Torgan Wine Ch. 06


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The space granted to Draeseth for his clothes was considerably less spacious than the one she'd enjoyed when she'd stayed in the family's rooms. Stepping into it, she ran her fingers over the line of black tunics. Some were embroidered but more than one looked solidly black. At the back were a handful of dresses.

As he'd said, all had black on them. One was very plain, solidly black, perhaps for travelling, she wondered to herself as she touched it. Feeling them all, the plain dress seemed to be the lightest. If it wasn't quite so plain she'd be tempted to try it. But if she were stuck with a heavy over dress... would it be so noticeable to wear less under it?

The shirt and underdress were probably necessary, but the under most skirt perhaps could be left off, and a shorter, lighter Aran chemise instead of this longer, warmer Torgan chemise. Any lightening of the weight would be welcome. When they were finished with their prayers she would have to ask him to have one of her chests fetched for her silphium, a fresh chemise could be fetched as well.

There wasn't much else to do as she waited. The writing desk was in the other room, slipping out of the window as she had as a child to enjoy the courtyard had some appeal but not in just a chemise and not when Draeseth was expecting her to be waiting patiently. Lying back on the bed with a sigh she stared up at the canopy, thinking about the Daga.

Arissa had said he'd been sour, and if his father had to ask for him to visit, these were not good things. Daga Liadith needed someone- the tapping at the window made her jerk her head up.

Like when they were children, he was standing at the window to encourage her out of her rooms. Isonei started to laugh until she saw his face change from a fond smile to an outraged scowl. The bruises. He stormed away from the window and she bolted for the bedroom door.

Draeseth was rising from the floor with Krouth as she burst into the room. "Draeseth! The Daga!" Before he could do more than frown at her in consternation, the door to the rooms slammed opened. She started forward with her hands raised in supplication. "My Daga, do not be angry."

"Was this done in my house?" The Daga's fury turned on Draeseth, "Did you harm her in my house?"

"He didn't harm me. He's enthusiastic and I encourage him-" Isonei swallowed her words as his hand raised.

"I asked him. Remain silent."

"I did not harm my Isonei, but I did bruise her. Some of them are from Ara, from the night she was given over to me, some are from last night."

"You think I will allow this?"

"She is all I desire. Whether you allow it or not I will have my Isonei." Draeseth straightened, scowling. A fight like there had been between the Arans and the Torgans the first time he tried to take her to Torga was unconscionable.

Isonei stepped between them and sank to her knees facing the Daga, bowing her head and reaching forward with her palms up while keeping her eyes cast down. She'd seen it done once a long time ago, a supplicant before Daga Gildith pleading for her brother's life after he'd tried to rob Lord Eliorith on the road.

"Rise Isonei, your plea is heard. I will allow you to answer for his actions, daughter of Liadith. He will wait confined to his rooms."

Rising, she glanced to Draeseth's stunned face as the Daga removed his mantle and wrapped it around her shoulders guiding her out. The Daga pulled her swiftly along, barking orders in Lerian to have Draeseth's rooms guarded and Lady Isonei's things brought to her proper chamber.

Carefully, she murmured, "I want to stay with him my Daga."

"No." He was silent until they crossed into the family rooms. "What would possess you to permit this?" With an annoyed sigh he raised his hand, "Dress first."

In her room, a maid took the Daga's mantle and hurried away. Another stripped her of her chemise and pretended to be unsurprised that she was wearing nothing under it but the stockings. Undergarments and a shoulder baring Lerian day dress were brought. The black stockings were too dark and jarring with the dress and not something often worn in Leria, they were quickly removed as well.

Her hair was pulled down and combed, pinned into the Lerian style she'd asked for before Draeseth had asked her to change it. The bruises were the only thing that remained on her from earlier in the day, and those were rubbed with a healing salve that would help to fade them more quickly. Isonei sighed and tried not to chew on her lip. Going back out to join the Daga for his meal felt like punishment.

He gestured for her to sit across from him at the small table. "Those bruises look horrifying. How did you get them?"

"I think he forgot how easily I bruise, he gives these biting kisses that I adore and he gave me a great many of them the night I was given back to him." She didn't want to tell him about the way Draeseth had wrapped his hand around her throat; that would not be understood. Even she didn't understand why that had been so thrilling.

