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"Don't you think your husband is going to have a problem with this?" Kirby asked.

"No," she simply replied.

"No?" Kirby repeated.

"Towarzysz is my right," Lydia replied, her face showing no hint of concern. "He will respect that."

"I'm sorry, I can't believe that," Kirby countered. "You can't tell me that, just because of some custom in the old country, he..."

"Eduard was once Towarzysz," Lydia interrupted, "before we married.

"Oh shit," Kirby exclaimed, that possibility never having occurred to him.

"Now, no more talk," Lydia said as she took two steps closer to him, bringing the two of them close enough for Kirby to smell the arousal of her body. "It is time for you to decide."

'This has to be a dream,' Kirby thought as he looked deep into Lydia's eyes and saw the passion reflected within them as he made up his mind, 'but if it is, I hope I don't wake up in the middle of it.'


Unlike the kitchen and living room, the small bedroom in the front of the apartment hadn't been left completely empty. It didn't have a bed, but it did have an old Naugahyde couch from when the previous tenants had used it as a sitting room. It was there that Lydia led Kirby.

Gone were the blinds and curtains that once shielded the two windows from outside view, so neither of them reached for the wall switch that controlled the ceiling light. Not that they needed it because, between the ambient glow of the full moon and that of the streetlights below, there was enough light to see what needed to be seen.

Lydia sat Kirby on one end of the couch, then set herself down on the other, taking both his hands in hers as she ran her fingers back and forth over them.

"You are nervous," she noted.

"A little, I guess," Kirby admitted.

"You have not been with woman before?" Lydia asked.

"No, I mean yes," Kirby reflexively answered, then hesitantly clarified his response. "I mean, I've been with girls, but I've never actually, well, I've never actually gone all the way."

"You are very handsome," Lydia said, squeezing his hands softly.

Kirby felt he should say something in reply, but was uncertain what that should be. With the rare exception, he'd never thought of women Lydia's age as beautiful, yet, now that she looked at her with different eyes, he could see much of the beauty that she undoubtably held at his age. As he had noted before, the woman holding his hands didn't wear makeup and she looked all the better for not doing so. There was a character in her face, one that transcended traditional norms of what most men considered attractive, one that would, he imagined, still be there a decade hence.

"I think you look very nice too," he stammered, cursing himself the moment he'd done so for not coming up with anything better.

Lydia didn't seem to mind as, pulling him closer, she brought her hands up to the sides of his face and kissed him softly. Her lips only touched his for a few moments, but it was long enough for their softness to send a spark cascading through him.

"You enjoyed that, yes?" Lydia asked.

Not waiting for an answer, she kissed him again, this time the kiss lasting twice as long. A third followed, and as they came together, Kirby could feel her tongue slide between his lips and into his mouth. That tiny spark only moments before began to intensify as he surrendered to her sweet invasion.

If you'd asked Kirby only a week before what it would be like to kiss a middle-aged woman, he doubtless would've given the same answer as most of his friends -- that just wasn't something they would ever do. Yet now, in the heat of the moment, the teenager found it filled him with an excitement he never before imagined.

Even with the aftertaste of the strong beer they'd shared still noticeable, Lydia's mouth tasted as sweet as that of any girl that Kirby had ever kissed. Her tongue swirled deep in his mouth, curling along the length of his own as he tried to match the fervor of her thrust.

Further kisses followed, quickly growing too numerous to count and every one fueled with increasing desire. Lydia pulled Kirby even closer, encouraging him to explore the rest of her with his hands.

Starting at the side of her face, Kirby ran the tips of his fingers down across her cheek, continuing onward to her arm and then moved onto the small of her back. Tentatively, he dropped his hand further down, caressing the cheeks of her ass for a long breath before working his way back upward. Then he again shifted direction, sliding first across her waist, and then along the underside of her breasts.

Their mouths still intertwined, Lydia moaned softly at his touch, pressing her body hard against his. As their lips parted, Kirby took her hands in his and lifted her to her feet, wrapping his arms around her as she did the same to him. Then, their mouths came together once more, with kisses even more intoxicating that those that had preceded them.

