Town & County Confidential Ch. 02


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"Oh God, oh God!" she gasped, trying to catch her breath. "Get on top of me and fuck me! I need your cock in me, now!"

I honored the lady's request. I rose up and mounted her, trapping her spread legs under my arms as she grabbed my iron hard cock and guided it into her hole. I flexed my hips, and inch by throbbing hard inch my cock sank into Claire's tight wet pussy until our pelvises met.

"God damn!" I groaned as I felt the warm, wet heat of her vagina wrap around my cock like a velvet vise.

"Oh yezzzz, it's so gooood!" Claire said huskily. "It feels like an iron bar inside me!"

I withdrew my cock almost all the way out, then slammed it back into her again, making her gasp. I began fucking her with long, hard, deep strokes, my balls slapping her taint each time I buried my meat balls-deep in her. Since her legs were hooked under my arms, her ass lifted off the bed as I plunged into her again and again.


The staccato slaps of flesh on flesh filled the air as I fucked Claire hard and fast, relentlessly driving my meat balls-deep into her again and again until she was near screaming.

"UNNH!" she groaned deeply, and I felt her cunt clutch at my pistoning cock.. I buried my meat into her and ground my hips in tight circles, churning her orgasming pussy into a creamy lather as she shook and shivered.

"Oh God, that was amazing." she moaned as the last quaking vestiges of her orgasm rippled through her. I began thrusting into her again with shorter, jabbing thrusts as I felt my own nut rising. I felt her pull me down and begin kissing my neck and upper chest as she worked her hips to match my pistoning rhythm.

"I'm not going to last too much longer, this first time." I grunted. "Where do you want it?"

"In my mouth." Claire replied. "I want to swallow it. I want to swallow your cum!"

We worked together, fucking in rhythm, humping lustily. "You feel that nut rising?" I said hoarsely.

"Mmm, I sure do." Claire said. "Fuck me, baby."

After a dozen more increasingly hard, violent strokes, I pulled out and straddled Claire, pushing her legs back into the mattress on either side of her body, which obscenely lifted her hips and ass even further off the bed. She pulled my cock to her face and slid her mouth over my painfully taut shaft.

"OH GOD DAMN!" I cried out as I thrust forward hard and fired the first blast of my semen into the back of her mouth. More spurts of my cum followed, jetting into her mouth with painfully ecstatic pulses. I barely heard her gulping as she swallowed my load, but the sight and sound was obscenely exhilarating. After several more painful jolts, I was finally spent.

Claire sucked hard on my cock to get every drop of my semen out, then licked and kissed and licked the sensitive head and upper shaft as I struggled to catch my breath.

"Mmmm, zum spritt!" she said with a smile as she finished cleaning me up. I lay down next to her and took her in my arms, kissing her forehead as she kissed my cheek and neck...

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Our second mating was slower, more luxuriously relaxed. Claire sucked me back up to iron hardness, then mounted me and impaled her tight pussy on my throbbing cock. She rode me for long minutes, and I could see by the look of pure ecstasy on her lovely face just how much she was enjoying it.

When she shifted to put the tops of her feet on the tops of my thighs, I massaged them in my hands, which turned me on and added to my pleasure. The sight of the lovely woman riding me, her breasts bouncing and her nipples hard, standing spikes, also added to my lusty pleasure.

Claire shivered in orgasm again, her cunt squeezing my deeply embedded spear as she moaned, then she leaned over and began nuzzling my neck. I'm usually the nuzzler, not the nuzzlee, but she seemed to be really into it, so I let her kiss my neck and jaw for several more minutes.

Finally I turned us over, keeping us connected. Once I was on top of her again, asserting my dominance, I slid my hands under her and gripped her asscheeks, pulling them to me as I kissed her ear and the side of her head. My thrusts were more like pushing my groin against hers, barely moving my fully sheathed cock in and out. Claire wrapped her legs around me, as if trying to keep me from escaping, but I wasn't going anywhere, fer damn sure.

As I felt my nut rise again, I whispered into her ear: "Where do you want my come?"

"Mmmm, the first load coated my tonsils," Claire said, "so you better believe I want the next load coating my cervix." Her hot words set me off, and I groaned as my semen splattered against the back of her vagina...

Part 12 - Watching and Waiting

8:30pm, Thursday, October 8th. The Detectives gathered in Classroom 'J', the large classroom near the gym in back, which had more room that Classroom 'E'. Everyone was dressed in their 'black' uniforms, with black armor with white letters 'TCPD' on the front and 'POLICE' on the backs.

"All right." said Lt. Commander Teresa Croyle as she came to the front, getting everyone's attention. "We're mixing up the partners tonight. Don't take it personally, but some of you have more stakeout experience than others. Lisa Monroe, you're with George Newman. Parker, you're with Waldorf. Joan Laurer, you're with Roark Coleman. Rodriguez, you're with Statler."

