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Simmons nodded and closed her eyes, relaxing back into the bed, her head sinking into the pillows. Lindsey, somewhat regretfully, drew back from the intriguing breast and concentrated on Jen's arms and shoulders. She varied pressure, from soft, fleeting caresses to deeper massaging, occasionally dragging her hair or lips over an area if she got a strong reaction to her fingers. Sweat beaded on Jen's forehead, and she was unconsciously chewing her lower lip. If sexy could ever be encapsulated in an expression, Lindsey was sure that was it.

Lindsey hesitated, screwed up her courage and leaned in close, letting her hair brush the nape of Jen's neck and gently kissed her lips. Jen's lips parted and Lindsey ran her tongue along them, savoring the softness of them. As the kiss deepened the young woman traced her fingers down, skirting the small domes of her partner's breasts and lightly scraping over her ribs to her hip.

Jen moaned into her mouth, which was unexpected. It was also arousing, and she felt her own body beginning to come to life. She could feel her heartbeat rising and the tightness in her chest. She felt her skin prickling, her nipples hardening and her pussy beginning to lubricate. None of these sensations were new, but they seemed to have a greater importance than they had in her previous experiences. In some ways, everything about this was new and exciting, she mused.

Simmons was still weak, but her tongue was alive and active, pushing against Lindsey's and exploring her mouth. It would have been very easy to just give in and let the more experience woman take charge, but Lindsey resisted the temptation. She decided she wanted to win back the initiative, so she flattened her hand and moved it over Jen's thigh and down the inside of it, towards her knee. The blonde started and shuddered as Lindsey's hand moved over her skin.

Lindsey broke the kiss, and worked her way down Simmons's body, raining soft kisses on her chin, neck and chest. The blonde bit back cries of pleasure, doing her best not to alert the nurses that anything was amiss, but as Lindsey began to kiss and caress her breasts, the noises became louder.

"Shhh," Lindsey admonished.

"I'm trying, god, you have no idea how that feels!"

Lindsey lowered her head and began to kiss and lick along the inside of Jen's breasts, working through the valley and up the slopes, until she eventually captured a nipple in her mouth. Lindsey sucked gently and teased the stiff nipple with her tongue. Jen sighed happily and was obviously enjoying it, but Lindsey noticed something incongruous. The blonde had responded much more strongly to stimulation of her arms than she was to stimulation of her nipple. Realizing that the stimulation of her skin transcended mere sexual gratification, Lindsey stood and removed her simple dress. She was naked beneath it and as Jen watched, Lindsey climbed into the bed, settling on top of the supine woman's body.

She began to slide her body along Jen's, rising to her knees, then pushing back, until she was pressed tightly to Jen. The blonde gasped, groaned, and eventually began to cry. When Lindsey noticed she stopped.

"Are you all right?"

"Yes. I'm fine. I'm....I'm sorry, I just can't stop them."

"Are you upset?"

"No! Not at all. I'm just so glad you came. I feel...alive again, connected...I guess I'm not making any sense at all, am I?" she said with a small frown.

"No, you're making perfect sense. All I wanted, when I got out, was human contact. I...hoped this would be what you needed."

"It is," Jen said, wrapping her arms around Lindsey and hugging her tightly.

"I'm glad, because I really didn't know what to do next," Lindsey admitted.

"Well, I'll be fine if you just stay the night with me."

"I thought I would be fine with that, but I find I want to..." she replied, her voice trailing off.

"Get it on?" Jen asked with a crooked grin.

Lindsey just blushed and nodded. Jen smiled, and gently caressed her cheek.

"Well, I'm up for anything, what would you like to try?"

"I don't know. Anything? Everything? This just isn't going like I had imagined it would."

"What did you imagine?"

"I don't know. It was just...easy?"

Jen laughed again and looked deeply into Lindsey's eyes. The smaller girl saw amusement in those eyes, but it was the gentle kind, neither derisive nor condescending.

"What do you really want, kiddo?"

The question caught her off guard. She realized she had really tried to fit Jen into a stereotype. She realized, too, this woman was like no other person she had ever met. There was no façade through which she would have to fight to find the real person. Jen wore her emotions on her sleeve, and apparently felt no need to hide her real self away. Lindsey only wished she had that much confidence. Jen's confidence, however, gave her courage, and so she spoke plainly of what she hoped for, without the reservation she usually kept.

"I want someone to need me. To love me, and protect me, and to build something with me. I want a quiet life, with simple pleasures and without strife. I want to live the years I have left and share them with someone. Someone I can love, and who loves me back."

