Tracey and Damien


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'Yes, Tracey.'

'Are you getting uncomfortable?'


'What a pity you can't be allowed to move.'

'Can't I move a bit?'

'Hmm. We'll see.'

With that she rolled us over so that we were lying on our sides with her front against my back. I could no longer see out through the window, but that didn't seem important.

Her hand found its way to the front of my shorts and began to stroke my very firm cock through the light material of the shorts. Then she pulled the front of the shorts down, got it out and was slowly stroking it.

'There that's better. I think I see a cock again.'

I groaned. And I would like to look at your red breasts, I thought.

'The question is, like, shall I make you squirt again?' Her hand moved very slowly up and down my cock. She moved her hand away, I think to her mouth. When she returned it, it was all moist.

'Let's see how slowly we can do it, little brother.'

'Oh, fuck, Tracey!' I exhaled.

'Very slow, that's my decision!'

'Yes boss.'

'That's better.'

I sighed. It was exquisite, and very disturbing all at the same time. I mean, you are not supposed to do this with your sister.

'Look Tracey...'

'Yes.' Her hand was moving very slowly indeed.


'What?' She sounded slightly exasperated.

'Shouldn't we discuss this?'

'Discuss what?'

'What we are doing.'

She went rigid, and her hand stopped.

'Y' know, me and you,' I said.

Silently she got off the bed, and stood with her hands on her hips staring at me. She had a face of thunder, and her nipples quivered. She looked very angry.

'Now you are in trouble!' she said, quietly. Picking up her bikini top she walked out.

I suppose I had feared a reaction to my wanting to talk about it. I thought she might be a bit unwilling. But this reaction?

A few minutes later I heard the door slam and Tracey's car starting up. Obviously I had completely blown it. She was abandoning me. I felt both devastated and baffled. I mean I had hardly done anything, had I?

She was gone for hours. I moped around, walked round the cottage, checked emails and other stuff. I tried some porn, but that didn't cheer me up. I even tried to do some bird watching, but I couldn't concentrate. I was getting very worried.

It made me realise what mattered. Tracey and I were close but not the same. Neither of us seemed to do too well with the opposite sex. Boyfriends didn't work out for her, and girlfriends didn't last very long with me. So we had that in common, and it brought us together. But she was much more creative and assertive than me. In contrast I am more mild mannered, and probably more intelligent- well academically more capable any way.

I realised that I need her. So I would probably go along with what she wanted, given the chance. I resolved to resort to a grovelling apology if she returned. At least that way we would communicate. I might even get back some control.

But what I really wanted to get back to was the illicit sexual stuff!

It was afternoon by the time she returned. Her car screeched untidily to a halt, and she burst through the door. She was carrying some bags.

'Slave, where are you?' she shouted.

I presented myself with my head bowed.

'I shall want to see you in my room,' she sounded stern.

'Yes, Tracey.'

'I shall call you when I am ready.' With that she stormed upstairs.

It was about twenty minutes before I was summoned. I knocked nervously on the door.

'You may come in.'

I entered looking apprehensively at the floor. I heard a thwacking noise. Tracey prodded me under the chin.

'Look up!'

I did so. She looked fantastic. She was wearing long black gloves, black bra, and knickers, and fairly extreme high heels, so that she was taller than me. And nothing else apart from in her hand where she had what I think was a riding crop- a kind of short whip.

'You have displeased your sister.' She could sound quite grown up and old-fashioned when she wanted to.

'Yes, Tracey.'

'You must be punished.'

'I know.'

'Do you understand how you have displeased and disappointed her?'

'I do.'

'Good. Come and stand here.'

I did as instructed.

'Now remove your shorts.'

I did so. That was all I was wearing, so I was naked.

'Bend over, and hold your ankles.'

I did so. Then she started applying the crop to my bum. God, it hurt. I think she whacked me six times, although there were what seemed like long gaps while she strutted round inspecting the red marks.

'Okay, I am not going to beat you any more just now. Your sister feesl better now that you have been punished. You may stand up.'

I did as instructed.

'It looks as if you feel better too.' She was looking at my hard erect penis.

