Transformations - Book of Adam Ch. 03


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Pike took a step back. "Come on, man. You can fly."

Bullets passed through Pike's back.

"Please, fly."

"Aiggh!" Adam screamed as he rose above the cliff edge, floating in mid-air and waving his arms and legs.

Pike began to scream. "Yeah! Fuck yeah, man! Whoo!"

Bullets missed Adam by inches.

"Fly! Move it! You're not bullet proof!" Pike screamed.

Adam pulled in his arms and legs, looked up and rocketed into the sky.

Pike dropped to his knees laughing as the Church Agents surrounded him. He looked around. "You fascists are too late, man. He's already him."

Pike disappeared.


Lewis Cho opened his eyes.

"Wakey, wakey, eggs and bakey," Crumb said.



"Where am I?"

"Lying on your back, covered in blue goo."

He raised up on his arm. He was lying on the steel floor of the transformation lab. His arm was huge. "What the...?"

"Designation: Whore Master. Lewis Cho... di Schwartz," Crumb said.

"Di... what?!" Lewis said.

"Yeah, see, one of us has to be the boss. And, since I am absolutely perfect now? That would be me."

He looked up.

Crumb was standing over him wearing white latex ballet boots. Her legs were bare and at least six inches longer than they had been before. She wore what looked like a one piece bathing suit of white latex with a narrow front and a narrower back.

The neckline plunged to her navel and gave a breathtaking view of her volleyball sized breasts.

"Holy... fuck. I love you," Lewis said. "Wait... are we bound?"

"Yes. You loved me before," Crumb said. She raised an eyebrow. "Say it."

"I have always loved you."

Crumb smiled. "Really?"

"We're thoulmates... soulmates."

She giggled and fell on top of him.

His hands went to her ass. "Damn, baby."

"I know, it's an amazing ass. I'm in love with it."

"I can thee why." He winced. "What the fuck is wrong with my voice? It feels like my tongue is too big..." He looked at her in horror. "What did you do?"

"What can I say? Your girl has fetishes."

He stuck out his tongue. It kept sliding out. And out.

"Aww, fuck oo Cwumb!"

Crumb bit her lower lip. "It has pleasure studs and everything. Demona said it can curve thirty different ways and even vibrate once you learn how to use it. And, you'll learn to talk without the lisp... eventually."

"You aw a fooking ath-hole," Lewis said.

Crumb sucked his tongue into her mouth, and he rolled her onto her back. Her legs wrapped around him as he pulled the latex crotch of the outfit to the side.

His Whore Master cock entered her, and she squealed.

He retracted his tongue.

"Well, get to fucking Whore Master... I opted for the enhanced ass muscles too," she giggled.

Lewis laughed and put his 'enhanced ass muscles' to work.


Crumb knocked on Sugar's bedroom door the next morning.

"Come in," Sugar said.

Crumb walked in. The bedroom floor was taken up with an array of king sized mattresses.

Rita and Ray lay naked in the middle of the beds with Sister Asmodea between them. The three of them were asleep.

"So, this is what it's like to have a coven?" Crumb whispered.

Sugar smiled as she searched through her closet for the day's outfit. "You and Lewis should join us tonight. We love to welcome new initiates."

A radio played softly in the background. "Break In," by Halestorm was playing.

"That's a very good idea. Got to get Lewis used to this whole polyamory thing." She looked back at the radio. "Any news?"

"About Adam? No. Maria's people are still searching."

"The Church as well?"

"I suppose, yes."

She took Sugar's hand. "We'll see him again. I know it."

"Did you have a vision?"

Crumb smiled. "Yes."

"A good one?"

"An amazing one. I know Adam is okay."

"So do I. I just... it's silly. I shouldn't be worried but..."

"You love him. You're in love with him, he's your soulmate, and you worry."

Sugar laughed. "How'd you get so smart so fast?"

Crumb shrugged.

The song ended and a DJ came on. "News overnight from Ithaca, bunch of people calling the cops in the early morning hours because of, get this, a flying man. Yes, at least two dozen calls into Ithaca PD about a man flying over the interstate. Okay, one has to assume drugs and or alcohol were involved..."

Sugar turned off the radio. She giggled.

The giggle turned into a laugh.


For the second time in her life, Sister Illia emerged from a transformation tube. No modifications had been made to her, of course. She had simply spent the night being made love to by the robotic dildos and vibrators.

She knelt on the steel grated floor and shivered as Demona sprayed the pink gel off her body. Demona then wrapped her in a towel.

"Thank you. You've been very kind to me," Illia said.

Demona knelt down beside her. "If you want to risk Sister's wrath? You might be able to make it back to Havana should you manage to evade Marapova."

Illia shook her head. "I do not believe in the Church anymore. They are evil. A pestilence."

"On that, chicky? We definitely agree."

Illia shook her head. "I will hide. Find someplace quiet. Maybe I will go back home to Nigeria."

"Yeah, probably best to take the cowardly path."


