Topless Jen Ch. 02


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"I can't pull my top down without letting go of the wall and if I do that ill fall back down and wont be able to finish my climb. I have to finish it as I am."

The guy looks flabbergasted but knows she is right and doesn't' want to disappoint his customer when she's so close to the top.

"Very well miss you can keep climbing, just be careful and don't hit your breasts on any rocks you could hurt yourself."

Jen looks at him and thinks he's nuts. She looks down at her breasts and knows there's nothing she could do to them here that she hasn't already done.

"Don't worry, I will be careful." Jen continues her climb.

The last two handholds are tricky and Jen has to use some fancy footwork to pull her foot up to the hole in the wall and she has to reach out far to grab the last handhold above her and she stretches her breasts out and she almost feels her nipples touch the rocks. The rocks are kind of rough so she doesn't want to bruise or cut her bare breasts on them. She has to almost jump up to reach the handhold. She uses her feet to launch herself into the air and throw herself upward and towards the wall. Just before her chest rams into the wall and she gets her breasts all torn up on the rocks she grabs the handhold and pulls herself to the top. She feels her breasts slightly brush the rock but it's nothing that can hurt her because now she is at the top and touches the yellow tape to finish the challenge. Jen looks down and sees Crystal and the guy cheer as they see her win and he gestures to her to push herself away from the wall and let go and her harness will lower her down.

Jen pushes away from the wall and let's go as she slowly moves downward towards the ground and feels the cool air rush by her topless body as she slowly reaches the ground and touches down on it with a soft plop of her feet. The attendant rushes over and helps her out of the harness and Jen takes her helmet off.

"Did you enjoy climbing the wall ma'am?" The attendant asks.

"You bet I did, it's always better for me topless. I didn't like wearing that top." Jen takes it and pulls it up over her head and off her shoulders as she holds it in her hands.

"Had I known you were that good at climbing the wall and doing it safely I would have let you climb it topless and barefoot in the first place. You're a real trooper." He told her.

"I'm always aware of my surroundings when I don't have a top on. That's one thing I like about being topless I realize how vulnerable I am and thus I'm more careful with things so I don't get hurt." Jen tells him as she proudly shows off her now completely bare chest.

"I can see you are a very responsible and mature young woman with a great body. I promise you from now on you can climb this wall topless whenever you want. You can bring your friend too." The guy tells Jen as he picks up her gear and takes it to where the next person gets set up.

"Have a nice day and come back soon." The guy waves at her as she walks away.

"I will and thanks!" Jen smiles and waves at him as she runs over to Crystal as her small tits bounce slightly.

"Im so happy! I got to climb the wall all the way to the top bare breasted!" Jen hands Crystal her top and flip flops proudly. "Here you can have these back, I don't need them anymore."

"I'm so proud of you." Crystal hugs Jen before she puts her top and flips back on.

"So what's the next exciting thing you want to do hot stuff?" Crystal asks Jen as she looks at her hot topless body in her thong.

"How about we go on that log ride?"

"Sure, you're certainly dressed for it."

"Least I won't have to worry about losing any clothing or getting it wet."

When they get to the log ride Jen wastes no time in running up the stairs to the line. She notices how easy it is to run when not wearing more than a simple thong. As Jen moves her thong flops around everywhere showing her bits to anyone who might look. Crystal watches from behind as she hurries to catch up. She notices Jen's flat back with her strong shoulders and her long curvy legs as she moves and her tight ass that is virtually naked except for a small string that goes between her cheeks. Crystal wishes she had the body to do that.

As they get to the boarding area the guy there is speechless as she sees Jen run up to her nearly naked. He looks fixated at Jen's small curvy breasts. Jen clears her throat to get the guy's attention and he looks up into Jen's face as he smiles at her. The guy stammers out a response.

"Hhow mmany?"

"Two" Jen says as she gives her firm breasts a playful jiggle.

He still can't get over Jen standing there with her breasts hanging in front of her like that. He points towards a log and as she does Jen goes racing over to it. The guy looks down as Jen runs and briefly sees her shaved clit. He can't believe his eyes this must be his lucky day.

Jen hops into the log and sits on the bench inside of it. Each log can fit two people. Crystal sits in back of Jen and purposely slides forward to press her pussy against Jen's bare ass. Jen looks back at her.

"Are you enjoying yourself?"

