Top Shelf Ch. 02

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Nicole gets another chance to play with Wynonna's ass.
8.1k words

Part 2 of the 5 part series

Updated 11/22/2023
Created 08/28/2018
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Disclaimer: I do not own Wynonna Earp. I do not make any money from the writing of this story.


Wynonna had known it was a bad idea to try and seduce Officer Nicole Haught, but she had done it anyway because she was the Queen of bad ideas, and literally had no self-control. It was yet another decision she lived to regret. Surprisingly not because they were discovered, because they weren't, even though they'd had sex in a very public place. Or the inevitable awkwardness afterwards.

Honestly Wynonna could live with that kind of awkwardness, as she was used to it, and she was almost disappointed at not being discovered. The problem was she hadn't foreseen having to work that night, it was embarrassing as she spent the entire time walking funny or squirming while she was sitting down, which put an annoyingly smug look on Officer Haught's admittedly beautiful face.

To be fair it wasn't like Wynonna could have known that Officer Haught would give her like the best ass fucking and spanking combo ever, but she had, and Wynonna had to suffer through the consequences. Thankfully this time Waverly had pretty much saved herself, which was good, because if Wynonna ever failed to save her sister it would end her, especially if her failure to do so was because of something as embarrassing as her butt hurt.

Of course she could have been to the rescue a lot sooner if she hadn't insulted Nicole, and lying to her just seemed weird at this point, and Dolls was refusing to return her calls, and the last of the seven was screwing with her in a real bad way, and she just had enough of all of this. So by the time morning came and Officer Haught was the taking the statements of Waverly's guests Wynonna decided to tell her the truth. And, well, apologise.

Of course it was super awkward to walk up to the deputy, and again painful, but Wynonna was used to fighting through pain and awkwardness, even offering a gentle smile as she greeted the other woman, "Hey."

"Hey." Nicole returned, then after a brief pause mumbled, "So, it seems like Waverly's going to be okay."

"Yeah, she is one tough cookie." Wynonna agreed.

"Must run in the family." Nicole quipped with a little smile, before apologising, "I'm sorry-"

"I'm sorry." Wynonna apologised for missing the exact same time, then frowned, "Wait, why the hell are you sorry?"

"I stomped off just because you hurt my feelings." Nicole explained, "I'm an adult, and more importantly a cop. I shouldn't have taken it so personally. I don't like, or understand, what Black Badge is, or what your connection is to everything that's going on, but if I hadn't stormed off, I would have been with you when, whatever this was, went down and for that I'm sorry."

"No, no, no, I was being a bitch." Wynonna quickly countered, "A paranoid bitch who was way out of line."

"Paranoid about what?" Nicole frowned.

There was a brief pause and then Wynonna said, "Give me a ride back to the station, and I'll tell you."

Nicole frowned again, "What's your boss going to think about that?"

Wynonna shrugged, "He isn't here."

There was a brief pause and then Nicole nodded, "Okay."

Annoyingly Wynonna had to walk all the way around the car to get to the passenger seat, and then couldn't stop grimacing as she sat down, which resulted in another satisfied smirk on the other woman's face, prompting the Earp Heir to snap, "Will you stop it?"

"Stop what?" Nicole asked, trying to sound innocent and failing.

"You know what." Wynonna hissed, "Stop looking so smug."

"Smug about what?" Nicole asked, while looking smug.

Not really wanting to have a conversation about her sore ass Wynonna just glared at the police officer for a few long seconds, before folding her arms and pouting. Which was just another embarrassment, because she prided herself on always having a comeback, but Officer Nicole Haught just had this effortless ability to rattle her even before she spanked her and fucked her up the ass? And now?

God, what was Wynonna thinking giving her this power over her. Oh God, her reaction of course made Officer Haught chuckle with delight, which in turn made Wynonna blush again, and seriously, what was up with all these blushes? She was a bad ass Demon killer, not some blushing high school girl with a crush.

Thankfully Officer Haught didn't press the issue, and while on the road heading back to the station maybe Wynonna could finally tell her the truth. Then what? Nicole would throw her in a cell until whatever drugs she was on was out of her system? Or just call her crazy and kicked her out? Because seriously, how was Wynonna supposed to explain what was going on without sounding crazy? And why did she care?

What, one quick hook up, and now she cared about what some cop thought about her? No, if Wynonna was being honest with herself she had cared about this woman's opinion before, but she wasn't sure why. And she wasn't sure she wanted to admit it. Or just maybe not yet.

"You wanna stop and get breakfast first?" Nicole asked, startling Wynonna from her thoughts, then offering "I'll buy."

