Tormented Ch. 09


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He cupped her ass in his large hands and began to thrust in and out of her, her eyes grew heated as her pleasure built and she arched her back pressing her small breasts against his chest, he slid the other strap down her shoulder and pushed her bra until it rested around her waist. He dropped his head to one breast and flicked his hot, wet tongue over one nipple, sucking it into his mouth he teased with his teeth and she moaned loudly.

With surprising speed he moved to the sofa and bent her over the back. "Not a sound, Lily's upstairs." With one hard thrust he embedded his hard cock back inside her and she whimpered, her bra still hung around her waist and he took hold of it in one hand, her hands curled into the back of the sofa and she held on as he pounded into her. Her legs began to tremble as her pleasure built and she bit her lip to stop any sound escaping, his large hand came down on her ass in a hard smack and a cry escaped her throat. She held her breath waiting to see what he would do. Turning her back to face him he lay her on the floor and positioned himself between her legs, thrusting back into her wet heat he kissed her.

"Not a sound Elf."

He hooked one leg around his waist and started up his violent thrusts again, she whimpered each time he bottomed out inside her and flung her hands above her head to curl her nails into the fabric of the sofa. One particularly hard thrust brought another cry from her and he pressed his hand over her mouth.

"Cum for me Elf, let me feel you."

Her muscles tensed as he thrust harder and her back arched and she bit into his palm as she came. The tightening of the walls of her silken pussy pushed him over the edge and he gritted his teeth as he jetted into her. He collapsed on top of her his breathing ragged and she laughed softly, he pushed himself slowly onto his elbows and kissed her.

"I've wanted to do that all day."

"Oh yeah?" Her voice was sultry and her blue eyes stared heatedly at him.

"You're very tempting Elf."

"You're not bad yourself Follower."

Standing he lifted her and walked through to the bedroom, shutting the door he kissed her again. "You know there is a good chance we might die tomorrow." She nodded. "Then stay with me tonight?"

"Nowhere else I would rather be."

He lay her down on the bed and crawled between her legs again, turning off the bedside lamp he set to work making sure that if it was their last night it would be one they remembered.


Lily rose as the sun did and jumped from the bed. An excitement burned in her belly even while fear gripped her chest, dressing in black skinny jeans, a tight black vest and heavy black biker boots, she pulled her hair into a ponytail on top of her head. Fastening a belt around her hips she put two large knives into the holders, two more where strapped to her calves and she slid the enchanted knife into her boot. Taking a small silk drawstring bag she placed a glass vial inside and tied the bag to a belt loop, she ran downstairs ready to wake the others and smiled when she saw them already waiting for her in the living room.

"We knew you wanted to go early," Lucy nodded towards the door. "Lets go."

They emerged onto the almost deserted street, Lily turned to the Follower and the Elf and winked.

"Try and keep up kids." Then she was gone sprinting away, they laughed and followed behind her. When they reached the clearing where she would open the gate way to Limbo Lucy called out to her.

"Lily wait." She skidded to a halt and turned round. "I have a spell that will help keep what you are hidden from the Angels." She took Lily and Aaron's hands in her own and chanted softly in a strange language, Lily shuddered as a numbing feeling enveloped her and she stared at her skin which shimmered in the light of the rising sun.

"Ok, we're ready."

Lily moved away and shut her eyes. "Aliminos, travistae, nocturnos, eminfus." Once again the cobblestone path appeared under their feet and the castle materialized in the distance, Aaron looked round in wonder.

"This is Limbo?" The girls nodded. "Wow, they get it nice."

"Course they do they're teachers pets," she looked around. "I'm guessing that one's his?" she nodded at the huge castle in the distance and Lucy nodded.

"That's where we found you."

Lily took a deep breath and turned back to them. "If you guys want to go," she motioned back to the clearing that they could still see through a shimmering light. "Then I won't stop you, I don't want anyone else to get hurt."

"We're not leaving little lady." Aaron turned her back to the castle and pushed her forward with a small tap on her ass.