Standing on their feet allowed them to more fully explore the other. Kirby slipped one arm around her upper back, holding her close as his other again slipped around to her ass, this time gaining enough traction against her dress to slide it upward, exposing the undergarment beneath. Sliding his fingers under the bottom edges, he pressed them against the naked flesh of her cheeks -- the excitement of the touch racing through him.

An excitement shared by Lydia as her own hand glided down across his chest, moving to below his waist where it came to rest against the quite visible hardness in his thin shorts. She squeezed it softly, brushing her fingers against its length and width, finding both more than satisfactory.

"You have man's cock," Lydia said in the brief pause between kisses.

Even though he would never admit to having done so, Kirby, like most guys his age, had at one time or another surreptitiously compared his cock to those of his friends, in the locker rooms or gym showers. There was always that question of how you measured up. Lydia's four-word validation now settled that concern once and for all.

Long minutes passed as they continued to kiss, making out like only months separated them rather than decades. Kirby had kissed plenty of girls, but this was the first time, he realized, that he had ever kissed a woman.

Lydia slipped both her hands under Kirby's shirt, running her outstretched fingers back and forth across his lightly haired chest. Then, slipping them back out, she grabbed the bottom edge of the material and, pulling it upward, slid his shirt off him.

Before the discarded top could even hit the floor, her hands were back on him, running across his well-defined chest, the tips of her fingers caressing his small nipples, bringing them to an unaccustomed harness. Then, in a surprising move, at least to him, she leaned inward and kissed each of them, the tip of her tongue playing with first one, then the other.

Kirby barely had time to react before Lydia did something even more unexpected. With a powerful show of strength that he wouldn't have imagined, she shoved the younger man back down onto the couch, causing him to bounce against the soft cushions. Then, just as quickly, Lydia was on top of him, pressing her body against his as she again recaptured his mouth. At the same time, one hand vigorously stroked his chest while the other just as eagerly move down between his legs.

Her mouth moved down his neck, leaving a trail of kisses and soft love bites as she made her way back to his right nipple. There she extended her tongue and caressed it to a rigid hardness before slipping it between her lips.

Kirby moaned with pleasure, never imagining that a girl could do something like that. Then he again reminded himself that he wasn't dealing with a girl, he was dealing with a woman -- and a very experienced one at that.

Lydia continued to play with his chest, alternating the touch of her hand with that of her mouth. She moved back and forth between his pecs, caressing his flesh until it was on fire. Then she lifted herself back up into a sitting position, allowing Kirby to follow her as, after kissing her yet again, he undid the front zipper of her housedress and loosened the draw string, proceeded to lift it off of her.

In his mind he had done this at least a hundred times, but none of those imaginary sessions had really prepared him for the thrill of actually undressing a real woman. His eyes widened as, illuminated by the light through the open window, more and more of her body became exposed.

As the simple smock fell to the floor next to the couch, Kirby took in the plain white bra and panties Lydia had worn beneath it. They were hardly reminiscent of the outfits found in the lingerie catalogues guys passed around, but at that moment the teenager thought they were the most erotic things that he had ever seen.

They traded kisses as again Lydia took control. Standing Kirby back up, she lowered herself and kissed the center of his chest, slowing moving downward as her tongue left a wet trail in its wake. At the same time, her fingers slipped under the elastic waistband of his shorts and ever so slowly, pulled them down, taking care to slip them over the hardness pressing against them.

His erect hardness had barely come into view before Lydia wrapped her right hand around the base of it, Then, in a single fluid motion, she guided it into her mouth, taking more than half its length deep inside her.

The cry of joy that echoed from Kirby's lips was a combination of surprise and delight. All the guys talked about blow jobs, a few even claimed to have gotten one, but most of those claims were usually taken with a healthy dose of skepticism. The girl involved was always someone none of them knew, and the circumstances even more doubtful.

