Transformations - Book of Adam Ch. 01


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"Thank you for your honesty, Mr.?"

"Price. Adam Price, sir."

He reached out and shook Professor Eric Morrison's hand.

Adam's eyes glazed over, and he sat back down in his chair.


"A dirty trick, Adam." He held up his hand glistening with Ambrosia. "It only takes a drop absorbed through the skin. A single drop that would fit on the head of a pin to start the reaction in your genetic structure - I've lit the fuse and the fireworks display will soon commence." Eric knelt in front of him. "A wise man once said: when choosing a leader, pick the man who must be dragged kicking and screaming into the job. Pick the man who wants the responsibility the least, because he will be the most likely to recognize the gravity of his position. The most likely to do good." Eric smiled. "I only wish I had been such a man. So many things would be different now. Evie did a good job with you, Adam."

Lilith put her hand on Eric's shoulder. "Professor Baxter and her graduate student are unconscious in the storage room. Will we be taking them with us?"

Eric stood up. "Yes. More clay for my wheel, canvasses for my paints."

"Monsters for your menagerie," Lilith said as she turned away.

"Especially bitchy today, are we?" Eric asked.

"You could have simply told him who he is," Lilith said.

"My darling, trust the process."

"Yes, it's worked so well thus far."

The Eric Morrison illusion faded away and Morpheus floated six inches above the classroom floor. "He must discover who he is..."

"You mean discover who you need him to be?"

Morpheus smiled down at Adam. "He is his own man. Genetics aside, he is... nothing like me. And, that is precisely what I need him to be. It's what they need him to be."


Adam Price heard none of this. He wasn't there. He was somewhere else, floating in the air, untethered from the earth and blown about inside a storm cloud.

Voices came to him, carried on the wind.

"He created us to save them not to kill. You have perverted his will," a woman said.

"I am his will!" Another woman screamed from further away.

"Hello?" Adam screamed into the maelstrom.

His voice came back as an echo, but with different words. "If there has to be a fight, let it be between us!"

"What do you suggest?" A man's voice said.

"We work this out between us, Morpheus. And none of these people have to be hurt," the Adam echo answered.

"Where am I?!" Adam screamed.

A woman's voice next: "A triple helix... One father, two mothers..."

"Please, don't go..." Another woman whispered in his ear.

"Angela, my angel..." His echo replied.

And, then, his voice again.

"One day, your descendants will encounter them, my children, my Homo Aeternum. And, when they do? I hope mankind has left behind it's thirst for conflict, because, in conflict with my children? There can be only one outcome..."

The wind buffeted him and spun him around.

"Help me!" Adam screamed.

"You're unstuck in time, man," a male voice said. "Bouncing around in the fourth dimension like a pinball machine from hell."

"Can you help me?" Adam screamed.

"No, you can help yourself."

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

"You're doing this. You're causing this. The you that ain't you yet, man."

"What are you, some kind of goddamned stoner sphinx?! Tell me how to get out of here!"

The man laughed somewhere behind the wall of clouds. "Stoner sphinx? I gotta remember that. Yeah, man, that's a good one."

"Will you fucking help me?"

"When are you?"


"When are you?"

Adam squeezed his eyes shut. "Do you mean 'where' am I? I'm in a storm!"

"Naah, man, 'where' isn't important. Truth is? You're nowhere, man. When are you? That's the question. Or, more importantly, when do you want to be?"

"What the fuck are you talking about?!"

"Look, man, visualize yourself when you want to be. Just try."

"Uh... first day of college. End of my second class. It must be... I don't know... lunchtime, I guess?"

"Good, man, that's good. Now focus on it. Feel it all around you. Feel the when and the where will take care of itself."

The world stopped spinning. The maelstrom slowed. Adam was sitting. He could feel the seat he was sitting in, his feet wonderfully, blissfully planted on the floor. The clouds were blowing away. He could make out the walls of the World History classroom.

"Thank you!" Adam said to the empty room.

"Don't thank me, man, that was all you."

"Who are you?" Adam asked.

"Name's Pike. We'll talk again. Time travel is a trip, ain't it, man?"

Adam looked cautiously around the room. The storm was gone. Pike's voice was gone. All that was left was the empty classroom.


There was a room behind Dr. Love's classroom. It was a storage room, but the floor was covered by a soft mat.

Crumb lay nestled between the Physics nerd and the blonde Warren had fucked unconscious. The other two extra credit recipients were lying next to them.