"Are you completely covered in them?" He looked at her with a frown.

Standing again, she showed him the tops of her feet, visible in the delicately laced and beaded sandals. "You might say that, my Daga."

"Your feet?" He looked as if he didn't know whether to laugh or be horrified.

"Ialath told him he was unfit to kiss my feet, and since then he seems to make it a point to do so."

The Daga snorted. "I was told your family disapproves, but to tell a Torgan Prince he's unfit to kiss your feet..."

"He was upset, much like you were when he saw the bruises Draeseth left the first time." Isonei took her seat with a wince, "And Draeseth had slung me over his shoulder, taking me from Ara against the King's command."

"That might make a loving brother lose his temper." He smiled dryly.

"You seem calmer, my Daga."

"While you dressed, Prince Draeseth sent his servant to beg me to punish him and not you. He would have my displeasure fall upon him alone. That is not the behavior of a man who wishes you harm." He sighed rubbing his forehead with two fingers. "The question remains, how am I supposed to allow you to go with him looking as though you've been mauled? You were permitted to leave Ara looking like this?"

Asking the elder Daga what to do would be the best solution, but she was nervous to suggest it. Instead, she answered the easier question. "Prince Andnaeuth and I spoke at length of Draeseth, while I was kept in Ara. We had breakfast together, the three of us before we left. He wasn't pleased with the bruises on my neck but he knows of my affection for," she let her lips twist before saying the words, "the Beast of Kroscur, as even he has called himself. And he is keenly aware of my enjoyment of Draeseth's heavy touch and his biting kiss. Prince Andnaeuth spirited us out of the palace without being seen."

"I see. The same Prince Andnaeuth who tried to steal you?"

"Yes, my Daga."

Shaking his head and making a dissatisfied face he muttered, "Arans are always so complicated." Finally deciding to begin filling his plate with the appealingly arranged finger foods displayed in front of them, he gestured for her to do the same. "Is Prince Draeseth aware of how complicated Arans can be?"

"You would have to ask him, my Daga. We're still getting to know each other." She paused, "He keeps calling me a perfect jewel."

The Daga choked on the tiny game bird egg he had put into his mouth. After his coughing fit had passed he looked at her with amusement, "Obviously, he doesn't know you well, but any woman who would be eager to stay with a man who does that to them," he gestured to her bruises, "likely seems perfect to him at first glance."

Isonei took a bite of dried fruit stuffed with a tart cheese without taking the bait. They ate in silence for a moment.

"You haven't started to badger me about whether I've seen my father yet." He looked at her ruefully.

"I felt like I was in enough trouble without scolding my Daga on top of it."

He began to laugh. "I came to collect you myself, from the window no less, because I was feeling like a child trying to avoid my Daga." Sucking his lips against his teeth, he shrugged. "Father always said peering in windows was looking for trouble."

"May I suggest he might be helpful in getting us out of it? He always knew what to say and what to do; listening to him now and then might not be the worst thought." She offered gently.

"True. We had argued before his death about my needing someone with me. It feels like going to see him would be admitting he was right."

"He was right, my Daga." Isonei looked at him pointedly.

Daga Liadith grimaced. "I'm looking for a suitable match, Arissa was offered. I've never been fond of Daga Gildith's daughters but I'm considering her."

"She'd be a good match for you. Arissa was one of the more playful and mischievous ones. That game you liked to play where you'd provoke me to the point I wanted to throw things? She'll play far better than I did, she's more clever."

A smile crossed his face, "She seemed nervous before she saw you. Afterward she was more pleasant."

"She was glad to hear you laugh, my Daga."

"After our meal, you'll join me in visiting my father. I want him to see these bruises before he helps me make a decision. At dinner Prince Draeseth will receive my judgment on the matter."

"When will Daga Gildith receive your judgment on the match?" She put a bite of crisped bread with wilted greens, nuts, and more dried fruit into her mouth.

"When I've made one." He arched an eyebrow.

"Should I stay long enough to prod you into one? I'm certain I remember how to annoy you well enough that you'll make the match just to make me leave, my Daga."

