Transformations Ch. 05


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"I just can't react with you, Zoe. I look at you, almost every day now and I have to pinch myself. How did I get so lucky to find you and have you in my life? I want you Zoe, be in no doubt of that. I just... I don't know why you want me. You're a ten, a perfect ten. I'm not, I'm nowhere near."

"No Simone, you're a one. You're a perfect one, my love. You're my perfect one. I want no other, only you."

Simone and Zoe embraced once again, though this time it was a tearful embrace.

"Take me to bed," said Zoe. "Make love to me."

Simone was 27 years old and she was a virgin. She'd never had a real girlfriend or boyfriend, despite having been attracted both ways in the past. Zoe was the first girl that Simone ever thought was perfect. She loved her for her soul. Everything else was pure bonus.

Simone blushed. "I don't really know what I'm doing Zoe."

"Do you trust me Simone?"

"With my life Zoe. With my life."

"Then trust this. Trust that I love you, trust that I won't hurt you. And trust that everything we do is between us and us alone."

Simone nodded and Zoe proceeded to undress herself in front of her. When she was all the way naked, Simone just drank in the delights of Zoe's body.

"You're so gorgeous Zoe. I don't know how you do it, how you look so naturally feminine. Your breasts are... they're just so real looking Zoe."

"Simone, my beautiful Simone, all of this, all that you see before you, it's yours now. It belongs to you. I give myself to you, now and forevermore."

Simone smiled and plucked up the courage to begin disrobing. She slipped her flowered beige and maroon dress off her shoulders and down over her hips and let it fall to the floor. She stood before Zoe in a black padded bra and black panties.

Simone ran her fingers through her long black hair, slipping it behind her shoulders, before putting her arms behind her back to release her bra. What appeared to be a B cup in the bra soon became an A cup without it.

"They're so small, I'm sorry. I'll get surgery for you, have implants Zoe."

Zoe hugged Simone and kissed her neck. "Baby, when will you start to understand? To me, you... are... perfect."


"I love you Simone. You have no reason not to feel good about yourself. You are beautiful and feminine and desirable. I just wish you'd see that, I wish you'd see in yourself what I see in you. You have no apologies to make. There are billions of people out there in the world, but only one for me. The chances that I would find that person are infinitesimal. And yet, here you are, the one girl in all the world for me, slowly getting naked in my bedroom!"

"Oh Zoe... thank you. You say just the right thing."

"It's easy to say the right thing, when the right person is standing right next to you. Now come on babe, sling your knickers and let's fuck!"

Simone guffawed, right in Zoe's face. Slipping her hands into her panties, she caught hold of her cock and let him slip out the top. "Someone wants to say hi."

She let her panties fall to the bedroom floor and stepped out of them. Zoe had her cock in her own hand and brought it up to touch Simone's. "Hi there." Zoe rubbed her cock into Simone's. "See, they like each other. Look how hard they're getting!"

Simone couldn't wait. She kissed Zoe on the mouth and led her backwards to her bed. Sitting her down, Simone knelt between her legs and sucked Zoe's cock into her mouth, easing up and down on her shaft skin with her fingers, she sucked all around Zoe's head, tickling under the tip with her tongue.

"Oh Simone, that feels so good."

Simone started sucking steadily in and out on Zoe's cock and soon, Zoe was holding onto the back of her head, pushing and pulling away at it, setting up the right rhythm.

Oh that was so good. There was just something on a mental level about Simone that appealed to Zoe. As Joey, she would have liked girls, as Zoe, probably boys. But as she was, with both Zoe and Joey inside her, she craved both. And neither. What she craved was Simone. Masculine and feminine all at once. The amalgamation of the two.

Even though Zoe thought of Simone first and foremost as a woman, she knew she had been born male, just like she herself had. And there was just something so exotic and erotic about that whole concept, yin and yang, male and female, all in one, together, whole, as one. It would be a lie to say that she wasn't just as attracted to the remains of Simone's male side as she was to her female side.

And she was giving a killer blow job. She instinctively knew what to do, where to do it. And where not to do it. She was an expert on the male penis.Yeah, like there was such a thing as the female penis! But as she thought about it, maybe that wasn't such a stupid thought after all. The female penis - what they both had. The feminine touch, feminine thoughts and ideals, feminine sentiment and sensitivity, feminine sexuality and fantasy, feminine taste and desire, feminine kindness and compassion. And suddenly, it began to make all the sense in the world. The female penis - so much more than a male penis could ever be, because it had a female heart behind it. No matter, Simone was an expert on it, regardless!

