Training My Niece to Obey

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I teach my bratty niece and bitch wife who is in charge.
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Training My Niece to Obey

I find it perplexing how quickly it all seemed to change.

Let me tell you what I mean. I'm currently, at the time of writing, 58 years old. My brother is 60, and my sister 55.

My children are the oldest of mine and my sibling's offspring at 36 and 33, they're both boys. My brother has 2 children, one of each, at 35 and 32. My sister's eldest, however, has only just turned 21. She had one of each, as well, with her son some 4 years younger than her daughter.

When I went to high school in New Zealand in the late 70s early 80s there were 3 stages to final year exams. In the 5th form (Grade 10) you sat for School Certificate. If you did well in that you went on to the 6th form and did the University Entrance exam. In the final year, 7th form, if you hadn't been accepted into a University, you could sit for either a scholarship or a bursary for University.

Here's the thing, though. If the boys didn't do well in School C. they left school and got jobs. Apprenticeships, if they could, or general work, if they couldn't.

The girls also left school if they didn't pass their School C. but they, more often than not, would only take jobs temporarily until they became old enough to get married and have children.

I'm not saying it was better back then! Let me emphasise that! I'm just saying how it was.

But in the years between me and my sister, something changed. Getting married and having children was no longer the primary goal of the young women leaving school. All of a sudden everyone was waiting until their mid to late 30s to get married and sometimes even later than that to have kids.

Personally, I'm not sure why you would want to be having to deal with teenagers when you're in your 50s, but, each to their own!

Let me emphasise here, again, I don't have a problem with it, I'm just observing!

My mother, who has long passed, was a manipulative bitch! She taught all of her well-honed manipulation skills to her daughter, my sister.

So why do I tell you all of this? Because through a series of really unfortunate events my niece, Rebekkah, came to live with my wife and me just after her 16th birthday. 2 years of absolute hell ensued!

Mum was the first to go, she died of oesophagus cancer, not surprising given she had smoked a pack of cigarettes a day since the age of 21. Dad, as is often the case, followed her into the grave. I'm sure he only meant to check to make sure the gates of hell had locked behind his wife!

Then came the fateful accident. Greg, my sister's husband (he would have had to have been a saintly man to put up with my sister!), my sister and Greg's parents, as well as my niece and nephew, had hired a huge Winnebago type campervan and gone on holidays to New Zealand's deep south.

Luckily for the 2 kids, they had decided sightseeing on a cold, wet and windy Invercargill day wasn't for them and had stayed with some other kids at the caravan park.

It was one of those actual accidents, nobody's fault. The truck driver, who was coming down the range, hit some black ice. His truck slewed out of control and slammed into the campervan being driven by Greg's dad.

All of the camper van's occupants were killed at the scene. I hope, for all of their sakes, it was quick and mostly painless.

Greg was an only child so there were no relatives on his side that could have taken the children in. My brother stepped up and took them into his home.

6 months later he calls me, "You're up, brother," he told me. "If I have to have this fucking bitch in my house any longer I'm probably going to get charged with murder!"

The eldest of my 2 boys had already left home, the youngest had a steady trade job and was hardly ever home. Why the fuck would I want to go back to raising teenagers?

Add in that my wife and I were having trouble. Now the kids had grown we discovered we didn't have a lot in common anymore.

My wife is a gorgeous creature. 5 ft. 7 in. (170 cm.) of fiery red hair (and temper) and green eyes. She has long legs with a firm toned ass and high, tight, apple-sized, breasts. Even in her mid-50s, she was still slim, trim and terrific. I still lusted over her dreadfully, and let's hope the female readers will forgive me for this thought, I needed to keep my cock in her mouth to keep her shut, the fuck, up!

All that ever issued from her mouth was an endless litany of complaints. Her job was too hard, I didn't make enough money so she could quit work, the house was too small, her car too cheap, I couldn't take her on European holidays every year as she felt she deserved, etc.

Just as a by-the-by I never got to stick my dick in any part of her anymore. She had decided that clamming her vagina up might help me to work harder or get a better job. I was earning almost $90,000 a year but, apparently, that wasn't enough!