Jen seemed taken aback, but her smile remained.

"Tall order. And here I was thinking you just wanted some pussy."

Lindsey had to laugh, as the words were so obviously meant to get a laugh.

"You asked what I wanted, not what I would settle for," she said, matching the tone Jen had used. . Jens face turned serious then. Lindsey felt herself blush, but didn't turn away as Jen's eyes searched hers.

"I'd like to give you a lot more. I'm getting too old for this. This last time, it started before I even had the suit on. If I go back, I'll probably find a way, even if I break the catches on the shuttle down. But I can't offer you picket fences and flowers. I've got nothing to offer, except myself."

"I've got some money. Not a fortune, but easily enough for us to find a quiet place on some backwater world."

"Like horses?"

"I've never seen a real one, why?"

"There's a little world called Grable's world. All they do there is raise food. Lots of agriculture. Lots of cattle. I hid out there for a year. It's peaceful and provincial, and you never see a TA officer. Lots of cheap land, and with a few thousand to put in up front, we could probably make it raising horses for the local cowboys."

"I didn't even know people still used horses," Lindsey said in wonder.

"Sure they do. More than they use VTOLs and trucks. It's just a matter of finding the right place and the right woman."

"I'm not sure if I'm the right woman, but I'd be willing to try it."

"You're the right one."

"I'm glad you're sure."

"I am. I've been thinking of you ever since you left. Just never expected you to come back for me," Jen said quietly.

"I took the long road," she said ruefully.

"We all do honey. We all do."

"So now what?" Lindsey asked, to hide her embarrassment.

"Well, comes back to what you want. I'm easy, just the feeling of your skin on mine is beyond anything I could have hoped for."

"I'd like to make you feel good. I guess I should tell you some things though..."

Jen placed a finger on her lips, and Lindsey fell silent.

"You've done some things you aren't proud of. So have I. I don't need to know what they are. In your own time, you'll tell me. In my own time, I'll tell you. Right now, I just want to feel you and make love to you. You seem lost, so just do as I tell you. We'll work it all out later."

"You always seem to know just what to say," Lindsey observed. "No, too many times I haven't known what to say. There were times saying "I love you" would have made a difference, but I've never been able to say it," Jen said in a solemn voice.

"Too deep for me," Lindsey joked.

"Me too. Too full of myself. Let's lighten this up," she said with a self-depreciating smile.

Impulsively, Lindsey kissed her. Their tongues pushed and slid against each other, and the heavy mood seemed to abate. Lindsey well knew she would have to come back to it, as did Jen, but for the time being, they both let the deeper things go and just enjoyed the physical closeness. Lindsey poured herself into that kiss, all of her hopes and fears and energy. Her very being.

"Wow," Jen said when the kiss broke.

"Okay, so now what?" Lindsey asked.

"Well, It's a little advanced, but I'm not going to be happy if you're just giving and I get the feeling you won't be happy if it was just me doing the giving. Sound about right?"

"I'm with you so far," Lindsey replied, lowering her head to Jen's breasts and sucking gently on her nipple.

"Hey! Cut that out."

"I can listen and do this," Lindsey said with a grin.

"Yeah, but I can't think when you're doing that, much less talk."

"Oh, all right," she replied melodramatically.

Jen laughed and stroked Lindsey's cheek.

"I need you to turn around, put your knees on the pillows."


"Yeah. I thought you had never been with a woman?"

"Sixty-nine isn't ladies only," Lindsey said, as she maneuvered her body into position.

"Maybe not, but I promise you'll never think of it the same way," Jen replied.

As her body settled on Jen's the blonde spread her legs as widely as the hospital bed would allow. Lindsey gasped when she felt Jen's hands gently pry her lips apart. At the first searing contact of her velvety soft tongue, the petite girl jumped. Jen seemed to take no notice, her agile tongue gently, but maddeningly teasing. As the sensation flowed, Lindsey moaned softly. She could tell Jen knew what she was doing to a much greater degree than any of her previous partners.

Not wishing to be left behind, she curled her arms around Jen's thighs and used her fingertips to gently open her lover's sex. Jen's pussy was plump, with delicate pink lips that felt like velvet and was a slightly darker shade of pink inside. Lindsey could smell Jen's arousal, a clean but strong musk. She could see the gathered cream, which gave a pearly luster to Jen's inner folds.