Gently cupping Zoe's balls, concentrating her tongue just under the head of her penis, where the two halves came together with frenulum running in between, Simone sucked and popped and squelched away as though Zoe's cock was the tastiest lollipop the world had ever seen. Zoe's chest heaved up and down on the bed and she had to focus her breathing to keep from passing out, so exquisite was the feeling Simone was generating.

With her eyes remaining tightly shut, the image in Zoe's mind was of Simone's face. "Ohh!" The noise she made surprised her and a moment later she was yelping like an eager puppy. "Pleeeaassee!"

Zoe popped, her whole body convulsing, her chest going in and out, her breasts heaving, her stomach tensing, her bottom lifting and falling. It was a whole body orgasm, so reminiscent of the ones she had briefly known a year ago today. Zoe's hands came up to her head and she didn't know what to do with them, she just lay there flailing like her body was all new and it had never been taken for a test run before. Today, her body was a Lamborghini, not some Prius, not some hybrid. Today she was a sports car, a performance car, an exotic.

Simone crawled up and over Zoe's body as Zoe opened her eyes and put her arm around Simone, who was still licking the sides of her mouth to make sure she hadn't missed a single drop of Zoe's salty goodness. Smiling, they kissed. "I love you Simone. That's the best I've ever felt in my life."

Simone lay her head alongside Zoe's and gazed longingly into her eyes. Cuddling up next to her, she entwined her leg over Zoe's and stroked her chest with her hand.

"I'm sorry babe, you're going to have to give me a minute. I can't move."

Zoe fell asleep and Simone just cuddled next to her, stroking away at her hair ever so softly, smiling in sweet contentment.

Zoe was stirred awake by the feeling of Simone sucking on her cock once again. She was already in a heightened state of arousal. "No. Please no. I can't. You... I haven't, oh God. Simone... ohhhh!"

And then for the second time, Zoe blew her load into Simone's mouth.

Coming up alongside once more, Zoe shifted onto her side. "Oh Simone. I'm sorry. You took me to paradise. I was helpless, I couldn't fight it off, I just drifted. Oh baby. My turn."

Simone lay on her back on Zoe's bed. Her breasts were so small now that she lay like that, but her areola were so puffy and her nipples were big and round and soft and beautiful just like any other woman's nipples. Zoe cupped Simone's breasts and felt her natural soft tissue that had developed there as a result of the hormones she had been taking for the best part of a decade.

"Do you want me to get them done?"

"Your boobs?"

Simone nodded.

"Why? What's wrong with them?"

"They're ever so small."

"Since when did size matter?"

"On my back I look like a boy."

"On your back you look just like the woman I love. Your boobies make not one bit of difference to me. I love them just as they are, I love you just as you are. But baby, I'll love you just the way you are whatever way you are. Just so long as you don't get those really big boobs that look like you're carrying a baby in each one!"

Simone laughed. "I just think, maybe I wouldn't be quite so self conscious if I did. It can be hard you know, even when people aren't looking at you, you do kind of think that they are. That they've seen something. Caught a glimpse of your Adam's apple, seen that you've got big hands or big feet. Or that you're tall or broad shouldered. Having small boobs just adds to it. Getting them done. It's sort of more for them than for me. Because men see boobs and their brains think woman. But if the boobs aren't there, their gaze drifts and then they start noticing the other things."

"Men are such pigs!" Zoe grinned. Only because she knew it was true. She sucked one of Simone's nipples into her mouth. "But I support you whatever you decide to do Simone. And that's something you need to get used to from now on. Wherever you go in the world, whatever you may do, whoever you may encounter, I'm going to be right there at your side, supporting you 100%. I've got your back baby. Get used to it."

Zoe sucked in her other nipple and Simone arched her back. Gradually kissing her way down Simone's body, Zoe saw that she was not fully erect. While she wasn't soft any more, she just wasn't rigid. So Zoe placed her lips at the tip of Simone's cock and kissed her head, tugging back her foreskin, she flicked her tongue underneath and around the mushroom tip, tickling underneath and running her tongue all the way down her shaft to her balls, sucking her whole ball sack into her mouth and swirled her tongue around underneath them. Releasing them, she slid her lips up Simone's hardening shaft and licked all around, making it super slippery.

"I'm not great at cumming Zoe. Sometimes it's a lot of work and I don't get there. But I just enjoy the feeling. It doesn't matter if I don't cum."

