Torgan Wine Ch. 15


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"Why? Arissa will have you down here sorting them all soon enough." She gave him a bright smile.

Narrowing his eyes and wrinkling his nose he muttered, "I hope Torga suits you."

"Me too, if you have four children you're going to give away my room!" Isonei grinned at him.

"Speak Lerian!" His eyes were sparkling.

"I am not clever with Lerian!" She made a face at him and he grinned wolfishly.

"If you can't be clever in Lerian then you weren't that clever to start with."

"Horrible!" Hurriedly finishing with the boxes, Isonei stood from the floor and stretched.

"One more thing, daughter of Liadith." He beckoned her over to where he was sitting on the bed.

"Yes my Daga?" She tried to stifle a yawn.

"Choose a necklace to wear. Any of those six. I was going to let you wear this one," the Daga pointed to the one that looked much like the one Arissa had worn with scarlet gems instead of brilliant blue. "Since you've been so helpful..." He smiled, "Which do you like best?"

"This one." She pulled the box with the most delicate of the necklaces forward.

It had only one thin loop of small, well-spaced pearls around the neck with five smallish, round scarlet gems, three in front and two in back. Four of them were simply the bases that held another string of tiny pearls separated by gold links. They extended to even smaller round gems that connected them to loose nets of pearls that covered only the shoulders and three delicate strands, two of pearl and one of gold that reached back to the fifth gem in the center of the neck loop. That fifth gem also had a pendant hanging from it with a slightly larger scarlet stone and encrusted with pearls.

"That does suit you better." He took the box looking fondly at the necklace, "This belonged to my father's mother. His father had it made for her. He said she was a very delicate woman. You'll have to show it to him, to both of them."

Isonei stepped closer to embrace the Daga and kiss his cheek. "I will, my Daga. The crypts are nice, and I love my Daga."

"My father will want you to come back and rest here if you aren't careful." He teased.

"For him I would."

"Always such a sweet girl." The Daga patted her cheek with the back of his hand. "You would have to sleep in your own sarg."

She feigned shock and then put on an exaggerated pout, "You are not so nice!"

Daga Liadith began laughing again and pulled her close for another embrace. "You will be missed and you are required to return, often." Releasing her, he tilted her chin down to look into her eyes. "And to write."

"I will, my Daga."

"It's nearly time for lunch, before we eat would you like to see the painting?"

"Yes please!" Isonei gave him a warm smile.

"Help me put the rest of these away first."

The necklaces were put away quickly and she was glad to take his hand and be led to the room he had taken over for his painting. Canvases, sketches, paints, pencils, and brushes were scattered around. The finished painting was standing between pegs on an odd table.

"It isn't dry yet, I'm having a special box made for it so that it won't be damaged." He looked almost nervous. "What do you think?"

"It's... It's beautiful but I wasn't wearing that dress." Isonei marvelled at the painting of her in her formal gown on the sarg. It wasn't the largest she'd seen him do but he'd improved significantly since the last time she'd seen his work.

"You have never looked lovelier, I wanted to paint that. Painting you on the sarg seemed the proper place somehow."

"It's so beautiful... My Daga..." The colors, the scarlet of the gown, the cream of the band and loose sleeves, the pearls, and the pale blue of her skin and silver of her hair, against the dark over the sarg and the carefully painted sarg itself, were breathtaking. "Stunning."

Tearing her eyes away from it, she glanced at him and found him beaming with pride. "The box will be finished today. Bring it with you the next time you visit and I'll put a coat of varnish on it."

"I will, my Daga."

Taking his hand again they went to find Arissa. After being told she was still in the room with Prince Draeseth and Krouth, the Daga nearly pulled her along. He seemed to relax on seeing the door wide open and her sleeping form on the bed. The Torgans were still kneeling in prayer with Krouth quietly intoning what she assumed were the words from the book in front of them.

Daga Liadith bent close to her ear to murmur, "You did say she would fall asleep."

"I did." Keeping her voice at a whisper, Isonei switched back to Aran, "Should I wake her?"

"Let her sleep. I'll have lunch brought to you with a change of dress." The Daga laid a hand on Isonei's back, "I know that you're both tired."

