Traitor's Daughter Ch. 05


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We all must do what we can to protect the people we love but now Alex needed to protect herself. Dmitry will keep her alive just to hurt her so Alex needed to eliminate the physicality of her fight. He was hard when she was kicking, hitting and trying to free herself from his clutches. If she no longer resisted there would be no reason to restrain or strike. The sharp stabbing pang of anguish and misery cut into her as she realized she would be continuing her parent's viscous cycle.

The soft sound of running water came from behind the door across the room and Alex knew it would only be minutes before they were face to face again. He probably plans to drown me in the bathtub...and turn me into a fucking Dateline Mystery.


Dmitry warmed a washcloth soaping it lightly to clean the urine off Alex's legs. He didn't want to wake her by placing her into a bath it would only startle and scare her...even more than she already is. Letting her sleep was best for the both of them, Dmitry wouldn't have to face her and she wouldn't have to deal with the pain he inflicted and when she woke this horrible day would be over. Her words were true; his father would be ashamed of how he was treating Alex. Leo was kind and compassionate and maybe a little too trusting but he wouldn't go out of his way to hurt anyone, especially not an innocent girl regardless of her family relation.

Taking a deep breath Dmitry turned the knob opening the door only to find Alex awake and alert, comforter wrapped around her naked body, hair a mess, eyes still puffy, sitting up and looking at him. "You're awake." No shit Dmitry. He shook his head at his idiotic observation and statement. "Are you thirsty? Would you like a glass of water?" Alex nodded slowly as Dmitry approached the bed. "Let me clean your legs and then I will get you some water". He wasn't stoic or cold just direct and managed to keep the sternness from his voice. He expected her to pull away and hide under the covers but Alex lay back down and slowly opened the blanket baring her body to him.

Her actions surprised and confused him, catching him off guard. Dmitry hadn't planned on seeing her naked again at least not for a while and not when she was awake, but she did not resist, letting him bend her knees and open her legs as he cleaned and rinsed off her inner thighs.

Just when Dmitry couldn't hate himself more his shaft began to thicken and stretch at the sight of her naked, awake and spread on his bed. He had dreamed this moment almost every night; Alex in his room, naked and finally responsive and alert even if she was emotionally and physically exhausted. His culpability and remorse tried to stay at the forefront of his mind but the demand to claim annihilated their effort. Dmitry was already lost in his need for her.

Alex felt the change in his touches and all her bullshit planning and self-preservation nonsense abandoned her, leaving her to fight another battle. She tried for numbness and attempted to escape into a daydream or memory but none would form. The warm washcloth did nothing to soothe her; she could give a shit if she was dirty or clean for him and she hated when he showed any tenderness towards her. Fucking phony psycho! Alex wanted to burrow into the blanket, hoping that if she remained still he would grow bored and wander off to find another. Cold chills crept up her spine at the sound of Dmitry removing his clothes. Alex knew what was next and winced remembering the excruciating pain of him ramming into her.

She felt the bed dip slightly as Dmitry's beast of a presence settled next to her, lying on his side. This instant she felt his fingers touch her hip she could no longer keep quiet, the sobs causing her torso to shudder. Alex's now gravelly pleas of "no" and "don't do this" were ignored as Dmitry shoved her legs further apart wrapping one around his hip before palming her sex aggressively. Alex whimpered and tried to tell herself to just stay still and not to fight him but she didn't want this...she hated him. She grabbed his wrist trying to pull his hand away, "stop it". But she was weak with exhaustion and no match for his strength; it was never a contest only a conquering.

Dmitry grabbed both of her sore raw wrists securing them in one of his hands pinning them above her head. He smacked her inner thigh when she tried to close her legs, growling as he yanked them apart again. Alex could feel the panic rising and tried to convince herself to stay pliable and maybe he wouldn't hurt her. Who was she kidding? He loved hurting her. Dmitry's ragged breaths and hungry growls filled the room mingling with Alex's whimpers and cries. She tried to turn away from him, pulling against his grasp and bucking her hips to free her leg.


Dmitry couldn't stop himself and just like the abusive dick he is...he allowed his mind to try and convince him that he wasn't in's her, she brings this out of me, she makes me do this. The second those thoughts entered his mind he felt a wave of cowardice wash over him. But he couldn't explain his intense reactions to her so the blame formed easily. Dmitry has never responded to anyone the way he does to Alex just knowing her causes side effects and complications that he is unfit to handle. She has created wants that he never dreamed of needing.

It was true, just watching and listening to Alex warmed him, made him feel like a real life was still possible, not just this existence with an agenda. A normal life. For years he had been living for a plan, for revenge, for a purpose. And of course life should have purpose but not one that consists of obligatory hate and's unnatural and lonely. And fucking cruel.

Dmitry was slowly admitting to himself that it felt better to hold Alex than it did to hurt her. Carrying her around the house, his arm around her small frame while he worked at his desk, pressing her body to his...he could breathe deeply, relax, at peace. The dreams he had of her were filled with tenderness and passion...and willingness. He needed to come to terms with his instinctive reaction to her and find a way to sedate the monster.