Demona shrugged. "Sitting out what's coming? Sounds like a good plan. I mean you tell me you think the Church is evil, so why not run and hide? I mean it won't make up for what you've been a part of, but it'll keep that pretty head on your shoulders."

"What are my options? Hmm? Marapova will kill me. In Havana, maybe Sister will kill me for my failure here. You tell me what I can do?!"

"I told you I have an idea." Demona smiled. "You know what the most wonderful thing about having nothing left is?"

Illia laughed humorlessly. "No. What is wonderful about this?"

Demona leaned close. "You are now a woman of infinite possibilities."


The Caribbean sun shone down on the Church airport outside Havana. Sister stood on the tarmac as Maria Marapova's private jet taxied to a stop a few yards away.

The door opened and swung down to become stairs.

A blonde Street Whore dressed in a pink latex stewardess outfit had opened the door. She had on ridiculous glasses frames without lenses - Marapova's imbecile consort. She smiled at Sister and waved. Then she disappeared inside.

An instant later, Sister Alicia stumbled down the stairs in front of Brittney. The nun's hands and ankles were shackled.

Brittney led Alicia to stand beside the stairs.

Marapova emerged next in a white latex dress and thigh boots.

She had a leash in her hands.

Bishop Cain was attached to the leash. Naked, he crawled behind her on his hands and knees. His lips were moving, but they were too far away for Sister to hear.

Marapova kept her eyes on Sister's as she crossed the tarmac with Cain.

Brittney kept step behind her with her hand on Alicia's back.

Marapova stopped inches from Sister. She nodded toward Alicia. "Your spy."

Sister glared at Alicia. "She was my secret liaison to..."

"Your spy. If I ever see her again? I will flay the skin from her bones an inch at a time."

Sister gritted her teeth.

"When I was 24, I burned a homeless man alive," Cain murmured.

Sister stared down at him, her mouth agape.

"Yes, he does prattle on, your Bishop Cain."

"What is wrong with him?" Sister asked.

"A mental breakdown of some sort. He is confessing his sins - it's quite a list. He's a credit to your caste, Sister. Some of them are so disgusting I thought about throwing him off my plane at altitude. He's stuck in a loop of some sort. He never stops confessing."

"I did not sanction his attack on the Stallion's facility," Sister said.

"Of course, you didn't." Marapova said. "But, if it happens again? I will send you the heads of any Religious Caste involved. Oh, and SlutzNet is being removed from all Whore Caste facilities as we speak. Come, Brittney, let's go home."

"Sister Illia," Sister said. "Where is she?"

"I know nothing of a Sister Illia," Maria said as she began walking back to her plane.

"Maria?" Sister asked. "The immune. What happened to him?"

She turned and cocked her head to the side. "What immune?"

Sister gritted her teeth as Maria Marapova and Brittney got back on the plane and it taxied away.


One Week Later

The Forest near North Frontenac, Ontario, Canada

Illia breathed in the cold night air. Ontario was a world away from Nigeria, and this was the second night Illia had sat braving the elements of a Canadian Fall.

"I am a woman of infinite possibilities," she whispered to the campfire. "One, very distinct possibility is I will be eaten by a bear or trampled by a moose."

She had gone to the coordinates Demona had given her here in the wilds of Canada to find... nothing. Had this been Demona's idea of a joke? To send her here to the middle of nowhere?

The sound of a twelve gauge shotgun being pumped close to her ear brought her out of her reverie.

"Be very still," a man said.

The barrel of the shotgun touched her ear.

"I... have money. In my backpack," Illia stammered.

"You Illia?" A woman asked as she walked into the light of the fire. The owner of the voice was a blonde with the body of a Street Whore dressed in a ski outfit.

"Y... Yes. Please, is the gun necessary?"

"My name is Emily Cray McGee. The Whore Master with the shotgun to your head is..."

"Tyler McGee," Sister Illia whispered.

"You know my name?" Tyler asked.

"I was... with Levi. He spoke of you often."

"Heard he pissed off the wrong people," Tyler said.


Emily knelt in front of her. "Demona says you know everything about the Church. It's inner workings. Supply lines. Communications?"


"You're going to share everything you know with us," Tyler said.

"And? If you betray us Sister Illia? Tyler's going to blow your head off. Understand?"

"I don't understand. Demona didn't tell me why she wanted me to come here," Illia stammered.

Emily stood up and smiled. She held out her hand. "Welcome to the Immune Resistance, Sister Illia. You're going to help us take down the Church of Morpheus."


Ithaca College

Alpha Omicron Phi House

Courtney Fuchs knocked on Bubbles Bennett's door.

"What's the password?" Bubbles asked from inside.

"Password? How the fuck should I know? Nobody said anything about a password."

"Try harder."

Courtney looked nervously around the second story landing. "Open the fucking door or I'll kick your fat ass!"

"Okay, close enough I guess," Bubbles mumbled and opened the door.

Courtney stepped inside.

The room was crowded.

"Did you get it?" Bubbles asked.

Courtney opened her backpack and pulled out a stainless steel cylinder. "Here you go."

Bubbles took it and smiled.

"You have to keep Adam's cum in the freezer, Bubbles," Courtney said.

