Tony 05: Girlfriend


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"Karen, that's sex lube."

"I know that. Ten women, twenty holes, this little thing is useless."

"Most people aren't using it that much. Maybe one hole every few days."

"We buy it by the gallon at the school."

Tony laughed. "Think two people. How much would we need?"

"Probably one. Let's get the his and hers kind. It says they react with each other when mixed."

"React how?"

"It doesn't say. Can we get one?"

"Go for it."

By the time they reached the grocery section, the cart was half full of Karen's must have items. It was McDonalds all over again. She was in awe at the selection, but controlled her choices when Tony assured her they could come back anytime and that the store was open 24/7. They made it through to the register when Karen stopped.

"Should we go through again? We might have overlooked something important."

"Another time. We need to go to Baskin-Robbins."

"Oh, I forgot."

He showed her how to use the scanner to ring up their purchases. She was dancing as she scanned and bagged. People were chuckling at her antics. Tony was one of them. As they loaded the bags in the Jeep, she was giddy again.

As they walked into Baskin-Robbins Karen was subdued.

"Don't you like ice cream?"

"Yes, but all I've ever had is vanilla. That's all mother allows."

"You've never had chocolate?"

"I've never tasted chocolate. Mother is adamant that it will stain my teeth and cause acne."

"What a crock of shit. Do you like nuts?" She grinned at him. "The kind you eat," he chuckled.


"Pick out three flavors. No vanilla and at least one has to be chocolate. I'll do the rest."

Karen looked through all four cases. "Double chocolate, peanut butter, and cherry chocolate chip."

"Are you ready to order?" the girl asked.

"We are. I need two three scoop hot fudge sundaes. The first with double chocolate, peanut butter and cherry chocolate chip."

"Whip cream and nuts?"

"Please," he replied.

She put it all together and set it next to the register. "And for the second?"

"Pralines and cream, strawberry, and chocolate mint."

"Same toppings?"

"M & Ms instead of nuts."

"Coming right up."

She put the second together and set it next to the first. "What else?"

"A bottle of water."

She rang it up. Tony paid, handed Karen her sundae, and they sat at one of the small tables.

"You're sure about this?" Karen asked, hesitantly.

"Completely sure."

She picked up her spoon then turned the container to the chocolate ice cream and scooped out a small bite. She apprehensively put it in her mouth, and teared almost immediately.

"Are you okay, Karen?"

She swallowed. "That is the most beautiful thing I've ever tasted."

Tony smiled. Karen took another larger spoonful. It was sensuous to watch. She turned the bowl twice more to try the other flavors with slightly less response. He pushed his untouched bowl toward her. Try mine. She grinned as she tried each one.

"I've died and gone to heaven. Chocolate is even better than McDonalds french fries. It runs a close second to orgasms."

"I'm going to take that as a personal challenge."

"Are you?" she asked, with a sly smile.

"You bet I am."

They ate their sundaes quietly with Karen frequently taking a bite of his. Karen ate everything chocolate and left much of the rest. Tony pushed his away. Karen ate the chocolate mint and what was left of the fudge topping. He handed her the water and watched her take a long drink.

"Next time I'm going all chocolate," she said.

"Never had chocolate cake either?"

"This was the first time in my life ever tasting chocolate. I wonder why my mother would keep this from me?"

"I have no clue, but from what I've seen from your mother, I'll wager she has a reason. Ready to go?"

"I think I'm going to need a nap."

"Can I nap with you?" he asked.

"My bed is your bed, boyfriend."

They drove home and carried in their bags. Most everything was left on the kitchen table to peruse later. Without speaking a word, both seemed to know when it was nap time. They laid on the bed together and cuddled. Karen was asleep quickly from the sugar.

Tony lay there watching her and thinking of things to do, places to go, and experiences to share. If it couldn't be done at home, at her school, or in a museum, the world was theirs to explore.

When Tony woke, Karen was lying next to him and watching. She smiled. "Did you sleep well?"

"Very well. How about you?"

"Perfectly. Tony, this has been the most wonderful day in my life."

Tony grinned. "Well, we did go to McDonalds, Walmart and Baskin-Robbins."

"It was much more than that. I felt cared about. You made me feel special. My wants and needs meant something. You made it wonderful, not where we went and what we did. Thank you."

Tony put his hand on her cheek and caressed it. "You are special. Don't ever forget that."

Karen teared. "No one's ever told me that before."

"I intend to keep telling you. Pretty soon you'll start believing it. You are incredibly special, Karen."

"I've never met anyone like you."

"I'm one of a kind. Just like you." He kissed her. "Wanna fix dinner together and go dancing this evening?"

