Tory's Emergence

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Married woman tells her husband about her liberating night.
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First attempt at writing a story but I felt I must share. Entirely true. Well, almost entirely true.... dialogue is hard to reproduce through the fogs of passion and alcohol. Please enjoy.


She always had a crush on him. My wife, Tory, always had a lusty, body tingling crush on Mark. I did not know this until it was revealed to me when I picked her up at the airport after her 10th year college reunion.

In the course of our conversation on the way home, I had asked her then if she had used the "free pass" I had half-jokingly given her.

Tory cautiously told me, "No, but someone offered to help me use it...."

I asked her who and if he she liked this guy. She blushed and said, "Yes. His name is Mark."

"Is this Mark a cool guy?"


"Did you want to kiss him?"


"Did you want to fool around with him?"


"Did you want to sleep with Mark?"

With head down and eyes up to mine she sheepishly said, "Yes."

I was stunned. My fiercely loyal, hot, sexy but very reserved and conservative wife rendered me speechless.

In silence we rode.

In our almost 5 years of our marriage, every once in a while, a bit of her inner naughtiness would seep out, but this was a deluge. I am not a possessor of a cliche' "jealous bone" and I certainly wasn't feeling jealousy then, however, I was intensely feeling something that I could not identify. But whatever it was had made me excited and so very sexually charged. And I sensed the admission gave Tory a rush of sexual energy too. I have never previously had thoughts of sharing my wife with anyone but for whatever reason her opening up had me reply, "Well maybe you should have used your pass then."

Tory's head snapped around to look my way and though I wasn't looking back at her I could feel a wicked lustful smile thrust in my direction. We needed to get home quick, and fuck. And fuck we did.

That night we talked a lot about how naughty it was for her to think that way about someone else and it induced passionate sex almost equaled to our "courtin' days". She was insatiable, seemingly liberated by her revelation and maybe all the more so that her "cool" husband did not freak out with her admission. She came and came and particularly came hardest when I told her to imagine, "This cock you're riding is Mark's."

Afterwards she told me more about, Mark. Though, I had before heard his name in the blend of her college friends, I didn't know anything about him. I learned, that they were good friends and there was a smoldering mutual attraction throughout their college years. For one reason or another (mainly Tory's attachment to a long-time boyfriend) the timing of acting on the attraction just didn't happen.

However, after Tory's breakup with her boyfriend, there was one slightly drunken night after college that they did hook up. Though the night was nice and maybe awkward, a relationship just didn't seem to click, perhaps because of the familiarity of them being such good friends. And soon after, luckily for me, she met and fell in love with me. But that night the passion between the two of them never did, apparently, get resolved.

Over the next several years, we would occasionally role-play with the idea of Tory and Mark getting together. This fantasy did expand to thoughts of others joining her (or even us), whether they'd be people we knew, some that we just met, other past crushes, or actors she was hot for. Though it never progressed beyond the dirty pillow talk, that fateful night had certainly opened up doors that did add some needed excitement to our sex life. Thoughts of Tory doing naughty things and being a naughty wife continued to turn us on immensely.

So now here we were in a hotel room at Tory's 20th year college reunion. I came along because we combined the reunion with a short vacation. And to be that "cool" husband again, I was staying behind at the hotel while she went alone to let loose with her friends without me getting in the way.

Tory looked just as sexy in the short thin-strapped sun dress that she slipped on just as much as she did a moment before standing there naked while putting on her blackest lace thong and bra set. And, like she continues to do all these years later, she again turned me on. But I knew it would have to wait until later that night for us to do something about it.

My wife, with captivating smile and sky-blue eyes, gave me a hot tease of a kiss and said, "Have fun tonight, me lover." then giddily left to go to the reunion party at the old college hangout tavern across the street from the hotel.

But before the door closed behind her I replied, "You have a fun night, too...." and then added, "....with Mark."

Tory stopped and said, "Ha ha, yeah right, like he'd still be interested all these years later." then blew me a kiss and off she went.

I occupied myself by going down to the hotel bar and watched a couple periods of a hockey game. And after spending company with a burger, a couple of tequilas and ales, I headed back upstairs.

