Torgan Wine Ch. 14


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The Torgan looked at the bite of lamb sullenly as if it were poison. Isonei stole his off of his plate after she'd finished her own and looked at him expectantly. He smiled faintly as he put more of both on her plate and took some of the other morsels for himself.

"How can she eat that?" Draeseth watched with horrified amusement as she tackled the onions with relish.

"It's good!" She gave him a frown, "You really should have tried the lamb."

He grunted unhappily and took one from her plate, putting it in his mouth quickly as if he might lose his courage. Isonei watched him chew it with an expression that said he expected it to be terrible, which changed slowly to a look of grudging apology. "I thought it would be worse."

"How could anything be worse than that horrible brown spread you like?" She offered him a wry smile before putting another bite into her mouth.

"That reminds me, we'll be having wine in the garden after dinner. If you wished to abstain, Prince Draeseth, I would not take it as an insult." Daga Liadith smiled between bites.

"Isonei? Could you?" Arissa asked icily, glaring daggers at the Daga.

"There's nothing on my plate I'm willing to throw." Isonei tried not to return the Daga's smug smile and failed.

"Is this a jest?" Draeseth looked at each of them in confusion.

"Lady Arissa's family makes a medicinal wine, and the Daga has been teasing her by saying it tastes awful."

Making an amused sound in his throat, he paused for a moment and asked, "Do you like it?"

"I don't think I've ever had it. My father made a distilled spirit and soaked herbs in it as medicine when we were very small. We all stayed healthy in self-defense."

"Distilled?" Arissa asked curiously.

"It was so horribly strong," she shuddered, "it burned. And the herbs tasted so sharp."

"This is much nicer." Arissa assured her.

"You were a child?" Draeseth took a bite of his food asking curiously.

Isonei nodded with her mouthful, swallowing to answer, "Ialath's mother said I screamed like I was being murdered the first time he gave it to me, I was too young to remember."

"Perhaps it would taste better to an adult?" He smiled faintly.

"I can't imagine that." She shuddered again and took another bite.

"I could not imagine having a wife who looked at me as you do." Draeseth touched her face and smiled hopefully. "I want to give you everything you desire."

Shifting uncomfortably in her seat, she saw his smile fade. If he tried to offer her the dresses and jewelry again she would still refuse and he would be upset. For a few moments things had started to feel more normal, but they were still wrong.

"She needs more time." Daga Liadith spoke gently. "Isonei, do you still wish to make an arrangement with him?"

She took a deep breath and frowned at him thoughtfully, "It hadn't occurred to me to change my mind. An arrangement isn't something to enter or leave lightly, I won't make that decision while I'm-" A burst of something that sounded relieved in Torgan made her turn in her seat in surprise. "You were afraid?"

"You showed me no affection woman." He turned and pulled her face to his again.

"You expect her to be affectionate after you hurt her? After she spent the day crying and sleeping?" Arissa sounded so much like her father with his icy displeasure Isonei shivered.

"My wife has been no other way toward me. To have her show none is..." Releasing her, he shook his head helplessly. "You said 'I don't know, I don't know.' I thought the worst."

"I don't know what I should do; I don't know how to-to," she took a juddering breath, "the only time my heart hurt this badly..." Isonei looked at the Daga trying not to let the tears that were threatening fall.

Draeseth pulled her from her chair again and cradled her, tucking her head under his chin. She closed her eyes, relaxing, as he stroked her and whispered soothingly in his language.

"At least you know that with enough time, she can forgive you completely." Daga Liadith sighed ruefully. "But you will have to give her that time."

He squeezed her and spoke with quiet resignation, "I can wait to offer the gifts again until she forgives me, but I had hoped she would wear the carcanet at your wedding."

"No. She will wear my mother's jewelry. It is the most formal of occasions; she will be dressed and adorned as the daughter of Liadith should be."

"When does my father arrive?" Arissa sounded slightly nervous and Isonei turned her head to look.

"Tomorrow. I'm not looking forward to confessing our misbehavior to him, but it must be done before the ceremony."

Isonei watched as Arissa squeezed his hand and then brought it to her lips to kiss. "Let me be there. We should tell him together."