"Fixing a light dinner sounds great. I'm afraid the only dance I know is a strip tease. Let's do the dinner, stay home, then I'll dance for you. We haven't consummated our boyfriend-girlfriend relationship yet."

Tony sat up and took her hand. "If it's okay with you, I'd rather save the dance for another time. I'd rather you dance with me than for me."

"But you're okay with the last part?"

"Yes, but let's let that happen naturally."

"I've not been trained in that."

"That's exactly why we should approach it that way. Making love isn't something you train for. It's something you create as you go."

"Okay, boyfriend. We'll create as we go. Will you buy me french fries afterward?"

"We'll both be too tired to even think about french fries or chocolate."

"How about a chef's salad and a glass of wine for dinner?"

"Then a blanket on the beach at sunset?" he asked.

"Sounds perfect."

They laughed and enjoyed each other while fixing dinner, then ate out by the pool. After dinner they cleaned up the kitchen together. Karen grabbed a beach blanket while Tony got a bottle of wine and two glasses. They walked hand in hand to the beach. Once the blanket was spread out, they sat side by side. Tony poured the wine.

"I'm not very experienced with alcohol," Karen told him.

"Me either. We'll take it slow."

"Good. I'd hate to fall asleep and miss something."

"We won't let that happen," he said.

"We're all alone out here. I don't see anyone else on the beach."

"We don't need anyone else. I'm content being here with you," he told her.

"I like being your girlfriend. It's different than what I expected."

"What did you expect?"



"Sex. Constant sex."

"Are you disappointed?"

"Not at all. I've loved every minute today."

"Me too. I was thinking of things boyfriends and girlfriends do. Have you ever been to an amusement park?"


"Let's drive to Universal Studios tomorrow. It's a great one."

"Does it have a roller coaster?"

"About ten of them. We can buy tickets with a special pass, so we don't have to wait in the long lines either. It's a little over two hours from here so we'd need to leave about six."

"I'm an early bird. I have no problem with six."

"Do you have good walking shoes?"

"I do. Dress code?"

"Like we did today."

"Let's do that then," she said.

He put his hand on her cheek and kissed her. She responded in kind and soon they were lying on the blanket with their bodies intertwined.

"You've gotten me hot and haven't even touched me yet," she whispered.

"Yeah, I know the feeling. Sand isn't a particularly good place for making love. Wanna go inside?"

"Uh huh."

They gathered their things and walked back to the house.

"I'd like to shower first if that's okay," she said.

"Karen, you don't need to ask."

"Sorry, force of habit. I do have another question. How should I dress? I was always naked at the school. What's sexy in a situation like this?"

"Do you have a nightgown?"

"I have three; long, medium and really short."


"Panties on or off?"

"Surprise me. Not knowing is a turn on." They walked inside. Tony smacked her lightly on the butt. "Go shower. I'll put this up."

She smiled at him then ran down the hallway to the master. Tony put things away then showered in one of the guest rooms. He put on a pair of the low rise briefs she picked up for him. He put a glass of ice water on each of the bedside tables, lit a few candles, then sat back on the bed.

When Karen walked out of the bathroom a few minutes later she was a vision. Her hair was pulled back into a ponytail. Her deep blue gown was low cut, form fitting without being too tight, and reached about mid-thigh.

"Very romantic, boyfriend."

"Very beautiful, girlfriend."

She walked over and climbed onto the bed next to him.

"Tony, you'll have to tell me what to do," she said anxiously.

"Karen, you won't need to be told anything. Let's take our time. Do what feels right to you. Do what makes you happy."

"Is it normal to be nervous?"

"The first time it's very normal. The nervousness goes away very quickly." Tony put his hand on her cheek and looked in her eyes. "You are so beautiful."

He leaned to her and kissed her deeply, then began kissing and nibbling on her neck.

"Oh heavens. I never knew kissing and nibbling there could do that."

"Do what?"

"I think my panties melted."

"I'll check in a little while."

She smiled then offered her neck to him for more. Tony was unhurried. He had spent at least fifteen minutes on her before his hand ever touched her breast. She was already squirming and flushed. Karen loved what Tony was doing to her breasts. He was gentle and loving. Her training with breasts was like this in the very beginning but it quickly became brutal at her mother's hands. This was pleasure, pure and simple. For the first time in her life someone wanted her to experience nothing but pleasure and was making sure that happened. As a slave, she provided the pleasure but got little herself.

"Tony, I love what you're doing."

He didn't reply verbally but continued. As his mouth moved lower onto her abdomen, his hands continued on her breasts. The kisses, nibbles, and teasing with his tongue was driving her wild. Her pussy throbbed and longed to be touched. Tony could feel her pelvis slowly moving in anticipation of the first touch. He moved lower. She could feel his breath on her swollen labia, but no touch came.

