Torgan Wine Ch. 09


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"No!" Arissa leaned to look at her, "Why? What was it like?"

"He sounded sad, I uhmm," she switched back to Aran, "I wished I could snuggle under his arm the way I used to, and it was very much like that. We talked for some time."

"Lying on the cold stone?" Arissa took a bite of one of the delicate egg preparations.

"It wasn't cold; it was very much like being next to him used to be."

"A father is not meant to have favorites." Daga Gildith frowned slightly.

"He's always loved her best." Daga Liadith shrugged, with a bitter twist of his lips.

"No! My Daga, your father loves you as much. You did not let him show you." Isonei reached out and laid her hand on his wrist. "I am being close, touching one I love pleases. I am always this way. You are always, uhhmm," she hunted for the word shaking her head.

"More independent?" He offered her a faintly sad smile. "Less affectionate?"

"To put you under his arm he would have crushed you. You never sit still. You needed..." Curving her arms and spreading them she tried to mime that he needed space.

He began to laugh, "A large belly?"

"Space, room to move. You were always happier when you could prove yourself on your own terms." Daga Gildith nodded with a faint smile.

"Thank you." She gave him a warm smile.

"I'll ask him." Daga Liadith took a prettily rolled morsel from his own plate and put it on hers. "Eat."

"Does that mean you won't want to touch the one you love?" Arissa asked with only a hint of teasing.

"No." Draeseth answered quietly, bring all eyes to him as he poked at his food.

"If you wish to join our conversation you will have to elaborate." Daga Liadith spoke coolly; Isonei could tell he wasn't pleased by the reminder that others were present.

"I was never an affectionate man. I prefer to fight and I am known for my temper." His face was stony until he glanced to Isonei longingly. "Touching my wife brings me more joy than anything else," he paused, "having her close is a need." He shifted his dark gaze to Arissa, "A lack of affection with his father doesn't mean he will have a lack of affection with his wife."

"You were close to your mother, though, brother. She doted on you. I still recall you sneaking away from your studies to sit with her in the garden. That may be a difference."

"My mother died when I was small, much as Isonei's did." Daga Liadith reached out and took hold of her hand.

"Your father said she barely put you down. You insisted on being held." Daga Gildith took Arissa's hand as well. "If I had concerns that you would be cold to my daughter I would not have brought her."

"Does Isonei dote on your brother, Prince Burgath?" Arissa asked curiously. "She seems like she would."

"Constantly, Lady Arissa. And my brother dotes on her in return. I was very surprised to hear he raised his voice to her."

"I was already in one of my moods, and she refused to do as I asked." Draeseth frowned at his plate, "The tone of her refusal reminded me of the jester's bell. I lost my temper with her."

"You look as though you wish to lose it again." Daga Gildith's disapproval was heavy.

"No, he is unhappy. His anger is more," Isonei tried to imitate his furious scowl.

Arissa dissolved into laughter as the Dagas and Prince Burgath tried to retain their composure. The annoyed and amused look on Draeseth's face made her want to flutter her lashes at him, but that would have had the opposite effect she desired. Instead, she widened her eyes and smiled at him. In answer, the Torgan Prince narrowed his eyes before attempting to flutter his lashes at her. She thought her grin would split her face.

Course after course of delicious Lerian foods were brought as they all chatted. After the last, an assortment of candied fruits and tiny tarts, they rose from the tables and strolled through the gardens in the cool evening air until they were fetched to the courtyard that had been prepared. The smooth dance floor was well lit, surrounded by lovely hanging lanterns. There were wide benches for lounging, and a handful of musicians that began to play cheerfully as they approached.

Draeseth and Burgath sat and watched as the Dagas led Isonei and Arissa through a handful of traditional Lerian dances that involved a lot of weaving around each other, twirling, and bobbing. When they paused, refreshments were brought out and they joined the Torgans on the benches.

"We should dance the Jara next, and Isonei can teach us the new one!" Arissa was sitting next to Daga Liadith leaning against his shoulder as she sipped her wine.

"That would be very interesting. I haven't seen it." Daga Liadith looked as though he were afraid to move and disturb her from her position.

"I have to have someone to dance it with to show you." Isonei smiled and looked across at Draeseth hopefully.

"I don't know it. I don't dance, my jewel." He looked pensive. "My brothers are the ones who dance."

"If you have no objections, brother, I know the Seivenis Jara." Burgath inclined his head to her, "I learned it for the Festival, though I haven't danced it since."

"I have objections." Draeseth gave his brother a hard look and lapsed into Torgan.

"The only one here who cannot understand you is the one who should." Daga Gildith placed his wine to the side and adjusted himself to put an arm around Isonei. "Even when a woman is matched she is not owned. Referring to her as 'that which is yours', is not acceptable. She may dance if she wishes."

"She is my wife. When I call her mine, that is my meaning." Draeseth crossed his arms. "I have not forbidden her from dancing, I cannot ask her to be more Torgan. But my brother knows better than to ask to dance with my wife."

"It sounded as if you were trying to volunteer him. She said she needed someone to dance with and you said your brothers dance." Arissa sipped her wine looking at him with displeasure that mirrored her father's.

"I was meant to politely decline, that is how it's done in Torga. It has been pointed out to me, however, we are in Leria. The Daga Liadith and Lady Arissa wanted to see the Seivenis Jara. If Lady Isonei is willing, I will do my best."

"You've given me your most agreeable guest, my friend."

"I wouldn't want to impose too greatly." Daga Liadith smiled and inclined his head. "I've found him to be pleasant and willing to learn."