"Oh, I will."

Candy Kisses stood up. "Now that we're all here? Let's get started." She turned around and picked up a beautifully bound and very sparkly book. "Tonight's reading of the Book of Adam will be from Chapter 1 Verse 1." She cleared her throat.

"I like the glitter," Bubbles said.

Candy smiled. "Thanks, Bubbles. Ahem. Chapter 1 Verse 1: Don't transform people against their will."

Mikaela nodded. "Very nice, Candy."

"Good job," Lisa said.

"Now," Candy said. "We need to talk about who we're going to indoctrinate first. I vote for Mistress Gwen."

"Good choice," Sugar said as she leaned forward in the chair. "Lisa, that will be your job. And, everyone? We don't dose anyone with Adam's cum without explaining it to them first. No means no. Understood?"

They all nodded.

"Demona and I are working to extract the retro-virus from the semen so we can get the Whore Masters on board," Courtney said.

"I don't get it," Bubbles said. "It's just a little jizz. Boys are so squeamish."

Sugar laughed.

"This is so exciting," Candy Kisses laughed. "We're going to be a real Church."

"A good one," Bubbles said.

"The Church of Adam," Sugar said.


Near the George Washington Bridge

New York City

Adam Price walked through the homeless encampment. Fires burned in trash barrels and the disheveled slept with old blankets and sometimes newspapers pulled over them.

He walked slowly, impervious to the cold. Earlier, he had perched at the top of the east tower and waited for night.

Not knowing what to do with himself was the worst part of running. He had to be careful not to do anything to put himself on the Church's radar. That meant no bank account, no permanent address, no full time job.

Adam Price was now a drifter.

But, he was a drifter with a purpose.

He closed his eyes as he walked, absorbing the thoughts of those around him in the camp.

He found the woman easily. A former wife and mother of two, sitting with her back against a concrete piling. She had a bent spoon in her hand holding it over a lighter.

Adam sat down beside her on the cold ground. He smiled at her.

"Please, leave me alone," she said. Her bare right arm was a map of abuse, the tracks a roadmap of pain.

He reached into her mind. The pain was almost unbearable, hatred of herself the most easily detected emotion.

"I don't have anything for you," the woman said. "Please, I just want to float."

He took her hand and she stiffened.

"You don't need that."

"I'll die without it."

"No, you won't. You'll feel like you're going to, but you won't. If you'll trust me? I'll make you whole again."

She began to sob. "Why? What do you want from me?"

"Not a thing," he said. He took off his coat and wrapped it around her.

She dropped the lighter and the spoon, the contents pouring into the earth. She laid her head on his shoulder.

"Sleep," Adam said.

She drifted off. He would see that she slept through the worst of the withdrawal. And, tomorrow, he would rebuild her self-respect one piece at a time.

Adam Price was going to save the world.

Even if he had to do it one person at a time.

For now.


High Court of the North American Conglomerate

12:45 PM, 8-October-2145

The Attorney General shook his head. "Quite a story, Miss Owens."

She laughed. "Oh, you haven't heard anything yet."

"Magic semen, magic kisses, flying demigods? Admit it, these are fantasies designed to make us believe that none of what happened was Whore Caste's fault."

"At least half of what happened was our fault," Sugar said.

"And, where is this Adam, anyway, Miss Owens? Where is this living god that you people worship?"

"We don't worship him, sir. He doesn't want our reverence. Just our happiness - he isn't a jealous god." She laughed. "He's just a kid from Kansas. And, I miss him."

He scoffed. "I have nothing further for this witness, your honors."

The middle judge of the three looked toward the defense table. "Miss Connors, do you want to redirect?"

Brittney stood up and adjusted her glasses. "That's 'Miss Connors di Marapova', your honor."

"Of course, my apologies," the judge said.

Brittney smiled at Sugar. "No, your honors. The defense acknowledges the existence of... magical kisses."

Sugar nodded and tried not to cry.

"In that case, court will take a one hour recess for lunch..."

The End

The story continues in Transformations: Naughty vs. Nice

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sluttyinprogresssluttyinprogressabout 2 years ago

I've been reading your work for the past week, this is so immersive, and I can see that there's a plan for the world building, plot and characters. I really appreciate all your work for writing this creative series. I started for the bimboficaton (really like your view of bimbos), but stayed because of the sci-fi and family found elements. I love Gwen, Alex, Demona, Melody, Lisa, Jason, Emily, Tyler, Brit and Tanya, I would totes choose them for my coven. Can't wait for "Travelers", I still need to read "Naughty vs Nice", but I'm sure I'll finish soon.

wayneandanntriskelionwayneandanntriskelionover 2 years agoAuthor

Transformations: Travelers will be out in March.

zesstrazesstraover 2 years ago

any news on next book?

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

This is a remarkable change to the arc of the stories. Good reading!

Ravey19Ravey19over 2 years ago

Another excellent chapter. Enjoying the journey again but cannot keep up with all the characters and the plots. Thanks for a great read and best wishes for Christmas and 2022. Would be a 5 from me.

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