Torgan Wine Ch. 08


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The Daga was trying not to laugh. "You will sit with me to do it, daughter of Liadith." With less amusement he spoke to the Torgan still holding her, "Be seated Prince Draeseth."

When she was reluctantly released, she settled herself on the cushions next to the Daga. Draeseth remained stiffly perched on the very edge of his bench looking at her unhappily.

"No one looked so unhappy lounging with your father." She chided gently.

"They hid it better; your Torgan is not one to conceal his displeasure." The Daga stroked her braided hair. "He refuses to call me his Daga. I am disappointed and would have you make the matter clear."

Before she could speak Draeseth scowled and offered his own clarification, "It was explained, Daga Liadith. I am a Prince of Torga; I have no other ruler but my King."

"In Torga you belong to your King, in Leria you belong to your Daga." The Daga's annoyance was palpable.

"My Daga, wouldn't you have trouble with the same? If you went to Torga would you become other than a Daga? Would you become a subject to his King?"

"That is a different matter."

"Is it?" Isonei turned on the cushions to face the Daga, putting her back to the Torgans. "The best I can explain to them, my Daga, is that a Daga should be thought of like a King, perhaps you should think of a King as something like a Daga. You are asking the son of a King, who is ruled only by his father, to submit to your rule when he is not on the ground of his people." She studied the Daga's thoughtful face as he considered her words.

"My father would not have tolerated any King or Daga demanding I submit to their rule. Even Daga Gildith with his many daughters would not tolerate it. He must choose it for himself. Go sit with your husband. The matter is now clear." He smiled wryly and patted her cheek with the back of his hand.

"I love my Daga; I would help him see clearly."

"For such loving service, your Daga thanks you, favored daughter of Liadith." His smile was so like his father's she had to kiss his cheek before she tried to rise from the cushions.

Draeseth was at her side in an instant to help her up as she struggled in the heavy Torgan gown. The inner skirts were tangled around her legs and after a moment he simply picked her up and carried her to his own bench. Letting her stand for a moment to get her skirts shaken out he stretched out comfortably on the cushions and extended his arm.

"Sit with your husband." His dark eyes glittered.

"I'm glad to see you've learned to lounge properly, my flower wine." Carefully, she climbed onto the cushions and let him pull her close, curling against him.

"The Daga has been giving us lessons." Burgath sounded cheerful. "Since I will be enjoying Daga Gildith's hospitality I need to be better versed in Lerian customs."

"You do. Daga Gildith is a good man. He is, however, a hard judge, though he always strives to be a fair one." Isonei offered with her face laid against Draeseth's chest. "Be honest and if you don't know something, ask. He respects those who want to learn."

"I will bear that in mind, Lady Isonei. Thank you for your advice."

"I would suggest he learn as much as he can before asking." The Daga's smile could be heard in his voice. "You were always charming enough to pepper him with questions without antagonizing him. All you had to do was widen your eyes when he began to grow annoyed and he would melt."

"I've seen her widen her eyes at my brother; he changes from a beast to a purring kitten in an instant."

She felt Draeseth's growling grunt through her cheek and grinned, snuggling closer. "The sounds you make, my flower wine."

"Did the men of Ara tire you with poems and songs so much that grunts and growls became music to your ears?" The Daga was teasing her but she could feel Draeseth tensing against her.

"The sounds he makes charm me, I can feel them rumbling up from inside him when I'm close. Like his rich, deep voice." Isonei kissed the black cloth covering his chest and let her lips twist as she tugged at the collar of the dress, "But being so close is like embracing an oven in this dress."

"Torgan clothes are made with propriety in mind, Lady Isonei. The way the two of you are lying there, would be scandalous in Torga."

"The seamstresses who made you the red gown are making you more, Lady Isonei. If you wish, you may take your husband to your chamber to look at their work." The Daga's gracious offer had her Draeseth in motion before she could accept.

"She is beautiful in Torgan gowns, but her discomfort concerns me." He helped her sit up so that he could rise and lift her from the cushions.

"You're very nimble for such a large man." The Daga's amusement was clear.

"He is, but he doesn't dance, it baffles me." Isonei teased the Torgan with a smile.

