Transformations: Latigo Key Ch. 03A


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"I'd like that," Cathy said.

"Yeah, I bet you would. I gotta tell you, I'm thinking about sneaking out of here with you. What would you think about that? Leave this Church shit behind and head to California with me?"

"Baal has plans for me. I think they would be angry."

"Yeah? What kind of plans? I mean you are a completely different kind of whore from these other women."

"Baal says I'm going to be something called a White Witch."

Ed stared at her. "Huh? No. There's only one of those. She's this scary bitch up in New York..." Ed looked Cathy up and down. "Uh, but she is built like you. Only, she's even taller and more muscular. Same basic shape, though."

"What's her name?"

"Maria Marapova. I think the Church is afraid of her. She's got mental powers."

"What kind of powers?"

"Like she can change someone's personality. Rewrite them. Make them do anything she wants."

Cathy frowned. "You mean like the knitter?"

Ed winced. "Don't talk about that shit."

"They used it on you?"

"Of course, they... wait, they didn't use it on you?"

Cathy shook her head. "Baal says I'm very receptive."

"It hurts," Ed whispered.

"I've seen it."

Ed smiled. "If they make you like Marapova? You realize how powerful you will be?"

Cathy thought about it. She would be able to do everything the knitter could do without the needles. "Yes, I suppose I do."

"Oh, baby... forget Hollywood. With that kind of power, we could walk into a bank and ask for a loan. Bam. A million dollars in our hands. See a guy driving a Ferrari? You ask for it, he gives it to you. I'd be a fucking king in a week."

Cathy smiled. "You'd like that? That would make you happy?" She was supposed to make him happy.

Ed nodded. "Oh, yeah. Very happy." He took the beer out of her hand and set it on the coffee table. Then he put his hand on her head and guided her to his lap. "Suck me hard. Then I think it's time I fucked that pussy."


In their backyard, Wink fucked his next door neighbor's wife while she sixty-nined Margaret. Meanwhile his neighbor fucked Margaret while the man's wife licked her juices off his dick on each stroke.

Margaret sucked one of Wink's balls and then the other into her warm mouth as the four of them fucked on the wet grass.

Wink looked up in time to see the door to his backyard shed open.

A thin girl snuck out of the shed and headed toward the alley. She was slapping at her short hair as if she had something crawling on her.

"Hey, come here!" Wink yelled. "We got room for 'nother."

She didn't look back.

It was two hours before dawn.


Jenny Larsen lay in Willy's arms on her bed.

The house was occupied by Hecate and her entourage.

Hecate had simply told her and Willy they couldn't leave until morning.

So, they had gone to Jenny's bedroom.

"You remember everything now?" Jenny whispered.

"Yes," he whispered and kissed her neck.

"I... I took you on your birthday," she said.

He laughed. "Pretty sure I took you."

"You know what I mean."

He pulled her close. "Nothing happened I didn't want to happen."

"I hope Diana feels the same way."

"I will guarantee you Diana feels the same - you didn't make Diana gay, Jenny. She always was. Even when she was with me? She was thinking about girls."

Jenny nodded. "I keep thinking I'll wake up and none of this will be real. Willy... they killed my husband."

Willy sighed. "We don't know he's actually dead."

"No. He's dead. Or, he's like Eduardo Mendez and he's out there somewhere working fields or..."

"Hey, I will help you find out the truth," Willy said.

She teared up. "You would, wouldn't you? Even though you love me..."

"I'm bound to you, Jenny. If your husband is alive? We'll find him."

She looked into his eyes. "There's something I need to tell you."

"You're immune. I know."

She blinked. "You... know? How did you know?"

"You took the programming but it's not complete. You could kill Hecate if you were given the chance. Only an immune could do that. It also means you don't feel the binding..."

"Willy, I love you. I love you more than anything."

He smiled. "I know."

"I want to feel that binding, the way you feel it. I do. More than anything."

"She can't hurt you, Jenny. That's all that matters. She can't do to you what she did to me tonight."

Jenny rolled her eyes. "Yes, and if she figures that out? I'm dead, Willy."

"If it comes to that? She'll have to deal with me."

Jenny lay back and sighed. "We can't even warn people what's coming. Your mom and dad..."

