Together Ssn 03 Ch. 08 - Restraint

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As one door closes, another opens.
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Part 21 of the 88 part series

Updated 10/26/2023
Created 02/15/2022
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***All characters depicted herein are of age, 18 years old at least, and some of what you read may be distressing. Any acts of violence should not be recreated in any way in real life. Stay safe!***

Inside a courtroom, where Irvine White, 58, has stood trial for sexual assault against Tiffany Bright, 21, the Judge presiding over proceedings has reached a decision on sentencing, decreeing, "In regard to the defendant, Mister Irvine White, determining the correct sentence for the offence of sexual assault against the plaintiff, Miss Tiffany Bright, has been decided on the following factors: that psychological harm was caused by the incident to the plaintiff as evidenced in the reports from a licensed counsellor and therapist, that the incident was recorded by security cameras at the premises, showing strong violence towards the plaintiff, showing significant threat and touching of the genitalia in a violating manner decided as seen to be without consent through review of the footage by jury, that as a person in authority over the plaintiff you abused your position of power and the trust between you from that.

"Given your aggressiveness and non-compliance during and since the incident up to now, it is considered by me that any argument for mitigating factors to reduce a sentence based on good character with no prior convictions on record or supposed remorse the defendant has, which has not been displayed during proceedings, are negated. So, for the safety of yourself and members of the public, I am going to give a custodial sentence of six years imprisonment. If good behaviour can be proven during this period, an appeal may be made where your sentence will be reviewed."

The bailiffs with Irvine escort him from the courtroom, and Valentina Cortes, 30, gathers her belongings and leaves the courtroom with a stern look on her face; a mixture of upset and anger bubbling beneath the surface of her skin.

In a waiting room down the hall from the courtroom, Valentina enters to see Tiffany anxiously awaiting news, and Valentina reports, "He has been given six years in prison, with the chance to appeal if he can prove good behaviour. Congratulations."

Tiffany doesn't smile, or show any real sign of happiness or elation at the news, instead having a realisation of remorse, and a churning sickness swirling around her stomach, because of what they have done sending this man to prison; a man close to her friend's family. Her lip trembles and she clasps a hand to her mouth as she feels the reality that she has destroyed a man's life and career.

Valentina approaches Tiffany, and places her arms on her shoulders, and says, "No need for tears. For what that man did to you, there should be no tears. You have done nothing wrong. The only wrongs are his," and she pulls Tiffany in for a hug, and Tiffany slides her arms around Valentina's back, as she says, "He chose to do what he did, knowing what he wanted, and now he is getting exactly what he deserves. Now, you can live free of this, and move on to get what you deserve."

Tiffany, snuggled in the comfort of Valentina's chest, says, "Thank you, Tina. I appreciate everything you have done for me."

Tina plays with Tiffany's hair, stroking it gently with the back of her hand, and Tiffany looks up at her face, then Tina suddenly kisses her passionately, with all the fire of her desire. It is inappropriate for her to be with a client in such a manner, but the case is over, right? So, it is okay. As long as they are alone, everything will be fine, or at least Tina tells herself, feeling the thrill of thinking about being caught.

Tiffany enjoys the taste of Tina's lips as they kiss, but she comes to a realisation of what she is doing and breaks herself free from Tina's embrace. With a disgusted look, she shakes as she says to the lawyer, "No. We are not doing this. My body is for my boyfriend to use, and no one else. People need to learn to keep their hands to themselves," and she storms out of the waiting room.

Tina calls after her, "No, please? I'm sorry," but the young women is long gone, rushing down the corridor to leave the courthouse. Alone once again, Tina feels an emptiness swell strongly within her, like a tidal wave rising high up above her with a frightening groan, threatening to engulf her in her entirety, to be lost in the deep ocean of her emotions.