"You bet, never got to ride one of these with a naked chick before." Crystal runs her fingers along Jen's smooth back.

"Hey, I'm not naked. I've got a thong on!" Jen points down to the little orange string around her hips that disappears between her legs.

"Oh sorry, my mistake." Crystal shrugs her shoulders.

Jen smiles and turns around as the ride starts to move. Jen grabs the handlebars next to her. Crystal looks around for something to grab. She could grab the handlebars like Jen but she has a better idea as she looks at Jen's naked torso. Crystal quickly wraps her arms around Jen and places her hands on Jen's flat stomach.

Jen lets out a lil shriek as she feels Crystal's hands and arms on her bare skin. Jen turns around and looks at Crystal.

"So, am I supposed to be the handlebar now?" Jen turns her head with Crystal's hands holding firmly onto her breasts.

"Yeah, isn't it great? I knew you'd be useful for something." Crystal smiles as she rests her head on Jen's back.

Jen lets out a groan and as the log goes around a corner and into a small cave. Crystal and Jen look around but can't see much in the dark. The air is cool and moist which makes Jen shiver a bit as the cold air touches Jen's exposed body. Crystal feels Jen's reaction to the cold breeze as she holds Jen's warm body close to her. Jen's nipples feel very hard and erect.

"Oooh I can see someone is enjoying the ride!" Crystal smiles as she moves her fingers around Jen's firm nipples.

"I think you just enjoy playing with my nipples." Jen tries to get Crystal's fingers off her nipples but to no avail.

The log continues on as it goes around a corner. Besides the occasional dim lamp light its pitch dark inside the cave. Crystal takes one hand off Jen's small breasts and puts her hand against Jen's back as she runs a finger along her spine. Jen jumps in her seat getting Crystal to momentarily release her other breast. Jen quickly turns around to look at Crystal whom she can see slightly in the low light.

"What are you doing? You know that makes me horny." Jen looks at Crystal shaking her breasts with her hardened nipples to prove her point.

"I'm just trying to help you get the most out of the experience." Crystal keeps moving her finger down Jen's spine as she makes her way almost to her crack.

"Well you're sure doing that. Anymore and I might just have an orgasm right here in the seat." Jen points down to her almost bare pussy which is already somewhat moist from what Crystal was doing to her.

"Now there's an idea!" Crystal smiles mischievously as she puts her hand on Jen's slender legs and walks her fingertips on Jen's smooth skin up her legs towards her bikini.

"Oooh no, I know what you've got planned." Jen grabs Crystal's hand before she can reach her pussy. Crystal responds by grabbing Jen's breasts again and attacking her nipples. Jen lets out another loud sigh and just slumps her shoulders in defeat.

As the log moves about in the dark tunnel the girls can hear rushing water ahead. Jen grabs on real tight as the log goes up the hill towards the light. Crystal sees her chance and pulls on Jen's thong. With a quick snap it comes off leaving her naked in the log. Jen looks down and sees her bare pussy.

"Oh great! Now I'm naked again! Where's my thong Crystal?" Jen looks back at her worried.

"Well I tried to grab the handlebar but my fingers must've caught on your thong and it just broke, I'm sorry." Crystal holds up the tattered remains of Jen's only scrap of clothing.

"You did that on purpose." Jen crosses her legs so her pussy is hidden from view.

"At least now you can enjoy the ride and not have to worry about your clothes getting wet." Crystal reaches down and strokes Jen's naked pussy. Jen tries to pull Crystal's hand away but to no avail. She squeezes her eyes and moans loudly as she knows what's coming up as they near the top of the hill.

Jen grabs on tight to the log and braces herself. Before Crystal can say anything else to Jen the log reaches the top and goes down the hill. Jen screams out loud with a huge orgasm as Crystal wraps her arms around Jen's body and grabs her breasts as the log plunges downward. Crystal makes sure not to cover Jen's nipples so the camera gets a good picture of her holding Jen's bare breasts. The camera flashes as they hit the bottom and a big wave of water splashes over Jen and Crystal. The water soaks Crystal's clothes making her hard nipples visible clearly through her shirt. Jen's body glistens as water droplets hit and flow down her naked body over every inch of it.

Jen shakes the water out of her hair and turns around to look at Crystal who is wringing out her shirt and trying in vain to straighten her curly hair.