"What, you mean like a date?" Wynonna scoffed.

"Why not?" Nicole asked.

Taken aback by the other woman's directness Wynonna blinked a few times, before dismissing the idea, "You don't want me as a girlfriend."

"That's not really your call, is it?" Nicole countered, "But I'll bite, why do you think that?"

Wynonna just frowned at the redhead for a few long seconds, then grumbled, "I'd make a lousy girlfriend."

"I don't know." Nicole argued softly, "We could balance each other out."

"Or it could be a dumpster fire, and I could hurt you." Wynonna argued.

"You care about hurting me?" Nicole smiled, taking her eyes off of the road for a second, so she could look at the other woman.

After a few long seconds of disbelief Wynonna ranted, sounding frustrated, and even kind of angry at this point, "I drink. Like, all the time, just to get by. I don't care who I offend. Life's too short for that shit. Because of it, I've been arrested a ton of times, and everyone hates me. I haven't had a relationship which lasted more than a month. And that was just a 'I'll fuck you when I see you' kind of deal, and if I did there's no way I'd remember anniversaries, or be able to stay monogamous, or any of that shit. And there's... there's other stuff. Bad stuff. Like, really, really bad. Stuff I can't even tell you about. Not yet. Maybe not ever. So... still want to date me?"

As Wynonna spoke Nicole slowly pulled over, and then once the engine was off she turned to the other woman and simply replied, "Yes."

"Then you're crazier than I am." Wynonna said in frustration.

"You're too hard on yourself." Nicole said softly, quickly adding, "Yes, as far as I can tell, a lot of that stuff is true. Your rude, crass and always looking for a fight. You're definitely not the kind of girl I normally go for, and I don't think you even respect me, or my job."

"Wow, way ta win me over Officer Haught." Wynonna scoffed.

"But..." Nicole said, turning her body more towards Wynonna, "I like that you're opinionated, and as you have annoyingly proven in such a short time, you're good at this. Stopping bad guys from doing, whatever it is they're doing. And your smart, funny, and yeah, a total smoke show."

"Top shelf man, top shelf?" Wynonna mocked.

Leaning in Nicole softly asked, "I'm guessing I'm not the kind of person you normally go for either."

"No, I fuck girls all the time." Wynonna countered.

"Yeah, but what kind of girls?" Nicole pushed, leaning even closer, "College girls looking to experiment? Little pillow princesses who just lie there while you do all the work? Girls so drunk they barely know what they're doing? All of the above?"

"That's accurate." Wynonna admitted softly.

"All of them bottoms, I bet." Nicole practically growled in disgust, "Just submissive little sluts you could walk all over. I bet that was fun. But none of them could give you what you want. What you need."

"And what's that?" Wynonna scoffed, although not nearly as forcefully as she intended.

"Someone who can see through your bull-shit and posturing. Someone who won't put up with it. Someone who will take total control and treat you like the top shelf bottom you are." Nicole said with an effortless confidence which surprised even her, although she did well hiding it thanks to how much her words seem to be having the right affect.

"I ain't no bottom." Wynonna replied dismissively, although it sounded like an obvious lie, given the fact it took her a few long seconds of blushing to get that out.

"The way you came with my cock up your top shelf ass says otherwise." Nicole quipped.

"So, I'm an anal slut. That doesn't make me a bottom." Wynonna argued.

"No. Like I said, it's the way you came." Nicole pushed, "And just how easily you gave up your ass, bending over like the perfect little bottom, so happy you were finally where you belonged. And oh, are you going to tell me getting that amazing ass of yours spank didn't make you ridiculously wet?"

Again there was another pause where Wynonna blushed furiously, and squirmed in her seat with lust instead of soreness this time, and then she finished, "Yeah, that was fun, as a one off, but I bet you can't do it again."

Yet another pause, then Nicole slowly got out of her seat, walked around to the other side of the car, opened the door and demanded, "Get out of the car, Earp."

Nicole was normally direct, but she hadn't been this aggressive before, and she was more than half expecting bad ass Wynonna Earp to laugh off her words and then hurry to tell literally everyone about the predatory lesbian working in the police station, especially her precious Waverly. Maybe even turn the tables on Nicole, a prospect she found rather frightening.

But no, apparently Nicole had been right on the money given Wynonna's reactions, and the way that she slowly got out of her seat and stood up on shaky legs wasn't doing anything to convince Nicole she was wrong. And fuck, did Wynonna look adorable when she was nervous and unsure of herself.

"I'm not-" Wynonna began nervously, which was all she got out before she was pushed back against the car door she had just shut.

