Tortured by the T-Girl Tutor


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Miranda's cock doused his insides with cum, filling his back passage completely in a matter of seconds. Shot after shot of fresh t-girl cum exploded from her tip and deposited at a point deep within Duncan's asshole. Miranda came so hard she was seeing stars. She'd held nothing back. With her energy completely drained, her arms and legs started to give. She laid flat on top of Duncan, humping him with slow strokes until she'd expelled every drop of semen.

Miranda breathed heavily over his shoulder and tried to collect her thoughts. "That... was... the best sex of my life. You were great! Your ass was made to be fucked!"

Duncan pulled his face out of the pillow. Trying to catch his breath, a sharp pain shot through his ass as he moved. "Ugh ahhh thanks, I, I think." Miranda pulled her shrinking cock from him with a wet pop. She rolled off him. Duncan felt emptier without it inside him. There had been some pain involved, but as his cum-soiled sheets would attest, there had been a lot of pleasure, too.


Duncan awoke the next day very groggy. He'd fallen asleep soon after Miranda left and continued on sleeping soundly through the night and most of the morning. He walked very stiffly to the bathroom, stopping at the window and rubbing the cloudy window with his sleeve. The ground had a few inches of snow on it now, all having fallen while he slept.

It was a few minutes before Duncan had woken up enough to attempt the stairs going downstairs. His ass still felt red hot like Miranda had just blown her load inside him. He opened his bedroom door, pausing for a moment as he heard voices in the kitchen. He'd written it off as just his mom and Emily until he recognized Miranda's laugh. Duncan attempted to descend the stairs faster than his sore ass would allow, but was thwarted by a sharp pain. He listened further to their conversation.

"Is this ready to come out of the oven?" Miranda asked. The oven door opened and then she answered her own question, "No, I guess it needs about ten minutes longer. By the way, these brownies you made are freaking awesome. You're a great cook."

"Thanks. Emily doesn't enjoy this sort of thing," his mom remarked. "Today has been really nice. I wonder if Duncan will ever get up. He's sleeping so late."

"I don't mind. It gives us time to talk. We get to have girl time and bake sweets so sugar-filled no woman could ever eat them on a clear conscience. I think you're really cool, Miss Farmer."

"Call me Judy. Please. My clients call me Miss Farmer, and I wish they wouldn't!"

"Ahh, yes." Miranda giggled. "That's far too formal. Judy it is!"

Duncan had an uncomfortable feeling listening from the wall opposite the kitchen. It sounded like they were flirting. He let Miranda do what she did to his ass and the next day she's still trying to bed his mother! He was feeling a strange sense of betrayal and jealousy. Like he wasn't good enough? No, no, he told himself, it was Miranda! Nothing good could come from that girl. He walked into the kitchen with intent to break up their baking session and send Miranda home once and for all.

"Oh, sweetie. We didn't hear you leave your room. Good morning. Are you feeling ok?" his mom greeted him with a smile.

"Huh? Oh, I'm ok," he grumbled back in response. Duncan gave Miranda a suspicious glare. He was wearing what he'd had time to throw on yesterday after she left before drifting off to sleep. Miranda, on the other hand, had obviously showered and slept normally. She looked astonishingly beautiful in something as standard as the sweatshirt and jeans she was presently wearing.

"I'm gonna call your sister. She went over to Candice's. Be right back." Duncan's mom looked over both of them and smiled before leaving the room.

"What are you doing here?" Duncan asked Miranda tensely once his mother was out of earshot.

"Try this." Miranda slipped a baked good into his mouth before he could react. "It's good, isn't it?" she licked her fingers of excess chocolate.

Duncan swallowed the tasty treat quickly and responded, "I don't know what kind of game you're playing this time, but me and my mom don't want any part of it."

"You're just feeling sore from yesterday. It's got you in a bad mood," she casually told him. "Don't pretend today like you didn't enjoy it. You moaned and came hard with my dick up your ass like the sweet little slut you are."

"I didn't enjoy that!" Duncan's voice cracked. "You, you took of advantage of me. You knew I was mixed up. I haven't known what I'm doing since you got here!"

"Nice try." Miranda lifted another piece of baked good to his lips, but he pursed his lips tight and turned away. "Are you really going to dwell on this?"

"Leave my mom and leave me alone. I can't stand you!"