Reluctantly, but family is family, right? I took the flight across to New Zealand to pick up my niece. Her brother wanted to stay with his uncle. As feared my sister had taught her daughter all of the tricks our mother had taught her.

I was initially sympathetic. It had to be very difficult to lose your parents at that vulnerable age but I soon came to realise that this narcissistic bitch couldn't have cared less that her parents had gone.

Her biggest complaint was that her inheritance was tied up in a trust fund controlled by the family lawyer and she didn't have any access to 'her' money. I'm glad she didn't because there would have been nothing left for either her or her brother 2 months after she got her greedy selfish fingers on it.

Her next biggest complaint, apparently, from what my brother told me, was that he and his wife wouldn't 'keep her in the lifestyle she was accustomed to'!

Her mother had been a teacher and her father a livestock broker so they led a life of wealth and privilege. Private schools, private ballet lessons, trips to foreign lands, all of the trappings the fortunate few enjoy.

'Perfect,' I thought. 'Another whining bitch complaining I don't make enough money.'

My brother picked me up from the airport and filled me in on the details on the way out to his farm.

Manipulative behaviour and skipping school were the least of our niece's many 'indiscretions'.

"I can't stand it, Eric," he informed me. "She's got Lou (Louise) so terrified Lou won't come out of our bedroom if Rebekkah is home. Lou has basically moved back in with her mum and dad. I don't know how I've managed to not murder the bitch thus far!"

This didn't exactly fill me with a desire to help my niece, but, what do you do? You can't abandon family to the system when you can do something about it, now can you?

That was 5 years ago. All of the above is written to set the scene for the story I'm now going to tell you: How I brought my niece to heel and made my wife my escort at the same time.

The 2 years from when Rebekkah crashed into our lives until just before her 18th birthday was a daily living hell. She exhibited all of the behaviours my brother had described. Things had gotten so bad my wife was living separately, she still expected me to pay for everything, though. Fool that I was, I was!

The behaviours culminated when Becca, as she prefers to be called, was arrested for trespass, assault, assaulting a police officer, and shoplifting (to name some of the crimes she was charged with that I can tell you about in this forum) 2 months short of her 18th birthday. To my chagrin, the judge found her guilty of all charges and sentenced her to 2 years of home detention, ankle bracelet and all!

'Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!' I thought. Becca had always said she was moving out of our house as soon as she had turned 18. I was looking forward to the day so much I had marked the days off on a calendar and was counting them down! Now I was going to be stuck with this hellcat for another 2 fucking years!

The court released her into my custody and I took her home.

She showed no signs of remorse, in fact, she sneered at me, "Great, stuck with your imbecilic ass for another 2 fucking years! You're going to have to give up drinking when I turn 18 in 4 days' time because I'm going to drink every drop I can find in the house if you don't!"

I dropped her at home and made sure there were no credit cards or mobile phones anywhere in the house she could use. She did have her own phone but it was a prepaid one that I kept only the minimum balance on so she could call me to pick her up or in an emergency.

Going down to the local I grabbed a beer and sipped it while I tried to figure out what the fuck I was going to do about the next 2 years.

I'd been there about 20 minutes and was deciding if I was going to have another when a guy in a dark business suit, wearing sunglasses, sat beside me. I was a little taken aback as it was only mid-afternoon on a weekday and the bar was mostly empty so there were plenty of other seats.

"Your daughter just got sentenced to home detention, huh?" He said to me.

Wondering how he could possibly, have known that I corrected "Niece, actually, but I'm her legal guardian, so, same, same, I guess."

The guy nodded. "Bet you'd pay just about anything to get that bitch under control, wouldn't you?" He said.

"Sure would," I replied.

He took his sunglasses off, he had the most startling blue eyes I've ever seen and stared at me for a time. The man stood to leave but before he did he took a business card out of his jacket pocket and gave it to me.

"Call the number and make an appointment, you may have to wait a couple of weeks because I'm pretty full-up. Bring your niece, it will be worth it!"

'As if,' I thought, but thanked him and put the card in my shirt pocket.

When I got home Becca had trashed the house. Everything glass or china had been smashed, food had been thrown everywhere and then trampled, furniture tipped up and broken. It was like a hurricane had torn through the inside of my home.