"Thank you, my Daga."

As Amay arrived in the doorway as if summoned and the Daga stepped out to speak to her, Draeseth and Krouth rose from the floor. Draeseth came toward her as Krouth began to put the book and the stand away.

"You were gone longer than I expected, wife." He looked at her and down at her dress with a frown. "And you look as though you've been put to a servant's work."

"My Daga is helpless when it comes to finding things. Someone had to hunt around in the older boxes for him." Isonei gave the Daga a teasing smile as he came back, in catching her words.

Daga Liadith sucked his lips against his teeth. "And I thought you were sweet. Your Torgan is going to return you in a week."

Making an amused sound in his throat, Draeseth stepped forward to rub at her cheek with his thumb. "I've never seen her dirty before."

"I have, ask her about the time..." He trailed off with a mischievous grin as she glared at him. "Are you still angry about that?"

"You did it on purpose."

"I did not!" His green eyes sparkled, reflecting his amusement.

Draeseth made a sound in his throat as if reminding them of his presence and Isonei sullenly explained, "There's a lake a short ride from here, and after a rain the fields it around are so muddy you have to walk on boards. I had never seen such a thing and he took me to see." She paused to glare at the Daga again.

"I may have accidentally jostled the board she was on and sent her face first into the mud. The way she acted you might have thought she'd been tipped into a pit of snakes."

"He did it on purpose and laughed. But he wasn't laughing once his father came." Isonei tilted her chin up haughtily.

"You were always his favorite." The Daga wrinkled his nose and made a hideous face at her.

"If I am it's because I'm prettier!"

"Only with mud on your face!" He raised his eyebrows and grinned as she gaped at him incredulously. "I win."


"I would say it's a family trait but you're adopted." He widened his eyes as if in imitation of her.

"You!" Isonei spun and grabbed for pillows at the head of the bed flinging them at the Daga as he laughed and ran from the room.

Draeseth clasped his hands behind him and moved to the door sternly, "That is not dignified, Daga Liadith." His eyes were glittering but he kept his face schooled. Isonei beamed at him as she heard the Daga sputtering. A smile cracked across his face as he glanced to see Isonei's reaction.

The Daga came back into the doorway looking amused. "I think he won that contest."

"Burgath said he hasn't lost a bout in years." Isonei gave the now grinning Torgan a bright smile.

"Has she slept through all of this?" Daga Liadith leaned in the doorframe.

"No." Arissa muttered unhappily. "You're all very loud."

"If you would like, we could eat here and both sleep on my bed."

"I don't want to move."

"Your lunch should be here soon. I hope you don't mind being deprived of your room and their company for a few hours Prince Draeseth?"

"My wife has made it very clear that this is her room." Draeseth gave her an amused look as she struggled to look at least mildly contrite. "But her company will be missed." He stooped and picked up two of the pillows bringing them back to her.

"Thank you." She glanced and saw that the Daga had stepped back out to speak to someone again. Isonei pulled the Torgan down to give him a quick, playful kiss.

Leaning close to press his face against hers, he murmured, "You offer a starving man only a single crumb." His hands moved over her back pulling her closer, "Offer me another?"

"Draeseth," Isonei breathed his name as she tilted her face to brush her lips over his lightly. At the soft moan in his throat she gave him another tender, sweet kiss, letting her hands press into his broad chest.

He breathlessly whispered something in Torgan accompanied by a zealous kiss, lifting her from her feet as she raised a hand to touch his face, opening her mouth in invitation.

"That will have to wait. Devouring her on the same bed my Arissa is lying on is not permissible," Daga Liadith spoke with commanding firmness, making Draeseth pause before grudgingly setting her on the bed.

"Could you please let me sleep?" Arissa groaned and pulled the pillow over her head.

"Of course." Draeseth caressed Isonei's face with the back of his hand and a look of fervent longing. "I will see you both when you wake. May you sleep well in my bed."

Isonei felt her lips twisting in amusement. "As well as you sleep in mine, I hope."

"Lunch has arrived." Krouth coolly interrupted them, helping the other servants find room on her bedside table for one large plate and two mugs of tea.

