Train Buddies

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Passion flares between two strangers on a train.
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Thank you to all our new found fans. Your e-mails and comments were so sweet that Matt_Wolf and I did it again and have started this series. Enjoy the first bit and hopefully the second will soon follow. ;) - eklectikchik



I couldn't believe that this was the day! In fact, I still couldn't believe I was here, in Europe, once again. It has been many many years and I was lucky to still have family in the area. However, for most of my life I had been raised in the US and most couldn't have called me European by any means. I had an American accent...a little southern twag from time to time that made some of the locals laugh. I took it with a grain of salt and smiled along with them. This was one experience I wasn't going to forget!

Today I stood in front of my full sized mirror in a small apartment or 'flat' as they put it and was deseperately trying to find something to wear for my interview. This was an important demanded being dressed to impress, for business and I was sorely out of practice!

Frustrated, I started out with the basics and slipped a shapely, freshly shaven leg into a silky black thigh high. After much debate, I had decided that if I was going to do this, I was going all the way and thigh highs were much sexier! I smile at the thought...they were going to be my little secret of the day to keep me cool and confident. With my legs ready, I quickly slipped into a simple and modest black skirt that came down to my knees, followed by a white button down blouse and black jacket. Nothing was too fancy or too frilly, but I felt good about my choices just the same.

Buttoning up my jacket, I slipped on a pair of polished black heels - their height making me a wobble a second. I took a few practiced steps and smiled to myself. I could do this and I would.

With a deep breath, I brushed out my shoulder length auburn hair, the soft bob cut framing my face nicely. I had already taken the time with a little makeup to accent my eyes and lips before slipping on my glasses. "You can do this." I told myself and smoothed out my clothes one more time before setting out.



The alarm clock sounded. Shit, 6 already! I rolled over and out of bed. I never left myself enough time in the mornings to get ready, never eating properly, rushing through the shower and teeth washing, dressing without really looking. I shave the night before to save time, although that does risk giving the 5pm look first thing in the morning. I take the briefest of looks in the mirror, my short black hair is still wet from the shower and I push my fingers through it a couple of times. My glasses are fithly, so I take them off, my pale blue eyes blinking as I polish them up. That'll do. I pull on my shirt, suit, shoes etc. fixing the tie as I run down the steps and out of my flat.

I reach the bus stop just in time, as always. The bus is crowded, early shift workers, cleaners, receptionists. Some faces I recognise but never speak to, everybody keeping their eyes down, many looking half alseep. I get off at the railway station and go through my automatic pilot routine - bagel, coffee, newspaper - and walk without thinking to my usual platform. No. 19. 6:55 train.

On board the crowd thins a little, mainly to other businessmen, and some although fewer business women. A few couples travelling with bags. I walk through the carriages looking for a seat, well looking for a double seat to myself of course. I pass by a couple of options as they're near groups of suits, talking their own business which I'm just not interested in.

Eventually I find a corner to call my own and settle down. Around the aisle is an older woman, straw blond hair, rimless glasses, serious looking - she is digesting the FT. A guy two seats down opens up his laptop. Two other men are in view, each engrossed in their own routines.

The train pulls out of the station bang on time and I pull out a book to keep me occupied. It's classic detective fiction, full of cool guys of few women, ice cold blonds and gun shots in dark neighbourhoods.



I found the morning rush to be quite a wake up call. I hadn't been this busy in a long time, but I was enjoying it! Not before finding which train I should be on, I grabbed a hot cup of coffee and slid a muffin into my purse for later. As the crowds pushed and shoved through the terminals, I was happy to make it on board and on time. Shoving my purse over my shoulder, I press it close and fumbled a moment to catch my balance as the train starts off.

The first car seems rather packed and I carefully shuffle my way through it, carefully sliding open a door that would lead me to the next. I sigh to myself as I see several available seats, but suddenly wonder which would be the best option. A quick scan around the limited space leads my eye to a lone passenger. He seems to be reading and I hate to bother him, but the thought of sitting next to one not so pleasant looking woman and between a pack of businessmen isn't my idea of fun.