Lisa Monroe had been part of the City PD before we hired her, and she'd seen a lot of rough and ugly stakeouts. Statler and Waldorf had come to Vice from the Uniformed ranks.

Teresa pointed at four dots on the paper map mounted on an easel, and said: "Our Intel Branch has determined that the four most likely locations to be hit, based on surveillance, confidential informants, and trend analytics, are these two locations in the southwest corner of Town, this location fairly well south of Town, near the Junction Station Depot, and this location in the northwest suburbs, near where the Bypass turns west and becomes the Hammondsville Highway."

"With respect, ma'am," said Detective Roark Coleman, "why that northern location?"

Teresa looked back at me, sitting in the back with the Chief. I said "Teachable moment. Go ahead and tell them the basics of why we chose these locations."

"Lieutenant Mahoney-Milton?" Teresa said, using Mary's maiden as well as married names to distinguish her from her husband, Lt. Myron Milton.

"Yes ma'am." said Mary. "The location on the northside is owned by the same people that own the other northside location that was hit. We want to see who is going in and out of there, as well as how the people behind the counter are acting. The other locations have had gang activity or drug activity in the vicinity in the last 12 weeks or so, and we've also have had C.I.s say they've heard those locations mentioned as, quote, 'meeting places', unquote."

"Thank you, Lieutenant." Teresa said. "Okay, the way this is going to work is that each team will be given an iPad that has software allowing you to tap into the stores's closed-circuit cameras. And how that works is not something you need to know, so ask me no questions and I'll tell you no lies." Almost everyone chuckled at that.

Teresa: "These iPads will get the signals from about 250-300 feet away if you have a fairly unobstructed view of the building you're surveilling. You also need to park in places where you can see the area around the stores, see people coming and going. You will stay in your vehicles and monitor Channel 3 Encrypted Radio through your earbuds. Don't leave your vehicles and set up someplace unprotected. Am I clear?"

"Yes ma'am!" said a surprisingly strong chorus.

Teresa: "You are not to tell anyone not in this room now where your assigned locations are. We're not even telling the rest of the Police Force where we'll be. Now if a routine patrol spots you and comes to check you out, show your badges and let them know who you are, but tell them no more than that you're on assignment, and to contact me or Commander Troy if they have any issues."

Teresa: "Having said that, these are officially stakeouts. You're doing surveillance, but if something happens, if a robbery starts up, then hit the 'break' button on your radio, call for backup, then go in and interdict those perps. Standard rules of engagement. Your goal is to not let them get away, especially in a vehicle, but not by foot, either."

"Last but not least, the Feds and the Press." Teresa said. "While we do not expect any issues with Federal Agents, particularly the DEA, we do know they've been operating in our County without telling any of us what they're doing. If you spot a Federal Government vehicle, make a note of it, but don't interfere with their activities."

Teresa: "As to the Press, if you see any Press vehicles at all, call it in. If you see them frequently in an area, or actually setting up as if they're expecting something, call it in. If they spot you, and make any effort to blow your operation, drive the hell out of there and call in that you're breaking it off."

Teresa: "You need to be in place by 10:00pm, and be really alert as 11:00pm approaches and through to midnight. Okay, you'll come to my office one team at a time for location assignments, and then you'll walk straight out the door to your vehicles without even telling the other teams where you're assigned. Yes, we're compartmentalizing the hell out of this. Ask questions of me when you come in for your assignment. Commander, Chief, do you have anything for them?"

"Yezzz." drawled the Chief. He stood up and went to the front, and addressed the group: "Stakeouts are not fun, and they are potentially dangerous. All of you in here are well trained and have good instincts. Trust those instincts, and use them. If something looks out of the ordinary, it probably is. And most of all, take care of yourselves and each other, and come back in one piece. Mister Crow-barrrrr?"

"Yes sir." I said, coming forward. "Like the Chief said, come back in one piece. And you do that by keeping your eyes peeled and being aware of your surroundings and the tactical situation. Okay, let's get out there, and maybe we'll get lucky and bust some perps tonight..."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

9:05pm. Detectives Roark Coleman and Joan Laurer entered Lt. Commander Teresa Croyle's office. Joan all but came to attention as she said "Ma'am, we're reporting for our assignment." Coleman wasn't nonchalant, but he did not show the same near-military respect.

"Sure... oh, at ease, Joan." Teresa said. As Joan relaxed, Teresa said "Okay, you two are going to be watching the store at this location on the northside." She handed Joan a piece of paper, then said "There's a brick building with a row of office suites across the street. Its parking lot is not particularly well lit, and the unmarked car you're using has somewhat tinted windows, so you shouldn't be spotted very easily by anyone not looking hard for you."

