Transformation Ch. 01


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"You vacuum and I'll dust and we should be done soon."

I was striding back and forth across the room pushing a vacuum cleaner and stepping carefully in my three-inch heels as she wandered around never out of my sight, dusting things over and over.

She made comments about my cute butt, my shapely legs and the wiggle I had as I walked. I found that soon I was giving her better views of me and making sure that I turned my ass to her as often as I could. I had a raging hard on and once she saw that bulge in my shorts she began to tease me about that too. She claimed it didn't matter which one of us was wearing the high heels they still made me horny. She was right.

After about an hour she called a stop to the housework.

She led me upstairs and drew a bath. Once the tub was full of hot water she told me to get in and together we soaked in the tub. She played with my hard on and teased me with little kisses and touches. Finally she took out the razor and began to shave me.

We had done this when we were swimmers, and once or twice since. She claimed that she like the feel of my soft hairless skin on hers. I didn't say a word as she slid the razor down my legs, each stroke making me even harder. Then she shaved my balls and it was all I could do not to cum right then. When she moved to my arms and chest I began to protest.

"What are you doing?"

"Oh just relax lover, you'll think it is worth it when we're all done."

She stripped the hair from my arms, chest and under arms then had me turn around and did my back. I was so horny by then that she could have done anything she wanted.

"Ok, lover, time to get dressed, we have some shopping to do," she said as she finished rubbing my body.

She walked to her dresser and pulled a pair of gym shorts from it and tossed them to me. Shaking my head I slipped them on. They were hot pink, lose fitting and had Honey printed across the ass. I had bought them for her and she fussed every time I asked her to wear them.

"Very funny!" I told her is a sarcastic tone. I stepped into the hot shorts.

"Oh my," she piped, "I can see that isn't going to work. Then she stepped to me and grabbed my still hard dick in her hand.

"This has to go!"

She pulled the shorts down my legs, knelt down in front of me and began to suck my cock.

The pink shorts still hung on my thighs as she took me into her mouth and started a slow steady rhythm of bobs over my shaft. It felt wonderful and I knew that it would take only seconds for her to make me cum.

Cat doesn't usually let me cum in her mouth and expects me to warn her when I am close, but I was feeling mean so didn't say a word as I neared my climax. She was looking up at me as she continued to bob up and down, using her tongue to caress me.

When I started to blast in her mouth she didn't pull away, instead she grabbed my ass and pulled me tight to her. Her mouth kept up the sucking rhythm as I unloaded more into her.

When I was finished she sucked me as if to clean me then let my now soft member go. She slipped the shorts from my legs and had me step out of them.

I thought she was done with that idea but I was very wrong. I had grossly underestimated the ingenuity of my wife. She rose and went to her dresser again and this time returned with panty hose.

"Put these on first." She said calmly.

I was speechless. For some reason I just sat on the bed and worked the hose over my legs. When I stood up again she stepped back to me and grabbing my cock moved it down and back into the crotch of the hose. This kept my cock from showing in front and as I looked down at myself it appeared almost feminine.

"Now put the shorts on," she said.

I pulled them up and was surprised at how they felt over the hose. It was a completely different feeling.

Knowing her next command I just reached down and stepped into my heels. I stood and moved around for her to check me out.

"Very nice!" she squealed.

"Yeah, maybe you like it but I can't go outside like this!" I moaned at her.

"Well you lost the bet! You can either go like that, or," she hesitated.

"Or what!," I demanded.

"Or you can let me finish and go out with at least a chance of not being totally humiliated."

She handed me a matching pink t-shirt and with a shrug I slipped into it.

"No that won't do either," she said thoughtfully, "take it back off."

She went to her armoire and returned with a bra.

"Oh no! I am not wearing that!"

"Well do you want to go out as a freaky guy in shorts and high heels, or maybe, with a little help and willingness on your part, pass as a girl?"

I was still muttering curses under my breath as she slipped the bra around my chest and fastened it. It was a little tight, but not uncomfortably so.

"Ok, slide your arms through the straps dear"

I did, then slipped the t-shirt back on over it.

She looked me over then stuffed a couple of her socks in the bra cups. She backed away and looked at me.

"Turn and look in the mirror Jessie," she told me, "just look from the shoulders down."

When I did I saw a shapely female figure in the glass. I was amazed by the sight of the long slim legs, the tight backside and the chest filling the t-shirt.

My dick tried to rise, but being turned back into the panty hose it couldn't move. I was floored not only by the image, but that it turned me on too.

Cat took me to her vanity and began to work with my hair. I keep my hair a little long, not pony tail long, but more of a mop head as she calls it. Using blow drier, curling iron and styling gel she soon had me looking very stylish in a short but definitely feminine do.

She talked to me about how easy it was going to be to get away with passing as a girl as she applied a little bit of eye shadow and then some lip gloss. She added a necklace and a couple of wrist bangles as a finishing touch an anklet.

