Together Ssn 03 Ch. 11 - Night of the Hen

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Bride is given night in with the girls before being wedding.
5.4k words

Part 24 of the 88 part series

Updated 10/26/2023
Created 02/15/2022
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***All characters depicted herein are of age, 18 years old at least, and all sexual activities portrayed are consensual. Enjoy!***

Towering above the city, Frankie, 21, stands at the windows of the open-plan apartment of the White-Cummings' Penthouse, casting her gaze over much of the city and all the way out to the horizon, with the glittering of lights from buildings, streetlamps, and vehicles twinkling white and red like stars resting having fallen from the night sky.

This penthouse belongs to Pleasant's sister, Gloria White-Cummings, 37, and is the venue for Frankie's bachelorette party. Also, in attendance for the party this evening, are: Pleasant's mother, Gracie, 55, Pleasant's niece, Gabby, 19, Frankie's mother, Lucy, 43, and, last but not least, Frankie's maid of honour for the wedding, and best friend, Tiffany, 21.

Frankie comments on the view from the window with awe, "Everything seems so small from up here. Anything must feel possible from a place like this."

Gloria stands next to Frankie, visible in the reflection through the glass, and she puts her arm around her shoulders, telling her, "It is an incredible feeling. I find a clarity of thought up here, and all of my problems seem small looking down on them like this. This is very different from how my sister has chosen to live. For all the wonder that comes from a place such as this, she has chosen something that feels more like a home, where you can imagine raising a family, in a nice neighbourhood, with everything you need just a short drive away. It is telling of the life she wants.

"For many years now, I have questioned why my sister would choose to live in such a place as she does, when she could have chosen to live like this herself, and, why she would choose a career that pays so modestly compared to what the rest of us earn, but, I see it now, standing here with you. Do you see it?"

Frankie looks at her future sister-in-law, and answers, "No, Gloria. I don't."

Gloria smiles, and explains, "She wants a family life, like the one she always dreamed of but never had, and, she wants it with you."

Frankie's eyes brighten, and her smile widens, and with a giggle, she says, "Of course," and she looks back over the city, seeing how busy it looks, but not seeing any individual people, and her smile fades, realising what Pleasant must have felt when she was younger, and Frankie says, "I think I understand her more now. I think I know why she didn't want this."

Gloria pulls Frankie in for a hug, and softly whispers in her ear, "I know now too," holding her sister's fiancee in a tight embrace.

Frankie thinks aloud, "That's what Elise was saying..."

Gloria enquires, "Hmm? Grandmother?"

Frankie elaborates, "Pleasant took me to the cottage to meet her, and she was saying about what it means to have, and to have not. She spoke to me with such authority and wisdom, and, I realise Pleasant is actually a lot like her in many ways. I look forward to seeing Elise again, because it is clear to me now that it doesn't matter where you are and what you do, but who you are with. That is everything."

Gloria reminisces, "I recall when Pleasant was just a toddler, barely walking and talking, and the way father used to play with her, but grandmother was someone she would always rush to, and be accepted in her arms every time, whereas, the rest of the family would barely acknowledge her. I feel guilt now because I was being groomed into the business and it's workings, and it took a lot of my time and attention. Poor excuse to not show a child love.

"Look at this place," asks Gloria of Frankie, as they cast their eyes around the open-plan arrangement of the apartment, with most of it in plain view, bar some structural support beams boxed in with plasterboard, and decorated to celebrate the impending wedding, with the other women in attendance crowded around the central lounge space sipping sparkling wine from glass flutes, and Gloria tells Frankie, "If we weren't here, it would be a cold, and lonely place. A home is not what you make it; it is who lives there."

Frankie says, "That sounded like something Elise would say."

Gloria laughs a little, and responds, reflecting on her life, "I am much more like mother. We both are obsessed with the things we can have, rather than being with each other. I think we are like this because it comes easier to be like that, and makes us feel like we have importance when we are focused on our work. I'm regretting that now. All I want is to be closer to my sister, and you."

Frankie rubs Gloria's back, feeling the velvety softness of her dress, and says to her, "I would love that, and so would Pleasant."

Gloria smiles broadly, and offers to Frankie, "Shall we?," indicating an intent to join the others in the lounge space.

Frankie nods, and accepts the proposal, "Yes, let's do this," and the two of them walk over to the others, picking up a flute of sparkling wine each.

