Too Good to be True...Surely?

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These parties really 'swing'.
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It's been a couple of months since I last put keyboard to virtual paper, and I've been thinking that it's about time I put aside a few hours to write about another of our "alternative entertainments".

As always, the following account is a true story. The names have been changed, because I don't like their real ones. Protecting the innocent when they're clearly guilty seems like such a waste of my time. I've tried very hard (pun intended) to recount the events as I remember it, although from time to time, my memory lets me down, and simply returns a "scene missing".

Alternative entertainments?! That's a curious phrase to use. What's alternative about fucking? Everybody does it. OK, nearly everybody. That being said, I am prepared to admit that not everybody wants to go to a party for 40 or so people where the agenda is quite openly sex. A party where you can open a door and have your senses assaulted by the sounds, smells and sights of group fucking. A party where you can sit quietly in a spa, a cigarette in one hand, a glass of wine in the other, whilst being ridden senseless by someone you hardly know. A party where the sauna temperature is that bit hotter thanks to the actions of the sweating individuals inside.

What do you call a person taking a sauna? A saunee? A Saunarer? My spell check doesn't seem to think so. Oh's little mystery number 2783 will undoubtedly haunt my sleep until I find out.

I used to wonder about the collective noun for ducks. It's a gaggle of geese and a murder of crows. But what about ducks? Apparently, the word is "paddling". A paddling of ducks. Evokes images of English Cotswold villages with old sandstone cottages around the pond. Quite quaint really don't you think?

Incidentally, that was life's little mystery number 2421: Solved.

Anyway, I digress. I'll get back to telling you about the party. Actually, I'll start by telling you about the past, and us. That'll give you a chance to get to know us a little better, and perhaps allow you an insight in to what motivates us. Perhaps you might even identify with us a little.

Myself and Al are both the wrong side of 30, but fortunately, the right side of 35. We're 30 somethings, and we're having the time of our lives. Al is simply gorgeous. I look at her most days and wonder what I did to get so lucky. I wake up everyday to see a petite, curvy, pretty, SEXY, intelligent woman that shows her love for me almost constantly in a myriad of ways. I look in the mirror and see me: a talk, dark, slim man with big dark brown eyes, hair that's receding at the sides a little, a touch of gray and laughter lines. I don't have a six pack stomach, rippling muscles or a cock like Ron Jeremy. I'm just me: always have been, and always will be I guess.

Al doesn't agree with my assessment. She thinks I'm handsome, sexy, stylish, and a damn good fuck to boot. I like her opinion more: I think we'll run with that one.

So there you have it. We're an attractive (apparently), intelligent couple, that is completely committed to each other. And that's a rather important thing to understand about us. It's the commitment we have for each other that makes what we do possible. We realized a long time ago that complete monogamy wasn't for us. We both knew that we wanted to fuck other people. We were chatting, over a rather good curry and a bottle of red, about our previous sexual experiences when we were single. I suppose we were both away in a our own little fantasy world when we were talking and suddenly we agreed that sex with other people was OK, provided we told the each other about it. Looking back, it's all rather strange really.

We've recently met couples who got in to swinging because it's what he or she wanted. The other partner just goes along to keep the peace as it were. If that works for them, then I'm happy. For us, that simply isn't the case. We're both at least a little bisexual, although Al is much more so than me, and that was certainly a consideration when we began to talk seriously about it. Partner swapping is way down the list of priorities. We can get good old fashioned heterosexual sex at home, but neither of us have the equipment to satisfy our homosexual sides. Actually, Al does have a strap on that she's used on me, but I can't satisfy her desire to taste a pussy or suck on a woman's nipples. So, we began to think of ways in which we could engineer a suitable situation.

We had a drunken holiday experience in Fiji that I've already written about, but that was a one off, and some time ago now, and we really began to feel like it was becoming a necessity to scratch our joint itch. About four months ago we met up with Steve and Sash, and had an explosive night. It was a truly memorable evening involving a drink too many, nearly getting booted out of a strip club, and the best cum shot I've ever seen. I've written about that one too. We saw Steve and Sash again, but our timing has been off of late, and we've not managed to get back together again.

