Tracy Tries to Outwit Her Urges!

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Her Plan Has Promise, But Her Actions May Make It Pointless!
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Taking note of the date one morning early in May, Tracy felt relieved to have made it a full six months without once giving in to her occasional urges to get naked for strangers. "If there was an 'Exhibitionists Anonymous' for me to join," she thought, "I'd be getting a six month chip or something as a reward."

Not letting herself get into scandalous situations as she had been doing was reward enough. Though her most daring self-exposures were undeniably exciting, she always felt guilty afterwords; she knew they could have cost her her job, and possibly her family as well if she'd been arrested! It hadn't been easy, or even always successful, but with her husband's help she'd avoided any of the more uncontrollable displays of her naked body that had plagued, and if she was being honest, aroused her.

For a while Tracy had been lucky enough to keep Kyle unaware of her more blatant flashing episodes, those that resulted in her actually being nude in front of strangers. She didn't like to even think about how he might react if he ever found out on his own, without understanding the cause of her behavior. She worked up her nerve and confessed to every episode of improper behavior she'd had.

Telling her husband, in brutal detail, about her increasingly daring episodes of public nudity had been excruciating for both of them, but once she had explained to him how her medicine often created a strong, often irresistible urge to show off her body, she felt like she'd gotten a heavy weight off her shoulders. Kyle was understandingly confused by the side effect, and asked, "can't you just quit taking that drug, or maybe try a different one?"

"I can't just quit without having the serious tremors in both hands come back," she explained, "I couldn't work, probably not even drive anymore. With a six year old and a four year old to care for and you sometimes needing to work late or travel, I need to be functional!"

Starting to sound more angry than confused, he asked, "I get why you'd want to be able to live a normal life, but strutting around in the nude for whoever happens to be around to watch seems pretty far from normal. Are you telling me there's not some other drug which would stop the tremors but not make you want to expose yourself?"

"First of all, you need to understand that it's not that I want to do this; it's more like I'm being directed to get naked, with no way to stop except to do as the urge demands! And, yes, there is another drug without this side effect, but it's in very short supply because someone recently realized it also can help people lose weight; the last time I checked it would cost over $2,000 dollars a month!"

"So," Kyle said dejectedly, "you're telling me we just have to live with this and pray you don't get in trouble?"

"Maybe not," she said. She explained that she'd learned that showing off in minor ways, fairly frequently, tended to lessen the odds of getting an irresistible urge to be more reckless. "That's the reason my skirts are generally shorter lately than the ones I used to wear, or I'm more likely to leave an extra button on my blouse unbuttoned to allow a glimpse of my bra, if I'm wearing one, that sort of thing."

"And those thong bikinis that you wore on our last vacation, you never used to wear those, is this why you do now?"

"Yup." she replied, "better to show my buns than everything!"

"But even though you say that prevents these urges, you've still ended up stripping naked for an audience once in a while?"

"Yeah, I think it has something to do with my stress level. When I've had a particularly rough day at work, or the kids are bouncing off the walls when you're out of town, I'm more likely to do something risky."

"Like that night you went out to your car to look for your cellphone and I happened to call," he asked, "were you naked out on our driveway while we were talking?"

"I was inside the car for most of that call, but yes, I was naked the whole time I was out of the house," she replied, "but I thought you had guessed that anyway."

"Yeah, that's not really a surprise," he admitted, "I have to admit I thought it was pretty hot at the time, before finding out about your problem with the drug!"

"That's the thing," she said, "some of my improper behavior IS exciting, even if it is drug induced. As I recall you were happy enough when I went skinny-dipping that night at Jason's!"

"True enough," Kyle admitted, "but that was a way safer setting than the damned roof of your office building!"

"I know, believe me," Tracy replied, "that was a bit much, but I have an idea about how you could help me avoid getting in trouble."

"Okay," he replied, "what's your idea?"

"I thought we could have a short phone call every day, maybe even one in the morning and one in the afternoon if you have time, just to check in and see if I'm having any problems. There have been times when I've felt an urge building up but had it disappear after we had a call."

"It's worth a try," he said, "I'll call you tomorrow morning!"