The lounge area is arranged with four long sofas facing each other in an oblong formation, with a long glass-topped coffee table in the centre with ice buckets and bottles of sparkling wine from various producers piled up in it's middle. Plenty of space for entertaining guests in nightly pursuits, as has been arranged for tonight by the girls in collaboration.

Lucy jokes, as Frankie and Gloria join the gathering, "You two were looking close up there. Thinking you are marrying the wrong sister?"

Gloria wittily remarks to Lucy, "I would leave Ray in a heartbeat to marry Frankie," with a playful chuckle.

Frankie giggles, having fun with the girls, sipping from her flute, and friendly snuggling up to Tiffany's arm where she is sat, asking her friend, "How are you feeling?"

Tiffany replies, "It is so good to be hear with you, having fun together like we always used to; I missed that feeling since starting at work. I just want to get through tonight without incident, so it can be perfect for you. Whatever this thing in me is, I don't think I could forgive myself if I ruined this for you tonight. I love you."

Frankie smiles with a giggle, recapturing the spirit of how they were as teens, and says, "If we take our minds off everything going on right now, and just enjoy each other like we always used to, then what could possibly go wrong, hmm? I love you too."

Tiffany stares point blank into the eyes of Frankie with her cheeky smile, and feels as if submerged beneath the surface of water, possibly from the effect of the wine she is drinking, and she smiles for her friend, hoping that what she says comes true. She can take her mind off everything and enjoy the company of her friend with whom she has enjoyed in many deep and meaningful ways over the years. Frankie has always been there, and they have always been close, so why does she feel like she is losing her?

Tiffany will still see Frankie, and be friends with her. It is ridiculous to think otherwise about it, but, there is a doubt in her heart, cold and heavy like a lead weight, and it sits there, feeling heavier and more present with each passing moment, making her heart feel like ice. Something inside her wants to kiss her, so much, wanting them to be alone together forever, and she realises...

Frankie accepts Tiffany's kiss with a playful giggle, stirring Tiffany's awareness of what they are doing, and Tiffany suddenly pulls herself away, as if waking from a dream, heart pounding in her chest, and Frankie giggles as she asks, "What's wrong? I was enjoying that."

Tiffany leans over to place her glass on the table, and says as she stares at an empty space on the floor, "I don't know what came over me."

Frankie giggles, and asks her, "Oh, why so shy? We've done that many times before now. Are you okay? Is everything alright?"

Tiffany slumps back onto the sofa, and dizzily moans, "I could use some air."

Frankie helps her friend up, and Gloria takes Tiffany out onto the balcony. Tiffany stands against the railing, feeling the rush of the cool night air washing over her, bringing a clarity to her mind, and a quiet she seldom knows. So peaceful up here, like everything could fall away. She leans forward, allowing her eyes to become heavy, and is interrupted by the jolt of Gloria's hand bracing her belly, opening her eyes to see the street before her, and she shuffles back to the glass doors with a start.

Gloria warns Tiffany, "Careful. We don't want to see you do that."

Tiffany tells her with a sober realisation, "I don't know what came over me. I don't... I'm not..."

Gloria calmly says, "It's okay. You are amongst friends. Particularly one to whom you are really close. Take all the time you need out here, but I'm not going anywhere without you."

Tiffany nods, and thankfully says, "Thank you, Gloria," and she breathes deeply with her eyes closed, getting away from it all for a few moments.

In the lounge, Gabby says to Frankie, "It would have been nice to have a friend growing up like how are with Tiffany. I didn't make any friends at all, actually. I was always awkward around others, and didn't want to get in the way."

Frankie says to the young woman, "You have me as a friend now."

Gabby shyly plays with her hair, suddenly feeling very withdrawn, and she timidly responds with a giggle, "You are always so kind to me; I am not used to that, even after all of this time."

Gracie astutely observes of her young granddaughter, "You are so bold and confident on your streams, doing all of those naughty things, but yet you are still shy in situations such as these? How does a girl find naughtiness so easily managed but cannot bring herself to face innocence?"

Gabby blushes as Frankie and Lucy laugh at her predicament, covering up her face with her hands, and curling up onto the sofa like a hedgehog curling up into it's ball, and just as cute to watch doing so. She asks her grandmother from within her cocoon, "You watch us?"

