Trailer Trash Teen Hates Rules Ch. 07


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"Or what you'd find underneath Dustin's bed," laughed Breanna.

"No wonder he had heart problems looking at these all day," commented Isabella, picking up a second magazine and leafing through it.

"I think I'd be reading these too, if I was married to his wife," said Breanna.

"Okay, that's enough," said Megan, her demeanor prim and proper. "Breanna and Isabella, could you please close those magazines?"

Breanna held up a magazine featuring a pictorial of three naked Asian girls. "Why, it's just pictures of tits, butts and vaginas? I have tits, a vagina and a butt, Issy has tits, a vagina and a butt, and you have tits, a vagina and a butt."

"I don't think he has a vagina," laughed Isabella, holding a magazine open to a page where a guy with an enormous dick and balls more like those to be found on an African male elephant stood naked, a naked girl on all fours in front of him, her mouth open about to give fellatio.

"This is just dreadful," said Megan, taking the magazines and returning them to the box. "We'll put them away until we can properly sort through them and get rid of what isn't appropriate."

"So, you aren't going to sell them?" smirked Isabella.

"Oh course not," said the flustered, blushing Megan.

"I think my loser cousin Dylan and those two perverts he hangs out with Wayne and Kenny would buy the whole box minus the gardening ones," said Breanna. "You could make a fucking heap of money for the charity shop."

"No, now could you please help me put the box away?" asked Megan, Breanna and Isabella smirking at the prissy girl's discomfort with the situation.

The morning continued with Breanna and Isabella irritating Megan with their lack of interest and reluctance to work, and Megan equally irritating Breanna and Isabella with her left-wing philosophy. Tensions continued to rise as noon approached, however any neutral party observing the three girls would easily guess who would come out on top in the battle of wills.

Breanna and Isabella were well used to life on the bad side of town, and would solve most problems with force, physically or mentally. They knew who they could take on and who they couldn't, for example Breanna was reluctant to physically confront girls who could beat her in a physical confrontation, such as her field-hockey playing cousin Kate, and after what had happened in the gym this morning, John's fiancée Samantha. However, any girls or guys who showed weakness to Breanna and Isabella would invite bullying from the pair.

Megan, in contrast, had been brought up in a nice house in the nice side of town, where things were resolved by talking in a nice way and left-wing, liberal views were shared by all. If making comparisons to the Breanna and Isabella versus Megan conflict with situations in the animal kingdom, in a suburban garden Breanna and Isabella were paper wasps to Megan's caterpillar. In a rural setting, Megan was a lamb that had wandered too far from the flock and near the dark woods, Breanna and Isabella wolves or cougars that lurked in the said dark wood. On the plains of Africa, Megan was a wildebeest that had strayed from the herd, Breanna and Isabella either lionesses that waited concealed in the long grass or crocodiles in the muddy river waters. Breanna and Isabella would win, it was just a matter of how and when.

Just before twelve, Breanna and Isabella both felt the call of nature and went to the rear of the store where the bathroom was located. Breanna went to open the door, the handle failing to turn. She knew it couldn't be occupied, Isabella was right beside her, Megan at the front of the store, so why the fuck was it locked?

"Come on, open you fucking piece of shit," yelled Breanna, applying plenty of force to the handle, and kicking the door violently when it refused to budge. This noise alerted Megan, who went out the back to see Breanna kick the door again, Isabella following suit.

"What is the problem now?" asked Megan.

"We need to go to the bathroom, but the fucking door won't open," snapped Breanna.

Megan sighed. "The door locks automatically, you need a key. All you have to do is ask, okay?" She reached into her purse, and took out a key and handed it to Breanna. "You can have my key for the moment. The other key is in the kitchen, hanging on a hook."

Breanna opened the door and vanished into the bathroom, closing and locking the door behind her, while Isabella waited outside and Megan returned to the front of the store. In the bathroom, Breanna sat on the toilet for five minutes her mini-skirt hitched around her waist, her pink panties down around her ankles. Breanna unwound and used toilet paper as she needed it, and when finished stood up, pulled up her panties, flushed the toilet and washed her hands.

Opening the door, Isabella went inside, closed the door and sat on the toilet after lifting her skirt and pulling down her white panties. Like Breanna, Isabella was on the toilet for five minutes, the teenager advancing the toilet roll and using paper as she needed it, the girl using the last of the toilet paper as she finished.