"Is he bringing Burgath?" Draeseth inquired as he shifted Isonei in his lap.

"Burgath as well as Ivorith and Ialath. They brought Lord Eliorith's letter to Daga Gildith and have remained hoping to see their sister."

The sound of Draeseth's teeth grinding and the way his arms tightened protectively had her caressing his shoulder to soothe him without thinking. The Torgan pressed kisses into her braided hair and stopped the horrible sound but did not loosen his grip.

"If it is any consolation they were appalled at the tone of their father's letter and pleased with Isonei's gentle response. They have no issue with her being brought into my family, and they will strive to be on good terms with their sister's lover. Arrangements are considered permanent, when it is made official..."

She saw the way the Daga began to smile and the sound Draeseth made was more than pleased as he began to stroke her again. "Permanent is what I want. That only the arrangement is permanent, and not exclusivity, is baffling."

"Arans are baffling. Difficult, complicated..." The Daga was trying to provoke her again and she darted her hand out to fling a delicately rolled piece of meat from Draeseth's plate at him.

He caught it with his free hand and threw it back. Draeseth intercepted it deftly and began to laugh in his throat. "You make me glad I have no sisters."


Dessert was tart berries with a soft sweet cheese, after which they adjourned to the garden to enjoy the moonlight and sample the medicinal wine. Isonei shuddered as she tried it. It was harsh after the sweetness of the dessert. Draeseth and Arissa sipped it appreciatively and seemed to enjoy discussing the herbs in it.

"You may enjoy my flower wine." Draeseth glanced at Isonei and in the dimness she thought he smiled. "Though my Isonei enjoys my wine and not this."

"I asked her to send me a bottle. She spoke highly of it."

"I had some sent to give you both in thanks for your," he hesitated ever so slightly, "hospitality."

"Is that part of our wedding gift?" Arissa asked with glee.

"No, for that I have Vresin from Phaethia. I don't enjoy wine that's kept in decanters." He sipped the wine as Arissa wriggled with delight. "You will have to wait to see it."

"Phaethian Vresin... Daga Gildith may postpone his leaving." Daga Liadith sounded amused. "That is rare to find this side of Torga."

"I had it brought from my private cellar." Draeseth inclined his head. "I purchased several bottles when I was sent with Rogath to collect his wife.

Isonei leaned against Arissa thoughtfully nibbling her lip. Her father had said there was nothing of worth beyond Torga; only howling barbarians that made Torgans look civilized.

"She's thinking again!" Arissa teased and elbowed her.

"Something about Phaethia? Share with us." The Daga sounded as if he knew what she was thinking of and he was going to enjoy hearing it aloud.

She shifted uncomfortably and gave Arissa an annoyed look. "You're well aware that my father doesn't have a good opinion of anyone who isn't either Aran or Lerian. I don't know anything about what's beyond Torga except that he said it's filled with howling barbarians that make Torgans look civilized." Isonei gave Draeseth an apologetic look. "He was very wrong about Torgans."

The Torgan Prince began to laugh but it wasn't a joyful sound. "If he wishes to do business with Torga, your father will find himself groveling before the Queen when my brother takes the throne. Phaethians are hot tempered and unforgiving."

"So I've heard. There hasn't been one in Leria in over five hundred years; the Dagas Lothlaerith won't allow it."

Draeseth barked a laugh; "Is that why no one may enter the Great Gate without showing their face?"

"Phaethians, and the Desecration, are the reason there is a gate. Torgans were always impressive and deadly adversaries when they wished to be, but when the Phaethians came they burned and pillaged with a viciousness we had not seen. Lothlaerith has never forgiven the Torgans for allying themselves with them. Many of the Dagas still hold that anger." Daga Liadith's tone was cool. "None have forgiven the Phaethians. We still celebrate driving them out."

Isonei blinked. She'd heard stories of the Desecration from Daga Gildith, but she never heard the name of the people, only that they were monsters, Desecrators, and that they'd been driven out.