I found her sitting, cross-legged on her bed, the only thing that hadn't been wrecked, with a disdainful 'what are you going to do about it?' look on her face.

'Dial the number', I thought.

Walking outside I took my phone out of my pocket and dialled the number on the card. A sultry deep throated female voice answered.

"Dr Beckham's office. How may I help you?"

"Someone gave me a card and told me to call. He said you could help with my niece's behavioural problems?" I explained to the woman.

"That was Dr Beckham himself," the woman said. "He told me you would call. Eric Cantana, I presume this is? Your niece is McKenzie McHale?"

'How the fuck could they know this"' I thought but answered, "Yes it is and yes she is."

"The doctor has made some room in his schedule for you on the 22nd of this month. That's when your niece turns 18, isn't it? You'll need to take a half-day off." She told me.

'These people are remarkably well informed,' I thought. 'It's a bit creepy, really!' But I was desperate for some, any, help!

"How much is this going to cost," I asked.

"Initial consultation is $1500, if you decide to proceed, there will be a set-up cost and then an ongoing monthly fee that the doctor will discuss with you at your appointment. Results are guaranteed, though. If, for any reason, he isn't able to modify your niece's behaviours you will receive a full refund of all money paid." The voice on the end of the phone said.

I could afford the 1500 bucks but the 'set-up' and 'ongoing monthly fee' had me worried. It sounded like a trap. But what choice did I have? The only other solution I could think of would be to beat my niece within an inch of her life every time she acted out. This was not something I could do, nor allow anyone else to do!

"I'll be there," I told the voice. "What time?"

"We've scheduled you for 9.00 am," she told me.

"22nd at 9.00, got ya," I confirmed.

"Oh, and Mr Cantana?" The voice further said. "You might want to take the whole day off as I'm sure you and your niece will want to spend some time alone together once the doctor has seen you."

'Stay at home with her and her ankle bracelet as she whines and whinges about everything? I don't think so!' I thought.

I made the arrangements with the justice department to be allowed to take my niece to the doctor's on the 22nd and set myself to endure the 4 days until our appointment.

It took me the rest of the day and most of the night to clean the mess up in the house.

The day of my appointment dawned. As it was my niece's 18th birthday I had gotten a blueberry muffin and stuck a candle in it. Lighting the candle I knocked briefly on the door to Becca's room and walked in.

My niece was naked with one leg up on her bed and spread apart. Her head was bent over as she examined her pussy area. She was using an electric Phillips lady shaver to clean her pubic hair off. There were clumps of hair on the floor under her ass so I assumed shaving her pubic area was a brand new thing!

Hearing the door open and seeing me walk in she screamed, "Get out, you fucking pervert!" And threw her pillow at me.

Blushing and stammering and apologising I immediately backed out of the room.

Leaning against the wall opposite her door I thought about what I'd just seen. My niece was actually quite an attractive woman! With all of her potty-mouthed trash talk, I hadn't taken the time to notice before, but she was, actually, very sexy!

My niece is a short tubby thing but she has long blonde hair and eyes that are such a deep shade of blue as to be almost purple. Her eyes are wide-set and quite large. Her skin is mostly clear of pimples and is a pale alabaster white.

Her best features, though, are the ones I hadn't noticed until now! She had huge firm tits that stood proudly out from her chest and a round tight badonkadonk butt! Her plump thighs are shapely as well as firm!

From what I had seen she had a sweet, small pussy!

To my dismay and a little to my disgust, I was harder than river stone! My cock was jumping and throbbing in my trousers! I, badly, wanted to see more of my niece shaving her pussy! I, even more badly, wanted to taste her sweet young twat!

Knocking on the door again I spoke through it. "We have a doctor's appointment at 9.00 am," I told her. "Now that you're 18 he's going to put you on the pill like you've been asking."

It wasn't the reason but it was the only one I could think of that might get her to go with me.

Flouncing out of her room wearing a skin-tight pair of Lycra exercise shorts that clung to every inch of her curvy butt, a boob tube top with a silk jacket, and a pair of heeled sandals, Becca looked at the muffin I was still holding.

"Did you get that for me, you big spender, you?" She sneered. "Spared no expense, didja?"

She still took it and began to eat though.

"Well? What are we waiting for? You to find your balls?" She followed up with.