They reached the castle and Lily turned ta Aaron. "Gimme a boost," he took hold of her waist and threw her so she landed on the high wall, they others joined her and she looked around the courtyard below. It was deserted, she frowned. "Its too quiet. Wait here." She dropped silently to the floor and looked around, then running swiftly she disappeared from sight. They waited, scanning the ground, when she arrived back at the wall she beckoned them down. She had blood around her mouth and a small smile on her face.

"I got them, come on we need to go." Together they ran round the house looking for a way in. "There." She pointed up to a second story window that stood open, jumping up she hooked her hands on the window sill and hung there, holding one hand down she took Lucy's hand and pulled her up beside her, Lucy pulled herself through the window and Lily did the same thing for Aaron. They landed silently in a dimly lit corridor, looking left and right she turned back and whispered to the others.

"I'll go this way, Aaron you go that way." She pointed in the opposite direction. "And Luce you go down there." She pointed straight ahead where the corridor split. "If you find anything just shout and if you run into a Follower get rid of them," she handed them each a large knife.

They nodded and each set off in their different directions, Lily removed the other two knives from their holsters and held them in clenched fists, running down the corridor she searched for the one man that could bring back her mate.

Lucy walked down the hall, her back pressed to the wall the knife held at her side. The sound of heavy footsteps coming towards her made her stop and duck into a cubby hole. Two Followers came round the corner and she stepped out to stand in front of them.

"Morning boys." Quicker than the eyes could follow she slashed out slitting one's throat in a fluid movement, he clutched his neck the blood spurting through his fingers and dropped to his knees as the life slipped from him. Lucy slowly advanced on the second Follower, he took a step back and she moved quickly to stand behind him, again she drew the blade across his throat and waited until he lay still before carrying on.

She turned the corner and froze as she heard more footsteps coming towards her, she slipped back round waiting for whoever it was to emerge and when the footfalls got close enough she slid round the corner the knife raised ready to strike whoever it was. A large hand grabbed her wrist before she could bring the knife down and she struggled.

"You going to stab me Elf?" She looked into Aaron's face and thumped his chest.

"You fucker, I could have killed you."

"Not a chance gorgeous." He dropped his head and kissed her. "Get on Elf, we have to find him."

He slipped round her and disappeared down another corridor branching off from this one, steadying her breathing and holding her knife tightly she carried on listening outside each door. Finally a sound from inside caught her ear and she pushed the door open.

Abdiel turned his handsome face taking her in and a lewd smile curved his lips, he took a step towards her with his head on one side.

"An Elf? Well isn't this a treat." She held up and hand and he stopped as though he had walked into a invisible wall, she clenched her fist and he sank to his knees a pained look on his face, he gritted his teeth before smiling up at her once again. "An Elf with magic, haven't seen one of you in a long time."

"No I'm pretty sure your buddies wiped most of us out."

"Just doing our jobs ma'am."

"Well I can't argue with that." She turned her head and shouted over her shoulder. "Lily! I got him!"

"She's here?" His voice lifted despite himself. "I'm sure she pretty pissed at me."

"You're not her favourite."

"She found out about her darling Raim?"

"She's a clever girl." Lucy kept her hand in a tight fist preventing him from moving, Angel's had magic but the ancient power of the elves was more than he could ever wish to have. Instead he listened to the wishful tone of in the Elf's voice and smiled to himself.

"You are not just here to help her."

"Of course I am."

"No, you have a more personal reason, you are fond of Raim."

"He's my friend."

"You love him." Her head whipped back so she faced him and she crouched in front of him.

"You don't know anything Angel."

"Of course not, but if I did know what I was talking about I could help you. If the girl was out of the picture, Raim would be yours."

"You're a sick fuck." She tightened her fist and he doubled over in pain.

"Maybe," his voice was breathless but his eyes still flashed at her as he looked into her face. "But I'm right. You love him and as long as she is in the picture he will never be yours."

She clenched her fist again and he cried out in agony slumping forward again, his arms were still stuck to his sides as though he were chained and he panted for breath. Before he could say another word Lily and Aaron came sprinting into the room, Lily looked at the Angel on the floor and smiled in satisfaction.