After rising to bow in apology, Draeseth took his place on his bench again and spoke more carefully, "They are fickle allies. We have fought with them several times since. Each time their ruler changes it is decided if they will remain allies or if we will go to war. We have seen that Leria and Ara are more loyal to each other. It is part of the reason we wish to improve our relations."

"Arans are a peculiar, but usually pleasant people. They are appreciative of the prosperity Leria affords them and they keep to their word and their contracts. It's a sin not to." The Daga lightened the tone of the conversation and the Torgan relaxed.

"A sin?" Draeseth's curiosity was almost mischievous, "I didn't realize they knew what those were."

"You are very lucky my cup is still full or I would throw it at you!" Isonei huffed at him.

He laughed in his throat. "Tell me, what punishment is there for sin in Ara."

"If you break your word, you will be shunned. If you do it often or on things that matter greatly, Tyhnoth will cast you into the sea when you die and you will become a," she dropped her voice, "a chimaera."

"A chimaera? What is that?" He asked with interest. "A demon?"

"A hideous fish with a venomous spine on its back. It's one of the few things they won't eat from the sea. Seeing one is an ill-omen and they drive them away when they do." Arissa answered with amusement. "Ask her about demons!"

The Daga began to laugh, "Aran demons..."

Draeseth looked at her curiously and Isonei sighed starting to explain, "They're beautiful mischief makers known for dancing and seduction. They'll steal you away from home and family but if you kiss them on the mouth they vanish." The wide smile that spread over his face made her flush.

"Now I understand why our priests claim Arans consort with demons."

"And why we have no demons in Leria." The Daga teased, "The Arans protect our southern border with kisses."

Isonei glared at him as Draeseth threw his head back to laugh loudly, his large frame shaking with it. Listening to him laugh was more warming than the wine and she smiled despite feeling like the butt of the joke. She took a sip to hide it and winced.

"The way he laughs, I can see why you tease him." Arissa whispered.

"He has such a beautiful laugh." Isonei murmured back unable to keep the smile from her face.

The Torgan finished his wine and smiled at both of them. "If it would not be inappropriate, or a burden, I would like a bottle of this."

"I'll have my father arrange it." Arissa beamed. "And I look forward to trying this flower wine I've heard so much about."

"If you wish I will present it to you both tomorrow."

"Yes! Please!" Arissa embraced Isonei giddily almost making her spill her wine. "You drink so slowly, Isonei. The elder Daga said it would be good for you. Drink!"

"It's as bad as I said it was, isn't it?" Daga Liadith offered the bottle to Draeseth.

"There's something in it that reminds me of my father's medicinal liquor." She gave Arissa an apologetic twist of her lips, "It makes me feel ill."

Arissa scoffed at her and took the glass, "I shouldn't be surprised, I watched you eat onions stuffed with goat cheese. You have no sense of taste, daughter of Liadith."

"If neither my Daga nor his father like the taste I think-" Isonei gasped and flinched as Arissa splashed her with some of what was in the glass. "You must not like it either if you're pouring it out!"

"Daughters of Liadith are supposed to be sweet!"

"Daughters of Gildith are supposed to behave!" Isonei made a face at her.

"If you decide she's too much trouble, Prince Draeseth, she does have to be returned to us. I would ask that you continue to try to be understanding, having both of them in one house is a terrible privilege." The Daga's teasing earned him sharp looks from them both.

Isonei put on her most exaggeratedly offended expression as she turned back to Arissa. "Did you notice how he went from 'I have the two most beautiful women in Leria under my roof' to try not to bring that one back?"

"I did. I am so glad I never had a brother!" Arissa's feigned offense was spoiled by her inability to keep a straight face.

"I will do my best, Daga Liadith. I would have my Isonei be the most beautiful woman in Torga, and leave you with the most beautiful woman in Leria."

"He is sweet. The longer he's here the sweeter he seems." Arissa smiled and finished what was left in Isonei's glass.

"When I am forced to return her to Ara for their Festival, if you will allow it, I would like to stay here with my Isonei. This is the most hospitable house I have been in outside of the Torga Kroscur."

"I will insist upon it when you travel to or through Leria." Daga Liadith inclined his head. "Perhaps we should allow the evening to draw to a close. Tomorrow will be filled with preparations."

