Tongue Tied


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"That's fine, seeing as you still haven't really been," Ahri said.

"You're enjoying this, aren't you?" I grumped.

"Sister Ahri might be. Therapist Ahri is, of course, maintaining a professional decorum in all things."

"Well can therapist Ahri actually suggest something useful?" I asked.

"Sure. You've just gotten out of a long term relationship that was very meaningful to you for a long time. I would suggest not becoming emotionally entangled with anyone for a while. Just be by yourself and allow yourself to feel any feelings you have, explore them as dispassionately as you can, and do your best to determine what your current needs and wants are, and how best you can approach them."

I glared at Ahri for a long moment. She gazed back implacably.

"Something less impossible and complicated?" I finally tried.

"Don't fuck your siblings," Ahri said promptly.

"I hate therapy," I growled.

"That's how you know it's working."

I sighed heavily. "Sister Ahri back, please."

Ahri grinned and shifted in her seat. I couldn't explain how, but just her sloppier posture alone told me she was back out of therapist mode. It was kind of neat the change that happened just because of how she sat.

"Sorry, Gwenny," Ahri said, not looking overly apologetic. "You did ask for it."

"I thought you were gonna be supportive," I said.

"I always am," Ahri said.

"You told me explicitly not to fuck you!"

"That's good advice," she nodded.

"... don't you want to fuck me though?" I asked.

Ahri bit her lip. "I don't know how far I actually want to go," she said quietly. "But I do really kind of want to lick you out again. Maybe while you're tied up and helpless, and I can lick you over and over until you're a messy puddle of a sister begging me to stop."

My eyes widened. "Yeah, see, that stuff. You do want it!"

"Of course. We wouldn't have done it if I didn't."

"But you--"

"You asked for therapy advice. I'm sorry to say that professionally I'm never going to support this."

I cocked my head. "And you can just do that inside? Hold both extremely competing views?"

"Of course." Ahri tapped her mug with her fingernails. "I would suggest it's akin to a doctor smoking or drinking. They more than anyone know the hazards, but let's not pretend it doesn't happen."


"We can know things are dangerous and still decide they're worth it," Ahri added.

"So... therapy Ahri just thinks you and me are dangerous," I said slowly. "But not without merit?"

"Something like that," Ahri agreed.

"And me and Shen?" I pressed.

"Same thing."

"You and Shen?"

"Not happening," Ahri replied immediately. "That would be weird."


"I like girls."

I nodded. "I know. I'm glad you like me."

Ahri got a dangerous glint in her eye. "You do something for me, alright. It's very hard for me to resolve what happened, you know. I swear this isn't the sort of thing that should have had any chance."

"For your information I'm very desirable, actually," I teased.

"Desirable generally and desirable to your sister are very different things," Ahri said, as though she was some sort of expert on the subject. "I don't think you were before. And somehow now you are."

"Maybe you just didn't stop and appreciate what you had," I said.

"Maybe. Or maybe we all change a little with every passing day or month or year," Ahri said. "Maybe you really are just enough of a different person now."

I shrugged. "Not really any different."

"Yes you are," Ahri said slowly. "Older and wiser, though not necessarily by much. More open to things. Especially being tied up. You never would have accepted that before."

"It would have been a trick before," I said. "You and Shen would have tied me up and left me, then laughed about it for days."

"We still could," Ahri said quietly but with an intriguing growl to her voice. "And you'd just enjoy it."

The small flutter in my tummy stopped my argument before it happened. Damn her, she was probably right.

"You're just more trustworthy now," I said. "I know you'll let me out sooner or later."

Ahri actually nodded. "You're willing to trust us. That's true too."

"I said you're more trustworthy, not that I'm more trusting. It's different."

"They are simply two sides of the same coin," Ahri said. "I can't be trustworthy without you being willing to trust me."

I opened my mouth and closed it again. I couldn't tell if that was incredibly deep, or just her messing with me. The classic sibling dilemma.

"Is that true?" I finally asked.

"I think in context it is necessarily true," Ahri said.

"Does that mean anything?" I asked. "Like is that why I'm so interested in being tied up? Because I really want to trust someone with myself, after my recent crisis of trust and all, and feel comforted by being able to surrender to whatever you want to do with me?"