In her fantasies, Crumb had imagined what group sex would be like. Lying on a padded floor with four other naked students enjoying the afterglow of intense orgasms had never occurred to her. Every once in a while, one of them would moan and begin fingering themselves or jerking off. They would doze again after their orgasm.

Crumb wasn't immune to those urges. She had fingered herself to three orgasms here in this darkened room, her fingers slick with Warren's cum from her well fucked pussy. She felt drugged with a combination of sleeping pills and Spanish Fly.

"The blonde you fucked first is adorable," Bianca said somewhere in the gloom.

"Very athletic. Did you see?" Warren asked. "She balanced on the toes of one foot while I fucked her standing up."

"Definitely Street Whore."

"My thoughts as well."

"The brunette girl looks like Velma from Scooby Doo," Bianca giggled. "I'm putting it in her file - specialty whore, especially if we can find a redhead to play Daphne."

"The brothel will love that," Warren whispered. "What about Ted?"

"Hmm, I'm thinking a sex change. He has a feminine build - they can do it with the Bimbo Flu all by itself now, you know?"

"And, your science nerd?" Warren asked.

"Junior Whoremaster..."

"Lucky fucker," Warren laughed.

"He was so considerate of me. Kept apologizing whenever he would cum in my mouth. He's a sweetie," Bianca whispered.

"That leaves the punk girl. God, she's fucking hot."

Dr. Love finally spoke. "Already decided on that one: girlfriend experience whore. She's too short for Street Whore and if we pump up her tits enough for a cheerleader whore she'll be dumb as a stump."

"It's so cruel though," Bianca whispered. "Couldn't we just make her look older so she could be a MILF whore?"

"No. Havana needs more girlfriend experience whores," Dr. Love said. "We'll get her ready to ship directly to Cuba - the rest we can have transformed at Stallion's. Havana says Demona keeps coming up with excuses not to make girlfriend experience whores, so Dr. Baal will do the procedure at the Cathedral."

"Poor thing," Warren said.

"Enough," Dr. Love said. "We're part of the Church and we obey. This isn't Stallion's."

Crumb nodded off to sleep as the room grew quiet again. Something about the conversation she had heard made her worried, but it was so hard to concentrate. She tried to pinpoint exactly when she had begun to feel woozy. She remembered Bianca kneeling in front of her while Warren was bringing her to her fourth orgasm. The buxom girl had exposed her breasts - there were these plastic clips on her nipples shaped liked stars. She pulled off one of the clips and...

Bianca was lactating! The milk was dribbling out of her thick nipple, and she had brought it to Crumb's lips.

And, Crumb had nursed her, swallowing mouthful after mouthful of the sweet breast milk.

That's when she had gotten woozy! When she had a belly full of Bianca's milk and a pussy full of Warren's cum!

She smiled. Girlfriend experience whore? That didn't sound so bad.


"Hmm?" Crumb moaned.

"It's time to wake up now."

"Adam?" She rolled over and looked up at him. He was standing over her. He seemed... bigger than before. "Come down here and make love to me, Adam. Please? Sooo horny."

He knelt down beside her.

Had he always looked so rugged? The beard... he didn't have that this morning, did he?

"No, I didn't," Adam said, and he stroked her cheek.

"It's... sexy. I like it... wait... how did you know I was thinking about you having a beard?"

"Shh," Adam soothed. "It's time to leave. Where are your clothes?"

"No, I have to stay. They're sending me to Havana to Dr. Baal..."

"I know, but that's not where you're going, darlin'. Your destiny is different than what you would find in Havana. Now? Clothes."

"I want this, Adam. I didn't understand before. This isn't what Lewis thinks it is. It's wonderful. I want to share it with him... with you, too!"

"Darlin'? You're high."

Crumb giggled. "I am, aren't I?"

"Yes, very."

"Breast milk. Titty nectar. A boob bellini. Tata tea," she said and laughed. "Ooo, they should bottle what Bianca is making in those wonderful breasts of hers. It could bring about world peace, you know?"

Adam laughed. "I know. Come on, honey. Clothes?"

She frowned. "I told you, I'm staying."

"Who are you?" Bianca said as she walked into the darkened room. She ran straight at Adam.

"Sleep," Adam said, and Bianca fainted in midstride, falling into his arms. "Sorry, Bubbles." He kissed her cheek and put her gently on the mat. He stroked her cheek. "Forget."