"Women should be modest, and men should be dignified, Lady Isonei. Dancing is neither." Burgath explained, and as she turned the Prince was giving her a wryly amused smile. "At court some have taken up dancing, but it's very different than what you are accustomed to in Ara. Propriety does not allow the dancers to touch."

"I would like to see it!" She smiled and looked up at Draeseth, whom she now realized was scowling at his brother.

"You can't be concerned about exposing her to inappropriate behavior when you so brazenly discuss ravishing her at the table." Burgath's jest was pointed and reminded her of some of Andnaeuth's.

Draeseth blushed angrily but remained silent.

Isonei fixed him with a frown, but it was the Daga who chided him gently. "Jests like that, while honest are mean spirited, Isonei doesn't tolerate them. Nor will Daga Gildith." He smiled coldly. "I'm more inclined to respond in kind; a dangerous prospect for a Prince such as yourself, who doubts himself so greatly he won't attempt to speak his host's language."

"I understand. I'm accustomed to sparring with my brother, but I will make the effort to do so more good-naturedly. I will also attempt the language of Leria."

"You will find no one mocks you when you make a mistake. We may gently tease if you do not learn quickly. Isonei has had years to learn, I think she enjoys making us laugh."

"It is not easy to speak!" Isonei laughed and shook her head. "Lerian is uhhmm full of tricks and it is easy to be a mistake."

"To be mistaken." Draeseth murmured gently.

"Your husband speaks better than you do, and he didn't spend his childhood here." The Daga laughed.

"I learn from hearing and trying. To be taught-"

"You learn as I learned."

"And how did my Daga learn Aran?" Isonei tilted her chin up.

"I was taught." He smiled and beckoned her closer. "The discomfort of Torgan gowns makes you combative. He should dress you in the Aran fashion for all our sakes." Isonei bent letting him pat her cheek without needing to rise. "But the braids suit you well."

"They do suit her," Burgath agreed, "but I think the gowns do as well. What do you think brother?"

"I think I was given permission to take her to her room." Draeseth scooped her up still looking sour.

"No, she was given permission to take you, Prince Draeseth." The Daga corrected him cheerfully.

"Yes, my Daga. But it's easier for him carrying me than the other way." Isonei wrapped her arms around Draeseth's neck and watched the Torgan's sour expression slip.

He didn't wait for further ribbing and Isonei heard the Daga ask as she was carried off, "Is that common in Torga? He seems so fond of carrying her."

"No, that is my brother's own lapse of propriety. With his wife he struggles to maintain a semblance of decency."

Inside the family rooms, Draeseth put her down gently. "Show me which is ours."

"This way." She couldn't help but beam as she took him to her room. "This is the room I was given as a child. Sharing it with you-" The kiss he cut her off with, while backing her into the room, made her moan softly into his mouth.

"Wife." He pulled at the fasteners of the overdress. "I will never like it when you are away from me. I will never like it when another commands you. But the way you speak of me and look at me..." The dress fell to the floor and he pulled at the overskirt. "I would rather have you in my bedroom at home, or in my own garden, but I will take you anywhere I can have you."

Helping him strip off her layers, Isonei began to laugh as he picked her up and tossed her, only in her stockings, onto the bed. "If you want to see the gardens at night I can show you how I slipped out of the window."

Draeseth's eyes glittered as he untied his belt. "Is that what a Keran should be doing?"

"Showing her husband the gardens at night?" She widened her eyes innocently.

"You're not going to flutter your lashes at me like Andnaeuth? I saw that at lunch." His eyes narrowed as he climbed onto the bed still dressed. "Do you think of him often?"

"Sometimes." The answer didn't seem to please him.

"When I touch you?" He ran his thumb up the front of her throat as he curled his fingers around the side of her neck.

"No. I think of him when I want to make someone laugh, or when someone makes a sharp jest." Caressing his hand, she kissed it as he drew it from her throat to her face. "I spoke to the elder Daga of him today, and of you. He thinks I need someone solid, someone sensible. He wants you to be more gentle with me but he can hear how happy you make me and how-"

Capturing her lips, Draeseth moved between her legs and pinned her with his weight. "I don't approve of you speaking with the dead, but I like him better than your father."