Ahri stared at me thoughtfully. "I'm tempted to say yes, mostly because you suggested it on your own."

"Well that's no good," I complained. "I could just be doing it for horny reasons. How would I know?"

"It could be horny reasons," Ahri agreed. "But trust is still an integral part of that. I'm inclined to think you can't escape the trust aspect of this no matter how you attempt to wiggle out of it."

"Much like when I'm tied up," I nodded, attempting an air of wisdom. "Only not the physical aspect."

"Something like that, yes," Ahri said.

"This is altogether too much wisdom for me, I think," I said.

"Well you asked for it."

"Mmhm. Just goes to show how unwise I was."

Ahri chuckled and pulled her laptop back to her knees. I curled up and let her be for a while. I had plenty to think about as it was without letting her dig any further into my psyche.


Ahri refused to tie me up before she left for work. That was fine, because I was only half-hearted about wanting it anyway. Being tied up during the day with no one to play with, or at least be in the same room with, just wasn't fun enough to make up for not being able to actually do anything for the whole time. That sort of thing was better when it was bedtime and I wasn't planning on doing anything anyway.

I wasn't overly horny or needy for any particular thing, so kept my own company for a while. By the afternoon I was bored and sought out Shen, mostly just to see what he was spending so much time on in the basement, and not really intending for anything lewd.

My intentions weren't all that relevant. Shen had been clearing a space to work in, as it happened. A home studio for photography. It needed work still, but at least it was an open, useable room, and he had portable lighting to make up for the inadequacy of the room's own lights.

He additionally, despite not having finished more pressing matters in my opinion, had installed a hook to the ceiling. Somehow, despite only displaying innocent curiousity, I ended up with my wrists tied up with rope, which was then casually hung from said ceiling hook, and the rest of my body had to go along for the ride.

Admittedly, I wasn't opposed to any of it. And oh how I loved the way he picked me up and hung me like a coat, like I was so much clutter to be organized. So much for not being horny.

"You need to make the hook a little lower," I said. "I can't get my feet flat on the floor."

Shen glanced at me trying to get comfortable on my toes, my heels an inch or two from meeting the ground. "Seems right to me."

"Oh you bastard," I said, feeling the elation of my predicament still building inside me. Why did I love this shit so much?

"Now now," Shen said calmly while deciding what would be the ideal framing and lens to take pictures of me with.

I squirmed on my hook, mostly just for the feel of it. I didn't expect I'd actually free myself. I didn't want to for that matter. Shen wasn't as good with ropes, and given time I suspected I could my worm my way out of them, but what fun was that?

"The room could really use a new paint job," I said. "And there's still clutter in the corner. And--"

"And I should adjust my green screen and replace the ceiling lights," Shen added to my list without having to think about it. "I'm aware. It's a work in progress."

"My point is," I said, "why on Earth did you take the time to install a hook here, which let's be honest is only going to be disconcerting if you have real clients over."

"I'm a ways out from real clients," Shen said. "Not gonna worry about that until the new year, I think. But I am seriously contemplating doing photography professionally. I think there's decent potential there."

"Nice," I said. "All bondage stuff?"

"Probably very little bondage stuff," he chuckled. "Other than you. The hook is specifically for you, and I think you know that."

I wiggled again, but only made myself dance awkwardly in the process. "You just decided to do this? On a whim? When you have better things to do?"

"Ahri and I might have discussed it."

"You tricksters!"

Shen gave me a look like he didn't believe for a second that I minded. Which was correct, incidentally, but I didn't want him to get smug about it.

"What if I tell you to let me go?" I demanded.

Shen shrugged and started lining up a shot with his camera. "Then I untie you. Duh."

I blushed and tried to decide where to look. As long as my picture was being taken, I felt like acknowledging the camera was embarrassing since it meant I was ok with being photographed, but it was so hard not to stare.

The greatest embarrassment, and I'd brought it upon myself by asking, was that of course Shen would untie me if I asked. Of course he would. I wasn't actually a captive of any kind. But I was enjoying myself, was the problem. I was struggling to reach the ground comfortably, I could tell my arms and shoulders would be killing me sooner or later, and I was allowing myself to be treated like an artistic prop. Yet the very idea of stopping it just yet was horrifying to me. I could never, ever admit to Ahri that there might be a glimmer of truth in me secretly being a subby little thing.