Gripping my cup firmly, I edge towards the man, making sure that my balance is kept as my heels hit the floor. "Excuse you mind if I sit here?" I ask.

He looks up and I smile, meeting a pair of friendly blue eyes with my own. "I hate to bother you, but these heels are already killing my feet."



I'm a bit put out at first to be honest, there an empty double seat opposite the guy with the laptop, although the train is filling up now. However, I can't exactly say no can I, and there is something about the American accent and friendly banter that breaks my coldness, so I shift my stuff from the spare seat, "Sure, help yourself." I say.

The woman sits down beside me. The seats are an ok size, but nobody would say they were generous, so we're pretty closer together. Carefully not touching, as is the norm with strangers, but close. I keep my book up but notice straight away that the woman is attractive. She also clearly dressing up for something special, looking pretty slick in what might well be a brand new outfit.

She shuffles in her hear, lifting first one leg up and then the other as she eases her shoes off her feet. Doing so makes her shoulder brush against mine and out of a corner of my eye I get a glimpse of her bestockinged legs, the black nylon stretching over the pale skin underneath. I stir a little in my seat, making myself comfortable, telling myself to calm down, there's nothing worse than a gawper on the train.

I turn to the window. That's better, can get a reasonable look at her profile her without seeming to stare.



I wiggle my toes and sigh softly, good god these shoes were murderous! I would have to make a note of wearing more low heeled pumps to help me get used to this type of thing again. After a quick stretch of my feet and calves, I slip them back on - feeling a little self conscious getting comfortable around a train load of strangers. The man next to me is also quite attractive...tall and slender, but filling out his own suit quite nicely. His short dark hair makes his blue eyes stand out, all at once capturing my attention.

Still, feeling a bit self conscious about myself, I tug at my jacket and shift again, crossing my legs in a prim ladylike way. I wasn't skinny by any means, but even though there was some extra padding to my physique, I had some nice, generous curves that some men found appealing. Being a chubby pre-teen had left some mental scaring from teasing and just a low, overall self image, but through the years I had also come to appreciate certain qualities about myself. As my curves came into play through my later teens, I had noticed more boys look at me twice...from my nice full chest, to a nice curved bottom, all which filled my suit out nicely. My only real insecurities was as most womens...chubby thighs and a less than flat tummy that I so desperately desired. Still, I did the best I could with what assets I had and from time to time I caught an interested glance that made me smile.

Out of the corner of my eye, I strained to see what he was up to. His face was turned toward the window and I wondered what thoughts were running through his mind.. I unfortuantely hadn't braught any means of entertainment with me and so sad idelly next to the stranger, picking at the hell of my skirt nervously. Shifting my gaze down, I study my neat short nails painted a dark red, one finger displaying a pretty butterfly ring that matched the tattoo on my left hand.

Self consciously I rubbed it, wondering if it was going to cause a problem. The one on my leg people seldom noticed with stockings...but this one was a little out there and yet one I loved dealy. Splaying my fingers out, I took in a deep breath and carefully ran one free hand down the side of my bent leg, unconsciously reaching to adjust the top lace of my stocking while thinking.



The woman beside me is shifting a little in her seat, first uncrossing then crossing her legs again. I'd be frustrated, except she really does has something about her. OK, she isn't glamour model thin, but who is? Instead she has something about her, something particularly noticable when she tugs down at the bottom of her jacket, making it tighten over her chest, excentuating the curve of her breasts and that hint of cleavage framed by an otherwise very proper blouse.

She's also got pretty fine legs I notice as I switch my gaze from her reflection in the mirror and back to my book, which I'm holding on my lap in front of me. My eyes, however, are travelling over the top of the book, catching the curve of her knee where her legs are crossed. My gaze stays fixed there as she run a hand over her leg, scratching a little itch behind her knee then absentmindedly running her hand up her thigh. As she does so she lift the hemline of her skirt, momentarily showing the top of her hold-ups as she adjusts them against her pale skin.

