Total Woman Vignettes 07


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"Come and get it."

Heidi whined "Nooo... I can't. You'll catch me and I'll have to clean the chalet by myself tomorrow."

"Yeah... that's bad 'cause you probably won't get much sleep tonight either. I have lots of plans for you."

Heidi took one more desperate loop around the chalet; Allen ran the other way and cut her off at the porch steps, finally capturing Heidi in a standing bear-hug. He held her until Gretchen and Hilda pulled up. Allen tossed Heidi over his shoulder in a fireman carry, laughing as he spanked her stretch covered ass as he carried her up the porch steps. He waited for Gretchen to hold the door then marched Heidi inside. He ascended the loft staircase, still carrying Heidi.

At the top, Allen called out to the rafters for everyone to hear. "Don't wait up. We'll see you at breakfast. Hope's it a big one because we're going to be really, really hungry. Good night."

Allen strode to Heidi's bedroom door. Behind his back, she raised her head, grinned and palm cupped a little goodbye to the other females watching from below. They blew her a kiss as she disappeared inside her bedroom. The door slammed shut.

Allen heaved Heidi onto her bed. She grabbed the covers and rolled up in a cocoon. Allen knelt by the fireplace, cradled some logs and lit the gas starter flame. Heidi watched with just her blue eyes and platinum blonde head poking out the top of her quilted 'burrito'. The logs caught quickly, sending red glimmerings dancing across the walls. The snug room quickly began to warm. The sun was setting, added its own dusky redness to the darkening room.

Allen dropped his outer wear. He leaned over Heidi still peeking out from her wrapper. He gently peeled back the edges exposing Heidi's wet spandex to the open air. She shivered. The room was warmer but her spandex body suit was soaked.

Allen gripped the collar and slowly peeled the stretchy knit fabric off Heidi's arms, down her body and over her ankles. He tossed the damp wad over his shoulder. He never looked away from Heidi's delicious naked form lying naked on the bed. Allen pulled off his remaining clothes, and then gathered to his chest Heidi and the swaddling blankets. He wrapped the covers around both their bodies and they huddled on the floor in front of the fire.

Allen rubbed Heidi briskly to get her circulation moving: her back, her chest, her arms, her legs. She let him work freely, happy when he moved to more intimate caresses: her breasts, her nipples, and her cunt. Finally kisses, starting with the same intimate inventory and ending at her mouth with tongue play. Heidi was all warmed up.

They continued the lazy finger and tongue explorations. The quiet pair played for an hour as the flames flared up and died down. Heidi sought Allen's guidance.

"I'm okay now. We can do more. You captured me; now I'm here to oblige your pleasure. What do you want of me?"

Allen wanted something different, sampling more of Heidi's diverse talents and charms. He had fucked a quick one with her straddling him in the hot-tub and nearly passed out from her deep blowjob in the shower. After the chase, the cold and the snuggling, he knew what he wanted. Allen wanted tenderness. He chose to act rather than speak.

He opened the puffy blanket and laid it smooth across the floor. The room was warm enough for open air movement. He laid Heidi out on her back. She raised her knees in the missionary pose. Allen straddled above her. She was Hilda's twin and their visual similarities reminded him of last night in Hilda's bed. He hoped Heidi was as tight, energetic and caring as her sister. It was a tall order to be sure but, well, they were twins, right?

Allen bent in for a kiss. Heidi gave forth a wet, passionate one, tongue nipping to but not past her full lips. She worked a hand to his groin and rubbed his half hard shaft. Allen held his face and body in position; Heidi kept up the facial and genital stimulation. As his erection grew, she gauged its firmness. They continued the kiss but Heidi thought Allen was firm enough and ready. She pulled him lower into her saddle.

Allen adjusted his knees and lowered his hips. Heidi had him lined up and he sank into her, inch by inch until he was resting his hips against hers. Neither one cared about depth. They rocked his knob along her tube, enjoying the mutual friction. This was the tenderness that Allen sought. He was content to move gracefully like this for a long time. Heidi seemed at peace as well.

Allen continued the slow deep strokes. He leaned up and added kisses to Heidi's jiggling nipples. She giggled, liking the caress and feeling good about the slow pace and gentleness. Allen was not really the cruel brut that had kept her at bay in the yard, chilly in the snow. He was presenting his soft side and Heidi appreciated Allen's inner kindness.