"My mom and dad can take care of themselves. Dad's a Whoremaster. He'll watch out for her." He kissed her. "I have to get you off this island and away from Hecate. Away from the Church. Sooner or later? Hecate is going to figure out she can't control you."


Ed Porter watched Cum Slut Cathy's muscular ass as she rode him reverse cowgirl on the living room couch. He spat on his fingers and rubbed it into her asshole.

"Uhh, fuck my ass too, Ed," Cathy moaned.

He slid his index and middle fingers into her tight butt. "Mmm, God, wish I had two cocks."

She laughed. "Me too. More fingers, please, Ed?"

"How about calling me master?"

Cathy giggled as she rose up and down. "More fingers, please, master?"

"I got a better idea." He took his half empty beer bottle and pressed the open top to her little pucker.

"Ooo, I've never done that before!"

"Yeah? Stick with me. You're gonna do all kinds of shit like this." He pushed the bottle's neck all the way in.

"Fuck! Fuck, yes!" Cathy squealed.

He raised up on the couch. "Lean forward. That's it."

He watched the beer disappear from the bottle and into the depths of her ass.

"Mmm, cold! I love it!"

He slid the long neck in and out.

A few seconds later Cathy trembled, and her pussy squeezed his dick like a vice.

"Fuck!" Ed shot his load deep inside her and he eased the bottle out of her ass.

She jumped off his lap and knelt between his thighs, kissing and sucking his softening dick.

Then she stood up and sat in his lap. "You really want to run away with me?"

"Fuck yeah," Ed said as he squeezed her tits. Jesus, she was going to be huge up top - her Ambrosia hadn't even come in yet.

"Can Dan come too?"

He frowned. "You're fucking joking, right?"

"No. Dan should come too. I love Dan."

"Jesus. You're a simple bitch. That's your programming talking. You people are into this polyamory shit. I want your fine ass all to myself."

She nodded. "Okay, Ed."

"Listen. They're probably going to finish your transformation at sunup. As soon as you can slip away after that? You come back here to your house. Understood?"

"Yes, Ed." She looked toward the wall. "Dan will be waking up soon. He's going in to work today. He's going to miss everything."

Ed smiled. "They don't want him, huh? That means he won't be a problem. That's good." Ed stood up, got his pants, and left.


Two hours before dawn, the humming from the telephone poles began to lower in volume. The orgies in the streets stopped and people began walking back to their homes. Their expressions were glassy, and they moved like sleepwalkers.

They ignored the scratches on their feet, the grass stains on their knees. The people of Latigo Key returned to their beds, oblivious to the things they had just done with one another.

Margaret Wanker curled herself into Wink's strong arms, remembering nothing but a night of passionate lovemaking.

Deborah Foster slept fitfully after having dreams of orgies with friends and strangers alike.

Consuela Mendez lay beside her husband Eduardo. His chest rose and fell in rhythm. She had spent the night in the arms of four different men - she could remember it all. MILF Whore... the words formed in her head, appearing like phantoms from the mist of her near dream state.

Willy and Jenny stood in her bedroom and stared through the window toward the east. They knew this would be the last day the population of Latigo Key would bear any resemblance to human beings. Today would be the day when the Church revealed itself to them all.

In the Greene house, Dan rolled over in his sleep and Cathy rubbed his shoulders.

He stretched and yawned. Then he rolled over and pulled her to him. "You okay? Did you sleep?"

"A little," Cathy whispered. "Your headache?"

"Gone." He smiled. "I need to get ready."

"Don't go."

He touched her hair. "I have to. The client, remember?"

"Tell them you're sick," Cathy said. "Tell them I'm sick. Just don't go."

"Baby, this contract will keep the company afloat for the rest of the year..."

"Something awful is going to happen," Cathy stammered. "Something terrible. The worst..." She buried her face in his neck and sobbed.

"Hey, hey, Cathy? What is it?"

"I don't know, Dan. I don't... it's just... if you go? I will never see you again. I know it, Dan. I just know it."

He held her tight. "You know what? You're right. I've been gone too much. I've been working too hard."

She leaned back.

"Just... let me do this meeting and I'll take the first ferry back. And, then? I'll take a week off. No, two weeks. We'll just stay in bed for two whole weeks."

She laughed and he wiped away her tears. "You think I'm crazy, don't you?" She asked.

"No. No, I do not. You're the smartest, most intuitive person I've ever known, Cathy Greene. If you need me close? I'll be close." He sighed. "But I can't let the guys down. More riding on this deal than just you and me."