'Okay come here.' She reached for some cream which she rubbed into my buttocks where there were red marks.

'Now stand over there.' She stared at me, stroking the crop, and then sucking the end of its handle.

'This is to warn you that if you disobey me again, then you can expect more of the same. Now go. Oh and by the way you are not to get dressed until I say so.'

I walked awkwardly out and retreated to my room.

A little while later she appeared at my door. She had changed clothes, she was wearing her body-hugging stretch cotton leggings and her bikini top. Her feet were bare, so she was no longer taller than me.

'Here's your list of chores.' She gave me a list of domestic tasks. 'Oh, and you can put your shorts back on, for the time being.'

Tracey seemed to be very happy to have not only re-asserted her control, but also to have increased it. She had me doing all the menial tasks for the remainder of the day.

She allowed me to put on my tee shirt as I prepared the evening meal. I was being expected to do everything, including the cooking. I am not very experienced at it, but it was a ready meal- sweet and spicy chicken.

Tracey had started on a bottle of white wine. She drank most of it during the meal, I got one glass. While I cleared up she settled in front of the TV, with a second bottle. She offered me some.

We were watching a DVD of Lara Croft, which I quite enjoyed.

'Her tits are too big,' muttered Tracey. I think the wine was having an effect. She turned to me.

'Well, slave, that was quite a good meal, your spicy chicken.'

'Thank you.'

'Tomorrow, like if you are good, I will teach you how to eat.'

'But I already know how to eat.'

'I doubt it. Any way you'll do as you are told.'

'Yes Tracey.'

'That's better. Now give me a fill up of wine and turn off the light so that I can watch properly.'

I did as she instructed. She settled back on the couch, gulping her wine. I sipped mine and watched her discretely over the edge of my glass. She was a bit drunk.

After a while her hand came to rest between her legs. Then she squirmed about a bit, before moving her hand back and sliding it under the top of her leggings. She looked as if she was beginning to masturbate.

The film came to an end.

'Help me up, slave,' she said. Her voice was slurred.

I helped her to stand up. Getting her hand out of her leggings caused them to come down slightly. As she stumbled towards the door the top of her bum was visible.

'Night night,' she muttered, heading unsteadily through the door way and waving vaguely at me. I heard her make unsteady progress up the stairs.

I drank some more wine, before deciding it was late enough for bed. It had been quite a strange and eventful day. I crept upstairs.

When I came to the door to Tracey's room, I found it was partly open. I peered inside the room. In the dark I could just see Tracey on top of the bed lying on her back. She was naked. Her eyes were tight shut and her hand was on her pussy. She was squirming and panting, making moaning noises. She was masturbating. I watched, transfixed, rooted to the spot. She seemed to be going on for quite a while before she convulsed making a squeaky noise. I think she had come.

I crept out and went to my room. I stripped off and lay on the bed. A good wank was just what I needed too.


Breakfast was quiet next day. Tracey seemed to be pre-occupied. She was in her tee shirt and I was in my shorts. She got up from the table and walked over to the window. Turning to face me she stretched with her arms above her head, and then ran her fingers through her hair. The action raised her tee shirt so that the hem was just at the level of her hips and her scanty pubic hair was just visible.

'Damien,' she said.

It was unusual for her to call me anything other than 'slave' or 'little brother'.

'Yes Tracey.'

'You do love your sister, don't you?'

'Yeah, 'course I do!'

She smiled.

'Good! I'm going to have my shower now. You are going to get your eating lessen later.'

Unusually for that part of the country it was sunny and quite hot. At the back of the cottage there was a good spot for sunbathing. It was secluded and the cottage was completely isolated so were quite private. Tracey told me to put out the loungers so that we could lie out in the sun.

Tracey had on her bikini. It was astonishingly brief, just a couple of triangles over her breasts and her pubic area, and strings at the back. She looked terrific.

'You can do your bird watching out here,' she said, 'but first you can get us some drinks.'

'Okay, what would you like?'

'White wine spritzer would be good. And bring the sun cream. And the KY.'

When I returned with them she was lying on her sun lounger. I looked up in the sky to see some largeish birds wheeling high above. They were red kites- rare and impressive. But my mind was on other things. I looked over to Tracey. She sipped her drink and turned to me.