The next morning, Kyle called Tracy as promised, just after 11:00. "Anything happening I should know about?" he asked.

"Nothing of note, but thanks for calling," she replied, "I think getting a little attention just for having a dark, lacy bra showing through a lightweight white blouse might be enough to keep me in line today!"

"I noticed that combination before you left this morning," he chuckled, "the guys in your office must have trouble keeping their minds on their work!"

Their mid-afternoon call was slightly more strained, with Tracy stressed by a rumor going around about some people in her office being laid off. "Are you okay?" Kyle asked.

"I'm upset to think about several people I work with possibly being let go," she replied, "not to mention the possibility that I might be one of the unlucky ones! But, no, I'm not feeling any urge to do anything outrageous. Yet. To be perfectly honest, there are a few less buttons on my blouse fastened than when I left home this morning!"

"And that seems to be enough?"

"I've only got to make it through another hour and a half, so I think so."

"Just so I understand the situation, when you say, 'a few less,' what exactly do you mean?"

"Well, my blouse has seven buttons," she said, "I never button up the one up by my neck. There are currently four still doing their job; I didn't even notice the last one being popped loose until sometime after I did it!"

"Got it," Kyle said, "you must look amazing! I hope we can take care of those last four when you come home!"

"There's a fine incentive to leave things right where they are," she said, "but we'll need to get Kevin and Emily to bed first!"

Much later that evening, hours after their kids went to sleep, Tracy thanked Kyle for his little phone call intervention, saying,"The tension in the office today is exactly the kind of thing that can set me off. Talking with you settled me down; the promise of some fun later tonight helped too! If I had given in and stripped down I'd have been too freaked out afterwards to enjoy doing what we just did, so a big win for you, too!"

"An excellent return on my investment of a few minutes on a couple of phone calls!" he agreed.

For nearly six months, a couple of phone calls with Kyle each day proved sufficient to keep Tracy from doing anything as shameless as she had been doing before she confessed her bawdy behavior to him. Simply chatting with each other, with a bit of flirtation, generally was enough to suppress the level of exhibitionist urges she still was experiences.

Their efforts to prevent any particular urge from taking over were not completely successful; one afternoon Kyle called Tracy, expecting to have the usual lighthearted, flirtatious conversation that had been their norm, but was thrown off balance by the tone of her voice as soon as she answered!

Without even saying hello she asked, "Do you remember what I was wearing this morning when I brought Kevin and Emily to school?

"Um, yeah, I think so," he answered, "purple bra and matching panties, tan camisole, black yoga pants, and a belted maroon cardigan. Why do you ask?" He kicked himself the second his question passed his lips, thinking, "she wouldn't be asking if I remembered what she WAS wearing unless she was at least thinking about NOT wearing some of her outfit!" Quickly regrouping, he asked, "Are you okay? Do you need some help?"

"Okay?" she repeated, "I'm in a stall in the ladies room. My lingerie and yoga pants are in my purse already, I'm feeling like my camisole should join them there, and I can picture myself taking the cardigan off once I'm back in my cubicle and draping it over the back of my chair! I'm seriously not okay! What do you think I should do?"

"Oh, sweetheart, I wish I was there with you," Kyle said, "I'm not sure what brought this on, but you're not so far out of control that you couldn't call me; I think that's a good sign. I'm picturing how you must look now, and that cardigan is long enough on you that between it and the camisole you haven't crossed any red lines yet. I think you definitely shouldn't take anything else off, and you might want to think about putting your yoga pants back on."

"You're right, I'll try," she said, then hung up.

After picking up the kids, Kyle waited anxiously for Tracy to get home. Hearing her car pull in to the driveway, he ran to the front door and, considering sunset was more than an hour away, was relieved to see her emerge from her car wearing her cardigan! As she came in the door he could see a very generous view of her cleavage, made possible by the removal of her camisole sometime between their last phone call and her return home.

Once dinner, cleanup, and the kiddies' bedtime routines were finished, Tracy and Kyle discussed her brush with utter workplace embarrassment. They agreed to disagree on whether her afternoon had been a disaster or a borderline success of their system of having a call anytime she felt an urge taking control over her. Kyle said he felt helpless, that his presence on the phone hadn't led to her completely stopping getting undressed!