About three weeks ago or so, I found an ad on a web site. It was all rather interesting, and a little too much to be believed at first. According to the author, they had a rather exclusive little pad on Sydney's Lower North Shore, fronting the harbor. Once a month or so, they throw a party for select couples. There were a couple of pictures attached, and I have to say that it all looked rather classy.

I had to know more, so I sent a message. The reply was simply stunning. Jeff and Carolyn were definitely smarter than the average bear. They'd been swinging for a number of years, and had been to clubs. Like many people, they found the club scene to be a little impersonal and occasionally sleazy. They'd decided that when they were in a position to throw a decent party they would. This would not be a, "hello, get your clothes off" sort of party. More along the lines of any other evening you've been to with light music, food, drink, conversation and so on. A real social affair. If couples wanted to go off and have a good time, the facilities were there. They had a sauna, a spa and plenty of room available for private or more public entertainment.

This sounded too good to be true. I immediately wanted to know what the catch was. Was Al expected to suck off the host or something? Perhaps I was expected to suck him off! I like to give a bit of head now and then, but I won't suck just anybody. If I was going to do that, I was going to make the guy earn it at least! I was sure this wasn't to be the case really, but as ever, I was a little guarded. Myself and Jeff traded messages for a couple of days and then he invited us to a "meet and greet" evening. This was unbelievable. Not only did they host the party, they also invited couples to their home to meet them, give them a guided tour, and to explain a little about the night. I suspected this was also a chance for them to "vet" any potential guests, and I could certainly understand that. Some of the couples that are advertising on swingers sites may be full of inner beauty, and truly wonderful individuals, but externally...they've climbed the ugly tree, only to fall and hit every branch on the way down. I know that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but sometimes I do wonder whether the beholder should perhaps be making discreet enquiries with the local ophthalmologist.

The following Friday evening found us on the wrong side of a rather large automatic gate at the end of their driveway. We pressed the buzzer and waited patiently. We pressed it again, and then a few more times for luck. We checked the address, the date, and pressed the buzzer again. Still nothing. We'd been there for around 5 minutes or so, and we're just beginning to wonder what we were supposed to do. We didn't have a mobile with us; there was no pay phone in the vicinity; and scaling the gate didn't seem that attractive. We could see a couple approaching, and thought they might be Jeff and Carolyn. They came up to the gate, and I asked if they were. They weren't! But, they were there to see Jeff and Carolyn as well. We hadn't known what to expect of the evening, but evidently, we weren't the only guests. I did hope that sex wasn't involved: I wasn't wearing my best underwear.

Our new friends, Dan and Carmel, had a mobile phone with them, so they rang, and Jeff came out to open the gate. He was about 5' 10, forty something, a few more pounds round the middle than he'd have preferred and very smartly dressed. In fact, I was the only one in jeans. I'd come straight from work, and was feeling very inelegant all of a sudden. Jeff was also very charming, and both Al and I found ourselves taking an instant shine to him. We went inside to meet Carolyn. A tall, slim, elegant, and similarly charming lady. They took our coats and showed us down the stairs to the dining room. Inside was a beautifully laid table set for eight people. These two really knew how to turn it on. I was liking them already.

We had a glass of wine, and went out to the balcony, which has a superb view of Sydney's City skyline. We're both smokers, and Jeff, it turns out, is a passive smoker. Basically, he doesn't buy his own, but he's very happy to steal other peoples. Not that I minded. Apparently, we were going to get a free feed as part of this "meet and greet". And there was me beforehand, worried that it would be more like "meat and two veg." I'd be dealing with. You know...a banana and two plums for dessert!?

Ten minutes later or so, Bob and Kate arrived, and very soon we were all chatting away like old friends. Carolyn was in the kitchen sorting out the food, and Jeff was charming everybody in to submission. This guy really knew how to entertain.

He took us on a guided tour of the house. Now, I like to think I have a certain amount of class, and that I like fine furnishings and so on. Jeff and Carolyn have excellent taste. This is a truly beautiful home. When you come through the front door, it's on to a landing. Up takes you to the bedrooms, and down to the dining room, and kitchen. A further set of steps takes you down to the lounge room, with another balcony and spa, and a sauna room off to the side. The place seemed to go on forever.