Crumb started laughing. "You called her Bubbles."

"Did I? Well, it is her name. Bianca "Bubbles" Bennett. One day? She'll be Bianca "Bubbles" Bennett di Moore, but that's a few years from now." He pointed his finger at Crumb. "Clothes, sweetie, please?"

Crumb sighed. "Fine." She stood up and stumbled around in the dark. She found her clothes folded neatly and lying on a shelf in the corner of the room. "What did you do to her?"

"Put her to sleep and made her forget."

Crumb rolled her eyes. "Yeah, but how did you do that?"

"Never mind that. Get dressed before I have to do it again."

As if on cue, Warren walked in. "Who the fuck?"

"Jesus," Adam hissed. "Warren, sleep."

Warren collapsed in a heap just inside the door.

"Wow," Crumb whispered.

"Baby, please, the clothes?" Adam said.

"Keep your shirt on. And, don't call me baby, it's sexist."

Adam laughed. "You actually like it when I call you baby."

"I do."


"No, I don't. I'm not as think as you high I am... wait... that's not right."

"Crumb, please come on."

"Fine, I'm ready," Crumb said as she walked over to him. "But, I'm serious. I want this. I want to be a part of this. I want..."

He cut her off by kissing her.

Time stopped. That was the only way she could describe it later, when people asked her. Adam kissed her and time stopped.

He held her even after the kiss ended.

"It's going to be alright, isn't it?" Crumb asked.

"Yes. It is. Everything is going to happen the way it is supposed to happen. I love you, Crumb."

"But, you're not in love with me, right?"

He shook his head. "Friends. Best friends."

"With benefits?"

"Definitely," Adam said.

"I can live with that," she said. She stepped out the door first and into the light of the auditorium. "Hey, how did you grow that beard so fast?" She turned around.

Adam was gone.

"Why are you dressed?" Dr. Love asked. She was approaching the stage.

"Sorry, professor, I have to fly. Really loved the orgy, though. How many points of extra credit do I get exactly?" Crumb asked. She kept staring at the doorway where Adam should have been. Somehow, he had simply disappeared.

Dr. Lorraine Love put her hands on Crumb's shoulders. "Look at me, girl. You will go back into the room and wait for me. Do you understand?" Her creepy blue eyes were glowing, and the blue irises were moving.

Crumb stared directly into them and leaned forward. Her eyes went slack for a moment. Then she cocked her head to the side and smirked. "Do not cite the Deep Magic to me, Witch! I was there when it was written," she said in a melodramatic voice.

Dr. Love stared at her. "What?!"

Crumb smiled brightly. "Aslan? Chronicles of Narnia? Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe? They were my favorite books when I was a kid. Ta-ta," Crumb said as she ducked under Dr. Love's grasp and headed for the door.

Dr. Love watched her go with a look of complete astonishment.


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wayneandanntriskelionwayneandanntriskelionover 2 years agoAuthor

Jack506, good catch on Mercury and the bus route. Personally, we prefer Tennessee to Indiana:)

As for your comment about Transformations being marketable? :) searches are your friend.

Jack506Jack506over 2 years ago

Well done. Your writing just gets better with every chapter. While I truly appreciate this being on a free site, you should look into commercial publication. I don’t think the sexual content is any more raw than some of Piers Anthony’s work, the science fiction content is certainly better than a lot that gets published, and the writing, with a little editorial polishing, is as good or better than the glittery vampires or the “shady” fan-fic spin-offs.

That said, two comments; I could find no reason for a bus from Kansas to Ithaca to pass through Tennessee, and second, Mercury was the Roman name, Hermes was the Greek equivalent.

Keep up the excellent work.

wayneandanntriskelionwayneandanntriskelionover 2 years agoAuthor

Just saw that chapter 2 is now scheduled to go live on 4-Dec. Chapter 3 is almost complete and will go in the queue this weekend. Naughty vs. Nice will go up immediately after that.

wayneandanntriskelionwayneandanntriskelionover 2 years agoAuthor

Hi, all. Don’t know what is going on exactly. Chapter 2 has been in the queue since 11/28. Hopefully it will go up soon.

wayneandanntriskelionwayneandanntriskelionover 2 years agoAuthor

Naughty vs. Nice will be this month right after the last chapter of Book of Adam. We’re almost done. Not sure why Chapter 2 of BoA is still sitting in the queue.

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