Training Notes: Chloe's Story Ch. 01


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Wendy and I filed into Master's private study precisely at 4 p.m., led by the new lead house slut Sam. Master John sat behind his massive oak desk. Masters William and Joshua stood to either side of him behind the desk. To the side of the desk stood a massive black man I had never before seen and, attached by a leash to his hand, knelt a naked slut with her eyes cast down to the floor. She then would be the third. I know I was surprised at her nakedness (but not the leash necessarily) since Wendy and I had been put into relatively modest thigh high linen dresses. Wendy and I might, at a glance, have been young, professional women heading to a meeting at some edgy art house in the city. But there was no mistaking the role of the kneeling slut.

Sam bowed and nodded to Master and then silently left us. Wendy and I knelt and waited. The black man had presumably paused some comments because he now started in again in mid-sentence:

"$20,000 is the right number if you have any confidence in your girls -- or in their mouths at least." And he chuckled at his own joke.

"Look Jack." It was Master of course who was responding. "I don't mind the number I just never have been in the habit of betting on sluts. This is business. This is a trial not a game."

"C'mon John. Does that mean we can't have a little fun on the side? I say my slut here can suck the black off a black man's cock and paint it back on with her tonsils and I have $20,000 that says your sluts..." here he turned to us, winked, and said "Excuse me ladies!", then back to Master "...that your sluts cannot touch her."

"Oh, and who would be the judge of the winner?"

"Why the brothers getting blown of course. Simple democracy. They vote. They vote and its final -- either I pay you or you pay me. C'mon. Remember I brought her here as a favor to you -- you were screwed by setting up a blowjob trial with only 2 sluts to go." He looked down at us again and winked again but with no apology this time. "So I bring in my slut to help you out. And you're going to see she is a quality bitch I brought. So give me some love back, brother. Deal?"

John sighed and said "Yes, Robert. It's a deal. I just don't want to set a precedent here we will regret. We are in a business here -- as are you."

"Just between us Jack. It'll be fun. You'll see."

My head might have snapped back then. 'Jack'? We had never heard him called that and it seemed disrespectful, which was upsetting. But more than that I was reacting to what he'd said earlier. My eyes were down of course but I could see his girl kneeling only 6 or 7 feet to my left, could see the olive skin, the firm looking slender thighs, the narrow waist, the full tits, the beautiful face, the full red lips, the long black lashes and the long, thick mane of curly jet black hair that fell behind her to her waist. I could see her perfect still posture; I could see the richly adorned leash that attached at her long pretty throat. And now she's being described as the greatest cocksucker of all time. And this is my competition for the night? And not just that. Failure would mean that I cost Master $20,000 on a bet he clearly didn't want to make to begin with. I was in the room for 45 seconds and already knew I might be in the middle of an epic disaster for Rogonfeldt.

Master now moved to the business. "OK. We seem to be all set. There are 9 gentlemen due here in the next hour. They are all experienced, most of them with me, and all of them with various good houses in the valley area. Now we have our 3 girls. Wendy." She nodded her head. "Chloe." I did the same. "Rafaella." The new slut nodded. "Master Robert here has graciously consented to bring in his girl Rafaella to be our 3rd for as he so generously noted we were a girl short. But she's just like you two -- unbranded and from a quality house." He did not name the house however. I found out later that it was Aaronson House, one of the best. "You are all 3 to be evaluated tonight on your oral abilities. Do your best to represent yourselves and your Masters and your houses. There is not going to be a winner or loser here." He paused and looked to Master Robert with a smile. "What I mean is that you are all being independently evaluated. Think of it as a pass/fail exam. It's possible you will all pass. It's possible you will all fail. But you would not be in this position if there were no confidence in you. You are expected to do well and to go well beyond what a minimal passing grade would be. Are there any questions?"

Well clearly no questions were expected and clearly no questions would be asked. He barely paused before continuing.

"I trust each of you girls knows the sequence of sessions and you responsibilities?" Again there was barely a pause and he went on. "Good. Then all that remains are to name the 2 girls each of you will have for assistance in cleaning and readiness." Here he picked an index card off the table. "Rafaella. As our guest I have assigned our 2 lead house sluts to your care. They are Sam, who just showed in my girls, and Bethany who is her 2nd. Your Master will now bring you to the Blue Salon where you will find everything you need."

He looked up. "All set Robert? You know where it is, right?"