'How is your bum? Is it sore?'

I had examined it in the mirror that morning, the marks had faded away already.

'No, it's okay.'

'Let's have a look.'

She sat up and pulled down my shorts. I stepped out of them.

'I think I had better rub some cream on it.'

With that she proceeded to apply sun cream to each buttock with the palm of her hand. She did it quite slowly and methodically, kneading the cheeks, and pressing them one way and another. Soon my breathing became heavy as I got turned on. Then she pushed some cream between my buttocks and onto my anus. She circled it with her finger. I groaned.

'I think you like that,' she said with a smile, looking at my erection, 'you're a pervert.'

I gasped and grunted.

'Well, do you like it?'

'Yes, Tracey,' I muttered.

She laughed and reached for the KY jelly. Smearing it on she gently pushed her finger into my arse.

'Still like it?'


I think she only went in about an inch, and then began to move it around gently. She made little circular motions and then pushed it slowly in and out. With her other hand she grasped my rigid cock and kissed the end of it. I was very turned on.

'We'll finish this off later,' she said, taking her hands away from me, 'now it's time for your eating lessen!'

She kissed me gently on the lips and then she removed her bikini. I noticed that her pubic area was now bare. She had shaved! She lay down on the lounger on her tummy.

'It begins with licking,' she said, 'you must lick your sister's back, beginning at the top, and moving down.'

Wow, I thought, this is going to be different from any other lessen I've ever had. I began tentatively licking between her shoulders.

'That's it,' she sighed,' nice and slowly. You must lick her to prolong the sensation, take your time.'

'Hmm', I agreed. I tried to follow the line of her backbone, lapping, and gradually moving down. My hard cock brushed against her thigh, as my head bobbed back and forth.

At last I reached the base of her back and paused at the top of her bottom.

'Don't stop,' she murmured.

I allowed my tongue to play in circles over her left buttock. Then I repeated the process for her right side. Then I slowly pushed my tongue between her buttocks. Her hands reached and she spread them for me.

'Go on,' she said.

Tentatively I approached her anus, pausing, and then dabbing it with my tongue.

'Hmm,' she whispered.

I circled the puckered little hole with my tongue.

'Ooh, that's wicked, wicked.'

I pushed at her arse hole.

'Too much!' she said, and turned over. She looked at me and smiled.

'You're a good little brother sometimes. Now it is time for licking and eating.'

She placed her hands on her upright nipples, squeezing them.

'You must lick and suck your sister's nipples. Lick them first, then suck them. Do not rush.'

So I applied my tongue to her nipples, licking round one and then the other. I decided to use my hand to fondle the breast which wasn't being licked.

'That's good,' she said. She took a drink and handed me my glass.

'Wet your tongue with this.' I took a drink, and then she leaned over and kissed me.

'Now get on with pleasuring your sister, but nice and slow.'

I moved my tongue down the centre of her chest to her naval. I pushed my tongue into it, rotating it.

It looked as if Tracey's area of pubic hair had been pretty small. Now there was none there at all. It looked unbelievably sexy. I licked around the newly bare area. She spread her legs apart, and I placed my mouth on her pussy, licking her pussy lips.

'Now for the eating part - press your face against your sister's pussy.'

I did as I was told, pushing my tongue between her pussy lips, and moving it up until I had located her clitoris.

'Yes, do that. And see if you can put your fingers inside her pussy at the same time!'

I moved my face round to make space for my fingers. She was very moist and I pushed two into her. Then I began to lap on her clit, leaving my fingers fairly still.

'Yes,' she said, 'Yes, yes.' She was throbbing and tense. I lapped and licked, until she let out a loud groan.

'Oh fuck, that was good. You're a good little brother.'

I began to move my fingers in and out of her pussy, spreading them inside her. She looked at me a little oddly, then closed her eyes. I kept on, increasing the speed. Eventually she bucked and shrieked.

'Oh, fuck, fuck, fuck. That was a bastard. That was really bad!' She put her arms around me and gave me another kiss. Then she lay back and sighed.

'Twice, huh. Well you've passed your test little brother. Your big sister is well pleased with you.'