"Abdiel, so good to see you again," she brushed a hand over Lucy's shoulders before taking the enchanted dagger from her boot and crouching in front of him she tilted his face up with a finger under his chin.

"Lilith, looking as beautiful as ever."

She winked and pushing on his cheek turned his head to the side. Running the knife across his cheek she allowed the blood to run onto the blade and balanced the drops there, with her free hand she pulled the glass vial from the drawstring bag and let the drops roll into it. Then turning to the others she spoke quietly.

"Give us a moment."

"Lily." Aaron started to protest but she held up a hand.

"I'll be fine, he wont hurt me." They nodded and left the room, as they walked through the door Abdiel shouted after Lucy.

"Think about what I said Elf!"

She turned back to him and when her dark eyes met his tears were forming. "You know there was a time when seeing you would brighten my day, I was to spend an eternity in Hell but it was ok because you were my one piece of Heaven." She shook her head as though upset about the loss. "I'm not going to kill you Abdiel, I could you told me how remember? An Angel can only be killed by their mate and as you have already told me, I am yours. I could kill you right here and you would do nothing to stop me because although you say you want to hurt me you couldn't bring yourself to kill me. But I'm not going to," she reached out and grabbed the front of his t-shirt bringing his face close to hers. "Instead I am going to make you suffer the way I suffered. I am going to make you live the rest of your life knowing that your mate has lost all of the love she ever felt for you." His eyes widened at this last statement and he leant forward.


"You were my best friend, and the one ray of light in my dark soul and even though I knew I would spend my life in the Hell your God created for us at least I would have known you even if it was just for a short time. Ryan is my mate and I love him with all my heart but you were my friend and I loved you too." She stood and looked down at his grief stricken face. "I hope this was worth it." She turned to leave but before she could make it out of the door he reached out and grabbed her hand.

"Lily please don't go."

Hanging her head she allowed one tear to fall. "Goodbye Abdiel."

His hand dropped back to his side and he watched helpless as she walked away from him, she took the knife and collected the tear on the blade before allowing it to fall into the vial to join the blood of the Angel.


None of them said a word until they reached the clearing, Aaron held out his hand and she made a small cut on his palm and added the final drop of blood to the vial. Screwing the lid on she shook the contents while the others dug through the earth until they hit the white coffin, bringing it out to the surface Lily opened the lid and let out a small sob, his skin was pale and ice cold, kneeling next on the ground she gently opened his mouth and poured the liquid down his throat.

"Come on Ryan, come back to me."

They waited holding their breath, seconds passed, then minutes.

"Lily." Aaron's voice was sympathetic and he lay a hand on her shoulder. "I'm so sorry."

"No! It will work! It has to work."

Aaron opened his mouth to speak again but Lucy took hold of his arm and pulled him away. "Give her some space, I cant imagine how hard this must be."

She collapsed over the coffin sobbing desperately. "It should have worked! I should have you back!" She stayed there for hours her cries become more desperate as she tried to wake him, finally she dragged herself to her feet and walked home in a daze, Aaron and Lucy sat on the sofa their eyes red from tears, she said nothing instead walking straight up the stairs to her room. She sat in the middle of the bed tears streaming down her cheeks until the door opening caught her attention.

"Why are you crying poppet?" She jumped and looked up, he stood in the door way his hair tousled and still wearing the grey suit he had been buried in.

She shook her head. "No not again!" she shook her head and held onto handfuls of her hair. "It's not fair!"

"Lily its me."

"No you're not real," he grabbed her arms and lifted her so she knelt on the bed.

"Lily, I'm real. I'm here and I'll never leave you again! I promise."

Her eyes widened and she stared at him noticing the tiny imperfections that made him perfect to her, scar through his left eyebrow, the one dimple in his right cheek and the way his green eyes sparkled when he smiled at her.

"It's you. It's really you!" She flung her arms around his neck and kissed him frantically. "Oh thank Lucifer!" He held her waist and they fell to the bed, she wrapped her legs around his waist and thrust her hips upwards. He groaned and slipped a hand between their bodies and under the waist band of her jeans, he ran a finger down the centre of her wet pussy and groaned again.