"Ok. You don't have to tell me. You need a day to yourself. That's fine. I'll come back another time and you should consider treating me a little better next time. I only came today to make sure you were all right." She pinched his cheek and then grabbed her coat. Miranda looked back at him and said softly, "Tell your mom thank you. You have a really great family."

The door shut quietly behind her. Duncan let out a deep breath. He reached for the plate of baked treats, but his mom entered the room again and ripped a cookie from his hand before he could take a bite. She moved the plate over to the counter. "I caught the end of what you two were talking about."

"Yeah, but I bet you missed the part where Miranda talked about fucking your only son," Duncan thought in his head.

"I invited that girl to spend Christmas with us. I hope that little spat you had won't make her too uncomfortable to do so. I'm not going to make you apologize. Just know you're not to speak to someone like that in my house."

"You invited her to Christmas! Mom! You didn't even ask me."

"My house, my rules. The poor girl doesn't have a family to spend Christmas with like you do. She lives with an aunt she's barely related to. Her parents, if you can call them that, kicked her out, because of who she is." Duncan's mom spit out the words with contempt for what her parents had done.

"You mean you know, you know about her?" he asked incredulously, only just beginning to process everything she said.

"Yes, I know. Duncan," she sighed, "this probably goes without saying, but you don't have a lot of girls knocking on your door to get closer to you. But this one is interested in you. I wouldn't just brush that aside if I were you. If you weren't my son, I'd tell you she's out of your league."

It was tough love for Duncan to hear. His mother's words began to sink in. "I don't know," he said.

"Well, you figure it out, I think she's still outside." His mom grabbed one of the cookies Miranda had made and took a bite. "Damn," his mom, who almost never swore, said. "these are good."

Duncan opened the front door to a brutal chill. He slipped into his shoes and stepped out onto the stoop. Duncan's legs shook from the cold. Miranda's car was still there, running and parked near the tree lawn with her inside. The passenger door popped open and Duncan made a dash for it. He closed the car door behind him and rubbed his hands together. Miranda aimed the heat toward him. "It takes a while for the car to heat up enough to drive," she explained why she was still there.

Duncan started to warm up. "I can never figure you out. Are you trying to fuck my mom?"

Miranda laughed. "Nice way to start. I guess I deserve that." She gently rubbed his cold knee with her warm hand. "Your mom is safe. Your sister's safe. I didn't really mean it. I said those things to push your buttons."

"To make me crazy," Duncan interrupted.

"What can I say? You're so cute when you're angry. It probably wasn't very nice of me." Miranda's hand slipped behind Duncan's back started a massage of the cheeks of his ass. "Does it still hurt?"

Duncan interjected, "My mom said your parents kicked you out because, because..." he started to blush, not quite sure how to say it in an unoffensive way. "They must be pretty conservative or something."

"They could handle the t-girl part. It was when guys started coming over and ended up leaving with cum dripping from all holes. That's when things got rocky," she chuckled in an uneasy manner.

"Miranda," Duncan tried to pick his words carefully. It was difficult to articulate exactly what he wanted to say, "I haven't been able to guess yet what you're thinking. So you could just tell me. What do you want with me?"

"That's a silly question," she told him. Miranda answered nonchalantly, "You're going to be my boyfriend."

"I am?" he asked like nobody had bothered to inform him.


"And what if I don't want to be?" Duncan looked up at her. Her beautiful face watched his brightly. She seemed to like this line of questioning, or at the least, found it amusing.

"I didn't say you don't have a choice in the matter. You do. I just know you'll choose correctly. You can't resist," she told him in a self-assured manner. "I've gotten you this far. You couldn't stop me even if you wanted to. I've been pretty hard on you, but with a snap of my fingers it can change. I can turn your torment into pleasure. Do you doubt it?"

"Umm, for the sake of argument... how can you do all that?"

Miranda's hand wrapped around his cock. She squeezed it to full erection. There was a lust in her eyes as she stared into his. Miranda pulled the band of his pajama bottoms down and revealed his modestly-sized organ. It felt cold for a fraction of a second. Until she wet her full lips and plunged down to his lap, engulfing his penis into the warmth of her mouth.