"Of course." Master Robert tugged so lightly at the leash that it seemed hardly to move. Rafaella rose in one fluid, graceful motion, keeping her eyes down as she did. My God but her tits were a match for Rainee's. Big but shapely as hell with nipples pointing skyward. And firm. The kind of tits that barely jiggled when she rose. And her lips were fuller than Sam's. I shivered and seemed to feel Wendy beside me shake a bit too. She glided from the room under Master Robert's leash.

"OK then. Chloe. You get Emily and Martha. Green Salon."


"Wendy. Yours are Juliette and Kathy. White Salon."


"Rainee will be used as a runner for me if anything comes up....but you didn't need to know that did you?" He smiled at us and went on. We were allowed to look up at him at these times. "And don't let Robert's guff about Rafaella turn you off. I've seen her before and she's a very nice girl, a very nice property. But about half of his motive there was to scare the two of you. Don't fall for it. She's good. But you are both Rogonfeldt trained and she is not. Let that show tonight. Understood?"

"Yessir." "Yessir."

"Good. Away with you."

Wendy and I scooted out the door but not before I heard Master William saying "I hope you're right John. That girl is hot. I saw her sucking....." But we kept scooting so I don't know who or what the Master saw her suck. It figured that Master William would be the one to try to undo the confidence Master had just tried to build up. It was Master Will to a T.

We went briskly down the deserted hallway towards the salon holding hands for some kind of final support. For some reason I flashed on the 2 little girls in Emily's story about the brand. Jen and Abby. Us in our pretty white linen dresses. They in their little girl bikinis. Headed towards who knew where.

At the door to the White Salon we hugged and kissed and I wished Wendy well. Then the door opened and Juliette took her hand to lead her inside. I headed forward and went by the open door to Blue where I could see Rafaella's long thick hair being combed out by both Sam and Bethany. That might have been my weakest moment. But then Emily was out, taking my hand to tug me into Green. She closed the door and I burst into tears and was surrounded by Emily and Martha.

Somehow they already had the news about a new monster slut named Rafaella, and had already managed to sneak a peek at her when her Master brought her down the hall. I guessed that Master Robert had winked at them when he saw them peek. They confirmed my suspicion and didn't hide their reaction to the charms of my competitor. But with lots of "Hush child" and kisses and drying of my tears and "but you're soooo pretty too" they finally got me to stop balling.

To this day I thank my lucky stars for getting these 2 girls that night. I have often wondered whether Master knew they would be my preference, knew they were right for me, and so helped me with the selection. Of course Sam and Bethany were 1 and 2 girls, but we knew that Bethany might be in a funk or distracted, and that Sam was lovely and kind but could be a little vague (when it wasn't her own blowjob going down.) Emily of course was the real deal. Smart, strong and beautiful. One of life's winners. And Martha was just as strong and beautiful and added a level of L.A. street smarts, tough smarts that Emily might have lacked. They were perfect for me. And I felt only a little guilt that Wendy, who needed more help than anyone, had drawn Kathy. It would be up to Juliette to instill whatever sense she could get into Wendy.

I didn't cry for that long. We didn't hug for that long. After maybe 5 minutes Martha said "OK then. Shower. Now!"

Emily took me in and we showered together -- as we would 7 more times that evening -- and she scrubbed and loufered and washed and conditioned hair and applied shower lotion and scrubbed me again and then turned the water full blast cold to get my circulation and nipples going.

Martha had everything set when we emerged. Hair first. No new or special style, just my usual which I thought was cute. It's sort of a modified French bob with the part on the side. Makeup. I said a little. They overruled me and did my eyeliner and brows and blush. Heavier than I would have done myself but I had to admit it gave my eyes a dramatic flair.

We took a break to time things right and I found myself wanting a cigarette for the first time in 6 months. Of course we are not allowed to smoke ever, and it would certainly not be allowed in the salons anyway. "God for a smoke right now!"

Emily said "Yeah. It's not like they're going to kiss you." We all laughed at that.

Martha said "It's too bad too. A smoking blowjob can be very effective. I used to give them to this one guy in high school and he would cum like a rocket."

"Mmmmmmm....oh well."

Martha said "Here. Gum instead. It's not much but it's what we have. And keep drinking that water. We want you well hydrated and there's plenty of time for you to pee before going out."