As I stared into the looking glass I couldn't believe the transformation, there was no doubt that there was a girl looking back at me. What really took me by surprise was that it excited me, turned me on.

I walked around the room, wandering from mirror to mirror admiring the job that she had done as she quickly applied her makeup and brushed her hair. Each glimpse of me that I caught returned a feminine image.

Cat made sure that I was watching as she slipped into a short denim skirt without putting on her panties first. She was making sure that I knew and would be looking. One of the things that I really enjoy is when she will go bare bottom for me. Cat will do it only a few times a year, usually when she is dressing up for a special night out. She will wear garters and stockings and leave her panties at home. It was unprecedented for her to wear such a casual skirt, such a short skirt, with no panties. She then pulled a t-shirt over her braless tits and for the first time I noticed how pointed her nipples were. She was enjoying this too.

In the car I ran my hand under her skirt and touched her pussy, She was wet.

"Not now girlfriend," she chided me.

Girlfriend? Now that was odd sounding, but somehow exciting at the same time.

"Are you just trying to drive me crazy?" I asked her.

"Yes, and you better work on your voice if you plan to get away with this."

In college I had also been in the glee club, singing first tenor. I had a talent for mimic and could duplicate almost any voice with a little practice. I tried three of four voices out on her and finally settled for one that was slightly husky and definitely not masculine.

Our first stop was the bookstore where we wandered the aisles as she hunted for a new novel. I didn't notice anyone looking at me in any way shocked or surprised, but I did notice several men checking out my backside as I passed them. Having "Honey" printed across it drew attention. I thought that some of them were probably checking out Cat's hard nipples too. Cat laughed at me as I mentioned it to her.

"Learn to live with it honey," she told me, "it's part of the price of being a pretty girl."

"Pretty girl?" I asked her.

"What are you shopping for compliments, of course you are pretty, and damn sexy too in those heels of yours."

"You know I was thinking about that, these shoes don't really go with this outfit do they?"

"Now isn't that a very female thing to say!" You're right of course, they don't match! Next stop the shoe store!"

As we waited in line at the register a man came up next to me and after a moment asked, "What are you girls reading today?"

I just looked at him.

"Well a guy has got to know what interests the fairer sex doesn't he?" he continued when I didn't answer him.

I muttered out, "My.." and almost said wife. I started again, "My friend is just getting a novel to read while she sun baths."

I could see Cat's shoulder shake as she fought the laughter, She turned back to me and asked, "Jessie, is this guy flirting with you?"

I blushed bright red at her words.

The guy just shrugged at us and asked, "Well can you blame me."

Through her giggles Cat answered him, "No, not a bit, if I were into girls I would flirt with her too."

My trapped cock ached as it tried in vain to grow. Here I was in heels and hose with a sock stuffed bra for tits and this guy was hitting on me, and I was getting horny.

True to her word Cat drove to the shoe store next. I spent the drive playing with her thighs and trying to tease her a little. Thankfully it wasn't the same Store as the night before. The clerk may not have recognized me, but he probably would have Cat and then put the pieces together. I sure couldn't have handled that.

I tried on several pair, all tall heels and all open toed this time. There was a good crowd as the Saturday shoppers wandered in and out but none of them seemed to notice anything unusual about me. I was really enjoying it this time and Cat encouraged me with compliments for either me or the shoes with each pair I tried on. Of course it didn't hurt that each time she squatted down to help me fasten a shoe I had a clear view of her bare pussy. Between the shoes and the bare pussy I was dying of horniness.

Soon I had picked out 2 that I wanted. The first was a pair of strappy sandals in white with four-inch heels. Cat was concerned that I might have a problem walking in them but I assured her it would be ok. The second pair was more like evening shoes with stiletto heels and embroidered sides. They were a pair that I knew would look fantastic on Cat, and I hoped on me.

As I shopped I began to realize how quickly I had moved from defiant and resentful to thrilled and willing in this little adventure. I wore the new white shoes out of the store.

The extra inch in heel made a big difference! Now these were really high heels! That single inch almost doubled the effect the shoes had on my walk and my attitude. I had to learn the balance all over again and now was so far up on my toes that my legs were constantly tight. I could feel my ass sway as I walked and remembering how much I had always enjoyed seeing a woman walk like that I let it sway.

"God Jessie, you're turning into an exhibitionist!" Cat teased me.

"You're just jealous!" I teased back.

"You're damn right, My husband is sexier than I am!"

I stopped and took her hand and turned her to me. "Do you want to stop this now? Do you want to just call the bet paid and go on home?"

She laughed, "Hell no, I'm having a blast!"

Then she added, "Jessie are you ok, I mean we can stop if you want."

I looked at her a minute as my mind whirled around not able to grab hold of any part of what was happening. Did I want to stop? Did I want to go on? When I thought about it I was scared, but when I just let myself feel it thrilled me.

"Cat a bet is a bet and I will pay off till the end!" I assured her.