Gritting my teeth I walked out my front door and got in the car. Becca flung herself into the front seat beside me.

"Where is this damned, doctor?" She demanded. "It had better not take all fucking day!"

"Why? Do you have somewhere else you need to be?" I asked, facetiously.

"Oh, you a funny man? Okay, be funny, funny man!" was the sarcastic response.

I entered the doctor's address into the GPS. It was up in Brisbane's Spring Hill where most of the upmarket doctors and consultants had their premises. The card said 'Parking at the rear' so at least I wasn't going to lose a testicle trying to pay for inner-city parking.

We arrived at the building with a bit of time to spare. It was a discreet building with blackened windows and a heavy wooden front door.

Pulling the door open we entered a bright, white, expensively decorated, waiting room. We were the only clients there.

There were no fewer than 4 different receptionists at 4 different desks. They were all stunningly gorgeous, and extremely buxom, mid-20s to mid-30s women. All 4 must have stood close to 6 ft. tall (183 cm.) even taller than that, probably, as every single one of them was wearing what had to be at least 7 in. heels.

They ranged in skin colouring from one as pale as my niece to one ebony black.

They had matching uniforms on. Dark grey skirts that barely covered their knicker line with matching dark grey jackets that were buttoned up under their magnificent bosoms.

They were wearing dark red blouses that didn't meet in the middle. All of the women's bosoms were squeezed into black push up bras and a good portion of their inner boob mounds were generously on display.

Every woman was wearing black stockings with a thin pencil line seam running in a dead straight line up the backs of their legs. The 2 who were sitting down were showing lingerie suspender straps attached to the tops of the stockings so I assumed they would all be wearing them as well.

One of the sitting receptionists swung her chair toward me. From where I was standing I could see right up her short skirt, she wasn't wearing underwear! Her shaved pudenda was clearly on display.

I felt an immediate rush of blood to my groin.

The receptionist whose pussy I had just glimpsed stood and walked across to me. She was the ebony woman. When she spoke it was obvious this was the woman I had spoken to when I had called the office.

Holding her hand out, she had long red-painted nails, and said "Mr Cantana?" I nodded. "I'm Charlotte we spoke on the phone a few days ago. Glad you could make it."

She turned to my niece with a welcoming smile and said, "You must be Rebekkah," Charlotte looked at her notes, "but you prefer Becca, don't you? Welcome to the Beckham Centre, Becca. My assistant will be out shortly to take you to the spa."

"Spa?" Becca asked confused. "I thought I was seeing a doctor about going on the pill so I can fuck whoever I want whenever I want and not get pregnant?"

I'm sure this was a dig at me but I'd gotten so many from her that I was inured to it.

"We're a full-service medical centre, Becca," Charlotte informed her. "We take care of all of your physical, spiritual and emotional needs. The doctor has determined you need spiritual help more than any other so we're going to start with a day at the spa. Well, a half-day, I guess."

A small beautiful Asian woman appeared at Charlotte's side.

Charlotte put her hand on the woman's shoulder, the woman's head wouldn't have reached Charlotte's bosom, and said, "Becca, this is Inoko. Inoko will take you to the change room now, and prepare your treatments. We have a facial, some waxing and a makeover planned, plus a few other activities that you can choose if you approve?

"Inoko, this is Becca. It's Becca's first time here so please be patient with her."

Becca shrugged and followed Inoko out.

"The doctor will see you now, Mr Cantana. If you'll follow me?"

I walked after Charlotte across the reception area and through another door.

Showing me into a luxuriously appointed room she told me to take a seat on the lounge.

"The doctor will be imminent," she said and left through the door.

I'd barely settled into place when a door opened in what I had thought was a wall. Once the doctor had closed it I was hard-pressed to see where it had been.

"Hello, again, Eric," the doctor said. "I'm Doctor Davis Beckham. Welcome to my establishment."

"What is this place?" I asked.

"This is The Beckham Centre for Behaviour Modification and Rectification," He informed me. "We specialise in taking girls, and women, over the age of consent, that exhibit self-destructive and/or anti-social behaviours and turning them into model citizens."

"Only women?" I asked. "I would have thought there would be way more men and boys that exhibit those behaviours than women?"