Except for a couple of early inquiry texts about Tory's old friends and a teasing "is your crush there?" text, we really hadn't communicated much since she left. Back in the hotel room I decided to check in with her and texted, "howsit?". I put the phone on the side table, threw on a pair of workout shorts, laid out on the bed, and grabbed the TV remote to finish the hockey game.

About ten minutes later I received a reply. It said, "im thinking of being a naughty wife tonight.". This wasn't the first time we teased each other with these types of texts so I played along and replied, "oh with Mark?".


And before I could send my next text that would jokingly challenge her to "go for it", I was floored by what popped up on my screen.

It said, "real life".

Again, though we never took the dirty pillow talk further, we did come up with a somewhat playful but serious set of rules if the opportunity to fool around with one of our crushes actually did present itself. The rules contained things like, discretion, no secrets, lust not love, and the like. But the final and most important rule was if it really truly was going to happen, just to show that we weren't joking or teasing, we would use the term "real life".

I read it again and again, "real life" "real life". While struggling with what to say to her I received another text saying, "ill talk to u later, I LOVE YOU".

I was frozen, not knowing what to think but then crudely sent, "r u going to fuck him?"

There was no reply.

For almost two hours, I lay in bed with myriad thoughts running rampant in my head as to what was going on and what may have already happened.

Did she fuck him? Somewhere in this town maybe in this very hotel, for the first time, my wife may be giving herself to another man. I was battling many emotions, so many feelings between creeping jealousy and pure lust. But as evidenced by the deeply veined hard-on that extended out from the top of my shorts, its inflamed head dripping a pool of pre-cum into my navel, the feeling of lust had won out. This was the most wild, erotic thing I've ever experienced, and I was so turned on to think of anything else but too stunned to take care of that arousal myself.

I was jolted back to consciousness with an incoming text.

"on my way back"

There was no response when I again asked,

"did u fuck him?!".

I took off my shorts and with my heart figuratively beating out of my chest, I impatiently waited for Tory to return....

The hallway light spilled into our dim room as the door opened when she entered.

She dropped her purse, slid off her shoes, and peeled her dress up over her head before slowly turning and closing the door.

What I then noticed was that my hotness, my super-sexy wife's obviously aroused pussy was no longer hindered by that black lace thong she had left with. And I sensed, no, I KNEW my wife was different, she is changed.

As Tory approached me, she reached behind her back, unclasped her bra, and released her exquisite full, round breasts. She silently eyed my arousal, laid down upon me, rested those great tits on my balls, reached out her tongue and lapped at the pool of precum before then engulfing my entire cock in one quick motion.

Luckily for me, Tory has a professed love of sucking cock, not just mine but others have enjoyed her talents within our pillow talk. She gives a deliriously wonderful slow blow job but tonight it was to a new magnitude of intensity. She stroked, licked, sucked, and throated me like she never had before. All the while moaning and writhing, desperately trying to get me to blow a load into her hot little mouth.

It didn't take long and sensing my coming eruption she pulled off of me and said, "This is the second big.... delicious.... cock I've tasted tonight."

That did it. As she plunged back down on me, I instantly came the hardest I may ever have. But as I shot streams of cum down her throat I had to know and asked yet again,

"Did you fuck him??!!"

She smiled that wicked smile around my cock and when satisfied that she had gotten every drop of me, she popped me out of her mouth and rasped, "Well now lover, just sit back and let me tell you how I became your naughty wife tonight."

My cock instantly began to stir again. She laid beside me, ground her sopping wet, always shaved, gorgeous pussy against my thigh and began to, finally, reveal to me her little story....

Tory began by telling me as "fate" would have it, when she arrived at the tavern Mark was there near the front door. It seemed he lit up when he saw her, and she got "gooshy" when he said his familiar, "Hello, Beautiful." to her as they embraced.

Tory added, "But when we pulled back to kiss each other on the cheek Mark's head turned a bit and his lips caught the corner of my mouth and it sent a little rush down my body into my girlie parts."

