Total Woman Fortunes Ch. 04


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** Amrita **

Naveena and Amrita lounged in bed, reunited in advance of the Tantric Sex training session scheduled to begin tomorrow. Their mood was serene, basking in the post orgasmic glow of serial cunnilingus. Their fingers continued slow genital caresses as half lidded eyes dreamed away the dwindling electric tingles sparkling everywhere in their bodies. It had been a wonderful three days of intimacy for the bi-sexual lovers.

But they were business women and, despite the overwhelming shared emotions, there was the looming arrival of their special guests and the tantric sex training sessions. The elite customers must not be disappointed by the smallest overlooked detail and they focused their attentions thereon.

Two of their guests had arrived a day early; Sheldon and Krista had immediately gone into closed door seclusion. The hostess facilitators had respected the spousal privacy, with smirks acknowledging that the committed hetero Western couple must have found the same intimate joy that the bi-sexual Hindi women felt. Discrete visits by room service staff confirmed that Sheldon and Krista were alive and well and sufficiently provided with food, water and clean linen.

The other guests arrived in a group the next morning, shuttled from Colombo Airport by a stretch town-car. They alighted to the refreshing mountain air, ready to learn and experience the wonders of Tantric Sex.

Anton was arm in arm with Meghan; he felt obliged to repair their personal rapport after he had selfishly debased her as Reggie's sexual toy. Gillian had Trey in tow, acceding to his pleas for her exclusive company. Marita, Augustina and Lycka had swapped out partners after their nights in Florida, seeking the novelty of unfamiliar masculine companionship. The macho men were broadminded, uncomplaining for their roles of passed around pieces of stiff meat, especially by these fine lively ladies.


The girls excused themselves to prepare and preen for the upcoming group training session. Amrita's facility often hosted groups and there was a grand spa-like salon set aside for the female participants. The young ladies abetted each other with the bathing, douches, shaving, and hair styling. Their faces and nails received the best available cosmetology, leaning toward Hindi styles in keeping with the locational ambiance. Lips and nails were toned fire-engine red. Eyes were heavily darkened with black eyeshadow and liner. Umber tones highlighted nipples and pussies. Musky tinged perfume added the subtle aura suggestive of females in heated arousal. They offered a stunningly exotic display of fertile feminine flesh.

The men had been shuffled separately into the training room. Topless visiting TWA co-ed attendants helped them to undress, folding and removing their clothes completely from the room, confining the naked men to the training room to await their mates. The wondering gentlemen stood apart from each other, half embarrassed to be nude in front of the other males, unused to sexual competition with other males while without the comfortable trappings of wealthy regalia.

An impersonal speaker voice directed them to form up behind the blue line at one end of the room. When they were aligned and settled into attentive order, the side entrance door swung open and one finely made-up woman glided gracefully into the room. The men gawked at the display.

Krista was an erotic exotic vision of untold sensuality: beautiful hair, fine makeup and glittering jewelry adorned her curvaceous naked body. Krista stepped gracefully to Sheldon, taking his hand and leading him to a painted green circle across the room, seating him in lotus pose as she took the same pose beside him. Next came Gillian who took Trey's hand and led him to another circle, sitting in similar couple fashion. Then came Meghan who naturally selected Anton and led him to their circle. Marita randomly selected one of the three remaining athletic men, while Augustina and Lycka came last but not least, each pairing themselves to a solidly built male stud.

Naveena and Amrita strode in hand-in-hand, wearing translucent saffron saris that served more to coyly expose their beautiful figures rather than hide any curves or rose hued erogenous features. They lotus seated side-by-side behind the blue line, facing their pupils. It was time to begin the tantric sex training.


Naveena and Amrita closed their eyes and placed palms together in prayer pose. The evenly spaced couples mirrored the move. Amrita started the exercise.

"We begin with deep breathing. Draw a full breath, hold and let it out slowly. Follow my timing."

The group went through ten repetitions. Then a series of stretches: arms aloft and slowly lowered, torso twists and forward folds. With bodies calmed but activated, Amrita proceeded with the more intimate actions. She and Naveena followed along with her next instructions as she guided the attentive couples.