Something was different but Dmitry could not identify the foreign presence stirring within him. It wasn't an agitation or disturbance but more of a gradual thriving sense of ease and comfort but still unfamiliar. Submerged in his thoughts, he was no longer aware of his actions.

Alex had stopped crying and her hands were free of his grasp. Dmitry's face was buried in her neck breathing her in and nuzzling softly. He was no longer forcibly palming her but petting and circling her clit affectionately, slow and cautious movements.

Alex's hand was gripping his forearm trying to push it away but Dmitry refused to stop coaxing and soothing her delicate center, needing her to know he could be gentle. His lips drifted down her neck leaving a trail of light chaste kisses leading to her shoulder and collarbone. Dmitry's breath warmed her skin, "Sh, sh, Alex. I won't hurt you. It won't be like the shower." It was vital for him to calm her down because regardless of his epiphany tonight he still wanted her, still needed to feel her and ... I still own her.

" said that you wouldn't hurt me before. to hurt me." Alex's body trembling, her words stuttering out between hiccoughs and she was now pushing at his shoulders. It was useless, he wouldn't budge and she couldn't lift him off her.

As if he didn't hear her...Dmitry's wrapped his fingers around her wrist lifting her hand away from his shoulder kissing the inside of her forearm moving up her body while murmuring broken sentences filled with greedy words of hunger and longing. His mouth opened around her nipple encasing it in heat before drawing the rising sensitive skin into a deep long suck. Dmitry groaned against her breast as he felt the tip tighten and harden against his tongue.

Alex gasped and tried to move away but only succeeded in rubbing her thigh against his heavy erection. The swelling served as a warning of what would happen next, "no, please stop". She's scared and everything is a understanding her body's reaction to his intimate touches is puzzling and complicated. Dmitry ignored her begging again lost in the new sensation of having her awake, conscious and in his mouth.

Dmitry suckled harder the pull exquisitely intense and Alex's let her hand fall to the bed, fingers gripping the blanket, feeling her blood warming.

It wasn't forfeit or her previous plan for a new tactic, she wasn't giving up but maybe she was giving in. Tired of pain, loneliness, not knowing what would happen next, and the constant struggle to feel any kind of comfort ...Alex chose to embrace this doting and almost merciful human contact. Even if it is just temporary and it most likely is, she didn't care right now. Dmitry was going to fuck her and she lacked the energy for another battle.

Dmitry released the rigid little peak before moving Alex's legs open enough to accommodate the vast size of his body. He quickly latched on to her other nipple his tongue dragging across the tip as he positioned himself between her legs. "Alex." Her name said in desperation as he grabbed her hand maneuvering it down her abdomen to where his cock bobbed and nudged against her. "Open", the command sounded rushed but gentle as he tugged at her fingers, Alex complied. Heavy, wide and fevered against her hand he moved his length across her palm then wrapped his hand around hers.

Dmitry's skin was tight but she could still feel it moving under her grip as he taught her how to grope and stroke him. Releasing her hand, Alex's fist squeezed and tugged awkwardly fingers rolling over each fat surging vein. His hips jerked and began moving faster against her grasp and could already feel the tightening in his weighted sac. If he didn't push inside her soon her innocent untrained touches were going to make him cum coating her from pelvis to sternum. She was being so good, following the limited directions he provided, no longer fighting him, accepting and allowing.

Dmitry's mouth nipped and sucked a path over her ribs to the smooth plane of her stomach watching her chest rise and fall rapidly fist clenching the comforter as he moved lower. She released his dick letting slip through her grip brushing the swollen crown with her fingertips. Alex's body tensed and he wished he could tell her how much her body enjoys this but admitting that he had been sexually assaulting her while she was passed out would ruin this moment. "Don't be afraid Alex." Using his fingers to open her completely rubbing the pad of his thumb back and forth over her clit Dmitry stared at the soft beautiful part of Alex that he had tasted for hours...only him. Always. She was wet but just at her entrance, he needed her to be pliant, supple and soaking if she was going to be able to take him...and she will be taking all of him tonight. He refused to prepare her with his fingers wanting only his cock to stretch, fill, and own her. The thought of moving inside Alex sent him over the edge, his tongue replacing his fingers wetting her clit quickly before his mouth devoured her with aggressive suction.

Alex cried out as the burning tingling sensation shocked her senses, hands clumsily pushing at Dmitry's head, "Please stop". But he refused grabbing her wrists and tucking them under her spread thighs, keeping her in place while toying with the little nub, testing his teeth against it, flickering his tongue around it, and sucking it hungrily. Alex is 19, she's explored her body and made herself cum but nothing compared to the intensity of Dmitry's mouth. It was too much and the euphoric mass forming in her lower belly threatened to overthrow all of her senses and rational thought. Alex's leg muscles were impossibly tight, shaking and flexing uncontrollably the coiling tension taking over. She came with a barely restrained scream, hips bucking erratically and Dmitry could wait no longer.

Keeping Alex in the same position he moved back up her body and her appearance caused the same crushing reaction as the night he brought her home from Vascak's office. She was panting, covered in sweat, hair matted to her forehead, cheeks pink and lips parted and he couldn't look away. His heart a bloody fist threatening to pound through his chest and offer itself to her in the hope that she would not find it lacking. But the same urges to love also created the need to own.