Duncan had never experienced this kind of pleasure in his life. His legs were shaking, this time from the satisfaction he was receiving and not the cold. Duncan couldn't stifle a moan. He looked down at Miranda's long hair in his lap and listened to the slurping of her mouth in disbelief. Could it really be him, was it really his dick within the wet slippery confines of her mouth? The swirling of her tongue around his sensitive tip told him yes.

"I can't believe you're doing that," he groaned. "Oh shit. It feels sooo good."

Miranda knew that without him having to say it. Her soft lips sucked his cock in deep and created a tight seal. She swallowed the entire length of his cock and let it sit there, while her tongue frolicked over every sensitive inch. After that she bobbed her head on his cock. She enjoyed the feeling of his smooth pecker as it slid over her tongue. Miranda caved her cheeks in and gave it one long suck, then another. The fingers of her left hand tickled and played with his balls.

Duncan's hand was shaking as he tentatively reached around Miranda's body and grabbed a handful of soft tit flesh. His fingers sought out her nipple. Once found, he plucked and pinched it through her sweatshirt. "I need to... I need to cum," he muttered to her with a voice strained by the pleasure he was receiving.

Miranda knew that, too. Her sucking mouth went into overdrive. She applied her strongest suction while her lips, gliding up and down his shaft, wrapped even tighter around his girth. "Oh, Miranda! Oooooh... I'm CUMMING!" Duncan's hips bucked up involuntarily. His body tensed with his eyes shut tight. Miranda swallowed down the gushes of semen without batting an eye. Her tongue caressed the underside of his cock and coaxed out the last drops of cum.

Miranda let his shriveling prick bounce free from her lips. She sat up with a playful, sexy smile on her face. Her warm hand wrapped around his cock before it had time to get cold again and gently jacked it. Duncan fought to catch his breath. He couldn't hide his appreciation as he looked at her. "You're unbelievable," he started to say. "I mean in a good way. That was the single greatest thing that's ever happened to--"

Miranda's lips crushed against his. Her tongue shot into his mouth. She kissed him hard and deep. Duncan could taste his own cum, but he sure as hell wasn't complaining.


Later in the day, Duncan found himself between Miranda's legs. They were up in his room on his bed. His tongue lapped at the big mushroom cock head sitting atop her shaft. Duncan licked up the liquid leaking from her slit and purred quietly. Doing this seemed to bring something out of him. He was driven by the memory of the blow job he'd received earlier in the day. Now it was his chance, and he wanted to get it right.

Miranda seemed satisfied with his busy tongue. She directed him to lick all along her shaft. Duncan's tongue made a run all the way down to the base of her cock and then slid up slowly, his lips kissed as he reached the crown. Duncan repeated the process several times. Then his tongue swept lower, rolling over her big hairless balls. He slurped generously on her nutsack and earned a moan in return.

"That's awesome. Mmm... keep it up and I won't have to regret going on an all blow job diet for a few days while your ass heals." Miranda, already completely naked, gave her shaft a stroke with one hand and dedicated the other to teasing and pleasing her stiff nipples. He gave her nutsack another once over and then kissed and licked his way back up to the tip in spectacular cock worship fashion. "Stick it in your mouth now," she told him.

Duncan had some reservations about her monster, as big as it was, actually fitting inside his mouth. He lifted up on his knees and stretched his lips wide. He wrapped his hand around Miranda's thick base and then fit her over-sized mushroom into his mouth. With his lips holding it tightly, Duncan created a vacuum seal. He jumped when her womanhood throbbed with the discharge of boiling hot ejaculate.

"Hot little mouth slut," Miranda muttered. She entangled her hands in his hair and pressed him to go lower. Duncan's eyes went wide. He struggled to keep his composure as another inch of her cock slipped inside his mouth. Miranda looked down at him with half-closed eyes. Her face made it clear just how much she was enjoying the treatment she was getting. Miranda told him, "Don't think about gagging and you won't. Think about sucking my cock. That's it and that's all. Let yourself go. Just suck."

Duncan didn't disappoint. He got used to feel, to the texture and warmth her womanhood brought to his mouth. The job his tongue did in a swirling motion around her tip made Miranda's toes curl. She moaned out, her hands locked around Duncan's head, pushing him to take more of her meat between his lips. Her hips bucked and wiggled, creating a fucking motion. Duncan tried to assert himself more. His head started bobbing on the inches which would fit into his mouth. His hand jerked the rest of her shaft.