Despite the slow going, Allen and Heidi sensed the rise in their ardors. They felt and heard small clues signaling the mutual desire to move things along. An extra caress here, a wiggle there, a moan that was a little bit louder and longer than the last one: these marked the steady escalation of their latent lust. They never paused, but added hip rolls to hip thrusts, leading their mate to greater height. The motions became more dynamic, the bumps harder, the sweaty squeaks of skin on skin friction.

Heidi locked her legs behind Allen, he embraced her torso in a crush and, as if by prior agreement, they reached simultaneous peaks. Allen held deep and spewed sperm, Heidi wailed and her cunt contracted. They vibrated on the floor until it passed. Allen rested in the saddle. Heidi flipped the blanket sides over them both, forming her cocoon again. They nipped and kissed until Allen fell out. The fire was low and the chill re-entering the room. They moved to the bed woozily, drugged by their endorphins. They spooned and slept beneath the covers.

Allen awoke on his back. Heidi was missing but he rediscovered her lower in the blankets. His resurgent cock knob was held lightly by her mouth as she suckled it. This was not the shower stall deep throat but Heidi's way to show her own tenderness. He let her play as she would, for as long as she liked. She achieve her goal when Allen dribbled a moderate, body tingling spasm of spunk onto her fluttering tongue behind her caressing lips. Heidi sucked one long and hard pull, drawing out any stragglers. She licked his groin completely; making sure Allen was clean of residue before returning to her pillow and the remainder of her slumber.

Dawn spilled into the room. The door swept open and Allen woke. Heidi was gone, completely this time, but Gretchen entered carrying a tray of coffee and croissants. "Sleep well?" she asked as she set the tray at bedside.

Allen stretched and yawned. Gretchen sat on the bed and handed him a cup before breaking a croissant and lathering on marmalade. She ate with him as he came fully out of his sleepy daze.

"Where's Heidi? Is she okay?" he asked.

"She's cleaning up the chalet downstairs, as agreed. Hilda is helping her. Those girls are nearly inseparable and work well as a team. Heidi is singing your praises to Hilda so she must be doing okay."

Gretchen traced a finger across Allen's chest, brushing his nipples as she smiled.

"Oh, but listen to me going on. You already know what great teamwork those girls can perform, don't you?"

Allen recalled his memorable shower and the sleep of exhaustion later. They really were a marvelous team. Allen drained his cup and munched the rest of the croissants.

Gretchen set the crumbs and dregs on the tray and leaned in to peck Allen's lips. "I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news but we must leave this morning. Your flight home takes-off this evening. After we drop off the twins at college, I will take you to the airport." Gretchen stayed face close waiting for his response.

Allen grumbled at the unwelcome reality. "I guess I should get cleaned up before we go."

Gretchen nodded and took the tray downstairs. Allen figured he was in for a lonely shower, if not a cold one. But in the bathroom, a naked Gretchen awaited him. She put him in the bubble bath tub and knelt outside, leaning in to sponge him everywhere. She shampooed his hair, massaging his scalp as he lay back and soaked. Gretchen was thorough and liberal with her efforts. Finding his cock, she stroked him lovingly as he squeezed and played with her generous dangling tits. Allen found it wonderfully relaxing, encased in warm sudsy water, being mildly caressed and fondling Gretchen. Allen groaned out a last spew as Gretchen brought him to his finale.


The car was packed and the chalet locked and secure. The sun was out; the snow beginning to melt. The lethargic lovers gave a last longing look around at the splendid view of the surrounding mountains and valley vista below. The ride down was uneventful.

Allen sat in the back with Hilda, Heidi riding shotgun and Gretchen driving. The girls were quieter now, chatting small talk, dispirited to be returned to spare dorm rooms and mediocre food. They would go back to fending off silly boys trying inanely to get into their pants. They had applied for transfers to larger schools but to no avail. They wanted a full life-skills education, including but going beyond the science of forests and fishes. Gretchen understood their disheartened demeanor from her own early experiences.