"Keep your eyes closed and continue with modest breaths. Place your closest hand in your partners lap, touching but not stroking or rubbing their genitalia. Sense the warmth of their soft skin."

Amrita whispered a slow ten count. Each tantric disciple felt their own arousal heat, abetted by the increased blood flow, even as they sensed the same in their partner's cock or labia. The men felt and smelled the moisture forming at the woman's opening even as the women sensed the swelling of the man's organ.

"You may now slide your fingers around and gently add stimulation."

Amrita and Naveena silently rubbed the other's nether lips. They were more practiced and held back their sounds, vaguely aware of the low moans elsewhere. It was always that way for the new ones and their first attempt at concentrated sexual mindfulness. Experienced practitioners held their reactions in check, knowing each repetition was only a prelude for even deeper and more satisfying releases the next time.

"The females may now rotate into their man's lap, facing him, legs folded under, straddling his thighs. Do not penetrate; not yet. Hug his neck and touch your ears together. Press your nipples against his chest."

There was a shuffling sound as the women moved into mount position. When relative silence returned, a deeper breathing around the room was evident. Amrita continued.

"Use your pussies to trap his erect shaft against his lower belly. Press but do not move. Feel each other's heated lust in your genital nerves."

Naveena was in Amrita's lap, nipples wedged to nipples, but the pose was unsuited for genital contact. They showed professional patience as Amrita let the passions grow among the heterosexual pairs. She whispered a slow countdown: 100, 99, 98...

The blood flow and heartbeats throbbed louder and louder in the newbies ears. One hundred seconds was less than two minutes but felt like ages. Frustrated moans were earnestly suppressed but were still noticeable. Amrita's soft voice brought on the sorely desired words.

"..., 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Follow me in taking a deep breath... hold... hold... hold... now exhale completely. Good. You may now mount."

The sounds of shifting bodies was followed by sharp and then elongated male and female groans. The swishing sounds of wet connections meant that the inexperienced trainees had not understood that mounting was not the same as thrusting. They unknowingly skipped the step of deeper motionless feeling before the slithering of excited tissues.

Amrita smiled it off; the amateurs would get finer instructions soon, in an hour or so, during the next learning cycle. With her initial training tasks completed, she and Naveena smoothly repositioned into a leg scissor that pressed their pussies together. They twined together arms, legs and bodies while sharing the massaging stimulations until they joined their novice students in cries of orgasmic ecstasy.

Over the remaining daytime, Amrita walked them through two more mind wrenching sessions. Marita, Augustina and Lycka traded out the trio of beefcake studs, seeking variety and keeping mental performance notes for a girls-only gossipy comparison later.

Amrita was patient with her charges on the subsequent sessions. She talked them through the prior skipped step of immobile connection.

"Hold in place; do not thrust. Set your mind on the connection; feel your sensitive skin pressing on your mate's sensitive skin. Clear your mind, listen only to my voice. 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1... Now, Kegels, man and woman together. And... squeeze... relax... squeeze... relax... 23... 22... 21... 20... 19... "

At the bottom of the countdown, Amrita quietly said "You may now stroke at will... "

The tantric pairs set their own pace and length, some cumming quickly, others stretching out their coital acuity. The second orgasm was more intense than the first, despite the unusually short refraction period and presumably due to the longer stationary foreplay. It was instructive to the sexual students and they followed Amrita's directions precisely thereafter, anticipating even greater orgasmic indulgence.

After a third round of mindful ecstasy, Amrita dismissed the weary carnal scholars, reminding them they were due to reconvene on the open terraced patio to meditate while watching the sunset and then enjoy a communal meal. She strongly suggested they refrain from practicing their newfound sexual secrets until at least later tonight. Tomorrow's lessons would be an all-day affair and they needed to pace their energies for maximum effect.

They all donned thigh length, spa-style terrycloth robes as they exited the training studio in pairs, hand in hand, feeling the post coital glow of sexual gratification and the airy exposure of loosely covered genitalia.