"Of course. When will the ceremony take place?"

"That depends on what Daga Gildith says. If he requires time to reassure himself of my character it may be a month."

"Allow me to be there. I will make certain he knows that any fault was mine."

"It wasn't, both of you are at fault. You should both talk to the elder Daga before you talk to him. He'll know the best way to approach the subject."

"You always speak as if my father knows everything." Daga Liadith sighed with what sounded like a bit of annoyance.

"He understands people my Daga. He could always brighten a room with a word and a smile and put people at their ease. Your father will know the best approach."

"He knew my father better than anyone else, except perhaps my mother. She may be right." Arissa seconded her.

"We will speak with him, my love. It just annoys me when her first solution is always to ask my father."

"In Torga there is a saying," Draeseth spoke briefly in Torgan before translating it, "'In a daughter's eyes no man is her father's equal.' The elder Daga may be her second father, but he is the first she turns to, the one she loves and trusts more than any other."

"The place that feels the most like home is under the elder Daga's arm, or now, on his sarg." Arissa leaned against her.

"That reminds me, I finished the painting today." Daga Liadith stood and came to help Arissa to her feet.

"Painting?" Draeseth followed and held out his hand to Isonei. She took it and allowed him to help her up.

"I made a painting of the daughter of Liadith asleep on the sarg." He began strolling toward their rooms holding Arissa's hand. "I've already drawn the next I intend to paint. The daughter of Liadith and the daughter of Gildith drowsing in the sun together."

The Torgan caressed her hand on his arm as they walked with the Daga and Lady Arissa. "Is it common to paint women sleeping?"

"No, but they looked so lovely." The Daga smiled as they entered the well-lit corridor. "The painting of Isonei on the sarg will be sent with her. A piece of home." He turned his head slightly to give her a fond look.

"Thank you my Daga. I'll look forward to seeing it."

"As will I." Draeseth stopped for a moment letting the Daga and Arissa get a few steps ahead and pulled Isonei to him for a kiss. The taste of the medicinal wine wasn't as pleasant as his flower wine had been but she didn't pull away from his urgency. "Your uncertainty, wife..." He pressed his face to hers. "I did not mean to hurt you. If I had known it would hurt you this way I would have given you the carcanet."

"I am trying to understand why you took it back. Did you think that if we parted ways I would take it with me?" She looked up into his frowning face. "How can you say you love me but not know me better than that?"

"Let me give it to you. Allow me to mend this."

Isonei shivered and stepped back, "No. It means more to you than anything else, and you don't trust me. I don't... I can't trust you either. I don't know how it can be mended." She retreated toward where the Daga and Arissa were standing, trying not to watch too obviously. The pair exchanged a look and Arissa stepped away from him to take Isonei's hand.

As they walked toward their rooms she could hear the Daga speaking to Draeseth, "You will need a great deal of patience. Gifts won't mend this, trust will."

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nthusiasticnthusiasticabout 6 years ago
How Does One Forgive the Unforgivable?

That's something I've had to face in my own life. When someone you love hurts you so deeply that life itself is unbearable, how do you force yourself to keep on drawing breath? How do you get past that divide?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
sweet mother!

They are so EXASPERATING!! I LOVE YOU,you know I do. Isonei and draeseth intrigue me. I was so hoping they could play off of/learn from each other. Isonei could loosen up the torgans,and he could keep her grounded. Like I said,the customs/cultural differences drive the story. But seriously, for such high ranking persons,they are woefully ignorant of the morasses of the climes they interact with. Should't draeseth know about Arans and their gift customs? Isn't isoei aware of the modesty of torgans? The younger daga is the only living nobility being deferred to. How did draeseth become known as the "beast of kroscur" yet crumble so often? He's basically been on the verge of tears often. He's really insecure. WHEW!! just needed to get that off my chest! As always,even with my frustrations,5 stars!! I still eagerly anticipate the ext chapter!!

tany830tany830about 6 years ago

I'm not a writer, though I dabble. I would have never thought such a series would interest me, and yet, I'm exasperated to have no more chapters here to read! I will anxiously await your next!

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