"Ma'am, can I ask a question?" asked Roark Coleman. Rudistan would've said "You just did.", but Teresa was not in a joking mood. She just nodded, and Coleman said "Why are we being assigned to the north side? I thought the robbery there wasn't like the other ones."

Joan looked shocked at the question, but Teresa's face didn't flicker as she replied: "No, it wasn't like the others, but there was a robbery up there, and the analytics suggested this store could be a potential target. If it's not, and if you don't see anything, then it's 'no harm, no foul'."

"Thank you, ma'am." said Joan, then said to Coleman "Let's go." He had looked like he wanted to ask or say more, but she had cut him off at the knees. They left the office.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

11:00pm, Thursday, October 8th. Roark Coleman sat in the driver's seat of the unmarked TCPD vehicle, and Joan Laurer was in the shotgun seat. The car was backed into a parking slot at the far end of a strip mall that faced the convenience store they were watching in the northwest corner of Town, not far from the Mall. To their right was an intersection with a traffic light, and there were entrances from both roads into the parking lot and gas pumps of the convenience store.

"It's eleven o'clock." Joan said as she watched the convenience store through her digital camera with a powerful monocular zoom lens attached. She could see inside the front doors, and they also had the video behind the counter showing up on the iPad mounted in a holder on the dash.

"Not a damn thing, so far." grumbled Coleman moodily. "This is a goddamn waste of time."

Joan turned her head and peered at him. When his eyes flickered over and caught her staring at him, he said "What?"

"Is there a problem here?" she inquired, almost accusingly.

Coleman exhaled, then said "A couple of things. First, I don't think we're being told everything by the leadership. It doesn't make sense to me to be sent here instead of the southside."

Joan looked back at the store they were surveilling as she said in the form of a quotation "Ours is not to reason why." When Coleman shifted in his seat, sliding down somewhat, she said "You see anything?"

"Not a damn thing." Coleman replied. "Empty street. Empty parking lot. Empty store."

"Welcome to stakeouts." Laurer said as she looked through the camera again.

"I know what stakeouts are." Coleman almost snarled. "I had to do them when I was in Vice. I thought when I got into MCD that I was past crap assignments like this."

Joan looked back at him again, this time peering harder than before. "You think you're too good to do stakeouts, now that you're in MCD?" she asked, her voice full of venom.

"I didn't say that." replied Coleman. "But this is something they could have Uniformed Officers put on plainclothes and do. And I wouldn't mind as much if we were watching a place we knew for sure had a drug operation going on. That's why I'm pissed that I don't think we're being told enough------"

"Let's just do our job and get this done." Joan said, interrupting him. She watched an old tan Toyota Camry pull into the parking lot of the convenience store, wrote down the license plate, then photographed it with her telescopic camera.

"Whoa, what's that?" she gasped. A young woman had gotten out of the shotgun seat side of the car and gone inside. She clicked the 'shutter' of the digital camera as she said "Did you see that?"

"What?" Coleman said, his voice disinterested and dispirited.

"That girl... she took a paper sack full of something into the store!" Joan said. She peered hard through the camera, then looked at the iPad. "She put the sack down on the counter, but close to the door, and out of sight of the camera behind the counter."

"Whoa." said Coleman, watching the traffic. "Heads up. I'm sure I just saw that black SUV ride by five minutes ago." He watched the taillights of the vehicle. "They just turned right. If they show up at this intersection again, we may be on to something." Just a moment later, he said "And there it is."

The front of the SUV had just come into view and looked like it was about to turn into the parking lot. And then a TCPD Police cruiser suddenly appeared from Coleman's left. It's blue lightbar began blazing briefly as it turned left into the parking lot very fast, crossing the oncoming traffic almost dangerously.

"What the fuck?" Joan gasped at the untoward action of the Police vehicle. They watched it park and its lightbar stop operating, then saw the Officer get out of the car and go into the store.

"That SUV sped up and drove off when the Police car came in." said Coleman, who had been watching it. The woman that had gone inside came back outside, with the same full paper sack, but the Detectives barely noticed. They were watching the iPad and the camera coverage inside.

"Shit!" Joan exclaimed. "I don't believe it! That bastard fucked us up!"

"Who is it?" Coleman asked. Then he recognized, as Joan had, the Officer that was looking at the snacks in the aisle in front of the counter. He was Patrol Officer Justin Hendricks.

To be continued.

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chytownchytown6 months ago

*****Thanks for sharing.

WhitewaterbumWhitewaterbum7 months ago

Good to know that IC used his other crowbar instead of te red one. Why hasn’t Melina gone to DC and taken out NSI Chapei? Good to see Cindy be active again.

Ravey19Ravey19about 2 years ago

How on earth did he find out?

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Thank heavens the Sex is back...thought the iron crowbar had gone celibate... This is the most erotic story on cannot go long without hot sex

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Very happy to see the "Little Crowbar" back in action! Would like to see more!

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