As Isabella stood up, pulled up her panties and flushed the toilet, it did not occur to her to change the empty toilet roll. Nor did it occur to Breanna, who noticed the cardboard tube with no paper on the holder as Isabella opened the bathroom door after washing her hands. There was no malice in this, just pure thoughtlessness, both Isabella and Breanna selfish and uncaring girls, who thought little of other people.

The girls returned the bathroom key to Megan and stood at the front counter, Megan herself feeling the need to use the bathroom and heading out the back. Opening the door, Megan stopped and the pretty teenager's face showed her dismay as she noticed that there was no toilet paper on the roll holder. Irritated, Megan went to a storage closet and took out a roll of toilet paper. She was about to go back to the bathroom, but decided to speak to Breanna and Isabella first, so returned to the front of the store.

"Guys, perhaps we can all try to get along better and not do things that might irritate somebody else," said Megan, standing in front of the indifferent Breanna and Isabella with the roll of toilet paper in her right hand. "When I went to go to the bathroom just now, there was no toilet paper left for me to use. I know that it's your first day, but if you could let me know when you use the last of anything like the toilet paper, it would be so much more pleasant for all of us."

With that, Megan turned and went back to the bathroom, closing and locking the door. The teenager put the new roll of toilet paper onto the holder, lifted her skirt and pulled down her white panties with blue floral print down to her ankles, revealing a perfect triangle of red pubic hair on her mound, and the firm white buttocks of her bare bottom. Sitting down on the toilet, Megan got herself comfortable on the seat and the sound of the pretty redhead urinating filled the bathroom, the yellow stream of pee flowing from Megan's urethra and into the toilet bowl. Opening her legs, Megan got a length of toilet paper and dried her pussy, before she moved her bowels, Megan's poo splashing into the toilet water and the smell of her shit filling the confined space of the bathroom. Getting more toilet paper and lifting her left buttock, Megan wiped herself and looked down at her panties and feet as she continued to defecate into the toilet, all the while hoping that her two assistants would lift their game this afternoon.


Megan's hopes for this were slim, Breanna and Isabella giving her obscene hand gestures behind her back as she departed for the toilet. As soon as they heard Megan close and lock the door, the two girls laughed and began their impersonations of her.

"Perhaps we can all get along and not do things that might irritate other people," said Breanna, her voice a good imitation of that of Megan.

"It would be so much more pleasant for all of us," said Isabella. "Fuck, what an annoying, do-gooder, teacher's pet bitch."

"Don't you like her, Issy?" laughed Breanna.

"About as much as I like Carlos," said Isabella.

Megan, all-too-trusting, had left her purse on the counter and Breanna and Isabella were quick to pick it up and start going through the contents, finding a photograph of Megan and her boyfriend Paul taken at senior prom. "This is my boyfriend Paul. Have you met my boyfriend Paul? He's my boyfriend," mocked Breanna.

"Fuck, it's so sickly sweet I could throw up," were Isabella's unkind observations of Megan and Paul's relationship.

"She's not sweetness and light all the time, look at this," said Breanna. She had gone deeper into the bag, finding something far more personal; a smaller flowery bag in which Megan kept her period supplies. Breanna held up a bottle and read aloud from the prescription label. "Miss Megan Delaney, for relief of symptoms associated with pre-menstrual syndrome, take with food as required. Fuck, it must be bad if she has to get PMS medication prescribed. Poor Paul."

Isabella laughed, and also began looking through Megan's period supplies bag. She picked up a packet of period pain tablets, a spare pair of Megan's panties and then some tampons, which were of the applicator variety. "Megan can't stand to touch herself when she's on the rag," laughed Isabella.

"Yeah, those tampons are probably the only things that ever get to go up there," said Breanna. "I don't think Paul's even seen her panties, let alone get into them."

"What are these, spastic pads?" scoffed Isabella, taking out two of Megan's period pads, which were curved towards the center. "I've never seen sanitary napkins like these before."

"I saw a commercial for those the other day," said Breanna. She laughed, and began to impersonate the plummy voice of the lady narrating the commercial. "The curved pad contours to the shape of Megan's body, and the special cover eliminates dampness and odor, keeping Megan dry, fresh and comfortable at all times even on her heaviest days."