"I know. I feel silly."

"You're not silly. I'll be back on the noon ferry."

"You better be."


Ramona Escobar hid in the bushes beside the dock and looked at the ferry.

Something wasn't right.

The ferry was scheduled to leave in less than an hour but nobody from the island had gone aboard.

If she was going to sneak on? She needed a small crowd to blend into.

The only people on the dock were workmen wearing hard hats and yellow vests.

They were just walking around, acting like they were doing things.

Only they weren't. They were just trying to look busy.

"What the fuck is going on?" Ramona whispered to herself. First there were the frenzied orgies in the middle of the night and now there were men guarding the ferry?

She crept through the bushes till she was closer to the dock.

Something else didn't make sense.

Fishermen left early, so why were the fishing boats still moored? The boats themselves were empty.

Also, there were two small diners on the dock, and both were closed, their windows dark.

One of the workmen on the dock walked toward where she was hiding.

She shrank back deeper into the bushes.

He came to a stop three feet away from her.

The man reached down to his belt, he slid back his vest and reached for a radio on his hip.

That's when Ramona saw the shiny, black gun in the holster under his vest.

He held the radio to his lips. "Dock is clear. No movement. Over."

The radio crackled and a voice came on. "Acknowledged, Dock. No one enters the area other than the seven on the list. Deadly force authorized. Over."

"Dock, Acknowledged. Over and out." He walked back toward the other men.

'Deadly force'? Ramona thought. Oh, Ramona, chica, what have you gotten yourself into?

That's when she saw Dan walking down the road toward the dock.

"No, Dan, don't!" Ramona whispered to herself. Please, God, don't let him...

He walked onto the dock.

The man with the gun watched him walk by. Then he opened a book and looked inside. He made eye contact with another man farther down the dock.

The man with the gun nodded and the man farther down the dock nodded back.

Dan walked onto the ferry.

They let him pass, Ramona thought. Was he part of this?

No, she thought. Not him. She had known bad men in her life, pimps, drug dealers, dirty cops. Communistas. None of them ever gave her money for food and then walked away without expecting anything from her.

She watched him disappear below deck.

And she desperately wished she was on the boat with him.


The ferry was practically empty. Dan looked around in confusion. He walked into the galley and poured himself a cup of coffee.

The cook nodded at him from behind the counter.

"Where is everyone?" Dan asked.

"Search me. You're the first one onboard. Damned peculiar."

Dan shook his head. "Guess everyone took a day off."

"Guess so. That'll be fifty cents for the java."


Dan walked up to the empty, top deck and strolled over to the railing. The first golden rays of sunshine were just appearing on the horizon. The dark ocean swells were calm, and the gulls circled and dove overhead.

"It's going to be an interesting day," a voice said.

Dan looked to his left.

A tall man with brown hair and a beard was standing at the rail looking at the sunrise. He wore a leather jacket.

"You think so?" Dan asked as he blew steam off the top of his coffee.

"What's that saying? Red sky at night? Sailor's delight. Red sky at morning? Sailor take warning," the man said.

"Yes, that's what they say," Dan said. He pointed toward the ocean. "No red in that sky."

The man turned from the railing and walked away. "Red sky or not? There's a storm coming. But you'll weather it... you're all island strong. Just watch your back, Marine."

"What?" Dan asked as he turned.

The man was gone, leaving Dan alone on the ferry's deck.

Even the gulls had flown away.


Cathy heard the ferry sound its horn as it left the dock. She had an urge to run to the window. She wanted to see.

But she didn't.

Instead, she ran a hot shower and stepped under the water. She soaped her entire body. She wanted to be clean.

No matter how much she scrubbed? She still felt dirty.

She turned off the water and wrapped herself in the towel.

When she stepped out of the shower, she stared at the mirror.

She dropped the towel. The body in the mirror wasn't hers. She knew that now.

This body was taller, breasts larger, firmer, and higher. The muscles in her arms, her legs, her abdomen... these were muscles that belonged to someone else. Someone who had spent a lifetime training their body, not a few months in a karate dojo.

On a whim, Cathy leaned over and did a handstand on the bathroom rug. She pointed her toes at the ceiling. Then she rotated, walking in a circle with her hands.

She lifted one hand off the floor and balanced perfectly on the other.