"Pretty wild ride huh?" Jen smiles as she looks at Crystal's perky nipples through her shirt.

"Yeah, sure was. It was probably more wild for you though since you're naked."

"Despite not enjoying being fully naked in public I must admit it was fun." Jen strokes her pussy and feels how wet it is.

The ride continues through another cave without incident and the log goes past a small tv screen which shows the picture of the log going down the hill. On the tv is Jen and Crystal with Crystal grabbing onto Jen's breasts and Jen's arms high in the air. Luckily for her the log obscured her crotch.

"Well at least my pussy didn't end up in the picture. I wonder if anyone can even tell I was fully naked in it."

"Oh believe me with you babe they can tell!" Crystal pulls up her shirt to feel her hard nipples and plays with them a bit in the dark before the log comes out into the light of the boarding area. She quickly puts her shirt back down as the log pulls up in front of all the guests waiting to get on. The guests and the guy at the boarding area all have a shocked look on their face when Jen is the first to step out and they can see that she is completely naked. All of a sudden there is a great cheer and they all clap as they watch her get out.

"Wow! You actually did the whole thing naked." The guy says to Jen as she hands her a coupon for a free ride the next time she comes.

"Since you were the first to ride naked you get a free pass on the attraction the next time you come. If you're going to ride on it naked next time please let us know so we can suitably "prepare" for it.

Jen didn't know what they meant by that and she didn't really care as she took the coupon with her trembling hands and walked out of the ride with Crystal.

The two girls, one clothed (mostly) and the other one naked walk out of the log ride. Jen tries to cross her legs and bend over slightly as she walks to hide her nakedness. Her curvy tight ass sticks out in the air but she hardly notices that as she tries to hide her pussy. The two girls walk over to the photo booth and the lady there smiles as she sees Jen walk up.

"Oooh! So you're the one who was brave and went on the ride totally naked!"

"Yes..." Jen says sheepishly.

"I'm going to give you a 50% discount on your photo because of that. How many you want?"

"One..." Jen starts to tell her...

"Two!" Crystal says as she smiles at Jen

"Okay then that's $20."

Crystal hands the lady some money as Jen can't reach her purse without showing the lady her bits.

"How come you wanted 2 of them?" Jen asks knowing full well what her answer will be.

"Because I want one and besides I'm paying for it so I think I deserve it. Besides I want to have something to remember."

"You mean you want something to finger yourself to." Jen puts her hands on her naked hips and stands there in front of Crystal with her pussy in plain view.

"Mmm well that too!" Crystal smiles and claps her hands.

"Sigh" Jen takes her picture and turns towards the wall so she can fold it up and place it in her purse so it doesn't get wet. Jen crosses her legs to hide her naked pussy as she walks with Crystal out into the park again.

"It's almost the end of the day so let's go over to that dunk tank thing and see if that guy fished your shorts out of the tank yet." Crystal takes Jen's hand and leads her back in the direction of the attraction. Jen looks around to see if anyone has noticed her and so far nobody has. She reluctantly hobbles along with Crystal hoping she can get her shorts quickly and put them on.

When they reach the attraction they find the line roped off so they realize it's closed for the day. Jen sees the guy working inside to shut everything down so he can leave. The two girls duck under the chain so they can go talk to him before he leaves. He sees the two girls coming and is surprised to see Jen completely naked.

"Welcome back, so I see you finally got up the courage to take that thong off and go totally naked."

"Trust me it wasn't by choice. I lost the thong on the log ride so I had to walk here naked." Jen stands in front of the counter to partially hide her nudity.

"Oh well however it happened I'm relieved. You're much too beautiful to be wearing clothes."

"I'm here to get my shorts and will be on my way."

"Oh yes don't worry I didn't forget. Since everyone is gone I was able to get in the tank and find your shorts for you. Here they are." The man hands Jen a bag with her shorts in it.

Jen takes the bag and reaches inside for her shorts. "Thanks, it's a relief you found my shorts for me. Now I can get dressed."

"*sigh* If you must" The man looks at Jen as she takes her shorts and tries to put them on. She gets them up her long legs but when she gets them to her hips she can't get them to cover her pussy.

"Damn! What happened to these shorts?"

"I'm so sorry, it's the chlorine. Sometimes it makes certain clothes shrink. People find them hard to get on at first. You might have some better luck later on when they dry more and air out a bit."