Gracie rolls up her granddaughter up under her arm, snuggling to her side, as she says, "Your grandfather and I do like to check in from time to time, to see how things are going with you and your auntie."

Gabby can be heard giggling from inside her shell as she gets comfortable so close to her grandmother, hiding herself away as best she can to shield her embarrassment from the others. Frankie sips from her flute, and catches the young woman's eye through her hands, winking to make her aware she has been seen, and Gabby buries her face between her grandmother's hips and the sofa back.

Tiffany and Gloria come back in from the balcony, and Frankie gets up to give her friend a hug, gratefully received by her, and Tiffany tells her friend, "I'm feeling much better."

Frankie sits down with her best friend, and tells her, "Good. I'm glad to hear it. We are all here for you, you know?"

Tiffany nods with a smile, resting her head on her friend's shoulder, replying, "I know."

As Gloria picks up a glass of wine and takes a seat, Lucy enquires of her, "How long have you lived here?"

Gloria answers, "We got it whilst I was pregnant with Gabby."

Lucy looks around the penthouse, and notes, "Everything is completely open, with the only exception being the wall at the back of the kitchen units to separate from the bathroom, and, that really is the only wall in here. I see, the place where Gabby would sleep, and where you sleep is right there, so..."

Gloria gets what Lucy is trying to ask, and she explains, "Well, we would watch for Gabby to fall asleep, and then we would... do it."

Gabby pops her head up from behind her grandmother, and announces, "I have a confession to make," and everyone turns to face her, making her heart skip with a frightening pace, feeling like a deer in the headlights, and she confesses, "I would stay awake and listen to mother and father having sex," giggling with a naughty grin.

Gracie and Gloria look at each other with shock at the young woman's confession, but Gabby has more to reveal, "I actually have another confession. I... um... I, uh... Frankie knows this, but, I... um... have a crush... on Auntie Pleasant," and she bunches up the hem of her dress to cover her face, unveiling her panties.

Gracie asks the young girl, "Anything else you would like to confess," watching her granddaughter shaking her head under her dress, and the grandmother cheekily strokes her hand against the young woman's crotch to her immediate surprise, making her drop the dress, and gripping her grandmother's hand with her own as the hem of her dress drapes around her legs.

Gabby shyly asks her grandmother, "You are not mad?"

Gracie calmly replies, "No, I am not mad."

Gloria also tells Gabby, "I am not mad either. You are a wickedly bad girl. I wonder if you watching your father and I having sex shaped this behaviour in you?"

Gabby confirms what she means by what she said, explaining to her mother, "I didn't watch. I listened, with my eyes closed... Perhaps, a little peek?," she says cheekily with a smirk plastered plainly on her blushing face.

Gloria slaps her daughter's arm, returning a smirk of her own to her as she gazes into her eyes, and Gracie says, "That boarding school is a sexual education in and of itself. We all went there as young girls, and all graduated enlightened to the needs and wants of our bodies," tracing her hand up from her granddaughter's crotch to rub her belly in broad, circular motions.

Gabby says, "Actually, I never had sex at boarding school. I was always bullied and beat by the other girls and the teachers, and I used to love it," she explains as her body undulates, remembering the thrill and the pleasure she would endure, reminiscing as she says, "I would turn to Auntie Pleasant's streams for comfort and guidance. Watching her anonymously as I imagined myself being tortured by her, and permitted to feel satisfaction from her play."

Either side of Gabby, her mother and grandmother caress her body with gentle touches, and Gracie says to her, "My poor sweet angel. How you have been neglected for so long," and looks directly in her eyes to ask, "So, did you find the salvation from your auntie that you always wanted?"

Gabby stares with an intense longing into her grandmother's eyes, and she nods, moans, and confirms, "Yes. Everyday with Auntie Pleasant is a blessing, and I am grateful to receive her teachings with every stream we do together," and she sits bolt upright, and stares at Frankie apologetically, telling her, "And, I am grateful to work with you too, Frankie."

Frankie coyly looks into Gabby's eyes, and says, "Oh, too late to say you like me now. That was one hell of a confession of your feelings for your auntie, which I did know about, but it is clear how you feel about her and not me."

Gabby pleads for Frankie's understanding, begging, "Oh, please, Frankie. I love playing with you, too. I love living with you both. You are always so wonderful to me. I didn't mean to sound ungrateful. Will you need to punish me?"