Then she raised herself using only her fingers.

She laughed. This was impossible.

Then she shoved off with her hand and did a somersault, landing perfectly on her feet facing the mirror.


In Baal's clinic, Hecate looked at the monitor and watched the scene from the camera behind Cathy Greene's bathroom mirror. She tilted her head to the side and admired Cathy's body.

"Perfect," Hecate whispered. "She's perfect."

"As close to Mistress Marapova's physique as we could make her," Baal said. He had dressed in his 'normal' attire: a black latex trench coat and black rubber boots. Other than that, his body was naked other than a black rubber belt. His thin blond hair was shaved down to stubble.

His long cock was engulfed in a clear tube attached to the pump which sucked him constantly, draining his Ambrosia into a container on the belt.

Constance stood next to him in her black latex nurse outfit, her ankles held apart by the chrome spreader bar.

Hecate wore her black and white latex 'habit' and robes, a pentagram hanging from the collar. The front of her robe was adorned with an inverted cross.

No sunglasses hid her eyes today - she watched the screen with her black orbs and smiled. "The ferry is gone? The boats are disabled?" She asked.

"Yes, Mother Superior," the head Church Agent said behind her.

"The phone lines?"

"Our operator is intercepting all calls to the island, Mother Superior."

Hecate nodded. "Their radios?"

"Destroyed, Mother Superior."

"Good. Doctor Baal? You may commence with the harvest."


Cathy stood in her bra and panties in the bedroom choosing her clothing for the day when the humming began.

She closed her eyes and staggered.

Cum Slut Cathy opened her eyes. She stripped off the underwear and dropped them on the floor.

Then she walked out of the bedroom, into the hall, and out the front door.

People joined her on the street.

All were naked but, unlike the night before, they did not stop for an orgy.

They walked toward the center of town, coming from all directions.

The growing crowd stood quietly outside the clinic.

There was a small stage set up there in the middle of the street. There was also a strange looking control panel with long cables leading from it off to the side.

Cathy stood on the warm pavement.

Deborah walked up beside her and took her hand.

Cathy held it without looking at her.

Wink and Margaret stood beside Deborah.

Consuela walked up on Cathy's other side and took her hand as well.

Eduardo was not with her.

The clinic door opened, and Mother Superior Hecate walked out followed by Baal and Constance.

Hecate took the stage as the Church Agents, shedding their disguises as the foremen of the work crews, stood in a line behind the stage.

Hecate looked over the crowd with her inky black eyes and smiled. "Baal, let them awaken."

Baal nodded and walked to the control panel. He twisted a dial.

The volume of the humming lowered.

People began murmuring.

Then the screaming started.


"Silence!" Hecate yelled.

The crowd instantly fell silent.

People were trying to cover their naked bodies with their hands.

"No, keep your hands to your sides. You are property. All you are belongs to us. Your bodies... your very souls? Belong to us."

Cathy Greene wanted to scream but she could do nothing. She stood completely exposed as were all her friends.

Hecate walked across the stage. "My name is Mother Superior Hecate. You are all part of an experiment. An experiment in mind control and body manipulation that has been going on for many years. We have shaped everything... everyone... on this island to suit our needs. Today? That experiment comes to an end. It is time... to harvest."

She walked to the other side of the stage. "Less than 90 miles from here? In the jungles of Cuba, my Church, the Church of Morpheus, is preparing for the day they will liberate Cuba from the Communist pigs and replace that degenerate filth with the light of the living god, Morpheus. You will help with that glorious revolution... and more... you will help to bring the light of the Church to the entire world. In your lifetime... your eternal lifetime... you will witness the fall of Communism, Democracy, Capitalism... The Church will eradicate all the scourges of mankind. There will be no more war, no more famine, no more sickness, no more poverty... no more death. Only an enlightened world built upon the promise of a perfect future."

She smiled at the crowd and held up her hands. "And, your place in that new, perfect world? You will provide an outlet for the sexual frustrations that have led to all the evil in the world. You are perfect whores, created to satisfy the animalistic urges of those who must create our new utopia."

"Jesus wept," Wink whispered.

Cathy turned her eyes toward Wink. He could speak. How could he speak? Somehow, he was fighting the control.

"Don't resist them," Consuela whispered. "You can't fight. You can't stop them. Believe me... I've tried."