Trailer Trash Teen Hates Rules Ch. 05


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"Thank you so much," said Erin, the teenager smiling at Mike but glaring at Dylan while clutching her tummy as she dashed inside the customer bathroom, a single unisex facility containing one toilet and a sink. She closed the door behind her, the lock turning from a green vacant to a red engaged as Erin locked the door.

"Do you think you can go through one shift without inconveniencing or embarrassing one of our customers?" Mike asked Dylan, handing him back the keys and striding away, presumably to chat up Sonia again. Dylan glowered at his nemesis as he vanished around the corner.

Inside the bathroom, Erin checked for toilet paper, lifted her skirt, pulled her white full-brief panties down to her ankles and sat the cheeks of her bare bottom down onto the toilet, her legs slightly apart to show a furry triangle of brown pubic hair that grew over her mound and extended between her legs over her pink vagina. A sanitary pad was adhered to the saddle of Erin's panties as she was currently menstruating.

No sooner was Erin sitting down than her bowels responded, diarrhea pouring from her anus and going everywhere in the toilet, the girl passing gas repeatedly and as she was on her period her menses made things far messier than usual.

Breathing heavily and adjusting her glasses, Erin unwound herself a length of toilet paper and wiped her vagina and anus front to back, the teenager immediately getting more paper to repeat the process. There was nothing more she hated than an attack of Crohn's disease when she was having her period, and as more diarrhea cascaded from Erin's bottom and the girl advanced the toilet roll to get more toilet tissue, she knew that she would be stuck here for some time.

"Damn that Dylan," Erin cursed under her breath as she started to pee, her urine splashing into the toilet bowl. His bumbling and failure to complete a simple task of unlocking the door nearly made her mess her panties and cause her severe embarrassment. Fortunately, Mike had been there to rescue her this morning. Erin's uncomplimentary thoughts about Dylan continued as she contemplated about how he had knocked her over when she was buying personal items in the store the other morning, exposing her panties in the process. And of course, he was friends with those morons Wayne and Kenny who had humiliated her in class that day when she farted when asking the teacher for the lavatory pass.

Erin again moved her bowels with her poo making loud splashing that echoed in the toilet bowl and contemplated all the embarrassing things that had happened to her thanks to Crohn's disease. Since turning 18 the previous fall it seemed to never end. Farting in class was just one incident, several weeks before that stomach problems had landed Erin in the nurse's office in school, the girls' sick bay that day filled with a number of girls with various medical complaints. When the diarrhea inevitably came, Erin had no choice but to use the toilet in the girls' sick bay. Thanks to the toilet cubicle being open at the top and wide spaces under the door and partitions, all of the girls got to hear and smell everything Erin was doing on the toilet. When Erin finally flushed the toilet, emerged from the cubicle and washed her hands, she got some very strange looks.

Even at home, there was little escape for poor Erin. Her parents divorced several years earlier, fighting bitterly over whom Erin's brother would live with and just as bitterly over whom Erin would live with but this was the opposite, each parent preferred Erin to live with the other. The result was Erin living with her mother and visiting her father in Philadelphia, and the inverse for her brother. However, one thing that linked both parents was that neither had an ounce of sympathy for their daughter's digestive problems, treating this either like an embarrassment or one huge joke.

At a family outing with her mother, step-father and step-sisters, Erin had been taken short in the car and had to run as fast as she could through a meadow and behind a tree with a box of tissues, the teenager pulling down her jeans and panties with seconds to spare. Her mother thought this was a huge joke, laughing and telling friends, neighbors and relatives.

Then at spring break, Erin had visited her father, brother, step-mother and step-brothers in Philadelphia. Like today, she had her period and when an attack of Crohn's disease flared up Erin had to run for the bathroom as fast as her bare feet would carry her, diarrhea keeping her sitting on the toilet for close to half an hour. When Erin finally finished, pulling up her panties and adjusting her pad she pushed the handle on the cistern to flush the toilet, and to the girl's horror nothing happened, leaving the toilet bowl full of her poo, menstrual blood and dirty toilet paper. With her stepmother out for the morning, not that Erin liked the woman anyway, Erin had no choice but to take her father into the smelly bathroom and advise him of what had happened.