In fact, the only guy that had unquestionably gotten his cock sucked was Joey Douglas. He'd been his older brother's best man last spring and, at the bachelor party, two exotic dancers had put on a show and more. Toward the end of the night, they took Joey and the groom behind a pair of Chinese screens where, hidden behind the translucent material, each woman had gone down on their respective partner. Only their outlines were visible to the envious observers, but that had been enough for all to see what was happening.

'This is unbelievable,' Kirby thought as Lydia slid his cock in and out of her mouth, her hand pumping it as fast as she could.

Her mouth seemed to be everywhere at once, her tongue tickling his sensitive flesh with abandon, its tip rolling from the underside of his balls all the way up to the crown. He could now understand why guys talked about blow jobs so much, and the power girls who did give them held over their guys.

Lydia's eyes tightly closed as she took him deeper, until his hardness caressed the back of her throat. Her hand soon became a blur, moving too fast for Kirby to follow. So too were the ripples of delight dancing across his body, radiating outward from his cock to reach every inch of his body. It had all become a continuous feeling of euphoria, one that he knew couldn't last much longer.

Almost without exception, every one of those guys who'd claimed to have gotten head had also claimed to have shot their load into the girl doing it. Joey, however, had shared the fact that the dancer had seemed to know just when he was about to explode and had withdrawn his cock from her mouth just before he did so, letting the results of her effort splash against her bare breasts instead.

Kirby wondered if he should warn Lydia that he had reached the limit of his self-control, but then thought better of it, since he was sure a woman of her experience would already know that. If he was thinking more clearly, he would've realized that he was justifying the fact that he really did want to come in her mouth. As it happened, however, so did Lydia, as she showed a few seconds later, tightening her grip on his cock and, once more taking his full length, held it there.

"Arrrggg," Kirby groaned loudly as he felt himself explode in what had to be the most intense orgasm he'd ever had.

A climax that Lydia seemed intent on capturing every drop of as she swallowed every burst that spurted from his cock. She continued to suck and pump his cock past the point that Kirby had any more to give, only releasing her hold when it began to grow soft in her mouth.

"Was good?" she asked as, still on her knees, she looked up at Kirby.

"It was fantastic," Kirby replied, still trying to take in the fact that it had really just happened.

Rising to her feet, Lydia kissed Kirby passionately, her tongue, still covered with the remnants of his climax, pressing deep into his mouth. Preoccupied in meeting her kiss, the young man didn't even react to the unexpected taste.

"Now, you do for me," Lydia said after breaking the kiss.

For a moment, Kirby thought that she now expected him to fuck her. A request that, while he wholeheartedly looked forward to it, was one he knew wasn't going to be immediately forthcoming. A realization affirmed by a brief glance at his now semi-limp cock. Kirby knew that, on a good night, and this had to be the best one he could remember, he could go it two or even three times. But not without at least a brief respite in between. His disappointment in not being able to immediately grant her desire reflected on his face.

But Kirby needn't have worried, because Lydia knew all too well that he needed at least a brief interval to recover and had something else in mind while he did so. She again took him in hand and led him back toward the couch. Once there, she released her hold and climbed onto the center cushion, lifting first her left leg and then her right onto it as well, spreading them both as wide as possible. It finally dawned on Kirby that she wasn't expecting him to use his cock -- at least not yet.

'Shit!' Kirby thought as he realized that it was his mouth that she wanted down between her legs, just as she had done for him.

It was no secret that most guys in the neighborhood thought going down on any girl was the most disgusting thing they could imagine. In fact, the only thing more gross, they all agreed, was for a guy to do it to another guy. But it was perfectly okay, if not expected, for girls to do it for them. Privately, Kirby thought the belief absurd. Not the part about doing it with another guy, of course, but the expectation that girls should do it for you but you should never do it for them in return. He'd long ago decided that, if he was ever lucky enough to find a girl that was willing to give him a blow job, then he should at least return the favor if she so desired.

And it was clearly obvious that was exactly what Lydia craved.