I take all this in, distracted so as to forget to shield my stare, and the woman suddenly catches me looking. Our eyes meet and she knows, both that I've been looking and from her blush that she hadn't been thinking. She instantly covers her leg again and I look away.

"Showing a bit too much leg there, I'm sorry." The woman says, her soft accent sounding very exotic in the train. "Not what you'll be wanting to see first thing in the morning." The serious looking woman the otherside of the aisle catches some of this, looking up from her paper in surprise.

I'm all confused as to the proper response, surely the right thing to have done would have been to have ignored each other, to pretend it had never happened. Maybe this forthrightness is something American and I find that this, as much

I confess as the glimpse of stocking, is starting to make me a little uncomfortable in my seat, a rising bulge developing between my legs and under my book.

"My fault," I reply, hoping to adopt the same playful tone, but speaking in a more British hushed undertone, "I shouldn't have let my eyes stray from the page in front of me."



I felt myself flush with embarrassement, unsure of how to respond to that. I laugh softly, smoothing my clothes again nervously as I lean in closer. "I think I offended someone." I grinned. "This is going to be a bad day for me if I keep it up."

I turn my gaze to the lady and give her a little shrug, making her drop her gaze back down to her reading. I feel him shift a little. "Sorry...I'm just a little nervous today...have a big interview."

He gives me a curt little nod, clearing his throat slightly. I feel like I've startled him as well and take a deep breath, willing myself to shut my nervous prattle. Threading my fingers together, I uncross my legs and squeeze them together, my hands folded in my lap. What was wrong with me?! I wondered, trying to avoid the curious looks from next to us.

At one point, the train slows and stops - a man on the overhead speaker comes through, his voice somewhat muffled and crackling. The lady picks up her purse and leaves, giving us another quick sideways glance before exiting the car, followed closely by the pack of business men.



The carriage is full of bussel for several minutes as one set of commuters are replayed by another lot. They all look pretty much the same, the men with laptops out or playing with their blackberries, the woman dressed in smart suits and blouses. The train is pretty busy now, almost all the seats around us are occupied.

We sit there in silence while this commotion goes on. As the train starts to move and leave the station I decide to break the subject on a more conversational level.

"How far are you going?" I ask.

"London." The woman replies. Then after a pause, "You?"

"Oh London, I'm going the whole way as well."

"Ah well you're gotta put up with me for a whole while longer then." The woman speaks briskly, "We'd better carry on getting better acquainted." She also speaks before thinking, and blushes again. "Sorry," she adds, "Can't seem to stop putting my foot in my mouth."

"Interview nerves," I say, "But I wouldn't worry about it, if they've got any sense they'll find it charming."

"You think? Think I should flash them my stockings as well?"

I laugh, "Well, that might be going a bit too far, but it worked for me." This time it is my turn to blush.



I blush as well. This is unlike me. Usually I'm very quiet, very shy...but something about you makes me want to have a little fun. The stockings was pure accident, but he seemed to enjoy the view.

"Well, I'm glad I put a little sunshine in someones day." I added, with a soft laugh, trying to keep my voice low enough so that no one would hear.

"You did." he smiles nicely, making my stomach flutter a little. Taking off my glasses, I pinch the bridge of my nose and inspect my lenses - making sure they are clean, before putting them back on.

"This is one thing I'm going to have to get used to...I'm so used to driving. I didn't even bring a book, such as yourself. I'll have to buy one for the ride home..."



"A book helps," I say, "It's another hour to London." I pause. "So, if you get this job will you be catching this train everyday?"

"It's a big if, but," the woman laughs, "sure why not, we could get to know each other very well. Could be, what would you call it, train buddies?"

"Why not? That's as good a name as any other."

"And we're getting to know each other well already I hope," the woman laughs again, putting out one hand and touching me lightly on the arm as she does so.

"Absolutely, and that makes a difference from the normal solitary commute, or conversations about work."


We both look around for a moment, taking in the other people on the train, who are all so close yet for a moment they seem to be in different worlds.

"But I don't know," the woman says suddenly, touching me on the arm again and leaning closer to whisper in my ear, "Don't you hope that everybody here has some secret passion that we just can't know from looking at the surface?"