"I will be certain to have a word with Prince Draeseth. When he realizes how very troublesome you are he can return you without delay."

"So that I can badger you into giving me brothers and sisters?"

"So that you can keep my father company and I won't have to feel guilty about not visiting daily."

"Or you could visit daily and let us both badger you into giving me brothers and sisters." She fluttered her lashes like Andnaeuth.

"You've gotten worse." Leaning back in his chair, the Daga was smiling. "I'll invite Arissa to stay until a decision is made. You'll serve as the Keran and ensure propriety is kept to."

"How strict should I be, my Daga? I would hate to have to lock her windows and sleep on the windowsill." Isonei widened her eyes innocently.

"I will be as composed as a Daga should be. There will be no further window peering." He narrowed his eyes.

"I am very glad to hear it, my Daga." She gave him a bright smile.

"Eat, daughter of Liadith. Your things are being brought here for now, they will be moved into Arissa's rooms if Daga Gildith finds it agreeable."

"I do need my silphium. I was going to ask Krouth to have the chest brought for me."

He winced slightly, "It occurs to me that asking an Aran to serve as Keran might not be the most comforting for Daga Gildith."

"I'll do what needs to be done, my Daga. Daga Gildith should know me well enough to be reassured."

"The inquiry will be made." The way his face relaxed into a satisfied smile as he started to eat again was comforting.

The meal had barely been finished when Krouth accompanied her Torgan gowns into the family rooms as her chests were brought. The Daga allowed her to fetch her silphium while Krouth was still in her room.

"Lady Isonei." The Torgan bowed, averting his eyes, "Are you well?"

"I am. Is Draeseth?" Isonei tried to read the man's impassive face to no avail.

"He is unharmed, confined to his rooms." Knowing Draeseth that left a lot that could still be amiss.

"Ask him to be calm and patient. Please." She clasped and unclasped her hands. "The Daga will make a judgment at dinner. When you were sent, it showed him that Draeseth does not intend me harm, but the bruises are concerning and despite my assurances, he needs time to think."

"I understand the Daga's displeasure. I was not happy with his Highness when I saw them, Lady Isonei." He bowed again. "I will do what I can to calm him."

"Thank you, Krouth." Isonei took a deep breath as he left, composing herself before she fetched her silphium and brought it out.

"How is the Torgan?" The Daga inquired as she came out and gave the silphium to a servant to have it made into tea.

"Krouth takes good care of my Draeseth, but he's not talkative." She caught herself looking toward the door.

"I was told he was beside himself when they came for your things. Prince Burgath was required to see it done."

Isonei closed her eyes and started gnawing on the inside of her lip. "Can I speak with him?"

"No. Not until I've made my judgment." The Daga stood and patted her cheek with the back of his hand. "It's time to visit with my father."

The thought of Draeseth suffering until dinner was like a knife twisting in her belly. "Yes, my Daga."

"You're very attached to him." He studied her face.

"Yes." She looked at him helplessly, "My Daga..."

"There was a time, when I would have given anything for you to be so attached to me. If I'd taken you to bed..."

Isonei cut him off icily. "When you were mocked for being affectionate with me, you chose to save face and hurt me. My Draeseth has chosen to defend me at every turn. It isn't a matter of having gone to bed with him." That he would think so was offensive.

"The first time I met his brothers and his cousin they were," shaking her head and swallowing, "unkind is not the right word. He defended me. He fought the three of them; for me, my Daga. He's said he'll beat manners into everyone in Torga if he has to." She tilted her chin up, "My Daga, you would not have."

He inclined his head. "To my shame, that is true. But as your Daga, I will defend you now." Extending his hand, he ordered quietly, "Come."

In the crypts below, the Daga walked solemnly toward the newest of the crypts, bowing to the statue in front of it before stepping into the chamber. Isonei expected him to speak but he stood looking at the stone sarg silently. After a moment he gestured for her to take the place on the kneeler.

The moment she did he placed his hand on her head. "There is much to discuss. The matter of your bruises is foremost on my mind, my father knew of them already."