Besides, this didn't have to be a sex thing. We were once again in territory of me submitting myself to the care of others. Of surrendering to their care and protection, and feeling the warmth and joy in having my trust validated. I trusted my brother to have me this helpless, and it soothed some of the emotionally damaged parts of me to experience that kind of comfort.

It didn't at all have to be a sex thing. It was, of course, but it didn't have to be.

"Look at the camera," Shen prompted.

I found myself doing exactly as asked. "What if I don't want to?"

"It'll make a better shot. That really pitiful look you get sometimes works super well."

"Do I really look pitiful?"

He nodded. "Sometimes, yes. It's very cute. Maybe because we can tell you're getting horny too."

I gasped. "You can not!"

Shen smirked. "Wanna bet?"

"Well I mean you know I'm getting horny," I admitted. "But you can't see it. It's not like part of my expression."

Shen put down the camera, walked over to me, and whispered, "yes it is," in my ear.

I shivered, then whimpered as he pulled my pants down and kicked them aside. He carried on shooting me in only my panties and shirt. I hated to acknowledge that he was most likely right, and that a few minutes being photographed in that state probably did leave me visibly becoming aroused. I still questioned if he could have seen it before then, but my conviction otherwise was waning.

My panties unsurprisingly didn't last long after that. I got even hornier while being photographed bottomless, from every which direction no less. Shen was getting some fantastically sexy angles of me the way he was going.

"You sure you don't masturbate to these?" I asked.

He paused. "Haven't yet. I suppose it might happen."

I bit my lip. "It might, huh?"

"Well so far having access to the real thing is winning out," Shen said.

"So much for artistic integrity!" I said. "You said you were being artsy, but you're just getting off to this."

"I can do both."

He pushed my shirt up next. I thought he'd blocked his own ability to get me topless, what with my arms bound, but it turned out having my top bunched up over my breasts was just as good in many respects, and was probably actually a naughtier look when framed correctly.

Shen let me see some of the pictures occasionally, stopping and letting me take a look before getting right back to it. I did look pitiful and horny in a fair number of them, as he'd said. I wasn't sure how to feel about looking at myself in that state, but if nothing else it was another window into how my siblings saw me, which was turning me on even more. Probably the intent, really.

I was well and truly wet by the time Shen finished his photoshoot. I gazed at my brother like the horny little sister I was, dancing back and forth on my toes, waiting to see what he'd do.

It didn't take long to find out. Shen really only put the bare minimum of effort into tidying up before he was at me. He kissed and fondled me, and generally had absolute access to me, since I was nearly naked with my hands bound above my head. He could do anything he wanted, and I was so there for it.

"Kinda too bad your mouth is so high up," Shen whispered between kisses.

Kissing him back was about the only thing I could do. I still had a little neck movement available. He could easily pull out of reach when he wanted to though, or kiss my cheek or neck instead of my lips.

"Why's that?" I asked.

"Because you can't reach my cock," he said.

I snickered. "Too bad for you. If only there were some other way of getting what you wanted."

Even I didn't know what I meant by that, or what I wanted him to do. In my mind I was mostly interested in finding out what he thought of it. He didn't disappoint.

After his fill of my mouth, breasts, and even playing with my pussy a little, Shen moved behind me and I felt his cock rub up against my ass. I'd never in my life been so turned on by someone grinding on my butt. Usually it would be a brief prelude to a cock going inside me. In this case, I didn't suspect my brother would dare go quite that far, though he might if I suggested it.

I didn't say anything of the sort. I let him rub off on me, enjoying every sensuous, erotic moment of it. My gratification came from how wanton and lewd it all was rather than an eventual orgasm.

Shen was more direct about his pleasure, and kept grinding up and down my butt until he came all over my ass. I couldn't express how hot I got as he made a mess of my bum while clinging tight to me and kissing the back of my shoulder.

I felt myself fairly aglow by the time he let go and pattered back around in front of me. He smiled at me, looking sexy and half-naked, though also clearly spent.

"Thanks," he said.

I would have shrugged if I could. "I didn't really do anything."

"That's kind of true, I guess," he said. "You want me to lick you?"

"I appreciate the offer," I said. "But no, I think. I actually really need to be let down now, please."