Karen moved her hands to Tony's head to coax him where she wanted him to be. Remembering her training, she quickly pulled them back. Tony seemed to sense what had happened and took her hands, then put them, once again, on his head. Karen relaxed, realizing that no punishment would come for what she had done. Her fingers ran through his hair.

Tony raised his head and looked up at her. "Karen?" he said. "Apparently, your panties did melt. They're not here."

He drew his tongue over her swollen, hard clit to show her.

"Ohhh," she sighed, as he did, and tilted her pelvis up, inviting him to continue. Tony drew his tongue between her labia and leg the full length then repeated it on the other side. He kissed and nibbled her mons then teased her labia endlessly with his tongue and mouth. Her movements were continuous now as he teased. She tried to move his head to the center, but he resisted and continued his teasing. As her pelvic muscles contracted her own juices made noises at her vaginal opening, almost as a beacon to him. Tony drew his tongue slowly from her perineum, up between her labia, then stopped before reaching her clit. He swirled his tongue around her inner lips then entered her hungry vagina. Karen moaned as he fucked her with his tongue. Her mind begged for his cock to be there.

As if reading her mind, Tony raised himself, removed his briefs, and moved up over her. He used the head of his cock to stroke her sensitive clit for a moment. Karen tilted her pelvis hoping her vagina would find the cock that had so far eluded her. Tony pulled his pelvis back then forward. His swollen cock found its target and entered her about halfway then pulled back again before fully penetrating her.

Karen moaned loudly as he filled her more completely than she had ever even dreamed. They moved together slowly. She was stretched so tightly that the button of her clit rode across the smooth surface of his cock.

Karen exploded. Her pelvis took over. She no longer controlled her body as the spasms began. Like a wave, it moved in all directions at once. Her thighs trembled and her abdomen tightened as it spread. Her legs shook and her back arched. Karen's arms went toward the sides of the bed and her hands gripped the sheets. As her neck arched and head went back, her hips raised from the bed. Karen's mouth opened, releasing a primal scream as the powerful orgasm continued. Tony continued driving in and out of her. He grunted as he thrust deeply and filled her with his cum.

Karen opened her eyes and saw him smiling down at her. Her arms pulled him to her into a passionate kiss. Her legs drew up around his hips as she held him inside.

"I don't ever want this moment to end," she said, breathlessly, then kissed him again.

They lay there joined for a long time. Both were wet from perspiration. After a few minutes Tony raised up on his arms looking down at her. She was smiling and looked even more beautiful than before.

"Thank you, Tony. I never imagined it could be like this."

"Where are we on the chocolate and french fry scale?" he asked grinning.

"Chocolate? French fries? What are those?" she asked, grinning up at him. "Tony, I really need to pee."

"I thought you could control your bladder."

"Normally, I have full control. You have about five pounds of dick behind it and your body pressing down on the front. If you don't let me up there's going to be a minor flood."

Tony rolled off. Karen turned and kissed him then ran to the bathroom. When she returned a moment later, she used a warm, wet washcloth to clean him, then dried him with a towel.


"What time do we need to get up?" she asked.

"We need to leave about six. I can get ready in about thirty minutes."

"Even showering with me?"

"Better plan on a little longer then," he replied, smiling.

"I was hoping you'd say that."

She set an alarm then turned off the light before cuddling up with him.

"Tony, I'm not a virgin anymore."

"No, I think we took care of that."

"Is making love always this wonderful?"

"I've had sex several times and made love a few times, but I've never experienced what we did. It was beyond anything I ever imagined. It was like...I don't know, like we became one person."

"That's how I felt too. I never thought it could be like that," she said.

"Neither did I."

"Goodnight, boyfriend."

"Goodnight, girlfriend. Sweet dreams."

They kissed again. Both were asleep in minutes. Karen woke once during the night. Tony was snuggled up behind her with his arm pulling her close as if guarding her as she slept. She felt loved, needed, wanted, and protected for the first time in her life. Karen was at peace. She knew where she belonged.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

The best of the series so far. You were able to show the pleasure of discovery of simple things, like McDo, Walmart, etc. and make it fun to read Karen's reactions that are so "little-girl surprises" at her discoveries.

5* with no hesitation


justadisgracejustadisgraceover 2 years ago

It'd be fun if she chose slavery at the end despite all this boyfriend stuff. :)

mrdata9770mrdata9770over 2 years ago

(11/26/2021)This chapter, without a doubt in my mind, was the best of the five chapters. The bed play was nice, not the best I’ve read, but very nice and suited for this short chapter. 5 stars from me.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

When is the next chapter coming out?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Last chapter was the best, it made it worth looking forward to the next chapter.

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