Dmitry wanted her to feel his weight and large body letting her know in some sick deranged way that he can protect her and keep her safe but also reiterating that she is no match against him. He had never been this perverse, this ominous...wanting her to know that he could shelter her but that he could also neglect and harm her. Done waiting, he pushed into her, slowly and hesitantly, making sure not to tear her again.

Alex's eyes shot open and her bottom lip began to tremble immediately, she didn't want this. As much as she convinced herself to stay calm and allow it...she still hated the idea of him doing this to her again. Granted the first time he raped her it was brutal and horrific but it didn't matter that he is now the friendly rapist. He was gentler this time and he made her cum but does that mean the rest of her life will consist of deciding which form of rape she preferred. Who the fuck is given choices like these? Um, I really don't want you to fuck me but if you must please be nice about it. What the fuck???

Dmitry kissed the corner of her mouth brushing his lips across the scar he gave her, "Don't fight me Alex". The words and gesture served as a reminder of his savage capabilities. He moved deeper avoiding her cries and appeals for him to stop. Dmitry tried to kiss her but Alex kept jerking her head away and tucking her lips over her teeth. It hurt, his massive cock pushing past her resistance invading her painfully. She could feel herself struggling to accommodate his width the stretching felt like a severe pinch, a bite.

Dmitry kissed her forehead and cheeks brushing tears away and telling her how "good" she feels, that she's "beautiful" and "such a good girl" when he finally filled her completely. His dick throbbed in her tight heat as he held still inside her, pressed to her womb and waiting for her walls to loosen their hold on him. "I'm going to move now Alex." She squeezed her eyes shut and turned her face away, crying out as he withdrew and intruded again, slowly at first but his pace increased rapidly. After a few thrusts in and out the sharp pain had dulled and the suffering eased but she still felt too full and uncomfortable.

Dmitry was already close, barely hanging on he slid his arms around her compact frame, "wrap your harms around me Alex". But she didn't move, refusing to let him turn this into intimacy. He bit into her shoulder, "Now. Alex". She whimpered and hooked her arms around his neck, grabbing her elbows as Dmitry began to fuck into her, instantly regretting that she never learned a proper sleeper hold.

He ground his hips in between barrages of slams hitting her cervix over and over again, grabbing her ass as if it could help him get even deeper. "Oh fuck. Alex." He never wanted to stop. She felt amazing and Dmitry could feel the cum rushing up his length. Growling into her neck he wished for her birth control to fail as the first heavy rich surge of cum rushed out of him landing deep within her followed by a torrent of flooding. He collapsed on top of her trying to catch his breath and regain his bearings.

Alex was silent, unwrapping her arms from his neck. Dmitry kissed his bite mark, rising up onto his elbows, looking down at her, "you feel so good Alex". His ego expected her to coo and return the compliment but instead he was met with sorrowful brown eyes still rimming with tears. He felt like a speck of man, a dick, a fucking dirtball, "say something Alex". He had to know what she was thinking even if it was awful; at least it would be honest.

Dmitry wanted her words to be profound and welcoming, possibly forgiving him for the belting. He knew it was too soon to be granted any sliver of forgiveness but the hope formed anyway. Seconds passed and just when Dmitry thought he would have to command her to speak she shot him in the chest...

"I hate you." least that's what it felt like, a bullet from a sawn-off shotgun. The look in her eyes confirmed her words were true and he knew he deserved it, he just didn't understand why it wounded and cut so deeply...losing all the power and his upper hand to three words. I do shame my father.


After cleaning them both up, giving Alex her pain medication and rubbing more cream on her skin Dmitry sat at his desk and tried to come up with a solution to the problem he created. He would never let her go but she would never want to stay. I fucking raped her again and I don't know if I will ever be able to stop. And the fucking beating!!! She can't live like this. But I can't live without her.

Dmitry needed to talk this out and there was only one person he would or could call. But how do you explain that the girl you kidnapped and abused hates you but you want to make it up to her and spend the rest of your life loving her? After trying to process everything that had happened between him and Alex in the last few weeks he decided to just say that he thinks he's involved in an abusive relationship but wants to make it work. It wasn't much but it would have to do.

Picking up his phone he dialed the one man he could trust and confide in.

The man that assisted Aleksandr in finding him after he was hidden away in the group home.

The man that helped Dmitry rebuild Leo's fortune without corruption.

The man who tried to warn Leo about Anton's crumbling Ponzi scheme.

The only man Leo trusted.

A man that can solve problems.

A man that can find solutions.

The call connected and the phone rang, an older woman answering.

"Harvard Law. Forensic Science Department. How may I help you?"

"Professor Drew Alexius please."

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AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Omg the guy he trust is Alex’s true father how’s he going to feel wen he realises what demetri has done to his little girl

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Please make an update, finish this story

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Hey author!

Are you okay?

You suddenly disappeared and that somehow worries us.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

PLEASE finish this story!! Ots definitely my favorite one on


AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I would do anything to have the author come back for one more chapter. 😫

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