When Erin's father, never a tactful or compassionate man, was unable to fix the toilet himself he had to call a plumber, explaining loudly to the plumber and apprentice when they arrived that 'his daughter had broken the toilet when she had a crap that morning.' With Erin the only girl in sight, the two men obviously knew she was the one responsible. Her father had then apologized to the two tradesmen for the unpleasant, smelly and messy nature of this call-out, saying that he wished he had two sons instead, rather than a daughter with a spastic colon and girls' problems every 28 days.

Erin's black mood returned to Kenny and Wayne, and she would have been horrified to know that the two morons were at this very moment outside the customer bathroom. Of course Wayne and Kenny had no idea that Erin occupied the bathroom. They were talking to Dylan, who was cleaning up after somebody dropped a bottle of orange juice, and had visited the supermarket to collect the promised photographs of Dylan's hot cousin from New York, the spoiled rich girl Madison.

Kenny and Wayne's eyes bulged at the photographs of the pretty 18-year-old blonde. In some photos Madison was wearing a pink tee-shirt and blue denim shorts with sandals that showed off her pretty feet; in others tight jeans; one of her in short overalls and in another a pink baby-doll dress, her feet clad in white sneakers and white ankle socks.

"She is so hot," said Wayne, feeling his cock stir in his underpants.

"Yeah, your cousin is really hot," conferred Kenny. He looked at one of the photographs, which contained pictures of the two travelers the Wilson family had met while on their summer camping vacation, Davo and Travis. "Who are those two guys?" asked Kenny.

"Yeah, who are they?" Wayne wanted to know.

"Those are the two guys I told you about, Davo and Travis," said Dylan. "They're from Australia."

"Australia, wow," said Wayne. He attempted an Australian accent, very badly. "G'day mate, how's it going? She's a beaut Sheila, hey Cobber? Chuck another shrimp on the barbeque."

Kenny thought this was very funny, but Dylan who was trying to do his work, was not so impressed and was hoping that Wayne and Kenny would go on their way.

"Australian girls are really hot," said Kenny. "I liked the pictures of them in the books at school in their white blouses, frilly dresses and aprons in the mountains."

Dylan and Wayne shot him a strange look. "You're thinking of Austria, not Australia," said Dylan.

"Don't they wear those hot dresses in Australia?" asked Kenny.

"How the fuck should I know?" asked Wayne.

Kenny looked at another photograph. "Fuck, Davo is a great looking guy," he said.

This earned him another and even stranger look from Dylan and Wayne. "What the fuck, Kenny?" asked Wayne.

"He's good looking, I'm just saying," said Kenny.

"Yeah, well don't say," said Wayne. "You don't walk behind me ever again, Kenny."

There was a commotion along an aisle, and a middle-aged woman appeared leading an elderly, irascible and infirm man. Kenny and Wayne laughed. "That guy peed in a fountain last week," Kenny advised Dylan, who also laughed.

"His daughter was really pissed about it," Wayne added.

The father and daughter stood outside the customer bathroom, continuing to argue. "I don't care what you did in the army during the war, Dad," said the woman. "You cannot go around peeing in a supermarket car park."

The elderly man regarded his daughter with a sour expression. "You stupid girl, it's locked. I'll piss my pants the way I'm going."

"Dad, be patient," the woman warned.

"One day soon I'll be dead and then you'll be sorry," said the old man bitterly.

Inside the bathroom, Erin finally finished on the toilet, the girl unwinding toilet paper three times in a row to finish wiping herself clean. Feeling slightly breathless as she always did after an episode of Crohn's disease, Erin stood up and pulled up her panties, adjusting her napkin so it was secure around her pussy. Smoothing down her skirt, Erin flushed the toilet and went to the sink to wash her hands, before exiting the bathroom where she found herself confronted by the old man as soon as she opened the door.

"It's about time!" shouted the old man, his voice carrying through the supermarket. Erin blushed bright red, her face turning scarlet when she saw Wayne and Kenny there, both laughing.

"Dad, enough," said his daughter.

The old man took a step into the bathroom and stopped short at Erin's toilet smell. "Oh my God, what was that girl doing in there?" he roared, going red with rage.

Erin cringed as Kenny and Wayne collapsed in hysterics.

"Dad, be quiet it's embarrassing," warned his daughter. "Go in there, and go to the bathroom."