Tracy was more positive, pointing out that while she hadn't taken his suggestion that she put her pants back on, she also hadn't taken anything else off in her remaining time at work.

Kyle asked, "what about your camisole, you said you were still wearing it when we talked, and definitely weren't wearing it when you came home!"

"That's true," she replied, "but I didn't take it off in the office."

"Then where?" Kevin asked.

"In my car, in the parking garage," she answered.

"That's supposed to be better?" he asked, "You getting naked in the parking garage?"

"I was a good 75 feet away from any other cars, most people were already gone, the car's tinted windows would make it hard to see anyone inside, and I was only actually naked for maybe 45 seconds," she answered, her voice shaking. "The main, most important thing is that I didn't get naked in the office, which I was absolutely about to do before our call!" They decided to keep their current phone call check in system in place, and add brief texts from her to him every hour to alert him if she felt an exhibitionist urge coming on.

The next few months were fairly quiet as far as Tracy's urges were concerned. They developed a routine of her getting Kyle's assessment of her outfit before they left home in the morning, with Tracy asking, "too slutty, or not slutty enough, what do you think?"

He usually replied, "Exactly slutty enough!" After a few weeks, he surprised her by answering, "No, you said today is going to be stressful; not slutty enough!" She smiled and headed back to get a slightly shorter skirt and switch her stockings from a basic nude pair to some fishnets! He could hardly believe he was actually encouraging her to flaunt her body this way, but since it seemed to help her avoid having an urge to show far, far more than the slightly racier outfit they settled on for her, they agreed it made sense to have him go beyond just reviewing her outfits, and actively help her to choose what to wear.

On days which seemed likely to trigger her urges, Kyle helped her adjust the relative boldness of what she wore, and was happy to help her avoid any significant exposure. He swore to himself that he never suggested anything more flamboyant than necessary, but sometimes couldn't help wondering if he might be encouraging her to dress in a more daring mode because he enjoyed seeing her that way!

The dosage of Tracy's anti-tremor prescription, needed to keep her tremors generally under control hadn't changed in over a year, possibly a factor in her urges staying mostly under control. Going into her annual visit to her neurologist, she wasn't expecting to have him call for any changes, but his tests did show some further progression in her condition. "Nothing too extreme," Dr. Pizoni assured her, "We'll raise your dosage on the one you've been taking from 2 pills, three times a day, to 3 in the morning, 3 in early afternoon, and 2 after dinner."

"But the side effects I've told you about, "she asked, starting to blush, "I don't want them to get even stronger!"

"The exhibitionist urges?" he said, "they WOULD likely become stronger, but I want you to add a second medicine, 1 pill each morning and afternoon. I'm confident this medicine will knock those urges right down. I know cost is a factor for you; good news, this one is available as a generic. You probably spend more on coffee!

A couple of weeks into her adjusted prescription regimen, it seemed Dr. Pizoni had nailed it! The new drug did seem to be more than making up for the tendency of her original drug to make her drawn to expose herself, even with the increase in its dosage. After a month, it took a seriously stressful day to give her even a slight urge to expose herself. Since the reasons for their frequent check-ins had faded away, she and Kyle cut back on the frequent calls and texts. She kept one of her more audacious outfits in a bag under her desk, just in case she was caught by surprise by an unexpected urge.

Tracy and Kyle were relieved that it no longer seemed like any given day might suddenly find her fighting just to stay dressed. Her new daily medication schedule ended the roller coaster ride they'd been on for a couple of years.

But...they couldn't help feel that something was missing. Neither of them wanted to get back on board the roller coaster that life with her side effects felt like, but they each occasionally felt a slight nostalgia for the unpredictable excitement that had been a part of their daily life. Neither of them admitted to missing the thrill they felt when they thought about her unplanned exposures, more likely of late to be nothing more than wearing slightly racy clothing, but a small part of each of them did!