"What is your opinion of him, Isonei?" Daga Gildith's inquiry made Draeseth's jaw clench.

"He's one of the kinder of my Draeseth's brothers, but he reminds me of Ivorith somehow."

"He's ambitious. Draeseth isn't?"

"Draeseth is content with what he has."

"Content isn't a word often used to describe my brother, but you're right, he's never been very ambitious."

"Ambition is a fault in Lady Isonei's eyes. His lack is a virtue." Daga Gildith kissed her head.

"Lady Isonei claims a lack of ambition, but she's sitting at a Daga's side, exclusive to a Prince of Torga and pursued by the crown prince of Ara. She said she avoided royalty, but I can see she conceals her ambitions better than any courtesan I've ever met." Burgath's tone was admiring.

"Isonei is no courtesan," Daga Liadith spat furiously. "The ambition of her brothers is what kept her from my father. Being chastised for her playful nature incessantly, forced to watch every word and action until she couldn't bear to visit. She should have avoided Torgan and Aran royalty and come home."

Daga Gildith snapped back at him, "She shouldn't have been permitted to remain with her father. Liadith shouldn't have left her so long."

Draeseth interrupted their argument, "She loves her father. As much as I dislike him, I don't believe she would have been willing to abandon him. My Isonei is loyal. As unkind as he was to her before she left Ara, she still defends him when I express my unhappiness with him."

"Much like she defends you at every turn though your behavior doesn't warrant it?" Arissa inquired icily.

"Much like that, yes." Draeseth spoke tiredly casting an apologetic look to Isonei.

"No. You are a great deal like your wine, my Draeseth. There is a pleasantness behind the harshness, a richness that is much more than sweet."

The heat in his dark gaze made her skin flush. "I have been your flower wine since the night we met. If I could have you to myself, in my home, I would be content. You will love the Torga Kroscur. It is as beautiful as the moonlight on your hair."

"It would have to be as beautiful as the moonlight on yours for me to be as pleased with it as you hope." She teased him gently.

"Can you do that? I want to be fawned over that way." Arissa teased Daga Liadith, patting his thigh.

"I may have to take lessons; she has my father's talent for speaking prettily. I'm far more likely to be rendered speechless by your beauty." Daga Liadith rose from the bench and offered her his hand with a smile.

"I'll cross my eyes and frown at you so that you can find your tongue." She took his hand and stood, putting on an accommodating smile.

He sucked his lips against his teeth, "If your face sticks that way it would solve my problem. You're very thoughtful."

"How pretty does my Daga's letter must be?" Isonei gave Daga Gildith a mischievous smile.

"I expect it to be compelling."

"Letter?" Burgath inquired tentatively.

"He is expected to write a letter asking for the match to be finalized. A man must be persuaded to part with a daughter. It took me a week to write mine to Daga Mialith." Daga Gildith's faint smile was rueful, "I've made some rewrite them when they weren't persuasive enough. Tarathia was furious with me for that, but her match wrote it in a day and it showed."

"I'll make sure it's a well thought out letter. The way they're dancing he may start writing it tonight." Isonei nodded toward the pair elegantly dancing the Jara and gliding across the floor.

"But he's a Daga, isn't it to her advantage to make the match, isn't she here to persuade him?"

Isonei began to laugh, and shook her head as Daga Gildith glowered, "She's staying so that he can persuade her. His house and gardens are hers to explore and inspect, and he'll do everything he can to make her happy." The dancing pair stopped next to them. "A match is much more than being paired. Your other half is your better half. Even a Daga is required to express that and to show his match in word and deed."

"Is it different in Torga?" Arissa leaned against Daga Liadith with her arm around his waist.

"A man may pursue a woman that interests him but she is the one who presses for marriage. It benefits a woman more than a man." Burgath looked at the four of them speculatively. "It seems my lack of understanding has caused me to give insult where I hadn't intended to. I would ask the Ladies to forgive me. I meant no disrespect." He stood and bowed.

"Torgans are peculiar. In what way could it possibly benefit a woman more?" Arissa looked at Burgath as if she were looking at a particularly vexing puzzle.

"The benefit will be mostly mine if you choose to stay with me. But you will have everything that I have and I will spend my life trying to make up for any deficiencies you find." Daga Liadith lifted her hand to his lips with a smile.

"I'll make a list." She grinned at him mischievously and Isonei watched his eyes, already bright green, get clearer.

"I'll have paper fetched for you. That you have no flaws for me to list, gives me a flaw to list. Do you mind if I put it on your paper?"

"I don't know if I'll have room." Arissa's cheeks were flushed as she teased him.

The kiss was quick. Daga Liadith turned and dipped his head taking not only Arissa by surprise with it but everyone else.

Isonei blinked and then clapped her hands, "That's not allowed yet! I will carry a cup of water with me if I have to, my Daga."

"I'm pleased to see a Keran that knows her job." Daga Gildith spoke dryly. "The evening's entertainment is over, I will speak to Daga Liadith privately; the Ladies will retire to their chambers."

Rising from their places the Princes bowed. "I now see the family resemblance." Draeseth offered quietly with a twist of his lips. "May I see my wife in the morning?"

"I will have it arranged." Daga Liadith inclined his head.

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nthusiasticnthusiasticabout 6 years ago

The interplay of the differing expectations, not only the various cultures but also the male/ female viewpoints and the introvert/ extrovert dimensions are just fascinating. The character development has been steady as conflicts are negotiated. Prince Burgath is starting to grow on me as he begins to acquire tact.

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