Carolyn announced that dinner was served, and we all went back up and tucked in to a fabulous meal. And so it was that 4 couples, all complete strangers a few hours ago, got to know each other rather well. We talked about many subjects, and although we were all acutely aware of why we were there, there was a minimal amount of talk about sex. Jeff explained a little about the format of the party evenings, but on the whole, the subject was avoided. It was a truly wonderful night, that went way beyond what Al and I had been expecting. If this was how they ran their parties, we'd be attending the next for sure.

Dinner was over, and I was standing on the balcony, having a cigarette and admiring the view. We rented a place once with a similar vista, and I used to sit on our balcony for hours just looking at it. If you've never seen Sydney's skyline at night, then you've missed one of the great man made spectacles in the world. It is a truly beautiful sight, and I do miss it now that our current place looks north. I looked at my watch. It was 12:30. Where had the time gone? We'd had such a great evening.

The six of us left en masse, thanking Carolyn and Jeff for their fantastic hospitality, and went our separate ways. We knew we'd see each other again for sure. The next party was only a couple of weeks away, and I had the feeling that we'd all be there, possibly getting to know each other that bit more intimately.

I've told you very little about the other guests intentionally. It's not that we didn't like them, find them attractive or anything else for that matter. It's just that while they were there that evening, they are really only playing bit parts. Dan and Carmel couldn't make it to the party, and aside from an e-mail or two , we've not had any dealings with them. Bob and Kate did give us a lift home as it was on their way. We all talked very enthusiastically about the ensuing party, and you'll meet Bob again later, if only briefly.

We sent an e-mail to Jeff and Carolyn the following morning, thanking them for the night, and asking if we could attend the next party. Jeff replied with his now almost trademark charm and flattery, and that was that. We were going to our first sex party.

7:30 Saturday night, and the party was beginning. Trouble was, we were still at home taking far too long to get ready. Obviously, being male, I can make myself look fantastic (ok, better than usual) in a few minutes. Al on the other hand likes to take a good long while sorting her hair out, shaving her legs and pussy, putting her make up on, and then trying to pick one out of a couple of hundred outfits. She looks edible in all of them, and even more so out of them, but if you have to go out in public, nudity is not really an option. So, she eventually chose a black basque, g-string and stockings, topped off with pair of black heels and a mid length black strappy dress. I on the other hand, was wearing a shirt and trousers. It's so much easier being male when it comes to dressing up to go out.

We eventually arrived at around 8:20. Fashionably late as we like to call it. Not too late to have missed all the fun, but late enough to let things get going a little. Sure enough, the part was cooking nicely. There was a fine selection of nibbles and canapés on the table, and the drink was flowing. Guava juice and Champagne was the order of the night for Al. A curious drink all in all, and definitely not a man's drink. A bit like Baileys, or those alcoholic fruit drinks. They're girl beer, not man beer. As a friend of mine once said, "That's a girl's drink! If you drink that you'll grow tits!". So I left the mammary enhancer to Al, and stuck to white wine. I know where I am with white wine, and how much gets me drunk. I'd decided to drive that night so that I couldn't drink too much. Nothing worse than going to a sex party and having one too many. Women can get away with it. A tube of lube is a wonderful thing. But guys...if you have to use a splint, you're not going to get much action.

We were being social butterflies. We talked to seemingly everyone, if only briefly. Hot food was brought round, (creamy chicken and rice I happened to recall), the drinks kept flowing, and yet again, our hosts had excelled themselves. It was turning into a great evening: and we hadn't even found anyone to play with yet. As time went by, the number of people in the room slowly dwindled as more and more couples and individuals went off to try the spa and whatever other entertainments they fancied.