The sun was waning as they arrived at the small college. Heidi and Hilda said their goodbyes with cheek buzzes and boob pressing hugs and kisses. Allen watched their pert spandex covered asses sashay up the steps to the dorm. They waved one last time and disappeared inside.


Gretchen hugged Allen's arm as they strolled down the last concourse before the security scanners in Oslo Airport. It had been a wild and wonderful week, far surpassing their last year encounter in New York.

Allen loved playing the free-spirited games of cloistered nakedness with Gretchen. But he loathed the upcoming gauntlet of public semi-strip employed by the airport security personnel. He stutter-stepped... hesitated... halted. He thought of staying here, not returning to New York. But Gretchen was not his to keep. He knew she must have a busy datebook of other men's fantasies to fulfill.

Allen felt sad. Gretchen sensed his melancholy. She had seen this often at the end of her missions. The idea of leaving her melted even the toughest male ego. Gretchen felt blessed and honored to be so coveted but the partings were hard for her as well. She preferred to slip away early on the last morning, leaving her testosterone drained mates in bed asleep. She had done that to Allen in New York when she left the note from Allen's best client. He had been left with hope for the future.

Allen hung his head. Gretchen wanted to soothe his angst, give him hope again, like in New York.

"Will you dream of me?" she asked quietly.

Allen was already dreaming of her and he was still here in her arms. "I'll never get you out of my mind."

Gretchen cooed "I like that. You make me feel special. Hilda and Heidi: are you dreaming of them also?"

Allen couldn't shake the memory of the twins either and said so. Gretchen kissed him with affection then circled his neck in a hug. She whispered close to his ear her message of hope.

"Make another deal with your friend. He knows how to find me if he wants to reward you again."

One last kiss and Gretchen slipped out of Allen's arms and walked away, out of the airport and possibly out of his life... forever. Allen was determined to prevent that catastrophe. He intended to earn another rewarding week with Gretchen. He entered the security zone and faced the long trip home. He was already planning how to make bigger investment windfalls for his best client ever and earn his just, no... make that lust, rewards.

Herded onto the plane with the other passengers, he found his first class seat and settled in. The plane was nearly full with a few scattered empty seats. The stewardess was droning her preflight safety monologue. There was a minor commotion at the front door. Two platinum blonde bundles of excitement bounced in. It was Hilda and Heidi, still wearing the spandex body suits under mid-thigh sweater dresses to add some modesty. The flustered stewardess motioned them towards their empty first class seats, anxious to get the long flight buttoned up and in the air.

Heidi couldn't contain herself as she high-fived Hilda. "Hah! We made it just in time!"

Every man on the plane had his wide lecherous eyes fixed on the bubbly pair.

Hilda spotted a familiar face. It was attached to a familiar body, an intimately familiar body.

"Oh, Allen! Good news! We're going to America, too. Isn't that great!?"

Now every man on the plane had squinty jealous eyes fixed on Allen. He tried to be nonchalant and suave as he took a lingering sip of his drink, scratched his neck and felt a tremor in his groin.

Allen said a little too coolly "Yeah, that's great. What's the story?"

Hilda explained. "We found out at the dorm that we were accepted as scholarship transfer students to a special preparatory school, the Total Woman Academy. They booked us on this flight; so here we are."

Allen's face failed to conceal his resurgent hope and interest. He asked a little too brightly "Is that near New York City?"

Heidi chimed in. "We don't know. The location is a big secret or something. A man, I think his name is Ned, will meet us at the airport with a limousine and transfer us to the Junior facility. Maybe you could come visit us."

Allen sure wanted to but the path to glory can be convoluted. He needed to work things out with his best client ever; his client seemed to move in these mysterious circles. He had provided Allen with Gretchen's alluring charms...twice. Allen was sure his best client could find this Total Woman Academy. For all Allen knew, his best client might be a board member or pledge contributor or something. Allen would propose two rewards, a week with Gretchen and a holiday with Heidi and Hilda. His best client would know what to do and how to do it.

The plane rumbled down the runway, nosed up and mounted the wind for its gallop across the Atlantic Ocean. Allen settled back and closed his eyes. His lips smiled and his cock stiffened as he day-dreamed of Gretchen, Heidi and Hilda...and his possible chance to fuck them again.

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