"It does to me Simone. I want you to cum in my mouth. I want to swallow all that you have to offer me. I want to drink your juice baby."

"There's not a lot of juice in me, Zoe. But sometimes, if I really need to cum, I work my ass as well."

Zoe bounced onto her knees, crawling up over Simone so that her own erect cock and balls dangled over Simone's face. Zoe reached onto the shelf behind her bed and grabbed her ass dildo, a big thick black thing, thicker at one end than the other.

"Oh Zoe, that will never fit."

Finding herself back between Simone's legs, Zoe pushed them up out of the way, making access to Simone's ass easier. She licked all the way from her balls to her ass, then spread her cheeks a little. Simone wriggled on the bed to make things easier for Zoe, who then probed into Simone's ass with her tongue. Looking up at Simone, Zoe licked her finger and felt around for Simone's pucker. She pressed in and found it was tight. Licking her finger again, she had another try and slipped in just a little, then after another lick, she was able to push her finger in all the way up to her knuckle. She wiggled her finger around inside Simone's ass.

Licking her finger again, she started to lick the dildo up and down, getting it really wet. Then she deep throated it. Pointing it at Simone's pucker, she pushed gently, trying to find a way inside. But it wouldn't fit. It was too big. So Zoe turned it around and took the thinner end into her mouth, once again deep throating it.

Perched at Simone's entrance for a second time, Zoe gently manoeuvred the dildo, giving it one extra lick for luck, then pushed inside. It went in about three inches and slid out all by itself. So Zoe licked it again and pushed inside, holding it there. Simone moaned and Zoe began to push it in and out slowly.

"Ohh Zoe," Simone sighed, breathily.

Zoe pushed deeper, stretching Simone until about four inches of dildo were inside her. Simone squirmed and made a little grunt. Zoe took that to mean, that was far enough. So Zoe carried on humping Simone gently with the dildo and sucked Simone's wilting cock back to life with her mouth.

"Mmm!" Zoe licked her lips. "Precum."

Simone heaved on the bed, rubbing her nipples, scissoring them between her fingers, licking her own lips.

The dildo slipped out and Zoe again sucked it into her mouth.

"Oh Zoe!" Simone gave her a look, like there was no need to do something so naughty.

Zoe smiled and licked it again, although it was perfectly clean, not even any ass biscuits. There was a faint taste though, but it wasn't anything horrible - it may even have been plastic. Zoe turned it around and again licked the thicker end.

"Oh Zoe, it will never fit."

Zoe gave Simone's ass a little rub with her hand as Simone splayed her legs wide, up in the air. Holding the thick end to her hole, Zoe twisted it a little and stretched Simone who was holding her breath. She was halfway in. And then Simone's ass took it, gobbling it up, pulling it deeper inside.

Slowly, Zoe began to work the dildo again and sank her mouth back down onto Simone's cock which was dribbling precum in little pools on her pubis.

"Ohh!" Simone squirmed. "Oh Zoe, oh Zoe, oh baby, oh!" she breathed heavily.

Zoe pumped in and out, almost to the point where it would slip out, but then she pushed back in.

Simone's cock was now as hard as lead. Pulling the dildo all the way out, Zoe again licked it clean in an expression of love, just as though it were cum.

Licking her finger, she found Simone's hole and pushed inside. It slipped in easily. Her hole had been expanded quite some, just from a few minutes with the dildo. Zoe loved the slackness and wriggled her finger around inside Simone's ass, pulling out and licking her finger eagerly, then back in again, she was addicted to tasting her.

"That's so dirty."

"Does it turn you on?"

"Like you wouldn't believe, Zoe."

Zoe smiled. "I love you Simone." Zoe gave Simone's ass a prod with her tongue and then shoved the dildo back in. Kneeling, she caught hold of Simone's legs to bring them together and down to lie flat on the bed, the thick end of the dildo perched up Simone's ass. Then Zoe kneeled over Simone so her own erect cock was touching Simone's. She proceeded to rub her hand up and down Simone's shaft with one hand. Then she pulled back on Simone's foreskin and pressed her own penis to Simone's, rolling her own foreskin down over Simone's head.

Holding the two cocks, joined in place, she ran her fingers down Simone's shaft and that was all it took.

The feeling of her ass clenching the dildo, of Zoe's cock bonded to her own, of a hand on her cock and her own fingers on her breasts, Simone erupted and jerked on the bed in the best orgasm she'd ever had in her life.