Then he held his hand on and gently rubbed her lower back for a bit as they greeted other familiar faces that had too just came into the crowed bar. She said the kiss and the little bit of contact on her back set the tone in her mind for a possible exciting evening.

Tory said for the next hour or so she had a genuinely good time reconnecting with all her old college buddies and then lightly dragging her fingernails across my again throbbing cock, she purred in my ear, "But that's not the part of the night you want to hear about."

She resumed her story about Mark, saying that except for an occasional flirty look through the crowd she and he didn't really interact. However, it seemed obvious that the two of them where in fact gravitating towards one another as the evening went on. And they soon did find themselves sitting side by side in a rounded booth at the darkened back of the tavern.

There were many others standing around and several sitting with them, but Tory welcomed the feeling of Mark jammed up against her. Like the rest of the bar, the atmosphere at the booth was loud and festive with the vast majority of the revelers drunk from being over-served. Tory said, though she was buzzed, she tempered her drinking because she honestly didn't think that she could keep up with the amount of drinking that they did back in college. And Mark apparently never really did overindulge and too seemed like he was pretty much in control. All around them many conversations were happening at once which allowed the two of them to talk in privacy amongst the crowd. That they may have looked intimate in their conversation did not raise any suspicions with the surrounding friends since the two of them were "always flirting" back in the day.

They comfortably chatted away and caught up with each of their lives. When family and marriage were discussed, Mark was very respectful as he'd always been and was even interested when Tory would talk about me. Later in the conversation he said, "Your husband seems like a pretty fun guy. I remember he gave you a free-pass at the last reunion." After a pause he followed with, "Did he give you a pass this time?"

Tory said she blushed and surprised herself by coyly saying, "Maybe."

Mark laughed and said, "Wow. Have you ever used one before?"


"Would you?"

Again, she said, "Maybe." but Tory told me, this time, she pushed past her shyness and accompanied the reply with a wicked smile.

This seemed to be where the story was beginning to heat up and as a result I was squirming with pleasure as Tory stroked me as she too was moaning, grinding her pussy and pressing those tits against me as I massaged her sensitive ass. This was so incredibly arousing, and I felt so blessed by the gods that my hot wife was sharing this experience of such intense passion with me.

Tory continued, "That second "maybe" seemed to encourage Mark. He then asked if you did give me a pass, what would it entail? I told him you were really cool, definitely not the jealous type, and you'd probably allow most anything I might want but you don't think I'd do anything because I'm so reserved."

"Mark then began, "Oh really? Would your husband allow this?" and he grabbed me around my ribs and tickled me!"

"I shouted, "No. Definitely not!!"."

Then he jokingly went on by gently stroking the inside of Tory's lower arm and said, "What about this?"

"I'm sure he would!"

"Would he allow this?" as he brushed the back of his hand against Tory's cheek.


"And this?" after he looked to see if the coast was clear he gave her a quick soft kiss on the lips that "sent electricity through the both of them.".


The joking became less and the laughter became more nervous as the questioning progressed and she was starting to get turned on. Not knowing where he would strike next, Tory said she nearly jumped out of her panties when she felt his hand under the table squeezing her dress covered upper-thigh and asked, "And this?"

She said Mark returned a really sexy smile when she shyly replied, "Possibly."

"I was so excited anticipating what he would do next, I was getting wet! I felt so naughty letting it happen and I couldn't believe it was shy me actually letting it happen! And trying to be discrete with everyone around us added to the rush!" Tory giddily popped up and told me. Then she went back to stroking and grinding on me and told me what Mark did next.

When he received no resistance, he ever so slowly hiked up her dress as his hand slid up her bare leg until it reached the edge of her thong at that delicious spot on Tory where thigh meets abdomen.

Before Mark could again ask, "And this?", Tory said she looked him seriously in the eye, said, "Would you please excuse me." abruptly got up, and left. As she turned to look back at him, she said he seemed taken aback as he concernedly watched her leave through the crowd towards the bathrooms.

I interrupted and blurted out, "Ahh I knew it! I knew you couldn't do anything. And you REALLY had me going."

Squeezing my slightly (very slightly!) deflating cock Tory countered with, "Wait.... there's definitely more."