Only after Nicole had pinned Wynonna against the car and kissed her did those words register. For a moment Nicole felt guilty, as Wynonna might have been just about to turn her down, but the way that Wynonna was kissing her back told a different story. Hell, Wynonna even seemed annoyed that Nicole had stopped, which was more than enough to push the redhead into continuing to kiss the brunette.

Because last night had been amazing, but Nicole did have a few regrets about it. Mainly about not taking Wynonna home with her when she had the chance, and spending the entire night and all this morning having her way with this beautiful woman. But also...

"Wow." Wynonna asked after the other woman broke the kiss, hating herself for it.

"You know what I regret about last night?" Nicole asked softly, resting her forehead against Wynonna's.

"What?" Wynonna asked softly.

"Not kissing you like this." Nicole answered with a wicked grin.

During that answer Nicole was already leaning in for another kiss, Wynonna almost meeting her halfway in a surprisingly gentle kiss. The last one had been all passion and fire, both women silently declaring their desire for each other, but this, this felt like more. Like it could be the beginning of something.

An idea which clearly scared Wynonna, as she turned the kiss into one like before, except maybe even more rough, but that was fine with Nicole, as she was determined to take charge and she did. Then she broke the kiss and started sliding her lips up and down Wynonna's neck and began sliding her hands all over the other woman's body, taking great satisfaction squeezing Wynonna's butt and hearing her cry out in a mixture of pain and pleasure.

"Hey! Watch it." Wynonna whined half-heartedly, which only made the redhead grin against her neck, which in turn made her blush. Then she quipped, "Right here? Really, Officer Hot Pants?"

"Because Wynonna Earp has never had sex in public?" Nicole quipped, lifting her head so she could look the other woman in the eye.

"Na, I do that all the time." Wynonna admitted shamelessly, before pointing out, "But it is a bit nippy, and I'm surprised you're willing to break the law."

"I'm willing to bend a few rules for the greater good." Nicole admitted, "And bringing a beautiful woman pleasure is always for the greater good."

"Urgh, so cheesy." Wynonna scoffed, hating that she was actually flattered by that.

"Besides..." Nicole grinned, slowly sliding a hand in between Wynonna's legs, "If you're cold, I can think of ways I can warm you up."

Wynonna gasped, moaned, and then asked, "Like?"

Leaning in so their lips were almost touching Nicole whispered, "Do you know what else I regret about last night?"

"What?" Wynonna moaned, the police officer deliberately rubbing her pussy through her pants in that moment to take away her ability to crack a joke.

"Not eating you out." Nicole confessed.

"I don't know about that, you ate my ass pretty good." Wynonna cryptically quipped, before some more strategic rubbing silenced her.

Ignoring those words Nicole just continued, "Don't get me wrong, it was fun just to concentrate on your top shelf ass, and I definitely want to do it again, but I really, really want to know what you taste like when you cum. Would you let me do that, Wynonna? Would you get into the back of a police car, take off your pants, lie down and let me eat that yummy little pussy of yours? Would you let me make you cum again? This time in my mouth? Huh? You'd like that, wouldn't you? Don't be shy Wynonna. Tell Officer Haught what you want."

There was a brief pause in which Nicole struggled not to grin in triumph as Wynonna stared at her lustfully. Then Wynonna pecked her on the lips and slipped out of her grasp, Nicole letting her as she suspected where she was going. Sure enough Wynonna quickly got into the back seat and awkwardly pulled off her own pants and underwear before lying back and spreading her legs to expose herself.

Nicole had to move slightly to get the perfect view of this, and found the first part incredibly cute, especially as Wynonna swore as she struggled to remove her clothing with any dignity. The second part was a different story, Nicole just standing there staring at the beautiful woman offering herself to her for a few long seconds.

Which was a few seconds to many for Wynonna, "Hurry up, I'm freezing my ass off here."

Nicole smirked, "Hurry up with what?"

"Oh for God sakes, fine eat me!" Wynonna huffed, "Eat me already. Eat my fucking pussy! Put your mouth on my cunt and warm me up."

"Answer me properly, or I won't do it." Nicole warned sternly, "Or do you want me to spank you again?"

There was a brief pause and then Wynonna grumbled, "Fine! Please Officer Haught, eat my pussy. I want you to make me cum with your mouth. Just fuck me, please? Please Officer Haught, just fuck me. I want you to fuck me right here, right now in the back of your police car. Please Officer Haught, I want you to do whatever you want to me. Please?"

Wynonna wasn't totally against being spanked again, but it was not preferable considering how sore her ass was, and especially as she had been promised something more pleasurable. Although anything had to be better than just lying here almost literally freezing her ass off. Especially as that sore and freezing ass was pressed against a flat surface, causing Wynonna to squirm uncomfortably.

