Total Woman Vignettes 08


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As Barbara got closer to her target, she could see he hadn't shaved recently; stiff long stubble on his cheeks and chin. It spoke 'Bad Boy'. The butterflies in her stomach confessed her appeal to the 'Bad Boy' image.

She had to stand very close to him as she shouted over the revived dance din. "Hi" she yelled.

The man only tilted his ear towards her, unable to hear. Barbara stood on her tiptoes, compressing her stretch covered boobs against his torso, straining to get her lips near his ear. "Hi" she repeated.

The man kept his thumbs in his pockets as she stood down but not back, keeping the stressed cotton to cotton contact.

"Hi, yourself" he said pokerfaced, his head tilted down to look into her upturned face. Barbara pressed on.

"My friends and I have a table in the corner. Want to join us?"

"Sounds okay. Might be a little quieter."

She took his hand and led him to the back of the room, finding her friends waiting at the last booth along the wall, a round pedestal table centered within a semi-circular sofa. She introduced them, and then paused; she didn't know his name. He rescued her.

"My name is Ben. Pleased to meet you, Samantha and Lana." He turned to Barbara and asked "And you are...?"


Her friends scooted around and gestured Ben into the booth. They rearranged so that Ben and Barbara could sit between them with their backs to the wall. A scantily clad waitress took drink orders and returned with clear liquids in glasses, unadulterated by sweets and fruit flavors. The quartet imbibed and babbled. He paid particular attention to Barbara, looking into her eyes as she made a point or joke in the conversation. Ben slackened his reserve as he thawed in the presence of this trio of beauties.

Barbara was getting good vibes. She touched Ben's arm, flipped her hair, giggled at his jokes. Ben was paying more consideration to Barbara. Her friends perceived and supported his moves. Ben was Barbara's quarry and tonight they were wing-girls helping her out in any way they could.

Lana was telling Ben a funny anecdote. Barbara feigned mock interest by leaning in and holding her chin propped in one hand braced by an elbow on the table. Her other hand reached under the table and slid her palm across Ben's thigh, and then smoothly to his groin, rubbing his denim covered man-package. Ben never paused in his attentiveness to Lana. He calmly reached under the table, loosed his belt and unsnapped the jeans button. Barbara groped deftly for the zipper and pushed the brass tab downward. She felt for his boxer waist band only to find Ben commando like her. Her fingers wormed under and around his meat, drawing it out for study and stimulation. It was flaccid but still substantial in her petite hand.

Ben's undercover hand was now free for its own explorations. He slipped under Barbara's skirt, verifying his hunch from watching her dance; Barbara was not wearing panties. His fingers met warm dewiness inside the shaved cunt cover flaps. He began a gentle slide along her oily vulva, slow strokes with mixed pressure.

Ben trailed off his conversations with Lana and Sam, looking into Barbara's face. They impassively locked eyes, concentrating on getting and giving genital stimulation. The pair's changed mood and their flushing faces did not go unnoticed. Samantha peeked under the table and then cupped her hand for a whisper into Lana's ear. The unattached pair turned slightly away and shielded the table's view, acted as lookouts and guards for the coming action.

Ben wiggled his finger into Barbara's opening. Her concentration broke with a sigh. Ben seized the opportunity and captured her face in a kiss. Ben sucked intensely, a titillating treat, feeling his heartbeat pound his veins. Barbara gave a little moan, her reaction of approval. Ben ran his arm around Barbara's shoulder and wormed his and inside her stretchy bodysuit, palming her warm, spongy tit. He fondled the mass as he pulled her in for a deeper kiss.

Ben wanted more; Barbara was not about to object. He pulled her stretchy top out and down. Barbara didn't even glance around, trusting her friends to keep their vigil inside the crowded club.

Ben cupped and lifted the exposed boob, transferring his mouth to her nipple and sucking hard. Barbara circled her hand behind his head and held his suckling face against her tit. His tongue flicked her nub, his teeth nipped gently and he pulled with vacuum strength. Ben withdrew his lips for a quick moment of rest and respiration.

Barbara swayed her shoulders, swiping her nipple across Ben's cheeks as he worked to recapture the rosette. Needing a distraction to make her stay still, Ben shoved his finger deep in her cunt and wiggled it. Barbara froze, allowing Ben to reacquire his target. Sucking and wiggling, Ben heard Barbara inhale sharply. He searched with his finger pad and found the small bulge deep on her vaginal wall. He rubbed it, securing guttural moans from his mate. His spare hand cupped a bare ass cheek and gripped it hard.

That did it. Barbara gasped and froze, quaking in Ben's oral and manual grips. The orgasm electrified her nerves, constricting her throat until it didn't anymore, threatening to induce an outcry. Instead, Barbara bit her hand, stifling the perilous heads-up noise. When the hot rolls ebbed and the danger of discovery abated, Barbara laid her head against Ben's chest, letting her breathing slow. He let his finger rotate gently deep inside her, holding Barbara in an extended dwindling ecstasy.