Her face blank, and her eyes heavy, Tina walks out of the waiting room, leaving the door open as she leaves, and she makes her way out of the courthouse and to her car. She places her things on the passenger seat, and sits in the driver's seat, facing all the other parked cars across from her in bays side by side, and she turns her head to see the bays either side of her empty, making her feel even more disconnected from the world.

Tina stares at her handbag, and she fishes in it for her phone, looking at recent calls, seeing an incoming call at the top of the list from Melissa Fisher that she had yesterday. She presses the screen of the smartphone, and calls Luke Bailey, next on her list with multiple failed outgoing calls. The phone rings, and rings, and rings, the tone dull and almost patronising in her ear, mocking her.

The call rings out, for what feels like forever, and just as Tina thinks about hanging up, she hears an answer, "Bailey."

Luke, 28, has answered. Tina bursts into a flood of tears, crying loudly, and Luke says in her ear, "Tina. Don't worry. I am coming to you. You should be at the courthouse. Stay there in the lobby and I will be there as soon as I can."

Tina hears Luke stay on the line with her as he rushes to his car and starts the ignition, making his way to her as he promised. She stays sat there still in her car, unable to move, and unable to speak, as the minutes drift by, with the sounds of Luke driving in her ear. Her face soaked with tears and her throat choking with soreness.

The minutes pass, and Luke tells Tina, "I'm here. I'm coming to you. Stay with me."

Tina lets Luke know, "I'm in the car. Bay near the courthouse entrance."

Luke says, "I see you," and he runs to the car and opens the door. Tina swings her legs out and throws her arms around Luke as he squats down beside her. He comfortingly strokes her hair with the palm of his hand, and he says, "I'm here."

Tina looks into Luke's eyes, and says, "No one loves me. I'm all alone, and I'm scared."

Luke shakes his head, and tells Tina, "I love you. I have never loved anyone else. I love you, and I am tired of making excuses for not being with you, because even if I can't be with you in the way you deserve, you deserve me to at least try. I'm going to book the next couple of weeks off, and we are going to get away from everything, and go have our time in the sun; where we have each other, and no one else to bother us, and we can be free to do as we please, and enjoy what life has to offer for once. Yeah?"

Tina nods her head, and says, "Yeah. Let's do that."

Luke says, "You are not driving in this state. We will get the car another time. Leave it here and come back with me."

Tina gathers her things, and closes and locks the car, and she is met by a kiss from Luke, melting away her fears, like a sun rising, breaking the deep darkness with a warm glow that bathes her, soothing her soul. She feels everything she has been dreaming of, and she also feels more than she could have expected. After waiting so long, her time has finally come.

Luke escorts Tina to his car, and let's her in, and they leave the courthouse behind.

Meanwhile, Tiffany arrives at home, finding her boyfriend, Craig, 20, waiting for her, and she tells him the news, "Irvine has been sent to prison for six years."

Craig looks relieved and elated as he responds saying, "That's great."

Tiffany sits down with Craig on the sofa, and candidly asks him, "Is it? Is it great? That is Gabby's uncle. That is Domhnall's brother-in-law. They say they support me over him, but I'm not sure I'm comfortable with them choosing sides. Irvine was their family, their friend, their business partner; they have history. What do I have? None of that. Will this change how they feel about me? Will it strain Domhnall's relationship with Pleasant, and because of that, Frankie with me? Will it affect our work with Domhnall, and with Ray, his actual flesh and blood relative? I'm scared about what happens now."

Craig comfortingly rubs Tiffany's arm, and says, "If any of that happens, you know what you will have? Me; now and always. Domhnall and Ray were both upset with Irvine, so him being in prison is a good place for him, because he attacked you. That is not any sort of behaviour to accept.

"Until Irvine learns to accept what he has done, time in prison is the best thing for him, and, when he comes out, his family will be waiting to welcome him back, hopefully reformed, regretful, and remorseful. So, don't feel bad for what is happening. It is a good thing that has happened, and, if you want to forgive Irvine for what he did to you, when he comes out, you can be there with everyone else to greet him. I will be there with you. And, if Irvine is rehabilitated, seeing you and having the chance to apologise will be good for him. We can all move on from it."