Lindsey wrinkled her nose, and then closed her eyes and started to lap at Jen's sex. At first, there was little flavor as her tongue was simply grazing the slick flesh. As she deepened her strokes and increased the pressure, she began to taste Jen's nectar. It was thick, more a texture than a flavor, and far less overpowering than a man. Lindsey gave up on trying to define it; she just relaxed and started to bear down where her attentions provoked the most response from her lover.

Before long, she had to really concentrate just to keep going. Jen's tongue was producing the most outrageous pleasure, concentrating on her clitoral area with feathery soft flicks. When the older woman slowly introduced a finger into Lindsey's passage it was all she could do to keep from crying out.

Jen sawed it in and out very slowly, providing a severe contrast to the maddeningly swift and fleeting caress of her tongue. Lindsey redoubled her efforts, zeroing in on Jen's clit, which was now exposed. Both were moaning and shuddering as their separate orgasms built.

Jen came first, her body going rigid and then shuddering. Lindsey had never felt such delicious writhing beneath her. It was doubly wonderful, because she knew she had brought Jen this pleasure. She was responsible for it. She had brought pleasure to others before, but never had it meant so much.

She had very little time to marvel at this, because her own body convulsed even as Jen's orgasm faded. Thick, heady blasts of pure bliss radiated outward from her pussy, suffusing her body and inundating her mind. She felt like a swimmer fighting a rip tide. The pulses came, one upon the other, and with each her sense of self seemed to diminish, drowning in an overall euphoria that was both comfortable and exciting at once.

When she became aware of her surroundings again, Jen was still giving her pleasure and she found she was still doing the same. For a long, timeless period, they continued, as if each was wholly devoted to driving the other to the very brink of sanity. Her orgasms came and went, enjoyed fully, but in a strange way almost unnoticed. Much like the sips of wine during a fine meal, they were neither essential nor frivolous, but simply an integral part of the overall experience.

Jen gave out first, having expended all of her meager reserves of stamina. Lindsey ruefully stopped, reversed herself and curled up in Jen's arms. They both slept soundly until an irate nurse found them, and shooed Lindsey out with a finger wagging lecture.


"So, you're an item now?" Cahill asked as he knocked back his drink.

"Yeah, I'm finally going to settle down and stop worrying you to death," Jen said.

"I find that hard to believe."

"Trust me, She'll be too busy to get into trouble," Lindsey interjected. "Now, that's a case of the blind leading the blind," Cahill laughed.

They both joined in. And for a short while, they all just drank and talked about nothing.

The Pa called, "Now hear this. Now hear this. This is the final boarding call for Shuttle 2120. All passengers please make your way to the departure deck. That is all."

"Guess we better go," Jen said.

"Where y'all heading?" Cahill asked as he rose and walked them to the departure area.

"Grable's world," Jen said.

"Never heard of it."

"Good. Let's hope no one else has," Lindsey said.

"Seriously, keep in touch," he said as they reached the boarding area.

"We will," Jen said, giving him a hug and flashing Lindsey a surrepticious smile.

Lindsey gave him one too and they boarded the shuttle. They found a seat in the back, and well before the actual departure, Jen was asleep with her head in Lindsey's lap. It would be a long trip to Folley's world. And over a year from there to Grable's. At one time such spans of time and distance would have intimidated her, but no longer. She gently stroked the hair of the woman asleep in her lap.

Four days locked in an environment suit had changed her world. Four days and one woman's love. One woman's touch.

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FranziskaSissyFranziskaSissy4 months ago

16 years, CT Thankfully you left us this heritage and this profile full off wonderful creative ART work

Yes this tale was another extraordinary one, just three pages but worth 1000 pages and so five stars are not enough

Hopefully you will be able to recognize all those comments and compliments for your work

Namaste lovely soul 💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝✨🌸☘️

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

It's so hard to believe you've been gone for sixteen years, Colly Thomas. Your stories... *this* story ...will never age out. This is such a wonderful demonstration of the crafts of writing, and storytelling, and creative imagination (and yes, each of those is a craft) that it ought to be required reading for college level creative writing courses.

oldpantythiefoldpantythiefover 3 years ago

I like reading Si-Fi and this is one of the best, short, but the best I've read in a long time. Very glad I stumbled upon it. There is so much feeling, no pun intended, in the story that I was almost holding my breath while reading it. Loved the happy ending.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Brillian t story

I just love your sci fi stories think they are brillian t. Well thought out with a goopd plot and just the rigbtj amoun t of Sex

Thank you, look forward to more

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
R.I.P Colleen

R.I.P you are such a great author..i'll miss your work..

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