"When I returned to the booth, Mark was so apologetic. He is always so very collected but now he was flustered, asking for forgiveness, saying how I "enchanted him like always". He was so upset and thought he had messed up our friendship."

She responded, "I put a finger to his mouth to stop him from speaking and with my back to everyone quickly kissed him on his moist warm lips but added a quick flick of my tongue. As I slid back into the booth next to him, I slipped something into his hand, pushing it below the table. When he looked at it, he found my balled-up dampened thong. And then I said, "Yes, he would allow this.""

I couldn't believe it! It was so hot and out of character for Tory. I tried to roll on top of her and fuck her, but she firmly stopped me softly saying, "Not yet." and continued to slowly stroke me.

I was shocked, crazed and implored, "Tell me! Did you fuck him?!"

Tory simply replied, "Shhhh, let me continue...."

My hot, loving wife explained that when she felt his hand slide up to her panties something clicked in her, pushed past her shyness, and sent her over the edge. It was so out of character for her but she "felt so alive" and at that moment Tory made up her mind that she was "going to be a naughty wife". She passionately ended with the mind-blowing statement, "And I wanted to sleep with Mark."

This floored me!

"So, you DID fuck him?!"

Ignoring me, my wife further explained that when she got up to "use the restroom" she actually went to a quiet part of the bar and fidgeted with her phone, nervously sending me the "im thinking of being a naughty wife" and "real life" texts. Then "not really caring if anyone saw" reached underneath her dress, removed her panties, and "feeling so slutty" walked back to Mark.

Back at the booth after receiving her present, Tory said Mark had such a devilish grin on his face but was trying to remain cool and appeared not to know what to do next. So Tory, again surprising us both, took control and made the next move.

"In one hand I picked up my drink and took a sip and with the other I reached under the table and explored Mark's lap where I found his pulsing dick against his thigh." Then she added, "You know how I always tell you that I love the feeling of getting a dick hard? Well, I was getting so wet with the power of his growing in my hand."

That did it again. I threw ropes of cum onto my chest.

Who was this person? My conservative, vanilla wife just told me that for the first time in over 15 years of marriage she was actively getting another man's cock hard. I would have come even if Tory had not been teasingly stroking me.

When I had finished, Tory got up, chuckled, and said, "Wow, you really are enjoying my naughtiness." then with a dirty look tongued up some cum off my chest and added, "Wait until you hear what happened next." and again giggling she bounced away to the bathroom to get a towel.

When she came back she told me, "I love you! I love you! I love you!" and said how so liberated she felt and how hot it was that I let her live and have fun. As she then quietly wiped me down, I watched her enchanting smiling face and did see how genuinely happy she was. I too found endearing that she kept wavering between being so giddy and so incredibly sexy. I felt such a surge of closeness and love for her and again felt so lucky to have her. I realized it wasn't that she was messing around with another man that turned me on. It actually was that she was able to let loose her, seemingly repressed, inner sexuality that really turned me on. And if something made her so happy, I didn't care what it was.

Tory laid back down beside me to continue her tale, playfully saying, "Well now, me lover, where were we?" and she again snuggled back down next to me and, yet again, gently stroked me.

I usually don't have much trouble getting hard twice in succession. And though it may seem the telling of the story so far was quite long, in actuality it was no more than maybe 20 minutes. The fact that Tory was already getting me hard a third time was testament to how hot these events were making us.

She went on, "As I rubbed his cock, his hand found my pussy and I went nuts. I was dripping wet.". Tory accepted him by parting her legs. He slowly teased her by gently pulling open her lips while running his fingers up to her clit and back down again.

This couldn't be Tory, this was crazy, so out of character! Here she was in a dark and crowded bar, where someone who's not her husband is playing with her pussy while she plays with a cock that is not her husband's.

Tory continued rubbing him until his cock migrated from his thigh to his waist. She got it "so fucking hard!" and "could feel his pre-cum oozing through his pants". But after a couple minutes, he firmly grabbed her hand, and through "dreamy eyes" looked at her and shook his head "no". It was obvious he was about to cum.