"What am I supposed to do now? I can't leave here naked."

"Why not? You've been practically naked all day and you walked naked here to get your shorts. Just hold the bag in front of you and just walk out of here like that."

"*sigh* I guess I have no choice." Jen takes the bag with her tiny shorts in them and holds it in front of her groin to cover her pussy. The two girls walk slowly down the midway towards the exit. Jen tries to walk normal so not to draw any unwanted attention to her nakedness. She figures with the bag in front of her vagina everyone will just think she is topless, at least from the front. As they near the exit they see some of the people who were there when they walked in. Jen almost freaks out thinking they will say something about her nudity or prevent her from leaving but all they do is smile and wave and tell them to come back again soon.

Jen and Crystal walk out of the park together. Jen holds her bag tightly in front of her crotch so nobody can see her little pink clit. She looks around to see if anyone is nearby. Jen sees a group of people coming towards her from the other side of the parking lot. Most of them are guys. She definitely doesn't want them to see her naked.

Jen notices Crystal's car nearby where they parked it when they arrived. Jen thinks she can reach it and crawl inside before the guys see her. Thinking quickly Jen drops her hand with the bag from between her legs and breaks out in a run, going as fast as her shapely legs can go. Jen is quite a sight to see with her dirty blonde hair flowing behind her, her small firm breasts bouncing excitedly in front of her and her ample legs moving rapidly as she runs to the car. Luckily Jen is a good runner and is in good shape so she reaches the car quickly and ducks behind it just as the guys walk by. She can hear them talk amongst themselves and mention how they thought they saw some naked chick run by. When they're satisfied that there's nobody there they walk off leaving Jen hiding behind the car trying to catch her breath. Crystal comes up behind her.

"Wow girl, I never saw you run that fast." Crystal takes Jens hand and they walk to the side door where she quickly opens the door and Jen scurries inside. Jen hurries and closes the door, happy to be safely inside the car. Now if anyone walks by they will only see Jen's upper body and assume she is just topless. Crystal comes over to the driver's side and gets in. She starts the car and they drive off out of the parking lot.

As they go down the street Jen takes the bag with her shorts in it and takes them out. She knows she had trouble getting them on before but since she's in the car now and has plenty of time before they get home she tries to put them on again. Jen sticks her feet into the shorts and pulls them up her slender legs. She doesn't have any trouble until she tries to pull them up over her butt. Jen is afraid that she won't get them on again and at the very least will have to wear the shorts over her lap to cover her nakedness but with some effort she squirms into them and pulls them up just under her hips. The shorts are barely high enough to cover her pussy in the front and her ass in the back but they do cover everything that is necessary. Now only her small shapely tits are exposed and that's fine for Jen.

"Wow that was some day." Jen tells Crystal as she rides in the car topless once again.

"Yeah it was a lot of fun. I'll take you home and we can plan something fun to do tomorrow." Crystal says to Jen as they near her house.

"I'll call you tomorrow. Thanks for a fun day."

"Yeah you too girl, have a good night." Crystal waves bye to Jen as she hops out of the car and runs topless to the door and quickly goes upstairs to her apartment.

When Jen gets inside she strips her shorts off and runs naked into the bedroom. She plops herself down on the bed and decides to call it a day as she goes to sleep.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
Rather Tiresome!

The same scenes just kept going on and on. I really wished that the park would close earlier or the security guards would kick the girls out.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
Overrated and...

very silly. I just hope that not all American girls are that shallow as depicted by our writer. A big fat zero for imagination; one star for the effort.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
waiting for bottomless crystal

The first ch. ends with the crystal's promise to be bottomless next day. It would be fantastic. I love bottomless stories. I dream of crystal in the very crop top only next time. Greetings.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

This is an awesome story. I hope you continue. I cant wait to hear what happens next. Thankyou


BarbaraBarbaraover 13 years ago
Over the top but satisfying account of a wilfully naked female experience! Voted a 5

Vacariously written by young Mike, wishing he was a Michelle no doubt?

Using every excuse in the book, Jen had no qualms about exposing her shaven clitoris, albeit expressing crazy desire not to expose her vagina? I wondered at that one! Mike should be aware Jen was exposing her vulva, as it is impossible to expose a vagina unless religious female circumcision has been ordered by radical Muslim degree, in my decade long absence from writing erotica!

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