Tiffany says, "Wow! That makes a lot of sense. I was overwhelmed with my emotions all the way home; conflicted on whether I felt good or bad about all of this. A real mix of feelings inside me all foggy and dense. What you said made everything feel all clear now."

Craig smiles, and asks to confirm, "You feel good?"

Tiffany smiles and tells her boyfriend, "Yeah. I do," and bounds on top of him, kissing him all over his face, his mouth, his neck, all whilst rubbing her hands everywhere that feels right to her, feeling the warmth radiating from him as they become more and more aroused.

The couple take their passion to the bedroom, stripping along the way, leaving a trail of discarded clothes and underwear all through the house, leading to their bed. They collapse onto the sheets, Tiffany on top, teasing everywhere her tongue finds on Craig's chest, with long licks over the areolas and the nipples.

Tiffany stands up, walking across to a dresser, and pulling a drawer open and pulling out of it a dildo in a harness. Craig sits up and sees as Tiffany glances a cheeky look back, and she transforms the look on her face to one of total seriousness, as she walks back to the bed, and pulls the harness on.

Turned on, Tiffany teases her cock with her hand, watching through her eyelids as they droop to almost closed, heavy from the arousal fizzling on the back of her neck, and she tells Craig, "I have missed this feeling. Now, more than ever, I feel a sense of belonging when I wear this. It feels strong, and powerful, and it calls to me, waiting to be released. When I wear this, I have no worries, I feel no shame, and I am not weak."

Craig looks up at his girlfriend with concern, not recognising the woman standing at the foot of the bed, towering over him, and he says, "You are not weak. You..."

"Silence!," Tiffany snaps, a rageful snarl teasing her upper lip as she blankly stares down at Craig, stroking her cock as she says quietly but firmly, "You should know your place in my presence. You are beneath me."

Craig looks upset at the woman before him, seeing a stranger wearing the skin of the woman he loves, but he doesn't stand, and he doesn't speak, and he submits to the will of this woman, and the cock she hungrily strokes like she is drunk with it.

Tiffany mounts the bed, sitting near Craig's head, and she calmly asks, "Suck my cock."

Craig hesitantly looks between the dildo and his girlfriend's face, and he grips it and leans up, propping himself up on his elbow, pressing his lips around the plastic head.

Impatient, Tiffany grabs chunks of Craig's hair, and his ears in her fists, and forcefully stuffs the dildo into his mouth, shouting, "I said to fucking take it, and no fucking use moaning about it. Your... mouth... will... learn... to... love... it... Every... fucking... inch... That's it. Drool. Like a fucking dog. Even a fucking dog can learn to enjoy something with it's mouth. Lick it... Fucking lick it all."

Tiffany pounds her plastic cock into Craig's mouth, wrestling in all directions for him to thoroughly explore in it's entirety the plastic phallus with his tongue, tonsils, and forced into his throat. As she does this, the room darkens, with light retreating in fear as the sky outside the window is obscured by dark clouds. The darkness casts deep shadows over Craig, and he glances up to see Tiffany's body and face engulfed in grey, with the whites of her eyes gleaming menacing upon him.

Tiffany pulls the plastic cock away, and she leans her face down to his to stare into his teary eyes as she growls, "Get on your fucking knees," and Craig stares back, scared of her, and she screams in his face, "Now!," making Craig blink and shudder with fear, scrambling around on the bed to get on all fours.

As soon as Craig turns over, Tiffany manhandles him, hoisting his rear into the position she wants, and thrusts her slobbered cock into his arse with no concern for his comfort. Craig leans his face into the bedsheets as he feels uncomfortable being used like this, moaning and panting loud and hard.