"You probably arranged for her to stink the toilet out when I was about to go in there just to piss me off," the old man challenged, again pointing at Erin and embarrassing the hapless teenager more and more. "I'm not going there now, I'd rather stand right here and piss my pants than go in there where that girl had a shit."

"Dad, you won't be doing that ..." warned the woman, but her facial expression turned more horrified as a huge wet stain appeared at the front of her father's brown trousers, urine running onto the floor.

"Dad!" screamed the mortified woman.

"I told you so," said the old man, looking most pleased with himself.

As the horrified and humiliated Erin made her escape, Wayne and Kenny were hysterical with laughter, sounding like hyenas that had breathed in laughing gas. Erin having an embarrassing experience when she went to the toilet for a poo, and a senile old man pissing his pants were utopia to them.

The woman was not laughing as she escorted her father from the store, his wet pants attracting a great deal of attention. While Dylan would normally have laughed at Erin's misfortune and an incontinent old man pissing his pants, he did not do so today. As he was the one with the mop and bucket, it fell to Dylan to mop up the urine puddle on the floor, and he was glad when Wayne and Kenny composed themselves and went on their way. At times, he had to agree with his father, mother, brother and sister. They were idiots.

With Kenny and Wayne gone, Dylan made his way towards the front of the store where Sonia was serving a customer when he heard another young female voice call his name. "Dylan?"

Dylan turned around to see the slim, attractive figure of Megan Delaney approaching, the 18-year-old looking good in a short green summer dress that came just above her knees and complimented her long red hair and fair skin well, Megan's pretty feet encased in white sandals. While Dylan normally welcomed the presence of any pretty teenage girl, liberal do-gooder and teacher's pet Megan served to irritate him despite how hot she was. As usual Megan was clasping the hand of her boyfriend Paul, the handsome young man pushing a shopping cart. At school, Megan had rarely given Dylan the time of day, so he wondered why she wanted to speak to him now.

"Hi Megan, hi Paul how are you?" Dylan asked politely.

"Hi Dylan," said Paul, unusually getting the first word in before Megan.

"My boyfriend Paul and I had the day off today and we were helping Mrs. O'Connor by doing her shopping," Megan began. Dylan kept a neutral expression. Obviously graduating high school had done little to change Megan. As always, she made a point of saying Paul was her boyfriend despite everyone already knowing this and typically was keen to flaunt her good deeds to anyone who would listen.

Megan continued. "Everything was going fine until we saw the most offensive item for sale in your supermarket, and I thought it best I bring it to your attention."

At her register, Sonia looked across and was glad that Megan had approached Dylan rather than herself. Dylan pondered what the item that was so offensive could be. They did not sell any sort of adult magazines in the store, not even containing girls wearing swimsuits. "Could you please show me what it is?" asked Dylan.

"Of course," said Megan. She removed her boyfriend's hand from her clasp and led Dylan a few feet to the front of the stationary aisle and pointed at a display.

Dylan was even more puzzled. This was a book stand, and the children's book stand at that. What was so offensive here? "These are children's books," said Dylan blankly.

Megan sighed and picked up a picture book. "Now, I'm not one to complain but how could your store even consider selling something so horribly offensive?"

Dylan looked at the book Megan was holding. The cover illustrations looked to be from about the 1940s given the appearance of various happy looking toys - teddy bears, other plush animals, dolls, soldiers and the like - the title indicating the subject was about a magical toy box. Had Megan lost her mind, or been smoking a plant with five green leaves on each stem? "I'm sorry I don't follow," said Dylan.

Megan rolled her eyes and pointed at the illustration of one toy. The said toy was a golliwog doll, black in color with a big smile and wearing a stripy suit with a big bow tie. "How could your supermarket even consider something so racially offensive and insensitive to children?" Megan looked around for somebody to assist her in her moral crusade, and fixed her eyes upon Sonia. Megan thrust the book towards the pretty African-American cashier. "Sonia, don't you find this terribly racist and offensive?"

Sonia sighed. This wasn't the first time Megan had tried to get Sonia's support on something Megan considered racially offensive. In biology at high school, the class had been studying plants from Australia. There were many interesting and exotic plants to study, one of which had a black trunk and long grass-like foliage on the top, with a long stem growing from the top when the plant was flowering. This tree was known as a 'black-boy', something that upset Megan's delicate sensitivities no end, the girl horrified at the plant's name and asking that the teacher and class refer to it by its Latin name of 'Xanthorrea Australis'.