Duncan tried to take her deeper, but only succeeded in nearly choking. Miranda eased her grip on the back of his head. "Don't trip yourself up. Look at how big my cock is. You can't deep throat it. This is just your first time!" her words had the opposite effect on Duncan than she intended. They emboldened him to push the limit of what his mouth could take. Duncan steeled himself. He stopped sucking for a minute and focused solely on his lips traveling lower. Another inch of Miranda's cock entered the wonderful warmth of his mouth. She might have stopped him, or laughed at him for trying, but all Miranda could do was lie back and let the pleasure from his actions wash over her.

Her tip pressed against the entrance to his throat. Duncan had tears in his eyes as it passed the opening. He sucked hard, devouring her thick tube in earnest. He'd managed to fit more than half her massive length between his lips. Miranda shivered excitedly when his tongue circled her shaft. Still not satisfied with himself, Duncan's head slid lower yet, his tight throat stretching to accommodate her girth.

"Oh... my... fuck," Miranda whimpered. She dug her heels into the bed and whipped her hair back. "Fuck that tiny little throat with my cock. Oh man... that's good." The cum began to stir within her. Duncan's mouth worked so hard to please her, and he did just that. Miranda had to communicate to him, had to tell him that she was close. Oh so close. "Duncan! Suck that cock. Oh Duncan. Sweet baby, it's coming. I'm gonna CUM! Suck me deep!" she moaned. Miranda's legs shook, her thighs relaxing and tensing in quick succession.

Miranda's grabbed his head hard and forced him deep on her cock. She let out a thunderous cry and Duncan's mouth suddenly filled with cum. Thick gushes of her sticky semen shot straight down to his stomach. Duncan struggled to contain the spewing monster. He stroked the rest of her length, covered in saliva and ejaculate, with his hand. He swallowed down as many mouthfuls as he could. She came like a fire house with great shot after great shot of thick spooge.

The cum which he couldn't swallow fast enough spilled from her lips and rolled down her cock and onto his sheets. Miranda was a hot mess as the last shots deposited down Duncan's throat. Even with hair all over her face and a sheen of sweat covering her body, she'd never looked more beautiful. They stared at one another, Duncan's tongue flicks and gentle sucks keeping her erection alive.

Miranda blew a strand of hair from her face and told him, "Come here."

Duncan reluctantly withdrew her womanhood from his mouth. He kissed the sticky, shrinking shaft and then came up to meet her. Miranda mashed her lips against his and tasted herself on him with no reservations. They kissed passionately, her hand slipping down his back and squeezing his sweet ass. A perpetual smile was plastered on her pretty lips.

"I've got good news and bad news," she told him playfully. "Which do you want to hear first?"

"Give me the good news first," Duncan kissed her neck and played along.

"That was incredible. Hands down the best blow job I've ever had! I'm gonna have to raise my game if I want to complete. You do like ass, don't you?"

Duncan nodded his head vigorously. "And the bad news?"

"If you go back to school and your grades don't improve, your mom's going to wonder what we've been doing up here." Miranda rolled on top of Duncan and pinned him to the bed with a mischievous grin. "That means I really do have to tutor you."

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Tonguetoride1Tonguetoride1about 2 months ago

Loved it and this story is one of my fantasies

wvBalzakwvBalzak4 months ago

A bit twisted in the beginning with the Dom SheMale thing, but I loved their relationship near the end of this story. I think they would have a crazy and kinky life together!

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

I am a 37yo MWM. I have never had a cock in my mouth or ass, and never felt the desire for either . , . . . until I read this today. But now, I see how natural it can be and how quickly a complete conversion can occur. I need to find a place where I can meet and surrender my heart and soul to a young girl like Miranda. I would happily leave my wife and family for someone like her. TODAY!!!!! FUCK!!!

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Really toxic relationship there. This family is whack. There's like no trust or respect there. This mom is terrible. Her kid has so little faith in her ability to trust him and his own self esteem that he was coralled, gaslit, and abused into a relationship in his own home.

The 'lovey' relationship is bs. A house built in sand cannot stand.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Well, very well written and very creative. Not into having a guy suck a dick but in this case the seemingly loving relationship that looks to be blossoming is really hot. Too bad this did not get followed up by another chapter as they explored their being together. Did he improve his grades? Does she get pregnant? How much does his mom really know about Miranda? It has been over 10 years since this chapter. Too bad really.

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