She kissed me again. I can't remember when she had last kissed me before this holiday. Were things changing between us?

'Now ii is time for your reward,' she took a sip of wine. 'Lie back, now it is your turn.'

I lay back on the lounger, and she knelt between my legs, putting a hand on each thigh. Then she leaned forward, stuck out her tongue and licked the end of my cock. It felt very very hard and I quivered.

'Hmm, you've got a nice cock.'

'Thank you.'

'And good firm balls.'

She licked my scrotum, and then continued up my cock.

'It's time for me to eat you.'

Her mouth engulfed the head of my cock, and her hand moved slowly up and down the shaft. Her eyes sought mine, and she raised an eyebrow. She looked towards the KY jelly. I handed it to her! Her mouth was doing a delicious job on my erection. She squeezed the KY onto her middle finger and pressed it onto my anus, rotating it and pushing it in the inch or so it had entered previously. Then she pulled it out, and smeared some more jelly on.

She removed her mouth from my cock.

'I like it that you are a pervert little brother.'

She re-applied her mouth, then began to push her finger further into my arse. Well lubricated it slid in easily. She began a rhythm of pulling it in and out. I groaned, I knew that I was close to coming.

She took her mouth from my cock head and returned to licking the shaft, plunging a second finger in my arse. I let out a loud noise as my semen squirted high in the air.

I collapsed back and Tracey lay on top of me, moving her hand from my bum. She kissed me again.

'You like this arse stuff, my little slave, don't you?'


'Even being smacked and whipped.'


'If you are very good I shall let you smack me.'

We lay back and sipped our drinks.

We spent the rest of the day lazing in the sun, and drinking wine and soda. The red kites circled up above unaware of the happily misbehaving pair of siblings below them. That was us: compliant Damien and dominant Tracey. I felt happy and I think she was too.

The evening passed pleasantly - another ready meal, as proper cooking was too challenging a concept. We settled down to a DVD of a Transformers movie, and more wine. Tracey had had a lot more than me and was a bit blurry. As soon as the movie was over she announced it was time for bed.

'I'm going to bed little bro'.

'Night night.'

'Your sister hasn't finished with you.'

'Oh, okay.'

'You must help her to bed.'

I did as instructed and putting my arms around her helped her upstairs to her bedroom. I sat her on the bed, and she pulled off her clothes.

'You take yours off too.'

I did as instructed. Then she turned her back on me and stuck out her bottom.

'You may smack me. In fact it is an instruction. You must.' Her voice was all slurred.

I smacked her lightly on the bottom.

'Harder than that.'

I gave her a harder smack.

'That's better.' She looked around and noticed my erection.

'Now you are ready for bed,' she said, getting in and pulling me in with her.

We cuddled up and kissed, my hands travelling down to her bottom.

'You do really really love your big sister, don't you Damien?'

'Yup, I really really do.' I kissed her left breast.

'Cos I know this feels like incest, and you are worried about it.'

'Well, yes, I am.' I kissed her right breast.

'Well it's not.'

'No?' My fingers were playing with her pussy as her hands stroked my cock.

'We are just playing games, like when we were kids.'

'Gosh, are we?'

'See, we can't have full sex.'

'Oh.' I pressed my fingers onto her arse.

'You can't put your cock in my vagina.'

'Even if we want to?' I licked my fingers and pressed them on her anus.

'No. That would be incest. But we can do everything else. Anything else is just playing.' I inserted my finger gently into her arse. She sighed.


'Yes. But you have to remember that I am the boss. You must do as I say.'

'Yes, Tracey.' My finger was quite deep into her.

'And what you must do now is...' and she began to whisper the most delightful wicked things into my ear. This was turning into my best holiday ever.

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dark1973knightdark1973knightover 6 years ago

Love the story, but to bad it ended like that.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

I really wish i had a sister just like her..

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
yet another

twilight zone episode that never should have been posted.

LeonariLeonariover 11 years ago

Better if they would actually cross the line though.

lol at that annonymus comment... seriously?

jane marwoodjane marwoodover 11 years ago
Lovely 5*****

Loved it and am looking forward to more of your work.

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