Both girls giggled and put Megan's menstrual supplies back in her purse. They were about to look through the bag further when a van drew up and a handsome young black man entered, carrying a sanitary disposal bin and a clip-board. Breanna struggled to remember where she had seen him previously, then remembered he was from church last Sunday. Sean, Sonia's older brother, who was dating the Asian girl Penny.

"Hi, I'm just here to change the bin over in your bathroom," said Sean.

Breanna smiled. This was like manna from heaven. The opportunity to defeat Megan in one blow was here, unplanned and falling from the skies into her lap. It was like they were playing chess, and Megan had left her king open on the back row, not seeing the opposing queen or rook that could travel down and deliver checkmate on the next move.

"I'll just get you the key," said Breanna, leading Sean into the kitchen, handing him the bathroom key from the hook.

"Thanks," said Sean, taking the key and carrying the sanitary waste bin out to the back of the store, Breanna and Isabella following, the girls making sure to stay at a reasonable distance and conceal their smirking and not alert Sean to the fact that he was a pawn in their latest prank. They held their breaths as Sean inserted the key into the lock.

Inside the bathroom, Megan advanced the toilet roll, folded the sheets of toilet paper and was wiping her bottom when all of a sudden the peace and privacy of the bathroom was shattered. The door swung open, and a young African-American man stood over her while she was sitting on the toilet, her toilet paper smeared with her poo fully visible before Megan hastily dropped it into the bowl. Shock caused Megan to scream loudly, and in her panic to prevent Sean seeing her pubic hair or vagina, Megan accidentally opened her knees wide, giving the young man a full view of the red curls that covered her mound and further down the flaps of her pussy, before she hastily put a hand down to cover her vagina.

Worse was to follow. The fright affected Megan's bowels, and she was unable to stop herself from farting, the sound echoing in the toilet bowl. To Megan's complete horror, her anus remained open and from her rectum came even more poo, which splashed into the toilet along with Megan's other bowel movements and her dirty toilet paper, adding to the strong smell of excrement in the bathroom.

Megan's fair skin blushed as red as her hair, both the long hair that covered her head and the hair that grew on her pubic mound as she screeched, "What are you doing?!"

"Sorry, I'm so sorry!" called Sean, as he hastily slammed the door closed, the horrified young man close to hyperventilating. All he was doing was his job changing sanitary bins, he was not expecting to open this door and see a young woman sitting on the toilet having a smelly shit with her panties around her ankles. And he was most definitely not expecting the young woman to be his old high school's resident liberal do-gooder and teacher's pet Megan Delaney, a girl his younger sister Sonia had frequently complained about.

Behind the closed bathroom door, Megan frantically unwound toilet paper in an attempt to finish, the girl still bright red and breathing heavily from her embarrassment as she wiped herself. Not only had Sean seen her while she was pooing on the toilet, he had seen her pubic hair and vagina when in panic she had spread her legs rather than close them. Finally finished, Megan stood up, pulled up her panties, smoothed down her skirt and put down the lid. Megan flushed the toilet then washed her hands, the pretty red-head opening the door to find a most dismayed Sean waiting for her.

"Megan, I'm sorry, the girls gave me the keys to the bathroom, I had no idea you were in there," said Sean. "I wouldn't have opened the door if I'd known. I'm just changing the sanitary bin, see?"

Sean walked into the very smelly bathroom, the sound of the toilet cistern refilling still audible and changed over the sanitary bin, while Megan stood silent before saying, "So Breanna and Isabella gave you the key?"

"Yes, said Sean, his uneven breathing patterns like that of Megan showing his stress and embarrassment. No matter how much he tried to clear his mind, the sights, sounds and smells of Megan sitting on the toilet remained, permanently burned into his mind's eye.

With neither teenager wanting to look the other in the eye, Sean held the clipboard in Megan's direction, the girl signing the delivery sheet and taking the invoice. "Again, I'm so sorry," said Sean, the traumatized young man making his way out of the charity store, seeing and hearing Breanna and Isabella laughing at the success of their practical joke. He stumbled out to the van, put the bin into the back before climbing in and starting the engine, nearing colliding with another car as he was still too shocked and stressed to drive correctly, before finally pulling away, moving the van at a snail's pace.