Slipping out of her dusty dress to her chemise and washing in the basin once everyone but Arissa had left, Isonei perched on the edge of the bed to nibble at lunch and sip her silphium tea.

"How long will I have to drink that horrible tea?" Arissa sighed wriggling her way to the edge of the bed next her.

"Until the ceremony. I assured your father there would be no way the match could be pressed if you changed your mind. In Leria a child would make that... difficult."

"I know." Arissa sighed again and gestured for Isonei to put the plate on the bed. "I want the match but father will be reassured knowing you did all you could to allow me to change my mind if I chose to." She chose a halved game bird egg stuffed with a creamy yolk mixture from the plate.

They ate in silence for a few moments. "I told him."

Looking at her in confusion, Isonei asked, "What did you tell? To whom?"

"I told Draeseth what you said about arrangements taking work to be successful, and that you were uncertain of how he could regain your trust but that you would give him the chance."

She nodded and took another bite. It was good that he knew but it bothered her that Arissa would talk about things she'd said to the elder Daga with him without asking her.

"I also told him that you're sad to be leaving but even when you were invited to stay you insisted you would go." Arissa looked up at her with unusual timidness. "It meant a great deal to him, he started to thank his God profusely, but the other one gave me a-a look and asked if I had your permission to reveal things spoken of in private."

"You didn't." Isonei picked up her tea and stared into it for a long moment. "But you were trying to help, and no harm was done."

"You don't look very happy with me." Arissa reached out and touched her arm.

"I'm very tired. You've gotten to sleep and I haven't." She gave the Lerian woman a faint smile and offered her the other mug. "Drink your tea and we can both lie down."


Curled next to Arissa, Isonei felt something tapping on her hand and she whined in annoyance pulling it away without opening her eyes.

"Lady Isonei?" Krouth whispered with impatience, "Daga Gildith has arrived early. Prince Draeseth wished you to be made aware that he is speaking to Daga Liadith now." The man emphasized the word 'now' as if it should mean something.

Isonei opened her eyes and looked at him in sleepy confusion.

"I believe Lady Arissa wished to attend this meeting?" His irritation was plain on his face.

She blinked as the words sank in. "OH!" Hurriedly she pulled back the blankets and climbed out of bed turning to tug at Arissa. "Fetch the maids to help us dress?"

"At once Lady Isonei." The slim Torgan left the room quickly.

"Arissa! Your father is here and speaking to Daga Liadith! Wake up we need to dress!" Isonei watched her wake more quickly than she had in the weeks she'd been sharing a room with her.

They were awake with their faces washed before the maids arrived. Pulling the cord to summon someone with annoyance, Arissa began to brush her own hair as she waited. The maids bustled in with Lerian dresses shortly after, getting them dressed with their hair up in a rush. The pair nearly ran from the room, hands clasped, toward the formal meeting chambers the Dagas were speaking in.

In front of the impressive double doors, Arissa seemed suddenly terrified, looking to Isonei helplessly. Isonei had knots in her stomach as well. She hadn't done a good job of being Keran, too many things that shouldn't have happened, had. Taking a deep breath she knocked firmly on the door and pushed one open. There were no servants in these chambers and no one was meant to open the doors until the Dagas did.

Two pair of displeased green eyes fixed on them as they stepped in. As her father's eyes softened and he extended his hand, Arissa darted forward. Isonei stayed in the doorway, glancing to her Daga. He beckoned her closer as well. Nodding, she closed the door behind her first.

"My Daga, I am so sorry. I haven't been well-behaved. I-I know you're disappointed-"

"Shh, my dear girl. Daga Liadith bears the burden of my anger and disappointment. Not you." He pressed her face into his shoulder and gave Isonei a stern look. "Keran?"

"I am not so good as Keran. I am sorry Daga Gildith." She bowed her head and squeezed her eyes closed.

"Child, come here."

Isonei swallowed and opened her eyes timidly to see him beckoning. She crossed to his chair and knelt at his feet, leaning her head on his knees. "Daga Gildith..."