Zoe smiled. Simone was pretty out of it, she was moaning and screaming and flailing helplessly, like a monkey falling from a tree. Letting go of her penis, she pulled back on her own foreskin and squeezed out all of Simone's cum, which was clear rather than white. She wasted no time in slipping back between her legs, pulling them apart, gently easing the dildo from her ass and dropping it on the floor without cleaning it this time. She had a much tastier snack in mind.

Sucking Simone's cock into her mouth, Zoe created a vacuum and squeezed her fingers from ball sack to tip, robbing Simone of every last morsel of juice which, as Simone had intimated, wasn't very much. Then she set to work licking up all the tiny little cum spatters that were just sitting there on Simone's belly. "Ohh! I've never tasted anything this good. This is the taste of my Simone, my lover, my love." In reality, it was a mere fraction of Zoe's load.

Zoe crawled up over Simone's body and lay down on top of her, penis to penis, breast to breast, nipple to nipple, lip to lip.

Simone had tears in her eyes and they were welling up fast, threatening to run down her cheek. "Zoe, oh!" The tears began to trickle.

"Ohh baby. It's okay. I'm here. Let it all out. You're safe, I've got you."

They held onto each other tightly, just gazing at one another, lightly nibbling on each other's lips, kissing, tongues reaching out, sucking. It was so erotic, just the simple art of kissing. Lying in each other's arms for a while, they eventually went and showered together.



"Yes sweetie?"

"Mum, can Simone come live with us, I mean, with me?"

Mrs. Aames walked over to her daughter and sat her down. "You love her very much?"

"I do Mum. With all my heart."

"Then, who am I to keep the two of you apart?"

"Really Mum?"

"Really sweetie. I hope you'llboth be very happy together."


The day came that Simone moved in. And wouldn't you just know it, Zoe wasn't there to help. She'd got a modelling call at the last moment. She was going to blow it off, but Simone had talked her in to taking it. It was good money for a day's work.But I wanted to help, Zoe had said.You just enjoy yourself, have a good day. And by the time you get back, I'll be all settled.

Mrs. Aames was there in Zoe's place and it actually gave them a chance to get to know each other better. Lugging heavy boxes and carting them upstairs to Zoe's room was hot work and the two women found themselves sitting at either end of Zoe's window seat with a bottle of cold beer being shared between them.


"Yes darling. What's on your mind?"

"It's... please, tell me to mind my own business, but..."

"It's alright, you can ask me anything."

"What happened to Zoe?"

"What happened? When?"


Mrs. Aames had to think for a moment. "Before the two of you met?"

Simone nodded. "When I first got to know her, she was just so shy and... I think, a little bit scared, like she was retreating from the world."

Mrs. Aames nodded. "You changed her Simone. You saved her."

"Please, if it's none of my business, just say. I won't be offended."

"Have you asked Zoe?"

Simone shook her head. "I just didn't want to take her somewhere that she didn't want to go."

"Um... that's probably a good idea. To not go there with her. At the time, all she wanted to do was put it behind her. And it's not something I would bring up, but you love her and I think you have a right to know, because, it's you that's she's going to depend on from now on, it's you that she's going to turn to and you can't do that job without knowing about it. So I'm going to tell you. But it's not pleasant."

Simone came and sat closer to Mrs. Aames.

"She was dating, looking to date anyway, not having much success. Not with girls, not with boys. She went into a bar, it was a gay bar, though it wasn't a nice gay bar. A man bought her a drink and took her out back, well, into the bathroom. And he attacked her."

"No!" Simone screamed out, shocked and upset, tears immediately coming to her eyes.

Mrs. Aames had to fight back her own. "He uh, overpowered her and uh, ripped her clothes off, saw what she was and um, from what I gather, he pulled her by the arm into the bar, in front of all those other people, on display for them all to see. And threw her out into the street."

It was more than Simone could take. She sobbed away in Mrs. Aames' arms for nearly an hour.



"Yes darling?"

"I'm in love."

"I know. Your Mum fills me in every night."

"She does?"

Gran nodded and smiled and put her hand on Zoe's.

"I don't want to lose her Gran."

"Why would you lose her Zoe darling?"

"Because she thinks I'm just like her. And I'm not. And one day, I could change. I could change into Joey and he'd be a stranger to her. And she'd say,I don't know you, you lied to me. And it would be true. A lie by omission is still a lie, isn't it?"