I actually find myself thrilled at the prospect of a new friend...someone to talk to on a regular basis. Sure, I had some family, but not any friends as of yet. This was going to be fun, I hoped!

"I just love people watching...wondering what their thoughts are." I continued, drawing him in as his eyes scan the car. "I guess if I had a power - that would be something I'd want. To be able to read people's thoughts...don't you think that would be interesting?" I ask, shifting my body a little sideways so that I can face him more fully.

With my body turned, I'm forced to again cross a leg, tugging a little on the hem to keep it from sliding up my thighs. With this vantage, he takes a moment to study my face. I smile softly, almost shyly, my lips full, soft and pink...I wasn't much for lipstick, but it looked like a hint of gloss was keeping them moist and inviting. My face was not quite round or oval, but had a sort of classic look to it...with thinly shaped brows that arched over big blue green eyes that were framed sharply by a pair of copper colored glasses.

"How about you...x-ray vision?" I tease.



"I think x-ray vision would sometimes be pretty scary," I reply. "What if it revealled that the guy over there."

I nod towards a respectable gent in a pin-stripped suit, "Was actually wearing his wife's underwear?"

The woman laughs, "Yes, or maybe one of those Catholic garters that dig into the skin!"

I wrinkle my nose at this, "See, not things you'd want to know, although knowing people's inner secrets, well, that might be scary and fun."

"Sure." The woman points over to a younger man, in a rather too large suit and rather heavily gelled hair, he's reading a copy of the lad's mag Loaded. "How about him, what do you think his deepest darkest secret is?"

"Ohh let me think... well, he's in his first job..."

"Doesn't take a mind reader to get that sweetie," she interrrupts.

"No. I haven't finished yet, he's in his first job. And... and this is the secret, he is pretty confident he is going to get a promotion."

"And why is that dare I ask?"

"Because his boss is a particularly glamourous

and adventurous older woman who he is pleasuring every Monday lunchtime."

"Monday lunchtime eh? That's today, he's going to have a good day today!"

"That's right," I lean closer to whisper, "His mind is on it now, that's why there is that particularly suggestive bulge in his trousers...."

The woman almost leans forward slightly, as if to look more closely. She laughs, "Arrh, you've got me looking at men's crotches now you dirty so and so."



I felt myself flush, not believing how he suddenly turned around and become quite chatty. This was a good start after all. Grinning, I giggled and sat back up, not wanting to get caught. "You're terrible." I whispered, giggling all the while.

He chuckles, enjoying this little banter back and forth. I fanned my face a little, hoping no one would notice the flush that has colored my cheeks - apart from my new found friend.

"Don't see that very often." He comments and I raise a delicate brow.

"See what?"

"A woman blush. Not these days anyway."

I laughed, "'re going to make it worse!"



"Oh don't worry about that," I say, "it suits you."

I'm not entirely sure what has got into me, I'm certainly not usually this confident in my flirting. Often I find myself doubting the signals I'm getting and end up not saying a word to woman who I've later been told were really coming onto me. Doesn't seem to me much danger of that this time. I notice that the blush adds a delicate glow to the woman's neck and my eye travels down to the subtle cleavage framed by the line of her blouse. I wonder to myself if that much cleavage was visible before and find my eye is probably hanging there a little too long.

"Hey!" She says, snapping me out of it, "Don't get too fresh now."

I change the subject, "So, what about that woman over there?" I nod towards a petite brunette just two seats away. She is very carefully done up in tasteful make-up, nails perfectly polished, a stack of notes in front of her divided by colored paper and nicely written labels. "If you had x-ray specs or mind reading powers or whatever, what would you discover from her?"



"Mmmmm..." I said, tapping my lip thoughtfully. "Seems like she's very neat and organized...maybe a bit of a control freak. I think we have one of two choices...she's either a dom or likes to let loose. I venture to guess she's wearing leather somewhere under those prim clothes." I laugh at the thought and wink at you. "I think you're a bad influence!"