, how thorough it can be. I just thought...well, you liked it so much on your foot, so...maybe I could use it somewhere else for you? That way you'd get some satisfaction and not have to worry about my..." he blushed, "my penis. It's just a please don't be upset. And trust me...I'll shut up if you want me to."

"I don't believe it," she said, a telltale gleam growing ever brighter in her eyes. "You're actually offering to....You're not serious!"

He thought he'd offended her, and rushed to remedy things. "No...I'm sorry...I just thought...Well, yes, that's what I was offering, I said, if you don't want to... I just hate seeing you go home all frustrated like this."

Cheri had her hand over her mouth, chuckling into it...but it was a wicked chuckle, like a woman who couldn't believe her luck. Mike was actually offering to do the very thing she'd been fantasizing about since she first felt his tongue on her feet. He was offering to lick her "someplace else", to help her have an orgasm. She was instantly dripping wet, and her body shivered. She felt like she couldn't breathe. She fought for control.

"Mike, are you offering to....oh my lick me? I mean, you, sexually?"

"Sure," he said, smiling, "why not? I know it's actually sex, but it's not like sex know, sex organs meeting sex organs." He laughed. "Guess I'm not making sense again."

"Well, you kind of are. But, Mike, what would be in it for you? I mean, wouldn't you get horny, too? That's if you aren't already? Wouldn't you want to jump me? And wouldn't that defeat the whole purpose of the oral sex in the first place?"

"Well, I'm not doing this TOTALLY unselfishly. I admit, I love to taste more than just toes. And, yes, it IS a turn on for me. But I would never try to take advantage of the situation. I mean, if I wanted to do that, I would've already tried...given your current condition and all."

"But, then, I repeat...what's in it for you, Mike? What do you get out of it, besides just enjoying doing it?"

"Well," he blushed, "promise not to laugh?"

"Of course. Well, I'll TRY not to." She smiled, still fact, maybe even fidgeting just a bit more.

"Okay, then...I not only enjoy giving a woman oral pleasure, but I can even have an orgasm from doing it. It's that much of a turn on for me."

Cheri's eyes showed a mixture of incredulity and distrust. She couldn't believe such a man existed. "You're kidding, right? I mean, men like you don't actually exist, do they? Are you really trying to get into my pants, Mike? It's can admit it if you are. I'll admire your ingenuity, if nothing else."

"I swear, Cheri...I love giving a woman oral pleasure. I"

What little heat had left her burning body was quickly returning. The wet itch between her legs was increasing. She'd always loved a good, active tongue between her legs, and from what had happened on her feet earlier, she just knew Mike's tongue would give a fantastic accounting of itself if she allowed it into her steaming honeypot.

Mike was beginning to look sexier and sexier to her. He had an innocent, little boy look on his face, but underneath that innocent look lurked a man's desire to spread her legs and lick her until she exploded. And, oh, wouldn't that feel sooooo good right now? The whole idea was unbelievably tempting...more tempting even than wanting him to worship her feet in the theater.

Every part of Cheri seemed to ache and itch and tingle at the same time. Her eyesight was getting hazy again. She was at once weak and full of energy. She squirmed. She licked her lips again and again. She looked at Mike's still ice cream sticky mustache and pictured it between her legs. She fantasized his willing head bobbing as his formidable tongue licked up and down, in and out, around and around.

"Mike," she said, trying with every ounce of strength she had to keep her voice calm and even, "you dick attacks, right? I like you...but not THAT much...yet."

"Not a one..unless you want me to. Scout's honor."

"You're just going to nuzzle my....honeypot...for me, right? That's the deal?"

"Absolutely." Hope, previously a tiny, sputtering ember, started to grow into a raging inferno in his brain. That fire crawled along nerve endings in a mad race to reach the Morse code tapping still going on behind his zipper.

"Wow...this is too much. First, my my..... Oh, myyyyyyy...."

"Shall we?" Mike asked, nodding his head toward his apartment door.

"Oh, what the hell..." Cheri replied, her head swimming. If he tried to fuck her, she could always do that testicle rearranging maneuver on him with a good kick between his legs. That would surely put an end to any attempts at pussy-poking right quick. Although...she mused...maybe at some later date...somewhere down the road...

" won't be disappointed, I promise," he said. His eyes were lit like two lighthouse beacons, shining their glee...and desire.

As he opened his door, he turned to her and told her to stay put for a second. Then he got out and went to the door of his apartment, unlocking it, swinging it open wide. He came back to the car and opened her door. When she tried to get out, he stopped her.

"You're still barefoot, Cheri."

She bent to put her shoes back on, but he stopped her. "No," he said, "your right foot is still sticky with dried ice cream. Leave your shoes in the car. I'll get them for you in a minute. I'm going to carry you inside first."

"What? Oh,'re joking, aren't you? You can't be serious."

"I'm very serious. I'm going to carry you inside. I'm going to bring you into the living room and sit you on the sofa with pillows all around you like a pampered queen. Then I'm going to come back and lock up the car. And when I come back inside, I'll be your personal body servant. I still have one sticky foot to kiss and lick and suck. And that will be just a warm-up for my mouth. After I've gotten that sexy foot as squeaky clean as the other one is, I'll slowly kiss, lick and nibble my way up your hot breath tickling your skin as I move inch by inch up your calf...your thigh...and end up right where you want me. I'll slip my hands up under your skirt and gently glide your panties down your legs. And when I get them completely off you, I'm going to put my hands on your inner thighs and gently pry your legs make room for my head...and the tongue you love so much. Then I'm going to kneel down between your legs and get as comfortable as I can...because I want to take my time and really savor you crazy....make you sigh and squirm. I'm willing to bet I can make you feel very, very satisfied...and myself too. If you'll let me, that is. You still willing to do this?" He looked at her yet again with those cute, puppyish eyes. He seemed so eager to please her. How could she refuse that pleading face? And, after all, wasn't this all exactly what she'd fantasized in the theater...not to mention a dozen times during their drive to and from the Burger Barn? When would she ever get another offer like this?

Cheri was glassy eyed...too excited to speak. She just nodded. Beside himself with glee, Mike picked her up from the car seat and carried her inside. He placed her on his sofa, exactly as he said he was going to. He sat her at one end, stretching her legs out comfortably, putting her at a slight angle so her feet could dangle over the edge of the sofa. After surrounding her with plush pillows, he went back out and closed up the car. When he came back, he held her shoes up to show her they were okay, then set them down gently next to an end table. On top of her shoes he placed her somewhat crumpled thigh highs, smiling as he did. When he walked over to her on the sofa she was breathlessly snuggling herself into the sofa and pillows, as she had done in the car when he'd tasted her sticky sweet foot. She did indeed look like spoiled, pampered royalty. A wide grin crept onto her expectant face, and seemed to become frozen there.

Mike got down on his knees at Cheri's feet. He grinned at her. "And now, my delicious Foot Goddess, we begin." He slowly raised her still dessert covered foot and looked at it closely. Every inch was still covered with ice cream and fudge...all of it dried and caked and sticky.

"You'll get it as ice cream free as this one?" Cheri kidded, holding up her other foot.

"Yes, ma'am...every bit as clean. And then, with your permission, I'll lick another delicious prize."

"Oh, kind definitely have my permission. I just don't know how long I can hold out before I explode."