Barbara recovered her wits. Ben used his sticky hand to tilt her chin up and kissed her. He smelled her musk and watched her eyes clear. She was still holding his rigid cock in her hand. She gave it a small stroke and wiggle. When Barbara arched her eyebrows and curled her lips in a questioning smile, Ben leaned to her ear and coolly commanded "Suck it!"

Ben's statement sounded abrupt in her post orgasmic bliss but not unwarranted. It was his turn and he had declared his preference. Barbara was honor bound to reward his work. Without hesitation, she extricated her heated half nude body from his embrace and slithered beneath the table. The limits of her new surroundings included Ben's noble erection on one side and her friends' heel clad legs screening the open end of the booth.

Above, Ben laid an arm casually across the back of the booth and fingered his drink, scanning the not so distant dance floor, appearing as if nonchalantly awaiting Barbara's return from the powder room.

Below, Barbara opened Ben's pants wider and extricated his foreplay stiffened cock. It looked to be just her size; long and fat, mouthwatering and mouth filling. She was motivated by the mild challenge and the fortuitous chance to get the right kind of practice.

Barbara licked Ben's tubular meat, tasting his musk and lubricating the rod. She tongue tipped his cock tip, then slid her flat lingual surface all around the knob. Ben gave a little jump when she did that; Barbara figured that must either feel good or bad but Ben's was at least sensing her efforts. He widened his leg stance, inviting her in closer for more, providing better access. Barbara took the cue and complied.

She knelt up, bumping her head against the table, rippling Ben's drink and giving Samantha and Lana a start. Lana casually peeked under the table, pretending to retrieve something she dropped. Lana saw Barbara cover Ben's engorged tip with her lips and smoothly descend all the way in one slow stroke. Coming topside, she saw Ben's eyes go wide, then squint shut and heard his audible moan. Lana snickered and cupped Sam's ear. The girls backed and giggled, hands covering their mouths. This was prime time for Barbara and they wanted to be good 'wing-girls'. They resumed their watch for intruders.

Barbara went to work. She stroked long, intermittently seating Ben in her throat, swallowing, using her tongue on the shaft, holding still for deep powerful sucks of the knob in her mouth. She varied the rhythms but not exceedingly, giving Ben a full measure of time for any one technique. Time, however, was something beginning to fade away.

Two boys approached the table. They asked Samantha and Lana to dance. Sam and Lana simultaneously turned to Ben for guidance. Ben was getting well along and really didn't want an audience right now. He waved backhanded and said, a little hoarsely, "Yeah, it's okay. Go ahead." Lana and Sam stood and left, asses sashaying with the boys to the dance floor. Barbara noted increased illumination in her space and heard the pair depart. It was time to get this over with before a casual passerby took note of the undercover activity.

Barbara employed her best deep throat, plunging, suckling, swallowing, hard suction. She felt Ben grow thicker in her mouth, heard his massive inhale and felt his semen pulse up his tube as he stifled an exhaled long, low moan. His first hot torrent hit the back of her throat. Barbara backed off and took the remaining ropes on her tongue, swiping the under V with tickling flutters.

Ben lost vigilance of his surroundings but it hardly mattered. If anyone approached, he was completely powerless to say or do anything as the sparks skittered around his locked groin, legs and stomach. As his muscles relaxed their tension, his throat unclenched and he moved his drink hand under the table to pet and caress Barbara's scalp as she slowed her moves and cradle his waning erection in her wet, warm mouth.

Barbara let Ben's erection slide out of her mouth and rearranged him in his pants, carefully swaddling Ben in his clothes again. She slithered up beside him, tit still exposed. He was a gentleman and helped her by pulling her top over the generous globe, caressing her full breasts under the stretchy fabric as he planted a loving kiss on her face.

"Wanna dance?" he asked her.

"Yes" she softly nodded.

They swung out of the booth and entered the dance floor. Lana and Samantha had surreptitiously watched the action from afar as they danced with their fellas. After two songs, Ben held her close enough that he could speak in Barbara's ear above the crowd and music noise.

"It was a pleasure meeting you. I have to go now." He slipped a folded piece of paper into her cleavage.

Ben squeezed Barbara's hand as he slid away through the crowd and out the dance club's front door. Barbara watched him go. Lana and Sam came to her side and bubbled with questions.

"Was it good... is he coming back... did you get his number... did you make him promise to call?'

Barbara shrugged nonchalantly and said, "Naw, he's not my type."


A few days later, Barbara called Ben's number. She discovered that Ben had really given her the number of his friend, an animal caretaker for the City Zoo's large mammal exhibit. Having discovered Barbara's penchant for extensive breeding exercises, Ben had handed her off to his friend Brian, an expert at mammal mating rituals. Ben had briefed Brian about her interests. Brian explained over the phone that maybe he could help Barbara uncover new techniques from his unusual studies. Barbara agreed to look him up that same day.