She started to tilt her head up to look at him and he kept it pointed toward the sarg. "But you have not-"

"A Daga does not need a priest to speak with the elder Dagas. Nor does he need to speak aloud." He drummed his fingers as he spoke. "Father says that the bruises are not merely enthusiasm, the Torgan does it deliberately. It pleases him to see the marks of his desire on your skin." There was a pause, "It will not be permitted in this house, but neither will you be prevented from going with him."

A sigh of relief escaped her, "Thank you, my Daga."

"Don't be so relieved yet, daughter of Liadith." Another longer pause ensued. "On the matter of Arissa, father agrees with you. You will be required to remain until the match is agreed to. Daga Gildith will be unlikely to allow her to stay with two Torgans present. Arrangements will need to be made."

Her teeth began worrying the inside of her lip again. Draeseth was not going to like that at all. He'd be terrified that she was going to be kept from him again. The thought of him spending weeks miserable and waiting outside the gate made her heart ache.

"He will not be spending the time pining outside the gate; I would not be so cruel. He will be able to see you during the times you are not required to be with Arissa. And father would have you visit daily while you are here. He did not speak as much as he wished because you were late to breakfast."

"I will visit glad, my Daga."

"And Glad will enjoy the visits but you must also visit your Daga's father."

Isonei couldn't help but laugh and shake her head under the hand. It was a silly joke and not one of his best but it made the room feel lighter. "I will visit my Daga's father, gladly." Aran was much easier.

"Always such a sweet girl. There are things we must discuss privately, return to your room, daughter of Liadith."

"Yes, my Daga." Rising as he lifted his hand, she blinked as he cleared his throat.

"You have no kiss for the elder Daga?"

"I thought I need to be invited..."

"You were, you are permitted, always."

Isonei found herself breaking into a grin as she came back to the sarg and kissed the name. "I am glad to know that."

"You're very glad today." The Daga teased with a smile that looked a great deal like his father's.

"I am always glad to see my Daga."

He placed his hand over his heart and began to shoo her as she did the same. "To your room. And find something to wear that covers those horrible bruises."

"Yes, my Daga." She couldn't stop smiling as she left the crypts and went back to her room. The maids would have some ideas on lightening the heavy Torgan dresses and it was a relief not to have to worry about hiding the bruises from everyone in the house.


In the few hours before dinner, the Daga's seamstresses had been able to make something similar to the Torgan overdresses in a much lighter, scarlet, Lerian cloth, much like the cloth of the Daga's mantle. They'd trimmed the edges to make it appear as if it had a shirt beneath it, allowing her to get away with a chemise and the underdress, lightening the layers as well. Looking in the mirror, Isonei hoped Draeseth would be pleased enough to see her in the Torgan style of gown that he wouldn't get upset over the color.

Her hair was put up in another braided Torgan style and covered from crown to nape in the black semi-sheer cloth. The braids of the style they'd chosen for her hair formed a low crown. It was not a style she could wear in Ara but she found it lovely, even half covered as it was.

Taking a deep breath she walked to the door of her room to wait for the Daga. He seemed amused to see her standing in the doorway waiting so meekly. "You never waited so patiently when we were younger."

"I'm not very patient now, I just know better than to show it as I used to, my Daga." She gave him a wry smile.

"It's strange to see you in scarlet, but I don't think I like the black." He frowned looking at her hair.

"I do. The black and silver dress was lovely; I just can't understand how Torgan women can bear to be under so many heavy layers."

"It's colder in Torga, sweet girl. You may find heavy garments more pleasing when you finally arrive." The Daga offered his hand.

"If not, my Draeseth has already offered to have lighter garments made for me." Isonei took his hand and let him lead her into the dining room.

Draeseth and Burgath were already at the lower table, standing stone-faced. They declined to sit as the Daga gestured.

"My Daga? Will you allow me?" She trained her eyes on his annoyed expression.

As he looked down at her it softened. "Ask them to sit." The Daga released her hand.

"Thank you." Moving around the table, she approached the Princes and spoke softly, "Please sit, your Highnesses." Isonei was going to say more but Draeseth interrupted her.

"Because the Daga wishes it?" The sharp tone and the way his eyes didn't leave the Daga were going to land him in the Daga's bad graces.

"Please look at me, my flower wine." Stepping closer to the Princes, she touched his back. He turned toward her with a scowl. "Sit because I ask you to?"