Which wasn't helped by Officer Haught just staring at it like that, especially considering what she was supposed to be doing. Actually the fact that she wasn't doing it, or moving to do it, was flat-out annoying Wynonna, and that easily slipped into her words until Officer Haught finally moved.

"Oh come on, fuck me already!" Wynonna whined, "You think I work this hard to look this good so I have to beg to be fucked? No, so give me what I want before I change my mind. Please? Oh yes, get over here Nicole. Officer Haught! Sorry. Just please, fuck me! Fuck me, oh fuck me, oooooooohhhhhhhhh fuckkkkkkkkkkk!"

After what felt like an eternity Officer Haught finally, and annoyingly slowly, got down on her knees so her head was in between Wynonna's legs and leaned down until the Earp heir could feel her breath against her cold cunt. Then after a few more torturous seconds in which Wynonna feared Officer Haught would tease her even more by kissing her thighs, stomach or even the surrounding flesh of her pussy, but no, Officer Haught mercifully stuck out her tongue and slowly slid it over Wynonna's pussy lips.

She started from the bottom and made her way to the top, even lingering on Wynonna's clit. Then she repeated the process over and over again, establishing a steady rhythm which had Wynonna writhing from pleasure instead of pain.

She was still aware of the soreness in her ass, and far more to the point the coldness all around her, especially against her bare skin, but it was dwarfed by the feeling of pleasure she was receiving from that talented little tongue. Because of course Officer Nicole Haught would be fucking amazing at eating pussy. It was practically written on her smug and annoyingly beautiful face.

It was of course something that the redhead quickly and easily proved just from those first initial licks, each little thing she did after that only confirming what Wynonna had known all along. She wouldn't have dropped her pants in awful weather otherwise. Okay, she had for less, but she was never more grateful that she had.

Knowing that it was a lost cause trying to hide just how much she was enjoying it Wynonna just relaxed and forgot about saying anything coherent, other than a few swear words, for a few long moments of bliss which thankfully felt like hours. Inevitably the desire to cum would become stronger, but initially she was happy to just lie back and enjoy not only the feeling that she was being given, but the sight of the beautiful redhead in between her legs.

Oh yes, these were sights and feelings which she would cherish when she was alone, or perhaps inevitably with a less skilled partner. Then she slowly began to return to her senses, at least enough to reward Officer Haught for her fine work, something which Wynonna felt compelled to do.

Nicole couldn't believe her luck. Not only was she getting to lick a yummy pussy, but she had finally figured out a way to make the infamous Wynonna Earp shut up. In fact she had found a number of different ways to achieve what she had previously thought to be impossible, and they were also enjoyable it was hard to pick a favourite, but at least in that moment this was an easy number one. Why?

Because she was also getting to taste Wynonna Earp, something she hadn't really imagined in her wildest dreams, at least not until last night. After that incident she'd been thinking about it a lot, and it easily blew her expectations away, which was really saying something.

Although the best part about this type of making Wynonna Earp shut up like this was that she wasn't technically making the loudmouth woman quiet. No, she was just stopping her from whining, or complaining, or saying something annoying.

Instead Wynonna was constantly praising her for eating her pussy by moaning, gasping and whimpering in pure pleasure, which Wynonna would have probably found embarrassingly high-pitched, if she wasn't so obviously preoccupied right now. Which made Nicole smirked with satisfaction almost constantly. At least until Wynonna ruined it by finding her voice, although even that came with it's benefits.

"Ohhhhhhhhhh fuckkkkkkkkk yeahhhhhhhhhh, eat me! Eat my God damn pussy! Oh fuck!" Wynonna moaned,"Oh fuck me, mmmmmmmmm, I knew you'd be amazing at this. So glad you didn't let me down. Oh shit! Fuck yeah, eat me just like that, oooooooooooh fuck, maybe a little more on my clit? Yesssssssssss, that's it, oh fuck! I don't know where you came from Haught, but you must have gone to college and graduated with a degree in pussy eating. Fuck, you should teach a class right here in Purgatory. Trust me, you'd be doing everyone else here a favour. Mmmmmmmmm yesssssssss, I could even help you out. Be your demonstration dummy, ohhhhhhhhh fuck, lie back while you lick me just like this, just like this, ah fuck, then you can strap on that big cock of yours and show every guy in this town how he should have fucked me. Oh yes, fuck me, mmmmmmmm, fuck me and make, ohhhhhhhhhhh yesssssssssss, lick me just like that, oh my God!"