Sonia did not consider the Australian black-boy plant racially offensive. Nor did she consider the children's book obviously written and illustrated many years ago and containing a golliwog doll offensive. Sonia did consider her grandparents have to use colored bathrooms and having to sit at the back of the bus when they were younger offensive and the segregation policies her parents remembered from childhood offensive. Another thing that Sonia found offensive was a white girl like Megan Delaney who could have no concept of the issues faced by many African-Americans getting on her high horse about minor things such as Australian plants and children's story-books that were of no relevance to anybody. With an indifferent shrug of her shoulders, Sonia said, "It's just a children's book, I don't see anything wrong with it."

Deprived of an ally, Megan turned back to Dylan. "Maybe I should speak to somebody in charge?"

Keen to get rid of the girl, Dylan said, "How about I take you to see the store manager, Megan?"

"Thank you," said Megan. She took Paul, who had been standing in silence, by the hand. "Come along, Paul." Paul did as he was told as Dylan escorted Megan to the store manager's office, before making good his escape. Megan was the manager's problem now.

Having gotten rid of one problem 18-year-old female, Dylan found himself confronted with another when he turned a corner and found Breanna in an aisle. The cousins looked at each other and Dylan was surprised to see her. It wasn't even noon yet. Surely things couldn't have gone so badly at the company where his father worked that Breanna had been asked to leave already? Then again, maybe they had.

"What are you doing here?" Dylan asked his cousin.

"Shopping, what does it look like?" retorted Breanna.

"Aren't you supposed to be working with Dad today?" asked Dylan.

"It was fucked," said Brenna. "No wonder Uncle Bob is so fucking miserable, working at that fucking shit-hole of a place with all those stupid cunts all the time."

"Does Dad know that you've gone?" Dylan enquired.

"I left a message for him, I don't know if he got it and I sure as fuck don't care. One thing, though. You didn't see me here, okay?"

"I didn't see you here?" Dylan asked.

"That's right, you didn't see me," Breanna affirmed. "Just like you didn't see me do this." The girl took two candy bars from the shelf, putting one into the shopping basket she carried and with deft hands, the second between her breasts. The teenager smiled at Dylan in smug satisfaction. "You tell on me, and I'll tell everyone about the things you like to collect. Like pornography, or your spoiled rich cousin's dirty panties. Well, got to run, can't stay and chat."

With that, Breanna turned and walked away, Dylan nervously hoping that this had not been seen by anyone else, otherwise Breanna would be arrested for shoplifting and himself fired for not doing anything about it.

He watched nervously as his cousin finished the shopping she was doing - it seemed to be unhealthy sweet foods such as cakes, cookies and candy for whatever reason - and paid at the cashier. Dylan pondered how many items his cousin had failed to pay for, and if she would be caught. However, Breanna was so experienced as a shoplifter that she had avoided showing up on the radar, and walked out into the gray summer day with not a hint of a problem. Dylan returned to stocking a shelf, knowing that after lunch he would be assisting Jim, the grumpy fruit and vegetable man.


Outside, Breanna made for the bus stop, her bra and panties filled with small items she had stolen. Ducking into an alleyway, she removed them and placed them in the shopping bag she carried. Boarding the bus, Breanna was soon on the road back to her side of town. On the way, the bus passed a gas station, where Kate was in the process of filling up the company car she had driven to the bank. She looked up at the bus, certain she recognized a pretty blonde passenger as the vehicle passed by, but Kate's view was unclear and she was not certain it was Breanna.

The tall brunette shook her head, wondering if she was seeing things. Breanna was supposed to be working at the company with her father today. What was she doing on the bus? Her dad would be really mad if Breanna had defied him and left work early. Still, that was Breanna's problem. Kate did not want to get involved.

Kate had just about finished filling the gas tank, when a vehicle for the company where Brett worked pulled in behind her, and Brett stepped out. The handsome young man was delighted to see the pretty Kate, his eyes lingering on the teenager's big breasts.

"Hi Kate," Brett said, a big smile on his face.

Kate likewise was pleased to see Brett. "Hi Brett," she said, returning Brett's smile.