She smiled and shook her head. "I wish you would meet with him. You might lose some of your disapproval. It's really quite nice in the family crypts."

Pressing his face to hers he asked quietly, "He favors me over Andnaeuth?"

"He said I should marry you and leave Andnaeuth in Ara." Isonei paused as Draeseth groaned and began to kiss her face, "If." The Torgan Prince stopped. "If Torga is bearable for me and if you understand that I need to come back as often as my Daga requires me to."

"Torga will be bearable, I will see to it." Draeseth resumed his kissing, making her giggle as he covered her face in little kisses. "And I will bring you back as often as you require. I find Leria more agreeable than Ara."

"I have never known the elder Daga to be wrong." She kissed the curve of his lips as he laughed in his throat.

"I will meet with him. First, I would have the jester's name washed from your mouth." He rose from the bed, pulling his tunics off, "Did you not say you liked the way I taste?"

"I do." Isonei followed him to the edge of the bed feeling her face flush with the anticipation of tasting him.

His smile was wicked as he removed his leather pants. "I would have you on your back, woman."

Gleefully, she rolled onto her back reaching for him. "Yes! Please!"

"Tell me, I would hear how you enjoy me, woman." Draeseth stepped closer letting her take his rapidly hardening member in her hands. His own hands roamed over her breasts making her gasp and moan as she kissed his inner thighs.

"You are magnificent, my Draeseth. The color of your skin, the way you feel against my lips." She murmured breathlessly, kissing the thick base and stroking his shaft. "The size of you, my flower wine." Opening her mouth she suckled and teased his heavy balls from beneath making him groan in Torgan.

The way he began to roll and pinch her nipples made her writhe and moan, panting she massaged just behind his balls and began to lovingly suck and tease the base of his shaft with her tongue and teeth.

"Isonei." He throbbed in her hand.

"My Draeseth, let me-" She tried to adjust herself wanting to work her way up and take the head into her mouth.

He purred in Torgan and then in Aran, "You want to taste me?"

"Yes, please, my Draeseth."

Pulling her just over the edge of the bed, he teased the thick dark head over her lips before letting her take it into her mouth. Sucking eagerly and letting her tongue play over the sensitive skin she reveled in the way he panted and groaned. Working his shaft with her hands she was eager to have him filling her mouth with his seed. The first shallow thrust made her gasp around him.

His growl in Torgan was a command that much she understood. She sucked more firmly, reaching to hold his hips. "Put your," he growled again, "your fingers. I want you ready for me."

Isonei moaned around his grey-green cock helplessly, running her hands down her body and putting her fingers to work. Draeseth deepened his careful thrusts, leaning with his weight braced on his hands. Shifting her hips wantonly, she listened to him speaking his beautiful language as if he were pleading. She pressed her tongue against his shaft and massaged as she sucked.

"Isonei!" His seed began to spill into her mouth as he tried to push just a little deeper. He pulled back slowly letting her tongue brush the top of his shaft as he did.

"My Draeseth, I prefer the taste of you to any wine." Isonei murmured as he looked down at her as if enraptured.

"You will never taste another." Draeseth turned her on the bed and lifted her hips to taste her desire with a euphoric moan. He was kneeling and pushing inside of her within a moment's time, holding her legs by the ankles and spreading them apart to watch as his thick dark member slid into her. Isonei flushed as he kept his eyes trained as if mesmerized on the sight.

Draeseth lifted his eyes from the sight of his Torgan cock filling her and began to kiss and nip at her stocking feet. "Woman! You are mine."

She moved her fingers to her most sensitive spot and breathlessly agreed with the magnificent man she couldn't get enough of. "Yours. Yours, my Draeseth."

His hand took over for her own and he purred down at her in Torgan until he sent waves of pleasure crashing over her. It felt as though every muscle in her body was tensing and releasing itself. She wailed as his continued thrusts kept the waves washing over her until he joined her in release, the feeling slowly fading and leaving her weak and limp. Draeseth lay next to her and pulled her tightly to him whispering sweetly as she slipped into sleep.

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nthusiasticnthusiasticover 6 years ago
Seriously Addictive!

Seriously! I can't get enough of your clever culture clashes. The way they collide, yet never shatter is satisfying and very erotic.

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