Another side effect of Tracy's new prescription was a tendency for her to sleep more deeply; not so great during her workweek, but actually enjoyable on weekends, when Kyle often let her sleep in while he and their kids went out to breakfast, followed by a visit to a playground. He was pushing Emily on a swing one Saturday when his phone rang; seeing it was Tracy calling he picked up right away, "Hey, Babe, I didn't expect you to be up yet, what's going on?"

"Well, I'm not sure what woke me up," she said, "but I figured as long as I was up and you were all out I'd go out for coffee and run a couple of errands."

"Makes sense," he replied, "but you could have just texted me, or do you need my input on something? I have the measurements with me for the new blinds we've been planning to put in the family room's windows if Home Depot is on your list of errands?"

"Yeah, that's where I am now," she said, "but I can't do anything about the blinds at the moment. I'm calling from the ladies room, and I'm naked!"

"What? You're naked?" he said, trying to keep his voice too low for the kids to hear, "Not just showing off a little, actually bare-ass naked?"

"I'm sorry, I left in a hurry and forgot to take my morning dose of the new medicine. I was looking at the sinks and faucets on display, feeling perfectly normal, then felt the sudden dizzyness that usually means I'm about to start taking clothes off!"

"Fuck, Tracy, I know that store," he said, "the plumbing section is nowhere near the restrooms! Where were you when you started stripping, and where were you when you finished? Did anyone see you?"

"I don't know, was all kind of a blur. I remember before the urge hit me thinking I was surprised at how few people there were around."

"Do you have any of your things with you now?" he asked, pausing to tell the kids that they needed to be going, "or if you don't, do you at least remember where you left them?"

"No, I have nothing except what was in my purse," she whimpered, "and no, I have no idea where I left them once I got them off. Are you on the way?"

"Yeah, we'll be there in less than ten minutes, but I can't have this conversation and drive at the same time. I'll call again when we're there, bye!"

Five minutes after he pulled into the Home Depot parking lot, Kyle had selected and paid for an extra-long t-shirt, unfortunately only available in ultra-bright safety yellow color. As an entire outfit, it wasn't exactly modest, but it appeared to be long enough to cover his petite wife's ass and pussy, possibly with a bit of tugging at the hem. Going with a hunch, he set Kevin and Emily loose to look in the washing machines and dryers, telling them it was a game their Mom had set up for them. He called Tracy to check if she had the ladies room to herself; hearing the coast was clear he walked in and handed her the single garment replacement outfit.

Emily and Kevin quickly checked every washer and dryer on display, handing Kyle his wife's shorts, t-shirt, hoodie, shoes and socks, then asked which of them had won the game. "I think it's a tie," Kyle replied, "so we can all go get ice cream to celebrate!" He didn't mention the other winner, whichever of several appliance salesmen watching them leave had been lucky enough to see a hot young woman strip out of her matching bra and panty set and leave the white lace lingerie in a front loading Kenmore dryer! Whoever had the missing items of Tracy's outfit, neither she nor Kyle felt like asking if anyone might have found them! Tracy took one last look at the distance between where she'd left her clothes and the restrooms and felt a chill run through her as she imagined herself traveling it in the nude!

Kyle didn't criticize Tracy or question her explanation of how she'd been overcome with an overwhelming, urgent impulse to get out of her clothing, but late that night they stopped avoiding the reality of what had happened earlier that day and tried to think of some way of avoiding repeating the incident.

"You mentioned that you forgot to take your new medicine his morning, but do you think missing that one pill was enough to make you react in such an extreme way?"

"I'm not sure," she replied, "The new prescription definitely helps, but looking back on the last year or so, obviously before this morning, I've only had a couple of close calls, never actually getting nude or even topless. Those few times seemed to be stress related, and even before starting on the new drug I never felt any significant urges shortly after an earlier one. It seems like having a naked episode gives me a kind of immunity against having another powerful urges to get undressed, for a while, anyway."

"So," Kyle asked, "if you've done some sort of flashing recently, we don't need to check in to see if you're feeling okay?"

"Maybe we don't," she replied, "and maybe the same goes for the less modest wardrobe. But to be honest, those measures only seemed to be truly effective against the less intense urges."