We'd been chatting to Anthony and Monica for a while, and there was obviously an attraction between us. Inevitably, the subject matter turned to sex, and we began to talk very openly about what we wanted. Monica was very quick to point out that she wasn't bi, but was very happy to receive oral sex from a woman. Al was having a cigarette with Anthony on the balcony at the time, and I made a mental note to tell her before she put her head between Monica's legs. Anthony was bi-curious, and had never actually done anything about it. Monica certainly didn't seem to mind, and her eyes lit up when I told her that I was bi. I think she quite fancied the idea of watching her man suck a nice hard cock, and when she began telling me that she loved the feel of a "throbbing cock in her throat" (her words precisely), I began to get an inkling that I was right.

The four of us made our way down stairs to the sauna. This is next to the lounge room where a video was playing. On the screen, a very small and cute blonde girl was having her mouth fucked by a very long fat cock. We all watched the video as we got undressed for the sauna. There was cum around her mouth, and I wondered what had gone before. As we left the room, she was just bending over to take the mighty sword from behind. Poor girl was going to get split in two!

We all entered the sauna, and turned the heat up high. Within a few minutes, the sweat was pouring off us. Anthony was a good looking, fairly stocky man. Not as well toned as he'd have liked I'm sure, but certainly not fat. He wasn't that hairy either, although I noted that neither he nor Monica shaved. Both Al and I like to keep things nice and tidy. It had been a long time since I'd licked an unshaven pussy, and I think I was quite looking forward to the difference.....assuming that I got a look in. Al was devouring Monica with her eyes, and she was right to do so. Monica was a 5' 8", bob cut redhead, with fantastic C or D cup breasts. I remember thinking that I do love saunas.

Various people came in to the sauna, talked with us, and then got out again. We managed to get the temperature up to about 50 degrees and we were all sweating profusely. According to my mum, only horses sweat; men perspire, and ladies glow. Apparently, my mum has never been in a sauna. It was that or we'd all turned in to horses. I checked my cock. No, still not a horse. Al was sitting on the lower bench between my legs, and kept turning her head to lick up and down my inner thigh. My cock was responding accordingly, and I couldn't help but get a hard on. The four of us were just about to get out, when Bob, the guy from the meat and veg night, came in with another woman. I had no idea where his wife Kate was, and neither did he. But he was confident she'd be enjoying herself, and he certainly looked happy. And so he should. He was in the company of a rather pleasant black haired European woman, and he was all over her like a bad suit.

Another ladle of water was put on the hot rocks, and that was enough for me. The temperature was up to about 60 degrees, and it was time to leave. The four of us got out of the sauna together and squeezed into the shower. I was first in, and claimed the far corner. Monica sidled up close with her back to me, and my now half- mast cock between the top of her ass cheeks. I put my arms around her, and began to rub the sweat off her chest and thighs. She responded immediately, moaning quietly every time my hands brushed her nipples, and she felt around behind her for my now rapidly hardening member. She grabbed it quite roughly, and just squeezed for a second or two. She relaxed the pressure, and then squeezed again. This made my cock even harder. Something I didn't think was possible at the time.

My left hand was now concentrated on her nipples, while my right descended through the thick mat of hair to find her pussy. She was very wet, and not just from the shower. My finder slid inside her very easily. I pulled out and raised my finger to my mouth to lick her juice off. She tasted divine, and I immediately began to masturbate her again. The next time I pulled my finger out, I offered it to Al. Anthony had been fingering her, but had now managed to get down on to his knees in the confined space, and was giving her a tongue bath. He was holding her cleanly shaven pussy lips apart, and licking her clit furiously, all the time trying not to drown in the deluge coming from the shower. Al took my proffered digit into her mouth, and tasted Monica for the first time. She smiled, and flashed me a devilish little grin. I knew then for sure that she'd be heading to the source when she got the chance.

Monica escaped the perils of my wondering hands, and dropped to her knees. She turned me slightly so that the shower was hitting my back and promptly started licking around my now aching cock. I wanted to cum all over her face right there and then. I knew I was a while away from cuming, but if she was going to continue licking and scraping her teeth gently over my glans, she'd only bring the moment forward. As least we were in the shower. If I did do the dirty and give her a face full, she'd be able to wash if off easily. I thought about it briefly and decided that perhaps it would not be "good form" to cum over her just yet.