"Oh, right," Shen said, apparently having forgotten that I was still stretched out at his mercy.

He put his hands on my hips and picked me up--I still loved every single time he did that--so that I could slip myself free of the ceiling hook. I gratefully lowered my arms, sighing in relief as they got to relax. Shen untied my wrists, then got dressed again.

I scooped up my clothes, but didn't get dressed just yet. I scampered off to my room with only my shirt on--there was no one else around to see me at the moment anyway--and flounced on my bed to just lie there for a while. I eventually pulled my panties back on without ever having bothered to clean off my brother's cum. It felt kind of low-key slutty that way, and I was into it.

I saved my hornies for Ahri that night, crawling into bed with her like it was just something we did these days, which wasn't far off. She had no complaints.

"Honestly just surprised you didn't ask to be tied up before bed," Ahri said.

"Shen got me earlier," I said. "My arms need rest."

Ahri giggled. "The hook thing?"

"That's the one."

"Wasn't sure he'd dare."

"Oh he dared," I assured her. "So now I'm gonna need you to take care of me."

"You're still horny from that?" Ahri asked. "Shen didn't get you?"

"He got me this morning," I said. "Kinda wanted to save this one for you."

Ahri gave me a look. "Well you can't blame me for your sapphire snatch if you're not gonna take cums in a timely fashion."

I snickered as I climbed on my sister's face. "Don't worry, I know lapis labia would be my own damn fault on this occasion. But you'll take care of me, won't you?"

Ahri stuck her tongue up my cooch by way of answer, which was all I really wanted. She really did have a magic mouth. Benefits of having an assiduous lesbian for a big sister, I supposed.


Life was good. I hadn't settled in fully just yet, but I was in the planning stages for January, after the holiday season was finished. I talked about it with my sibs and had tentative plans to get a temporary job somewhere, maybe some office work, then perhaps go back to school in the fall. Maybe something therapy related. Maybe something else entirely. It was only dreams at the moment.

I was sticking around the house, that was for certain. I'd had no intention of moving off anywhere else for a while anyway, let alone now that I was banging my brother and sister and semi-routinely being a little bondage slut for them. Not every day, but often enough.

Christmas morning itself was a big day for the three of us. Ahri let me wake up on my own terms, but before I had a chance to do anything much beyond that, she was tying me up naked with ribbons and dropping me off under the Christmas tree.

"This is a little silly, you know," I said.

Ahri smirked at me. "I'm enjoying it."

"I know you are," I said. "That really wasn't in any doubt."

"I'm enjoying it too," Shen said. "You look cute."

I flushed and bit my lip. "Well of course," I said. "But I mean I'm not even properly tied. I could slip out of this if I wanted. Usually you do a better job."

Ahri shrugged. "Shen wanted some festive pictures. I went for decorative more than functional in this case. Also I didn't want to tie the ribbon too tight. It's not bondage rope, it's not made for this. It's important not to accidentally cut off your circulation, you know. I take my job seriously."

"Well I appreciate that, I guess," I said.

I appreciated it a little less when Shen popped a bow on my head and started photographing me while Ahri grinned, sat back, and sipped some Christmassy hot chocolate. Which was to say hot chocolate that was at least twenty percent alcohol by volume. I found it unfair that if there was going to be delicious chocolaty and boozy drinks that I had to be left out.

"I'll make you one later," Ahri said, reading my thoughts.

"Better," I grumbled, turning away from Shen in a mild pout.

"Don't mess up your wrapping," Shen said, apparently only concerned with how present-like I looked.

"Gonna have to start an adult website for real if you keep building a portfolio like this," Ahri commented.

"Better not!" I said fiercely. "Unless the money's really good. Then we'll talk."

I caught both my sibs staring at me like they were pretty sure I was joking, but with that little edge of doubt that made it amusing for me. Of course I was joking. But then again, more and more it didn't seem totally off the table for me. Still highly unlikely, but not impossible. I had a backup if all my other plans fell through. That was all.

In the meantime I happened to know for sure that both Shen and Ahri were enjoying this little collection of me that was building up. I caught Ahri once swiping through some very naughty pics of me on her phone, and I was pretty sure she didn't yet know that I knew. Shen was a little more obvious, especially since I'd flat out walked in on my him masturbating to me once.