Slamming her cock into Craig's arse with reckless abandon, Tiffany slaps his hips as hard as she can, making them sore, and making him moan harder and more sustained. She quickens her pace, and really leans over him to thrust with even more power, and angle deeper inside his arse. Craig has enough, and begins pleading with his groans, "No. No, stop. No..."

Tiffany pulls the cock out, but not out of mercy, as she throws Craig's hips to the side, and rolls him over, pulling him between her legs, and she leans over his body, and grips his throat tight, choking Craig as she says, "No? You don't get, 'no.' You are only allowed... nothing... You do not speak at all," and she chokes him harder as she buries her cock back inside his arse, his cock flailing from the jolts of each thrust.

Craig stares into his girlfriend's eyes, but does not recognise them. They pierce into his soul with scorn, and judgment, and an intensity he has never known from her. How long has this been boiling up inside of her? The normally sweet woman he knows now resentful and bitter, but he still loves her, or, at least the form of the woman he knows, for beyond the eyes and beneath her skin is not Tiffany to him.

Tiffany continues to pound her cock into Craig's arse as she squeezes the life out of his throat. He turns blue, and begins to feel cold, but he still will not defend himself. Tiffany relents, and Craig gasps hard, lifting his hands up to his throat as he fights for breath, and Tiffany slaps him with all her weight behind it, across the face, feeling like a punch.

Watching the woman glowering down at him, grinding her jaw, Craig catches his breath, and tends to his throat with no intention of fighting back. The woman slaps him again, harder, and Craig's entire head stings, and his ears ring from the impact; the skin red raw and hot as the blood rushes to it.

The woman looks down at Craig, her chest pumping faster as her adrenaline builds, and she looks purely rageful as she smacks Craig again across the face with her fist clenched, feeling the knuckles scrape his cheek, bursting blood from the breaking of the skin. She grabs him by the throat, and hoists him up to sit in front of her, staring into each other's eyes, and she angrily spits in his face, watching her slimy saliva slowly slide down his cheek.

Craig says to the woman, "Do whatever you want with me. Fuck me. Hurt me. Kill me if you have to. I won't fight you." The woman stares coldly into his eyes, as Craig isn't even sure if she is listening to him, but he says anyway, "I won't stop you. You can take everything away from me, and I won't stop you."

Tiffany bitterly growls, "You care for me that little you won't even fight for me?"

Craig replies, "No," and he feels the woman's fingers dig deeper into his neck, as he struggles to say, "It's because I do care. It's because I love you. It's because... fighting you would only cause you more hurt, and I don't want to hurt you."

Looking past Tiffany through the window, Craig sees a break in the cloud, and a burst of strong light fill the room, but the light hits the back of Tiffany, and deepens the dark shadow on her face, and she still casts a shadow onto him, feeling cold amidst the warmth from the light bathing the bedroom all around the couple.

The woman struggles to crush Craig's throat tighter and tighter with all of her strength, and tears stream from her eyes. Blinking, Tiffany sobs, and cries, broken and defeated, and her hand falls away from Craig's throat as he collapses against her. Trying to breathe as best he can, Craig hugs Tiffany tightly, not trying to say anything, but just being there because Tiffany needs him.

Tiffany sobs to Craig, "I am so sorry... I... don't know what is happening to me... I'm so scared... Why did I do that to you? I could have killed you... I... I didn't... I... I..."

Craig continues to hold her, and understanding what she has been through, he tells Tiffany, "It's okay. I love you."

Tiffany feels so terrible that she cannot in good conscience say it back, although she wants to. She wants to really feel it instead of scared of the terror swirling around inside her. She cries, "I am so scared. Why would I do that? I am so scared."

Craig continues to hug his girlfriend, scared of her, but not letting her know that. He means what he says when he says he loves her, and she has been through rape twice in the past year, creating trauma which is sitting deep in her. He will be there to support her through this, but she needs more help than he can give, and he can only give her his understanding and his love.

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