"Shh." He placed a hand on her head. "Two who should be happily preparing for the ceremony are nearly weeping. Daga Liadith, this is the consequence of your misconduct. You are a Daga. You must always behave as one, not for your own shame but because to do otherwise brings pain to all under your care."

"The fault is not all his, father. I encouraged him when he misstepped. I should have listened to Isonei and behaved as your daughter should."

"Isonei scolded you?" He sounded almost amused.

"In her way. She tried her best, and she gives good advice."

"Daughters of Liadith often do. But their softness makes them difficult to listen to. Did you do your best as Keran, Isonei?"

"Almost," Isonei lifted her head. "Uhhmm..."

"Speak Aran child, I would not misunderstand you."

"I should have declined the evening with my Draeseth..."

"It should not have been offered to you. I give you no blame in accepting that time together. Your Daga granted it to you and you trusted him."

"Didn't you once say 'only we are to blame for the choices we make'? I should have known better." The green of his eyes changed slightly and she lowered her chin expecting to be chided.

"I will grant you a small part of the blame since you have asked for it, daughter of Liadith."

"She's been sharing her silphium with me, father. She insisted. Everything she could possibly do to make certain I could still choose to walk away if I wished, she has done." Arissa gave her a small smile.

"I would expect nothing less of her." Exhaling a breath she hadn't realized she was holding, Isonei leaned her head against his knee again. "You also ask for a portion of the blame, Arissa?"

"Yes, father. Half of whatever blame you give him belongs to me."

"So much?"

"I would take more but Isonei insisted I couldn't, that we were both at fault."

"Perhaps the daughter of Liadith should be Daga? She seems more capable than the current-"

Isonei snapped her head up to give Daga Gildith the blackest look she could muster. "Do not insult my Daga. I love you dearly but I won't allow it."

"Loyal and loving." He smiled faintly. "But not very intimidating."

"You shouldn't insult my match that way, father. I love him. I intend to stay." Arissa gently turned her father's face to hers and matched his solemn gaze.

"Very well. Daga Liadith should have been better behaved, but I will not insult him further. He has shown some promise of character in his willingness to take all blame onto himself. If you are certain, the ceremony may take place tomorrow."

Arissa's face brightened and her green eyes lit up as she beamed at Daga Gildith before turning her smile on Daga Liadith. "Tomorrow!"

"Everything is ready. Isonei helped me choose the perfect gift." Daga Liadith's relief was clear in his tone.

"Perhaps we should adjourn now that the most pressing matter has been dealt with?" Daga Gildith suggested dryly as Arissa slipped from his lap and propelled herself toward the younger Daga with clear excitement. As the older man stood he offered his hand down to Isonei who had turned to keep an eye on the pair. "I assure you, they will be well-behaved in my presence."

"Their children are going to be exhausting." Isonei smiled at him as he helped her to her feet.

He smiled warmly and kissed her forehead, "Most children are."


The Torgan Princes and Isonei's brothers were seated in the open area that they had danced in the night that Arissa arrived. It now held four wide benches placed in a cluster. Isonei tried to keep from laughing as she saw the way the four men seemed to be aggressively lounging at each other.

"I'm glad to see everyone is comfortable." Daga Liadith spoke dryly into the silence as they approached.

All four of them scrambled to their feet, bowing.

"Daga Liadith, a pleasure to see you again." Burgath's Lerian greeting was pronounced almost flawlessly.

"Likewise, Prince Burgath." The Daga inclined his head warmly. "I trust you enjoyed your time with Daga Gildith?"

"Very much. I don't believe I have ever learned more in so short a time."

He turned his attention to Isonei's brothers. "On Isonei's behalf I have allowed you into my home, if you should upset her in any way you will be leaving immediately without further discussion."

"Of course." Ivorith spoke carefully. "I apologize for my father's words. He has been... easily upset for some weeks."

"Lord Eliorith is required to apologize for his own words. Isonei has defended him ceaselessly and I find it tiring."

"The daughter of Liadith is a loyal child." Daga Gildith released her hand. "One who will be far from home shortly."

Isonei smiled at him and obediently traded places with Arissa. Daga Liadith took the bench that had been Ivorith's and Burgath graciously offered his to Daga Gildith before moving to sit with his brother.