The clouds that had earlier partially obscured the full moon had now totally cleared, allowing Kirby to more fully take in the scantily clad woman spread out before him. In truth, her body little resembled the models in the lingerie magazines that sometimes got passed around, yet neither did it look much like that of the other women her age that he encountered around the neighborhood. Most of them had put on extra weight with maturity and a more sedentary lifestyle. In Lydia's case, however, that hadn't been the case. Any extra poundage was clearly muscle, not fat, the results of decades of physical work -- which was how she had been able to so effortlessly toss the younger man onto the couch earlier. An aggressive action which, much to his surprise, had filled Kirby with an excited rush. He couldn't imagine any girl he knew doing anything similar.

As she had climbed onto the couch, Lydia had slipped off the slipper-like shoes she'd been wearing, an example that Kirby followed with his own loosely tied sneakers. Now totally naked, he knelt on the floor between the older woman's legs and reached upward, undoing the clasp between the hemispheres of her bra. Not that he would ever admit to it, he'd often practiced doing so on one of his older sister's bras, covertly borrowed from the laundry hamper. In fact, until he'd come across one in the wash, Kirby never even knew that some opened from the front.

As the material fell loose, Lydia took hold of its slack straps and slipped them off her arms, allowing the undergarment to slide off her body, exposing her breasts.

Kirby's eyes widened in surprise at the sight of her well-proportioned mounds, finding them larger than he'd thought they'd be. Unable to restrain himself, not that Lydia expected him to in any way, he reached forward with both hands, cupping her firm, rounded globes. Instinctively, his thumbs rolled over the large, dark pink nipples that capped each of them, marveling at both their hardness and the softness of the flesh around them. Flesh amazingly warm.

Bringing his head closer, Kirby kissed each nipple, closing his lips around them as he ran his tongue back and forth. He emulated the motions that the more experienced woman had demonstrated on him, pleased as he felt her body react.

"You do nice," Lydia offered, her arms back over her head as she pressed her chest forward.

Like a hungry babe with a bottle, Kirby sucked Lydia's nipples into his mouth, again squeezing the soft flesh around them as he moved from one to the other. Lydia encouraged him with soft moans as her own tongue ran along her upper lip. The teenager continued to feast on her bounty for long minutes, then ever so slowly began to kiss his way down across her stomach.

Reaching her panties, he noted the damp stain in the center, a reflection of the effect he was having on her. Then, taking hold of the sides, he tugged down on the simple underwear, only to find that taking them off wasn't as easy as he thought it would be. The solution was simple enough as, lifting her ass just an inch off the cushions, Lydia made it possible for him to slide them the rest of the way.

Kirby had never even seen so much as a photograph of a woman's sex, at least not one taken from as close as he was now. The few images he had seen in magazines like Playboy usually just showed a patch of hair between a woman's legs -- if they showed even that. Now, only a few inches away, Kirby thought it was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen.

He took long seconds to study it, trying to apply anything he had heard in the past to the reality before him. Reaching downward with one of her hands, Lydia opened her folds wider, allowing him to gain an even better view. His eyes focused on the rather large protrusion at the apex of her sex, an extension that looked much like a tiny cock. He had heard of a love button, but never imagined it would look like that. Then again, he'd once read in a biology book that both sexes had the same basic structure in the beginning, so it stood to reason that the eventual organs would bear some similarity.

Like the hair on her head, that of Lydia's tangled bush was a mixture of color, soft hairs that glistened with drops of dew. A pleasing scent, one that he thought of as the fragrance of a woman, filled him. He found it intoxicating and exciting.

Lydia leaned back onto the back of the couch, spreading her legs even further as Kirby planted a soft kiss on the center of her flower. He tentatively reached out with his tongue, brushing the tip of it against her highly receptive flesh. A soft caress that brought an instantaneous reaction as Lydia let out a long, pleasing moan.

The flavor he found there exceeded the sweet aroma that had preceded it, urging him to probe harder and deeper with his tongue -- with greatly appreciated results. He licked his way along the outer edges, moving right and left, then up and down. Finally, pressing his face forward and extending his reach as far as it could do, he penetrated deep inside of her with his tongue.

"Yesss," Lydia moaned even louder as she felt him slide inside of her, the soft caress of her most private reserve having been too long absent from her life.