Frankie's smirk broadens into a devilish smile, and she leans in closer to Gabby, saying, "I'm to be married to your auntie soon; a binding contract of our love for one another, declared to all in our families. She is soon to be all mine, and you will have no chance of being with her. That will be a tormentingly torturous punishment for you."

Gabby pouts, and on the verge of upset, she says, "Will I have to leave the house?"

Frankie tells Gabby, "I will put it to your auntie that you should be allowed to stay, so you can live everyday with her in touching distance, but always out of reach."

Gabby giggles uncontrollably, excited by Frankie's words, and she sinks back on the sofa between her mother and grandmother, saying, "That is so cruel. I love it so much," moaning with her sexual appetite stirring inside her.

Frankie sits back herself, and smiles fondly as she watches the agony in Gabby, having fun with teasing her like this.

Lucy says, "If you all will allow me to chime in; although I can see Gabby enjoys this kind of play, I am thinking, 'Why punish the girl, having fun at her expense, when we can all have fun and be inclusive?' We all have our womanly needs that need tending to," and she sits back on the sofa, propping a foot up on the seat cushion beside her, and lifting her skirt to unveil her panties, easing the soft fabric aside with her fingertips as she mentions, "and, I am so turned on by all of this."

Gloria gasps at Lucy's openness, asking her, "You like the idea of us all, as you say, being inclusive?"

Lucy looks straight at Gracie, and reveals to Gloria, "Your mother certainly likes the idea of being inclusive. Don't you, Gracie?"

Gloria looks in shock at her mother as Gracie explains herself, "I have never done it before with someone who's blood we share, but I would be a liar to say I am not considering doing this."

Gloria looks across to her mother, and down to her daughter, and in the spirit of honesty that is present right now, she confesses, "I allowed Pleasant to use the equipment in the dungeon at the castle on me, and she gave me an orgasm."

Frankie lays sunken into the sofa, absent-mindedly rubbing her clit beneath her dress, remarking, "Mmm, I'm loving the sound of this. Best hen do ever, I'd say. And, I expect a lot of doing by the sound of things. We are a bunch of bad girls." The bride-to-be sits up on the edge of her seat, and announces to all, "I propose a game. The rules are simple: You all do as I say; no exceptions."

Lucy looks proudly at her daughter, reminding everyone, "We are all here for Frankie, so, we should all do as she wishes."

Gracie says to Lucy, "Next time you come by the castle, I am going to have to be much bolder with you. I have enjoyed our times together thus far, but I have been afraid of being as open as you are; that, I intend to change, with immediate effect."

Frankie says to everyone, "Mommy is right. We should all do as I wish, and, it seems like the three generations of Cummings' girls over there are far more naughty than they first appear," and she focuses on her stream partner across from her, continuing to say, "I know for certain one of you is very naughty.

"What I wish to see first is Gloria and Gracie getting to know their sweet little angel far more intimately," seeing the tentative pause of hesitation from the young woman's mother and grandmother as nerves grip them whole, so Frankie demands of them, "Don't be shy now. Especially given all of those hot confessions just now. Rejoice. You will all feel so much better after you have let it all out," giggling at the trio.

Gabby looks up into her mother's eyes with a cheeky enthusiasm, drawing her mother in as Gloria's head is pulled down as if by a magnetic force of attraction until their lips meet, softly, and tenderly. The youngest woman here receives the kiss with a hunger, gripping her mother's head, and pulling her deeper.

Gloria's hand graces her daughter's leg and inner thigh with slight strokes using the barest of touches from the tips of her fingers, and as the kissing endures, the fingers touch more firmly until her whole hand brushes the sensitive skin. Slowly, the caress is drawn to the clitoris, rubbing without any input of thought as the mother thinks, 'This is wrong, right? Then why does it feel so good?'

Frankie sees how Gabby's mother is affecting her daughter, and how the mother is affected herself, and commands them, "I think you all would be more comfortable naked. Nothing you haven't seen before, right?"

Gloria, Gabby, and Gracie all sit up, and help each other out of their dresses and knickers, draping them over the back of the sofa beside them, and all resume their previous positions, with Gabby in the middle, and her mother and grandmother at either side, continuing their play as it was, with Gloria kissing Gabby whilst she rubs her daughter's clitoris diligently.