Barbara strolled the pathways through the City Zoo. There were few patrons out this summer afternoon, retreating from the hot sun's assault. Barbara found the Large Mammal Hall with its huge barn like shelter and surrounding animal corrals. She was early. She wandered the perimeter fence, reading the various placards detailing the lives and times of each particular caged species. Many of the animals were sleeping in the shaded areas of their pens. It was a lazy Dog Day summer afternoon for all.

Brian met Barbara in the main atrium and led her to a door marked 'Authorized Personnel Only'. She followed him through the back areas of the exhibit. A hallway was lined with a few cluttered offices and some laboratory looking spaces. They went upstairs to a private staff-only balcony overlooking the Atrium and the various displays. A few weary adults shuffled the perimeter while some rambunctious children darted back and forth across the open center space to see whatever caught their momentary fancy. Barbara leaned on the rail, a casual observer to the scene below.

Brian leaned next to her and led the conversation towards the point in question.

"Did you see the placards on the fences outside?"

"Yeah, I read most of them."

"Did you notice each had a line or paragraph at the bottom noting unique or peculiar mating habits?"


Brian proudly said, "Well, those are my contributions to our patrons, a little erudition for the adults and adolescents." Barbara silently watched the people moving below.

Brian continued. "For instance, when a male elephant is interested in a female, he will lay his trunk over her shoulders. If she is willing, she will move to place her hindquarters towards him and let him spell her vaginal scent." Brian laid his arm gently across Barbara's shoulders. He waited for a sign; Barbara signaled her willingness by brushing her hip against Brian's.

"When chimpanzees want to mate, the female will suspend from low branches, brace her legs apart and let the male approach her from the rear."

Barbara reached up and grasped handholds in the wrought iron safety lattice above the balcony rail. She inched her low heels apart and backward, leaning forward. Brian moved to stand close behind her. Barbara heard his zipper open. Brian slid her dress above her hips. His hard prick bumped up against her bare cunt lips as he edged his bare groin against her bare ass.

"The rhinoceros has a horn that is twelve inches long and almost the same circumference at the base." Brian snickered "But my horn isn't quite that big. Here, let me show you."

Brian pushed forward and sank the first of his six-inches into Barbara's cunt. She was warm, wet and willing. He jabbed at her until his cock was fully buried and tested it's slickness with a few long strokes.

"Only the human male seems obsessed with the females' breasts and nipples as sexual stimuli. That goes something like this."

Brian unbuttoned Barbara's dress front and slipped his hands inside. Brian worked her nipples into aroused points. Barbara was titillated by the sensations. The loosened panels hung close enough to cover the actual areolas but Brian's burrowing hands would be evident to anyone who might peer upward in their direction. She bit her lip to stifle any ear-catching sound.

Brian murmured to Barbara. "The male lion will hold the female in place by biting down on her neck, threatening pain from his incisors if she tries to escape his grasp."

Brian nipped at her ear then placed a full mouth jaw hold on the back of Barbara's neck. Barbara was now suspended by her hands, braced on toes, encircled by Brian's arms and twittering fingers and held by his bite... in free view of any who happened to look their way.

Brian started with slow strokes but quickly picked up the pace. Barbara tried to brace tight so that her jittering motions on the balcony would go unnoticed. She was unsuccessful. Just as Brian peaked, grunted and splashed her womb with sperm, a child looked up, pointed and said "Mommy, look!"

All the Mommies looked... and the Daddies... and the sons... and the daughters. Barbara head was stretched tall like a giraffe, panting open mouthed as Brian pumped his last few strokes into her. Brian managed not to hurt Barbara but did clamp down on her neck when he came and she shook her head trying to ease the grip. Everyone below stood transfixed by the sight. Barbara closed her eyes, mimicking an ostrich that thinks he is unseen if he can't see.

Brian's post orgasmic bliss and glow would not let him release Barbara and she was on display for what seemed an eternity, each micro-second of awkwardness furthering the redness coloring her chest and face. Luckily, she was from elsewhere in the big city and probably not known by anyone below.

Brian unwound his hands from Barbara's torso so Barbara could refasten her top. He turned away to fasten his own pants. Brian guided Barbara away from the rail and waved a smile to the folks below like a cop breaking up a disturbance.

"Show's over, folks. Go on about your business."

Brian hurried Barbara down the stairs and through a back exit so she would not have to mingle with the crowds wandering home out the City Zoo's main entrance. He kissed her lightly and said "You know where to find me for more lessons."

Barbara walked away just as her cell beeped a message. It was from Total Woman Security. Krista texted Barbara that time slots were available Thursday morning for a rescheduled practicum if Barbara was still interested.

Barbara thought 'Perfect!' She could get some final tune up from Eddie's friends on Wednesday night and be in tip-top shape to ace her practicum this time. She marveled at how well things in her life had fallen into place. This sure was a friendly city.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Bhuff was reading your 9/22/22 contribution and Lit recommended Total Woman Security under the similar stories tag. How the heck did I miss those? All were great but this associated vignette is an all-timer given the content and fact you followed up with Barbara.

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