In the store, Megan stood breathing heavily, her skin still as red as her hair before hearing the shrieks of laughter of Breanna and Isabella, and stormed out to confront them. "Do you think that was funny, giving Sean the key so he could walk in on me in the bathroom?" she spat.

"We thought you'd finished," said Breanna, not making any attempt to cover up the fact that she was lying.

"No, you did it on purpose," said Megan. She stood trembling, before bursting into tears. "I'm trying to help you, and you do that to me? I've had enough! Get out, get out both of you! Out now!" Megan pointed at the door through her tears.

"If you insist," smirked Breanna.

"Just get out!" shouted the sobbing Megan, Breanna and Isabella happily departing.

"Bye!" called Isabella as they made their way out the front door, as the tearful Megan, too upset to continue working for the day, locked up the store, turned the front door sign from 'Open' to 'Closed' and stormed to her car, slamming the door closed and driving away, still crying.

Isabella and Breanna saw Megan drive by erratically, and both teenagers laughed hysterically. "I think you've really pissed her off," said Isabella, the pretty Latina clutching her sides.

"Yeah, well she pisses everyone off so now she knows what it's fucking like," said Breanna. "Anyway, I'm fucking hungry, what do you want for lunch?"

Before Isabella could reply, she saw a familiar figure walking to a car in a side-street and tapped Breanna on the shoulder to look. Breanna's eyes took in the obese form of the shady auto panel shop owner they had robbed a day earlier, Fatso Phil waddling back to his car, his fat thighs clad in shorts rubbing together, his enormous stomach straining his shirt and hanging over his groin.

"Hey, it's Fatso Phil," said Breanna.

"Yeah, I wonder what he's doing over on this side of town?" pondered Isabella.

"Maybe he ate all the food over on our side of town?" suggested Breanna. "Look at what he's got for his lunch."

"And he wonders why he's so fat," scoffed Isabella, looking at the food the man was carrying; a pizza, a tub of French fries, a bag of doughnuts and a tub of double chocolate ice-cream.

"He is doing one thing right," observed Breanna. "Look how he's got a bottle of diet cola."

The girls both laughed. "I think that's a waste of fucking time," smirked Isabella.

Fatso Phil put his lunch in his car, then paused as though remembering something. He locked the car, and waddled back across the road heading for a news agency.

"We can help Fatso Phil with his weight problem," said Breanna, looking around for anybody who could witness what they were doing and seeing nobody else around. "Come on."

Breanna and Isabella walked down the side street to Fatso Phil's car, the girls keeping a watch out for people passing by all the time as Isabella took one of her hair clips and easily picked the lock on the car door. Breanna reached inside, and relieved Fatso Phil of his pizza, fries, ice-cream and doughnuts.

"Thanks for lunch, Fatso Phil," laughed Breanna. The pretty blonde looked at the bottle of diet cola. "Diet soft drinks taste like shit, but they can be fun." As Isabella laughed, Breanna shook the bottle, opened it and sprayed the contents around the front of the car, over the dashboard, steering wheel and seats.

Breanna then took a screwdriver and smiled at Isabella. "Everyone has a spare tire in case they get a flat," she said as she slashed the front driver's side tire, the girls watching it deflate. Breanna moved to the front passenger side and slashed this tire too. "Some people keep two spare tires just in case," she continued as she walked around to the back and paused for dramatic effect. "But nobody ever keeps three spares in case they get three flat tires at once." With that, Breanna slashed the rear passenger side tire, before the girls closed the door and departed with the proceeds of their theft, waiting behind a wall to see what was going to happen when Fatso Phil returned.

It wasn't long before the obese man waddled down the road carrying a newspaper. Breanna and Isabella giggled as Fatso Phil casually opened the door to his car, got in, and immediately sat in the sticky cola. "Fuck it!" bellowed the fat man, jumping up and bashing his head on the roof, before leaping out of the car and seeing that his lunch was gone and the interior of the vehicle covered in cola. "Fuck it, fuck it, fuck it!" He slammed the door closed and kicked a tire, going as red as a beetroot as he saw that this tire and two others were flat, assuming kids were responsible for this. "You fucking kids! I'll fucking kill you when I catch you! You give me the shits!"

Breanna and Isabella made haste around the corner, both girls laughing. "Maybe Fatso Phil can buy a fucking salad sandwich instead?" suggested Breanna.