Emily began her coaching. "Now remember you have 20 minutes to get the guy off and he's going to expect you to use every one of them. So you can pace yourself. You don't need to go deep right away. Keep a sense of the time. There's no clock but you'll be able to tell the time left from the way the guy and the crowd are reacting."

Now Martha. "But don't take in too much of the crowd commentary. Stay focused on your man, on your cock. That's all that matters. Emily's right you can tell the time by gauging their noise, but don't take in what they say. It can only hurt."

Now Emily. "Yeah that's right. Do his nuts early, kissing and cuddling them while you suck down maybe half of where you are going to go. Play off his lead. He's going to tell you some of what you need to do. But some you gotta judge for yourself. Like when he goes to your nipples, you're going to start sucking deeper cause it means you're getting to him."

Now Martha. "Yeah. And if he wants to face fuck you just unhinge that jaw and make your mouth and throat and tongue into a cunt baby. You're going to convince your mind that your mouth is a cunt. No gagging allowed."

Now Emily. "Unless he wants you to gag that is. You'll know. You've done it before."

Now Martha. "And when you're ready.... You want it to be about 15 minutes in unless he demands, and I mean really demands, it sooner. When you're ready you go in to finish him. Now you're going deep and you're sucking that cock. Now you're getting busy in the back of your throat. Now you're on the Cocksucker Express baby!"

Now Emily. "But make sure you know where he wants to cum. About 80% of these guys will want a good clean swallow. They're good guys. They'll tell you if you have to show it or can drink it right down. Most like the show; especially if they gave you a nice healthy load. No spills sister! But if you know he's there and he's edging the cock out of your mouth then he probably just wants to dump it on your face. Be ready. Look up! Smile for the camera!" She laughed. There would be no cameras. It was a joke. "Now you have to be your prettiest and let him rain on you however he wants. Keep still for it. No shying away cause he might cum in your eyes. So what? And keep that mouth wide open. An open-mouth, placid, pretty and feminine slut getting rained on -- what is better than that?"

Now Martha. "Yeah. And be ready to clean him up nice. Clean him first and then worry about any cum on your face or tits. After he's clean he'll probably let you know whether you have to clean yourself of if he's going to feed you. Be ready to clean yourself cause if...."

Finally I couldn't take it anymore. "OK! OK! OK! Stop now! Enough already! Do you sluts think I've never sucked off a guy before?"

Everyone stopped. We waited. And then 3 sluts burst out laughing at the same time. Martha came in to kiss my cheek and Emily shrieked "No! The blush..."

We looked up. Twenty minutes to go. Martha said "Right. Water now. Ten minutes we finish you. At five minutes you pee. We brush you off. You go."

And that's what we did. I drank my last sips. They finished my hair and makeup. They scented my hair and applied the final touch of body lotion. They perfumed my cunt and breasts and hair so lightly that the expensive French scent was no more than a rumor on my body. They rouged my nipples so lightly you could never tell.

I peed. They cleaned and scented as if it had never happened. Two minutes. Emily pulled out a simple but elegant and expensive looking slut anklet. She knelt and put it around my ankle. A chime sounded. One minute. We went to the door. I was drunk with anticipation. Then I entered an eerie calm. I waited.

Rainee came racing through the hallway door. "Quick. He wants her hands bound behind her back."

The girls applied the cord. A chime sounded. They walked me to the door and opened it. I walked in.

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FA_JFFA_JFalmost 11 years ago
Yes, very well written

I haven't figured out why yet, but I'm a having a bit of difficulty connecting with the series. Best I can come up with is that it just jumped right in without setup or build up. I am drawn mostly to big fat stories with lots of background, build up and character development.

I feel like I'm two years old. Why did sexual slavery get legalized? Why did these girls choose it? How does the husband of the married girl feel about this? Does a married girl just work the house? How can you be a slave and married? (Can you tell that toss off comment about the married girl threw me?) Do the girls just give themselves up or is there any compensation? If they get auctioned, is that really forever and they just vanish to wherever? What protection is there for them? If they are a house girl, just what does that mean? voluntary sex slave training....but what happens outside the scenes? I guess there is no outside that, coming from the girls' POV, but I'm dying from lack of info.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

love it...are these public houses or private club homes???

jennyb2492jennyb2492almost 11 years ago
No comments yet?

Seriously... This is a fantastic story! Please please please promise you will keep going !

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