"Fuck Lily, you're so wet." She moaned and wiggled her hips against him encouraging him to touch her more. He kissed her neck sucking gently and marking the skin, her small hands loosened his tie and threw it behind her, she pushed the suit jacket off his shoulders and undid the buttons of his white shirt, his free hand ripped the vest and bra from her body and his eyes flashed as he stared at her soft breasts, softly he kissed each on and sucked a nipple into his warm mouth. She shuddered and pushed her hips harder against him.

"Ryan please I need you inside me."

Quickly he undressed them throwing the jeans and trousers into the pile on the floor and thrust his hips, his cock rubbed against her sensitive clit and she moaned in frustration, she turned them so she straddled him and sank slowly down his thick length. Their groans matched each other's and he rested his hands on her thighs allowing her to move as she wished. She began to bounce up and down and he threw his head back in pleasure, it had been too long since he had felt her and he gritted his teeth. Her hands travelled up her body to cup her breasts and she pinched her nipples sending waves of pleasure through her.

Resting her hands on his muscled chest she began to roll her hips in a circular motion making him cry out and dig his fingers painfully into her skin, he growled his eyes flashing red and flipped them she was once again beneath him, he took one leg and hooked it over his shoulder and began thrusting hard and fast into her. She whimpered his thrusts bordering on painful as they hit deep inside her.

He thrust became even faster and her cries turned to screams as her pleasure built, her muscles clenched and she bit down hard on his neck as she came, the pain in his throat triggered his own orgasm and she felt herself being filled as he held himself deep inside her.

His breath was ragged and he turned so she lay out across his chest his head on the pillows and hers cushioned on his shoulder.

"You will be here when I wake up wont you?" her voice was sleepy and her eyes had already begun to close.

He nodded and kissed her hair. "Of course I will poppet, I'm never leaving you again."

"I love you so much Raim."

"I love you too Lilith."


Lucy lay in bed, Aaron lay beside her already asleep and she listened to his deep breathing. They had failed to bring Ryan back and she felt a deep grief in her heart.

"Lucy," she jumped and looked around. "Lucy." Her room was empty and she sat up looking for whatever could have made the noise.

"Think about my offer Elf, we can both have what we want."

"No. I wont do it."

"I could have my Lilith and you could have Raim all to yourself."

"He's gone. We couldn't bring him back."

"No he is with her, when he should be with you." Lucy felt fury burn in her stomach at these words.

"He should be with me."

"If Lilith wasn't around he would be free to be with you."

"It's Lily's fault."

She heard the voice laugh as she finally drifted off to sleep. "Lily has to go.

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fuckmeharder69fuckmeharder69almost 11 years ago

I kind of like the idea of Lucy having her own story, I really hope she doesn't stay the way she is now (hating Lily) but it might be fun to see what an Elf could do against a Demon! Please update again soon I know you'll have something great planned!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
Guys calm down..

She will have a plan for Lucy and I'm sure she won't really have turned evil. Just enjoy the twists in the story, Fallen has never let us down before and I'm sure she won't now! cant wait for the next chapter!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Also not sure...

Lucy has never shown any hint of being jealous of Lily and while she does obviously love Ryan it has always just seemed like friendship. She cried for him when he revealed to her how he was separated from his mate. And why would she have helped him save Lily from Abdiel if she wanted Ryan for herself? It just doesn't make sense unless Abdiel is using some sort of magic on her. I really don't like this. She is great with Aaron. And obviously Ryan and Lily are mates. Lucy know's this and know's that Ryan would never love her other than as a friend. Grrrr...

fefe428fefe428about 11 years ago
Not sure about this....

I don't think I like this new plot twist you're throwing into the mix. It doesn't feel like it makes a whole lot of sense. Lucy has Aaron, and is certainly too smart and powerful to be manipulated by an angel. It doesn't feel like it holds true to the wonderful character you've spent so long creating.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

No lucy nooooooooooo

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