She hugged me and as luck would have a guy was just then walking past us. He looked at us with open lust as we hugged together. I waited for some comment and sure enough he had to spout off. "What a waste of beautiful women!"

I started to turn to him to punch his lights out when Cat grabbed my arm and turning to face him said, "Best thing I have ever had in my bed!" She then kissed my full on the lips as he watched.

Back in the car she turned to me again.

"You know we are going out tonight?" she started in her soft and serious tone of voice. "You can go either as my husband, or as my girlfriend. If you go as my husband you can wear the black shoes and let the cuff out on a pair of slacks and probably get by."

"But I just bought those new shoes!" I exclaimed in mock horror.

I continued more seriously, "Will you help me get ready so that I don't embarrass you?"

"Of course I will," she replied softly, "you will be the prettiest girl in the place!"

I thought that she was going to tear up, honestly I thought I was too for a minute. We just held hands as we drove home.

I sat there in the car thinking that this was really getting weird as I ran my free hand across the silken feel of my hose and admired my feet in the sexy white heels.

Cat said she had to make a couple of stops on the way home.

The first was a drug store and she asked me to wait in the car. When she returned to the car she told me not to look in the package, that it was a surprise for me. Then she stopped at two different adult book stores. She came out empty handed from the first, but carrying a fairly large sack at the second.

As soon as we crossed the threshold of our home I took her in my arms. In my four-inch heels I towered over her, but she still fit nicely against me. I could feel her hard nipples pressing into me as I slipped my hand under her skirt to cup her pussy. She was wet even before I began to stroke her.

We stumbled to the sofa and there I laid her back and lowered my head to her sex. Forcing her skirt above her hips I opened her legs and then ran my tongue through her slit. She was instantly responsive, grabbing my hair and holding my face to her. I reached up and cupped her breasts as my mouth worked over her pussy.

In just moments she was coming, grinding herself into my mouth. I didn't stop. As she feel back from me I followed her and kept licking and nibbling at her distended clit. Soon she was bucking into me again. I moved one hand from her breasts and slipped a finger into her wet cunt. She pushed against me taking all of it and then a second. Soon she was riding another wave of orgasm and I watched as she tugged her shirt up and began to play with her own tits. When she came this time it was violent. I thought that she would throw us from the couch as she jerked and jumped under me.

When the orgasm passed she fell back into the cushions of the sofa and used her hands to pull me up to her. My lips, my entire face were covered with sex as she drew my mouth to hers and covered my lips with hers. Our tongues meet and danced as she hungrily took my mouth.

"Your turn," she said breathlessly.

She rolled us over and then began to move down my body. She slipped my shorts down my legs then followed with my panty hose. My cock sprang upright, throbbing in its freedom after being contained so long.

Her hands took me and began short strokes on my hard member and then looking directly into my eyes she slowly lowered her mouth to me.

From this position I could watch as she lowered herself over my cock, taking it all into her warm mouth. Very slowly she took it in, then raised up letting it slide out until just the head was in her mouth. Repeatedly she slid over me, taking me and releasing me. There was nothing else in the world but her mouth and my cock for those moments. Her eyes radiated a look of pure joy and wanton lust as she sucked me. I felt as if my insides would explode at any second as she worked on my sex.

She had to know that I was going to cum, but she didn't move, she continued her slow deep motions on me. Her hands went to my legs and as I felt them slip over the nylons a thrill went through my entire body and I start to shoot into her mouth. She didn't pull away, just stopped her motion and let me empty myself into her.

I moaned and grunted and shook, almost crying as the orgasm took me. I could feel everything, the warm mouth covering me and accepting my offering, the hands playing along my stockings, the shoes on my feet and even her bra strap snug around my chest. Every sensation was alive and poured out through my cock into her willing mouth.

Finished, I just lay there. She moved up to rest her head on my chest and we fell into a satisfied slumber together.

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Badboy1616Badboy16162 months ago

Wow!! What a great build up! I was hard the whole time when reading this. I’m going to wear my pink panties today. Too bad you stopped with this series!

oldergent70oldergent70over 2 years ago

I like the way the story builds with out rushing into the obvious. The wife is not pushy and takes her time to build her lover.

teganslutteganslutabout 4 years ago

How did heels become a whole outfit without cause or conversation?

LisaBrooksLisaBrooksalmost 6 years ago
I Loved The Story!

I have to say I saved all 4 stories! I realized there were 4 in total and how a bet turns in to a sexy turnout with this sexy couple! Cat is open minded and able to help her husband become the woman she can be! Great job! I must say I put on my 3" high heels, skirt, and cami with a touch up of lipstick ready to read Ch. 2! Great job stillconfused!

lingerie65lingerie65about 6 years ago
Becoming my wife's girlfriend

I can't wait to read the next chapter to see if cat will transform me it's a beautiful image of a sexy female wearing sexy lingerie, stockings with garter straps attached to a beautiful bustier. Of course I would also be walking in beautiful high heels and my outer wrappings would be in a sexy pencil skirt with matching blouse..

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