** Anton **

After dinner, Anton slouched on a low couch in the dim lit terrace, his spread legs stretched out on a hassock. Meghan lay on her side, her body lounged out on the couch beside him, and her head resting sideways in his lap as his fingers idly combed through her soft hair and tickled her ear. Her tie-loosed spa-robe was askew and one exposed tit lay atop the other. From her perch on his thigh, she peered beneath the folds of Anton's robe at his soft penis, whiffing the residual bouquet of the afternoon's tantric coitus. Her hand smoothed along his hairy inner leg. He watched Sheldon and Krista sit across the low coffee table in similar post training lassitude.

"How do you two manage it? Keeping a happy marriage while working so hard? My three tries at matrimony went down the drain, along with a lot of my money and a bit of my sanity."

Krista looked dreamily at Sheldon, her face aglow with love while the man of her heart reflected her fond gaze. Her voice was quiet, generating a stillness as her words drifted forth.

"We savor the quiet times together. Follow the tantric mindfulness. Dwell in the moments we have. And work extra hard at the business when apart, knowing our forgone longings will be rewarded during the eventual tender reunions."

Anton nodded as he watched the industrial titans kiss. Krista gave a sad note.

"Those moments will become fewer now."

"Why so?"

"This new extraction sensor technology will need lots of attention. We know you have arguable rights to the wet drilling methods while we have the patents for the dry tunneling method. Soon enough, we will be competing against each other for market share."

Anton took another sip of wine. As he lay his head back in contemplation, he spied Gillian and Trey, their heads lolling together at another couch half across the room. He was struck with a dazzling idea.

"What a waste of energy! What if we didn't compete? What if we collaborated?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well... we could set up a subsidiary that controls both technologies and share the profits."

"It's very hard to find trustworthy dedicated people to run such a venture. Sheldon and I have tried again and again and it always falls apart."

Anton smirked as he eye-darted their attention towards Trey and Gillian. Krista and Sheldon's gaze followed his pointer. They saw the youthful pair cuddling and smooching, completely lost in each other's eyes.

"Trey's company already fabricates your mining tools and our drill heads. Gillian is a fine business manager.

He looked squarely at Krista and Sheldon, locking their attention with a sincere expression.

"They remind me of another young couple I know who erected an industrial empire on a deep foundation of lifelong love."

Krista and Sheldon felt truly humbled by Anton's honest praise for their success in business and in life. They rarely heard such heartfelt countenance from the fawning sycophants that inevitably intruded on their daily life. Anton continued.

"If you trust me and trust them like I trust you and Sheldon, we can make it work. I'll buy out Trey and set up a subsidiary with myself, you and Sheldon as its business partners. And a substantial share of ownership to give 'skin in the game' for our young executive paramours."

Krista thought a moment and nodded slowly as she contemplated the proposal. Her musings were interrupted by the sound of Gillian and Trey rising from their couch, holding hands and readying to step off for their private time alone in their suite. Krista was always one to strike while the iron was hot, not letting any idea or opportunity fade away.

"Should we tell them now?"

Anton might have answered her and continued the conversation but Meghan was grazing a fingernail along the sensitive skin of his inner thigh. As she neared his groin, her finger turned under his scrotum and elevated the center of his sack, letting the weighty balls droop on either side. His chubby cock swelled outward at the sensation and her fire-engine red lips ducked in to buzz the tip of the knob. Anton gave her head another lazy gentle caress.

"Tomorrow's soon enough. Let's not spoil this evening's romantic mood with anymore business talk. I feel my verve returning and I owe Meghan some well-earned makeup sex for the maltreatment she suffered as she brought us to this prosperous opportunity. Come, my dear, it's time for me to reward your dedication with a good hard fucking."

He lifted Meghan's gleeful smiling face off his lap. She looked excited by his bawdy talk, knowing the old man was always good for his word. Standing, her loose breasts rolled into full inviting cleavage, edged by her open robe lapels. She extended a helping hand, lifting Anton out of the cushions. They strolled away to consummate Anton's carnal promise. Krista and Sheldon found themselves alone; all the others had left for a night of passions. They took the cue and moseyed from the open patio lounge to their more intimate quarters.

The stars in the clear sky shone their bright splendor down upon the suite bound promenading pair of lovers, who continued to experience the life-fulfilling amorous serenity and the business fortunes that flowed their way through their special affiliation with the Total Woman Academy.

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